incels misogyny reddit redistribution of sex virginity

With great ideas like this, I’m sure you will be losing your virginity any day now

11 angry men await their turn at the Reddit virgin orgy

This fellow has a unique plan to lose not only his own virginity but the virginity of 11 of his best buds as well. And all they need for this plan to work is just one willing virgin of the female persuasion.

So romantic! What non-virginal adult woman doesn’t fondly remember her first 12 dude Reddit virgin gangbang?

This perfectly sensible, nothing-could-possibly-go-wrong plan was originally posted on r/virgin, then reposted in r/NotHowGirlsWork.

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2 years ago

This kind of makes sense when you have an undying belief that women are banging Chads left and right in massive orgies all the time, so for your first time why not be nice, close your eyes and do some incels a favor I guess… for a loose definition of “kind of” anyway.

(Though I find it odd he straight up says “No ladies need apply”, which seems to defeat the purpose.)

2 years ago

You just know a fight would break out about who gets to bang the woman first, and therefore “truly” take her virginity.

Mimi Haha
Mimi Haha
2 years ago

Yeah, I am sure some young woman is going to want to have sex for the first time with a dozen guys, none of whom have ever heard of foreplay.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


(Though I find it odd he straight up says “No ladies need apply”, which seems to defeat the purpose.)

He evidently means “ladies” in the sense of respectable women, who might expect a ring, commitment, and fidelity up front in return for their hymen(1)as distinct from the extremely hypothetical sort who’d be happy with serving as a responsibility-free Cherry Disposal Bin for a dozen strange Reddit dudebros.

(Which regrettably isn’t a magic token that can guarantee you those things—conservative evangelical churches to the contrary. Fortunately, conservative evangelical churches need a Domestic Supply of Infants to adopt.)

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

What about a reddit virgin orgy? 18+


Maybe a virgin woman on reddit (18+) would let us gangbang her 12 on 1?

Yes, this would certainly solve 12 guys’ most pressing problem.

This isnt a thread where I am looking for a woman to come and post her desire to try this.

Wait. It seems that you’re not actually interested in resolving this desperate situation for you and 11 other guys. In fact, you’re so uninterested that you warn off any virgin woman who — against all odds and against any good judgment — might be interested in this proposition.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

I think the idea is that any woman who would volunteer for this is automatically unsuitable because she’s not chaste enough. Which is how purity culture and rape culture intertwine.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
2 years ago

I don’t even… Look, unless he’s going to break the laws of man and morality, he might as well join a monastery now instead of waiting twenty or so years to realize that no woman would ever have him.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Mimi Haha – yeah, even if a woman was unselfconscious about this (“virgin” not necessarily equalling “shy”), it sounds physically painful. And kind of dull, IMO. Tedious too for the guys waiting – wouldn’t they get bored? Unless they’d would be willing to do stuff with each other…but that’s probably not the idea.

Like, I fit under the allosexual umbrella – bi specifically – but the idea of spending that much time waiting for sex? I’d bring a book or something 🙂

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
2 years ago

Of course he doesn’t want to hear what the women in question think of his dumb idea,

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
2 years ago

I have a better idea: each of them goes and pays a sex worker to lose their virginity. I’m not sure why the woman needs to be a virgin.

happy cat
happy cat
2 years ago

What if they just bought a sex doll together? At least the doll wouldn’t feel bad about it!

2 years ago

I think that the “no ladies need apply” clause is just to head off the inevitable lack of applicants for this idea.

2 years ago

Gotta say, I always assume that a guy who wants to do one woman with a load of other guys has a more than passing interest in… other guys. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but dude – just be honest about it.

2 years ago

@SpleenyBadger: I don’t think that’s how it works? When the focus is on the men, it’s about objectification and/or degradation of the woman, you know, like a toy being passed around or similar. While when the focus is on the woman, it’s more like dominance and/or empowerment, like “watch me sexually conquer multiple guys at once!” It’s kind of funny how essentially the same act can have extremely opposite connotations.

Like, maybe there might be some repressed bisexuals in the mix, but I don’t think that’s common.