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New Disney cartoon briefly features a trans man in the menstrual products aisle, and right-wing dingbats are losing it, again

Tampons, not just for cis women in the 1930s any more

Right-wingers are once again throwing a fit over a seconds-long snippet from a Disney cartoon. Last time it was a blink-and-you’d-miss-it kiss between middle-aged lesbian moms in the Toy Story sequel Lightyear. Now it’s a trans man in a trans flag t-shirt recommending his favorite brand of menstrual pads to a puffy inflatable robot in the new Disney+ series Baymax.

Here’s the whole scene, courtesy of the same right-wing activist dude who got everybody on the right freaking out about the alleged dangers of Critical Race Theory.

Yes, because “children as young as two years old” all know what menstruation is and won’t be just confused by the scene.

Naturally, Rufo was quickly booked on Fox News’ Laura Ingraham show, where he railed against Disney’s allegedly evil plans to turn everyone trans through minor characters in cartoons.

Well, it’s very subtle, but what you see is that it’s a trans man wearing a shirt made out of the colors and design of the transgender flag, and the subtle message that they’re promoting is that men can get periods. This is a talking point among trans activists and what Disney has done, and we know this because I’ve obtained internal videos, is that they want to promote trans ideology, first through the background characters.

Oh how devious they are! First they start with the minor characters and the next thing you know Cinderella has become a trans man called Cinderfella and all the dwarves are gay leathermen.

They’ve actually created a computer program to track these so-called gender non-conforming background characters, and then slowly but surely start to re-engineer the discourse around children and sexuality.

Uh, they have a special computer program for this? That sounds totally true and not something that right-wingers would just make up.

And this is just one specific example of exactly what they’re doing—and they’re doing it on purpose.

Yes, it’s quite a nefarious agenda, treating trans people as if they exist.

Right-wing media outlets have been having a tantrum about this scene.

On BigLeaguePolitics, Bo Banks described the scene as

overt symbolic evangelism. And it’s normalizing the idea that trans men are just like women in that they can get periods and have babies.

Uh, I’m not sure how much biology you took in high school, but trans men actually do get periods and have babies.

On, writer Bob Hoge snipped:

I consider it none of my business what sex you identify with, who you sleep with, what you wear, or whether or not you menstruate. What so many liberals don’t understand, though, is that I don’t want sexuality in any form pushed on little kids. … My kids are older … but when they were young I can tell you I would strongly object to them being subject to shows on menstruation, male “periods,” or any other adult topic.

Then make sure they don’t watch these shows. That’s your right as a parent, dude. That said I really can’t imagine preschoolers clamoring for the show about menstruation.

In the far-right Western Journal, meanwhile, writer Elizabeth Stauffer argued that Disney’s “woke” plans are so sinister that they’re … allegedly losing lots of money because of them?

Disney’s walk on the woke side has already cost the company a fortune. The entertainment giant appears to have forgotten that its customer base consists of people of all political stripes.

It appears dead set on pandering to its far-left clientele at the expense of what is likely a much larger and more profitable group of parents who think the company has jumped the shark.

On PJ Media, Kevin Downey Jr. had a complete meltdown.

Disney is going all hands on… deck… in regards to carpet-bombing your kids with phalluses, gayness, and radical trans nonsense. The LGBTYOUVEGOTTOMEKIDDINGME crowd claims they are pushing their agenda merely for the sake of inclusiveness, but anyone with eyes can see the reality that this is pure recruitment. And it’s working. … Perhaps your kids will now be exposed to new characters, such as Mickey Mouse’s transgender nephew Vulvaleeta, the non-binary, lactose intolerant mouse who enjoys dairy-free cheese balls nuggets.

Well, that certainly was a bunch of words arranged into sentences.

I’m still not sure why any of these people think 2-year-olds will be watching much less understanding a cartoon that deals with subjects like menstruation. But what do I know? It’s been a long time since I was two. Maybe toddlers today are more sophisticated than I was back in the day. Adults certainly aren’t.

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2 years ago

I’ve also used menstrual pads as wound dressing for a draining cyst. They are very effective for things like that. (I happen to be a walking cyst farm)

2 years ago

@Full Metal Ox:

Disney Studios isn’t a hive mind—especially if you distinguish between the creative people and the suits—and it’s entirely possible for both to be the case.

Alex Hirsch, the creator of Gravity Falls, recently had a twitter thread about his battles with Disney’s Standards and Practices department (their censors, basically). The impression I got is that Disney are risk-averse about anything with the potential to be even mildly controversial, but a determined creative who stands their ground can win the argument.

Also: what the hell does lactose intolerance have to do with wokeness?

Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

If they weren’t so dangerous it would be funny how little these doorknobs know about the subject they’re raging about and mostly when they rant about trans people they’re thinking almost exclusively about trans women. Not that this is anything new. When they cry about the “dangers” of homosexuality, they go on about STD rates without realizing they’re promoting lesbianism if people can reconsider their orientation based on case numbers.

And once again I must remind them that two classic Disney animated films ended with strange men kissing unconscious women which doesn’t bother them for some reason.

2 years ago

Also: what the hell does lactose intolerance have to do with wokeness?

Some people believe “any medical condition that doesn’t personally affect me, and some of the ones that do affect me, are FAKE NEWS invented by Big Pharma.”

If a conservative person is not lactose-intolerant, they may believe that lactose intolerance isn’t real, and that anyone claiming to be lactose intolerant is either
a)An easily offended snowflake pretending to be “offended” by dairy, or
b)A Wokester trying to win the Oppresion Olympics by pretending to be disabled.

I hear this line of argument a lot about gluten allergies and photosensitive epilepsy.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ bcb

lactose intolerance

Really that should be ‘lactose normal’.

Only around 26% of the global population can fully process lactose after childhood.

It is a mutation that has occurred several times though in various populations descended from pastoralists. Each of those populations has different mutations. There’s not like a generic lactose gene that stays switched on or anything.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
2 years ago

Isn’t lactose intolerance sometimes also a neo-nazi dogwhistle (since the trait of being able to digest lactose in adulthood tends to be more common in areas with a dairy-heavy diet, like northern Europe)?

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ moon custafer

Isn’t lactose intolerance sometimes also a neo-nazi dogwhistle

Yup; and it goes even deeper.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Manly Men of Straight Cis-ness a) use menstrual products on battlefields and b) aren’t scared of buying them for their AFAB/cis female partners.

Seriously, if you’re down on the couch pounding the Midol, applying the heating pad, and bleeding like a stuck pig, you damn well send the boyfriend/husband out to pick up a box of pads or tampons so you can lie there and bleed and whimper in peace.

A friend of mine had flesh eating bacteria in his, er, crotchal region, so you damn bet he wore pads for a while after getting out of the hospital.

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Really that should be ‘lactose normal’.

Only around 26% of the global population can fully process lactose after childhood.

It is a mutation that has occurred several times though in various populations descended from pastoralists. Each of those populations has different mutations.
There’s not like a generic lactose gene that stays switched on or anything.

Why Some Like It Hot, by Dr. Gary Paul Nabhan, is a study of the complicated mutual shaping of culture, genetics, and food traditions; Nabhan recounts how his Dine (known in the Anglosphere as Navajo and Apache) friends used to receive donations of powdered milk from well-meaning white charities. They did wind up putting the stuff to work in the service of health and fitness—by using it to chalk baseball diamonds.

Last edited 2 years ago by Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Random point about lactose intolerance: If you are able to digest lactose, but consume only small amounts in a little ice cream there, some chocolate here, a bit of cheese, etc, for years, then intake, say, an American portion sized bowl of ice cream in one go on an empty stomach, you may find that your body has gotten used to only the small amounts and the end result will resemble full blown lactose intolerance.

I can vouch for this…

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

The Lactose Fascists must really hate, say, the Tuareg, Fulani, and the North Indians, and even the whitey white white people who can’t drink milk.

Frankie's Dead
Frankie's Dead
2 years ago

This seriously pisses me off so much.

1. I’m going to ignore all the ignorance about transmen for now. Aren’t these conservatives the same people that think single dads are better parents than single moms? You would think that they of all people would legitimize men being knowledgable about menstrual products so that men can help out their daughters/future daughters, but I guesst their feelings of “ewwwwww female stuff” is too strong to overcome. Maybe they think their daughters won’t get periods if daddy gives them chastity rings and protects them from sex talks. Isn’t that how puberty works?

2. The average age of menarche in the US is between 8 – 12 years old. Adults aren’t going through puberty, children are! But of course everything the female body does must be talk for adults only. Better that we go back to the old ways and not tell girls anything so that they can panic and think they’re dying when they begin to inexplicably bleed.

You libs may point out that doing this doesn’t actually “protect the children”, but jokes on you, I’m protecting the children from knowledge. After all, how are child molesters gonna molest if we teach children about sex and periods and consent? Any kind of knowledge is scarey and bad. Protect the children from it.

3. I love how much seeing a passing transman breaks conservates brain to the point that they think transmen were AMAB. It’s like they’re afraid that if they can’t tell if someone is AMAB or AFAB by looks alone that they may actually treat a “female” the same way that they treat men, *the horror*.


I read that thread on Twitter! Seriously laughed for like an hour straight! The comments were gold!

Last edited 2 years ago by Frankie's Dead
Acid Kritana
2 years ago

I’m happy us trans men finally got represented. That’s so cool! I’m really happy now. And instead of crying tears for Marshmallow a pitbull, I am crying tears of joy! Yay!

||| Oh how devious they are! First they start with the minor characters and the next thing you know Cinderella has become a trans man called Cinderfella and all the dwarves are gay leathermen. |||

Ooh, can I be Cinderfella? Lol