Incels cheer on anything that hurts women, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they’re hailing the death of Roe with shouts of “HOES MAD” and celebratory animated emojis.
When the Supreme Court decision was leaked in May, one commenter on Incels.is happily predicted that “it will destabilize whoredom.” When the decision officially dropped on Friday, another incel gloated that “[t]his is a massive fucking L for these Chadcock gurgling, throat gagging slut ass bitches from Chads harem of foids.”
While most of the responses were simple outbursts of enthusiasm for a world in which women in half the distinctly dis-united states will be compelled to bear children against their will, one incel called Wizard32 treated his colleagues to a little manifesto suggesting a rough equivalence between forced birth and circumcisions, telling women (or at least the exceedingly small number of them who read Incels.is) that he was willing to make a deal: “resurrect my foreskin and I’ll approve you murdering your babies!”
Wizard32 continued:
Foids turned a blind eye to the bodily autonomy of men as they looked the other way as the jews flayed the skin off of our genitalia, with blind gynocentrism only unifying to oppose FGM but not MGM amongst babies.
Oh, did I forget to mention that this manifesto is antisemitic as hell?
Not only that but icing on the cake they let the rabbinite mohels suck up the blood putting their mouths around the penises of young boys.
He then returns to his main topic, suggesting that access to abortions is a kind of “female privilege,” as if it’s something women can enjoy from time to time, as a treat.
Beyond the issue of bodily autonomy they have also not recognized the female privilege gained by abortion (the unilateral right to determine if the birth goes forward) meaning they could decide whether or not to be a mom after having unprotected sex, but a man was not allowed that same choice, and could be forced to be a father without his informed and ongoing enthusiastic consent.
Or he could get a vasectomy. 20 minute procedure. Mostly reversable. Just saying.
Anyway, you can now witness the most ignorant take on the decision I’ve seen so far. Incels, by and large, don’t really understand how politics works, which doesn’t stop them from pontificating on it.
Now finally justice is served (however temporary, this is obv. a political stunt by the RINOs to give Biden more power and distract hem from leftist failures) and foids too can experience the helplessness of being forced to become financially responsible for a child they did not consent to have. To be forced to have your body deformed against your will in a way that makes you ugly and unfeeling.
Wizard32 clearly enjoys seeing women suffer.
This is a good day for improving women, because the small taste of suffering they experience until the beta orbitersunify to overturn it (prob w/ help on voter fraud in the midterms) guarantees us a few states worth of foids experiencing some well-due hardship for at least six months of uncertainty.
Uh dude, your complete ignorance of politics is showing, again.
It ultimately won’t matter because none of them will actually be forced to be moms (in expectation of this they all rushed their abortions and completed them yesterday,
Actually, some women literally sitting in waiting rooms waiting for their scheduled abortions on Friday were turned away after the decision dropped. And anyone in the wrong state who gets pregnant now is royally screwed.
and they’ll rush a bill through allowing late-term abortions by December 2022 after hacking the midterms
Dude, you’re hallucinating.
but because they think their democracy is legit, they won’t know the election will be hacked and will be stressed out by this period of uncertainty.
There’s not much “uncertainty” about abortion now. Largely because it’s more or less impossible to imagine a non-hallucinatory political scenario in which Roe or something like it is restored or codified in the law any time in the foreseeable future.
Maybe this will inspire empathy in whatever minority of a minority possesses both the capacity to empathize with males and the IQ to draw the parallels.
Not much empathy on your end, dude.
Wizard32 then offers a “solution” to the abortion bans that’s redolent of the discussions yesterday in the Men’s Rights subreddit.
Women can easily accelerate regaining their right to murder fetus-babies by making a broad push for social reforms (giving men an opt-in-only financial obligation, outlawing circumcision of minors, prosecuting all the rabbinist mohels for child molestation) …
And now we’re back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Incel Edition:
… but they won’t because they are beholden to their Jewish masters and are mostly low-IQ unreflecting programmed NPCs largely incapable of the required reflection for such a revelation of how they could reshape society.
Oh, go blow it out your ass.
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I don’t understand the argument that men who don’t want children aren’t capable of going “nah we have to use a condom or we don’t have sex. Sorry ” or at the very least. Pull out before you cum inside of them.
Nah that’s to hard
In regards to the whole of Mister Wizard’s scribing on the matter of the reversal of Roe vs Wade…
…The Fuck?
Yeah but that would involve incels having to take some responsibility for themselves instead of getting to control a woman’s life for their own benefit.
Not a clue in sight.
I do sincerely and w/o irony pity them. That noted, there’s no way to help, even talk to, the desperately and proudly stupid, once they mass.
This is a truly dark period. Darker even than the 30s in many ways, since even then there were more pronounced and “traditional” (therefore, inevitably, somewhat reasonable and still connected to identifiable human desires, in all but a relatively few, most extreme cases) They believed much of the stupidity and evil they acted upon – a human thing to do.
Incels, and almost all Republican voters, and Elon Musk and the BitCoiners and so forth, clearly don’t believe their own horseshit at all. But it excites them to think they gain an edge in being self-important.
They clearly believe they’ve perfected human evil (like anyone would ever want to bother even having tried): being entirely stupid allows them to be entirely dishonest which allows them to be entirely – buy, especially, irresponsibly – evil, which they stupidly think is forgiven because they’re entirely stupid.
How stupid and vain are they? Even they aren’t this stupid.
Uhm…isn’t foreskin reconstruction a thing? Like, it’s an elective surgery or something along those lines, nothing big at all when it comes to doing it and recovery and stuff. If these guys really really REALLY want their foreskins back; well, here’s the solution for them.
And from what I understand of the procedure nowadays, there’s no knives involved. Apparently they just tie a string around the baby’s foreskin tight enough to deny it blood, and when it dies it pretty much just falls off the baby. Evidently that’s a safer way to do those? (I’ve not looked into it, since I have no children, let alone ones who’d qualify to have a circumcision done, so take with a grain of salt here.)
I stumbled over this not long ago:
For once, the military does something useful.
This really is the end times.
(Use incognito mode to get infinite free articles at Medium and its affiliated sites)
Did … did Umair Haque, of all people, just pull a Dawkins-style “Dear Muslima” to attack the intersectional left?!
Egads. I need to go lie down …
It occurs to me that there was only a three-year gap between Dred Scott and Fort Sumter. Wake me when the shelling begins.
What the hell? Dude is mad because someone took his foreskin? Really?
“Jizzard” can compare circumcisions to unwanted pregnancies when
And here they go with the projection again, going back to their tinfoil theories of “election fraud” when more and more evidence is being revealed about how far they went to literally try to steal the last election and attempted a violent overthrow of the government when they didn’t get their way. Like a giant tantrum, but with more guns and racism in the mix.
I’m not even going to touch his disgusting anti-semitic delusions, I feel sick for having even read them. David, could you maybe consider using spoiler text yourself when they start getting into the graphic descriptions of their pedo conspiracies?
They only care with the fetus as long as they can control and make women suffer, but dont want to take same responsibility once the fetus are born and take care of their baby as they should have. The problematic men dont really care about them, they just want to get away without consequences and then to turn it around and put the blame into all women. Ironic, considering how they always babbling about women wants to get abortion like it was nothing, even though choosing to get one is a great deal to us.
Funny thing is incels suddenly care about consent when its convenient for them. Oh… they never give a damn about actual consent or respecting other people choices, ever…
The same applies to women, they can get tube ligation or any of the MANY contraceptives available to them.
Funny how they claim the right over their bodies, but do not assume any responsibility over the excercise of that right.
Even worse: they demand MEN to use contraceptives, even though WOMEN are the ones interested in NOT GETTING PREGNANT.
So, according to feminism, men should have all the duties and responsiblities, and women should have all the rights and privileges.
So much for equality.
No form of contraception is one-hundred percent effective. Not. One. Let me repeat: NOT ONE. Every sort of contraception can fail. It’s rare, but sometimes even tubal ligations and vasectomies can reverse themselves. So I repeat, every form of birth control can fail, leading to pregnancy. Even when used perfectly. And we live in an imperfect world. Did you know that taking a common antibiotic can render hormone-based birth control ineffective? Accidents are going to happen, even to women who conduct themselves in a way that you, Joaquin, personally approve of. I know you like living in black-and-white pretend land where you don’t have to think about complexities, but the rest of us are out here in reality where it gets messy. Now run along play.
*cracks knuckles*
In most of the United States, a woman cannot get a tubal ligation without a man or other authority figure giving permission. Generally she has to swear up and down that she’s had all the children she wants to have, and generally she needs her husband’s permission to undergo the procedure.
Risks and benefits include but are not limited to the following:
I’d like to expand a little on the “reaction to anesthesia” item. A tubal ligation is performed under general anesthesia. If you’re lucky, it can be done laparoscopically, which minimizes the time needed to be under general anesthesia as well as minimizes the length of the incisions. The average laparoscopically assisted surgery (tubal ligation, hysterectomy, appendectomy) usually requires at least 3 small incisions – one for the camera, one for the surgical instruments doing the poking and the cutting, and one for suction and lavage.
But let’s circle back on “general anesthesia.” The risks of general anesthesia always include “dying on the table,” because it can happen. Not always, obviously – I’ve undergone 2 procedures requiring general anesthesia, and the worst postoperative effect I had was a sore throat. But the risk is there. It’s why it’s preferable to choose another anesthetic approach if possible. Unfortunately, having somebody rummage around in your abdomen requires general anesthesia.
Now, let’s look at a vasectomy. A husband doesn’t need to get his wife’s permission. He generally will need to confirm that he understands that the procedure will result in sterility. But that process is more in line with the typical risks and benefits warning you get with any procedure, compared to what a woman goes through for a tubal ligation.
Risks and benefits of a vasectomy include but are not limited to the following:
Notice what’s missing there? Any risks associated with general anesthesia. That’s because a vasectomy is way less complicated than a tubal ligation. It’s usually performed under sedation, not general anesthesia. Sedation isn’t as risky as general anesthesia, because sedation just needs an IV with a nurse keeping an eye on you, and general anesthesia requires intubation and an anesthesiologist monitoring your vital signs.
Since you’re so fond of googling, Joaquin, go look up the risks and benefits for hormonal birth control (the pill, the mini-pill, implant) vs for condoms.
I doubt Joaquin understands that contraception via “the pill” means you have to take a pill every day, preferably at the same time every day, and not just on the days when you want to be sexually active.
Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he thinks you can “just hold it in” if you’re on your period. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and menorrhagia are likely words he’d have to look up. Plus I doubt he’d be brave enough to wear a TENS unit to experience simulated menstrual cramps.
if a man doesn’t want children and doesn’t want to pay child support. he better put a condom on his dick
The birth control I take, I had to take it for four months before it was able to actually prevent pregnancy.
Something that no one told me.
@Victorious Parasol
I think it was Rush Limbaugh who, back during the debate about birth control getting covered by health insurance, said that the only reason a woman would need oral contraceptive pills every day was that she was promiscuous.
Yeah, I remember that. pissed me off so much. Oral birth control is the only kind that works for me. and the only person I’m having sex with is my husband. Well we have had other people involved but they don’t have penises and can’t get me pregnant.
Yeah, that was ol’ Rush. Thing is, I’m not entirely sure he believed it. But I bet his audience bought it, and he made his fortune off of knowing what his audience was willing to buy.
I saw that last night but wasn’t able to find it anywhere else, and BNN’s site looked suspect. I think it may be fake.
Responsibility? You are physically capable of getting AFAB people pregnant with no physical consequence to you, but profound and potentially dangerous (or even deadly) consequence to them. You don’t even have to orgasm to get someone pregnant (look it up, precum isn’t free of sperm).
Your dick is infectious. YOUR dick. So if you’re going to sleep around, it’s your responsibility to contain it.
And equality? Does it sound “equal” to you that AMAB folks can be as slutty as they want without fear of pregnancy, while people with uteri literally can’t get dick without fear of their lives being upended?
What happens when the fascists come for birth control, which they’ve said they would? What happens when they come for contraception, which they’ve also said they would?
My dude, I am a trans woman, I am disabled, I am a survivor of shit that most people don’t even want to think exists. I knew what it was like to be abused before I knew what it was like to be loved. And I am still thankful every. fucking. day. that I do not have a uterus. Because that is how onerous it is in this country, even before abortion was outlawed in half of it.
Abortion does not only benefit women. Most abortions are performed in the context of couples who are not ready to have a baby. Do you think there is no benefit to the man for the woman to abort even a child he is not ready to support financially?
And yes it is about having rights, the right over your own body. Women’s rights in your case are seen as privileges, because you will never live with the state controlling your reproductive health.
Let’s be fair, even MRAs aren’t worried that men are going to have to support their own children. They are more concerned about punishing women and their sexuality. Why does a movement that is about WOMEN have to be concerned about men while even the movement that supposedly advocates for men’s rights is not concerned about men?
How many times have men campaigned, paid internet or TV ads, marches, outreach would be about “forced fatherhood”?
None, all they do is kick up a fuss on the internet and celebrate when women are deprived of basic rights, not caring that it will harm them and not being aware of the benefit to men of abortion. Your mood is revanchist, not empathetic to men, because then you would ask men how much they have benefited from abortion.
Joaquin hasn’t even taken the responsibility to educate himself before he starts spouting off.
Uh, I think a lot of men want to have sex without making a baby every time. I mean, you complain about child support and also complain about the expectation that you control where you sperm goes. It’s almost as if nothing will make you happy.