On Monday, a woman with a handgun opened fire in the Dallas Love Field Airport; she was quickly shot in the leg by a cop and arrested.
So far we don’t know the alleged shooter’s motive, but from what little we do know it doesn’t seem political. Witnesses told a local NBC affiliate that the woman, 37-year-old Portia Odufuwa, “made comments about her partner cheating on her” and how “she was about to blow this sucker up.”
Odufuwa has a history of run-ins with the police, and has been charged over the years with an assortment of crimes including arson and bank robbery. According to the Dallas News, “[c]ourt records show she has previously told police she is married to celebrity Chris Brown and that she is ‘God’s prophet.’” Neither of those things are true, as far as I know.
So here’s how The Liberty Daily, a far-right Drudge Report knockoff that links to stories in various right-wing outlets and puts its own headlines on them, decided to frame the story:

The look of a leftist. Who needs reporting on this woman’s actual political views, whatever they may be, when we can tell what they are just by looking at her.
Take your own look at the mugshot of her from last year that’s at the top of this post, and tell me exactly what you think The Liberty Daily saw that screamed “leftist.” I can only think of one thing.
The Liberty Daily headline linked to a local Fox News story, which has now vanished from the site. That station’s latest coverage of the shooting doesn’t mention anything about anyone looking like a leftist, so I’m thinking the leftist label came from The Liberty Daily and not Fox.
Who needs facts when you have feelings?
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The only thing that shocks me here is that they took an armed black person alive … in Texas!
Maybe they only summarily execute the unarmed ones? *smh*
Well, she doesn’t look like a fascist, I’ll give them that.
She looks like someone who is very tired, and maybe could use some mental health counseling/meds to me.
(reads article)
Probably abetted by structural racism and its downstream effects, insufficient funding towards mental health, and the fact she’s a Black woman stuck in Texas.
@Bill: To the RW, anyone who isn’t a fascist is automatically a leftist. Especially anyone who’s not SWM.
It’s always either leftist, mental illness or, if there’s undeniable evidence like pictures at Trump Rally it’s a false flag. Nothing is ever their fault
…even Fox would draw the line at that kind of broken logic. At least in the ‘straight’ new department.
Now, after they pass it on to Tucker Carlson, well…
She doesn’t look fascist or leftist, just incredibly worn out. That said, anybody who opens fire on people at an airport should be prosecuted without hesitation.
I guess you mean her being black (or partly so)? Ironic, because a lot of Fox News-ish types are quick to use POC conservatives as a shield against accusations of racism or discrimination.
Fox News types would use conservative PIC as actual human shields is they thought they needed one.
Man, anybody who decides to start something in a DFW-area airport? They’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer. People are already wound up if they’re having to catch a plane. I’m surprised somebody didn’t clock her with their carry-on so they could get to their gate on time.
What does the look of a leftist mean, sure seems to imply a black woman.