Incels cheer on anything that hurts women, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they’re hailing the death of Roe with shouts of “HOES MAD” and celebratory animated emojis.
When the Supreme Court decision was leaked in May, one commenter on Incels.is happily predicted that “it will destabilize whoredom.” When the decision officially dropped on Friday, another incel gloated that “[t]his is a massive fucking L for these Chadcock gurgling, throat gagging slut ass bitches from Chads harem of foids.”
While most of the responses were simple outbursts of enthusiasm for a world in which women in half the distinctly dis-united states will be compelled to bear children against their will, one incel called Wizard32 treated his colleagues to a little manifesto suggesting a rough equivalence between forced birth and circumcisions, telling women (or at least the exceedingly small number of them who read Incels.is) that he was willing to make a deal: “resurrect my foreskin and I’ll approve you murdering your babies!”
Wizard32 continued:
Foids turned a blind eye to the bodily autonomy of men as they looked the other way as the jews flayed the skin off of our genitalia, with blind gynocentrism only unifying to oppose FGM but not MGM amongst babies.
Oh, did I forget to mention that this manifesto is antisemitic as hell?
Not only that but icing on the cake they let the rabbinite mohels suck up the blood putting their mouths around the penises of young boys.
He then returns to his main topic, suggesting that access to abortions is a kind of “female privilege,” as if it’s something women can enjoy from time to time, as a treat.
Beyond the issue of bodily autonomy they have also not recognized the female privilege gained by abortion (the unilateral right to determine if the birth goes forward) meaning they could decide whether or not to be a mom after having unprotected sex, but a man was not allowed that same choice, and could be forced to be a father without his informed and ongoing enthusiastic consent.
Or he could get a vasectomy. 20 minute procedure. Mostly reversable. Just saying.
Anyway, you can now witness the most ignorant take on the decision I’ve seen so far. Incels, by and large, don’t really understand how politics works, which doesn’t stop them from pontificating on it.
Now finally justice is served (however temporary, this is obv. a political stunt by the RINOs to give Biden more power and distract hem from leftist failures) and foids too can experience the helplessness of being forced to become financially responsible for a child they did not consent to have. To be forced to have your body deformed against your will in a way that makes you ugly and unfeeling.
Wizard32 clearly enjoys seeing women suffer.
This is a good day for improving women, because the small taste of suffering they experience until the beta orbitersunify to overturn it (prob w/ help on voter fraud in the midterms) guarantees us a few states worth of foids experiencing some well-due hardship for at least six months of uncertainty.
Uh dude, your complete ignorance of politics is showing, again.
It ultimately won’t matter because none of them will actually be forced to be moms (in expectation of this they all rushed their abortions and completed them yesterday,
Actually, some women literally sitting in waiting rooms waiting for their scheduled abortions on Friday were turned away after the decision dropped. And anyone in the wrong state who gets pregnant now is royally screwed.
and they’ll rush a bill through allowing late-term abortions by December 2022 after hacking the midterms
Dude, you’re hallucinating.
but because they think their democracy is legit, they won’t know the election will be hacked and will be stressed out by this period of uncertainty.
There’s not much “uncertainty” about abortion now. Largely because it’s more or less impossible to imagine a non-hallucinatory political scenario in which Roe or something like it is restored or codified in the law any time in the foreseeable future.
Maybe this will inspire empathy in whatever minority of a minority possesses both the capacity to empathize with males and the IQ to draw the parallels.
Not much empathy on your end, dude.
Wizard32 then offers a “solution” to the abortion bans that’s redolent of the discussions yesterday in the Men’s Rights subreddit.
Women can easily accelerate regaining their right to murder fetus-babies by making a broad push for social reforms (giving men an opt-in-only financial obligation, outlawing circumcision of minors, prosecuting all the rabbinist mohels for child molestation) …
And now we’re back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Incel Edition:
… but they won’t because they are beholden to their Jewish masters and are mostly low-IQ unreflecting programmed NPCs largely incapable of the required reflection for such a revelation of how they could reshape society.
Oh, go blow it out your ass.
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@Victorious Parasol
It always amazes me how lazy these guys are. One can pretty much whisper “tubes tied” in front of a computer and it will start spitting out nightmare stories.
@Joaquin also you do realize no method of contraception is 100% effective right? And that STDs are a thing, including HPV which is far more deadly in women? (Again, look it up, it causes cervical and other cancers.) And that a condom also gives YOU some protection from STDs, which is important because they’re nasty and some of them can kill you? And some are becoming antibiotic resistant too, and very difficult to get rid of once you have? Like come on mate, do you really think women should be okay with unprotected sex all the time just because they’re on birth control, when they have no idea who else you’ve slept with?
Like IDK dude, did you sleep through sex ed classes or something?
I have suspicions that the answer is probably an emphatic yes. But of course; he won’t have the intellectual honesty to just admit as such.
I mean for real; what the hell is up with Joaquin and other right wingers like him that refuse to actually acquaint themselves with an even baseline level of Sex Ed, besides religiously motivated, puritanical dysfunction? -_-
Business News Network is legit, last time I checked. It’s likely economically right-wing but it’s no Infowars.
If it does prove to be fake, then I apologize for any sort of false hope it may have generated.
It’s alright, the thing with “fake news” (i.e. propaganda) is that it’s designed to be convincing. Everyone falls for it at some point, we just have to watch each other’s backs.
I am sure that Joaquin would be singing a very different tune if he knew what syphilis can do to a human body. True, AIDS is much more inexorably deadly (even if we can slow its progress), but there’s nothing like having your nose rot off while you’re still alive to feel it or suffering devastating amounts of brain damage to scare someone into using protection.
Windbag said worse. The woman in question was someone denied birth control by her Catholic University health insurance in order to treat her PCOS. Due to her inability to afford care without insurance, she was forced to have emergency surgery to remove one of her ovaries, which had swelled to the size of a golf ball, and during the recovery, she went through early menopause at age 31.
Windbag responded to her tale of trauma by repeatedly calling her a slut and whore, 50 times during the course of a week’s worth of shows. Meanwhile, Windbag himself was known to brag about how much sex he was getting, some of it non-consensual, considering his view on rape. But only women can be promiscuous, even when they are not having sex.
You know if we wanted it to be 100 percent equal and fair men should be able to just leave the child they don’t want but they have to go through some physically trauma and pay for it just like women. So if you don’t want to pay child support and not go to jail, you have to have like your gallbladder and a testicles removed and pay for the surgery completely on your own. That would be like a requirement and similar to what giving birth was like for the woman.
I would also point out that Rush Windbag shows cancel culture is not a thing. You cannot be more offensive and horrible than he was, and yet, he had a show and sponsors till the day he died.
@Tactical Progressive:
They may never have had the opportunity to get proper sex ed, if they grew up in the US and especially if in a red state.
That is … not really an act with any risk of pregnancy, so I’m not sure why abortion restrictions would make any difference to them one way or the other. Oh no, wait, it wasn’t about logic, it was about your disgust that women might enjoy having sex.
More on the whole “did you know this terrible thing about most forms of hormone based birth control” – many straight up do not work for people who are fat. And several can have “unexpected weight gain” as a fairly common side effect.
Condoms are a freaking MIRACLE and people need to be getting the right size and using them correctly for any sex where someone risks unplanned pregnancy. Also while I’m here, can someone please make heterosexuals get regular STI checks? Don’t assume you have no STIs, get checked regularly so that you KNOW.
Oh, thanks, good to know. Though I still worry the article is like… dishonest or even straight-up lying, esp. coming from a right-wing publication. False hope for us can be a potent weapon for our enemies.
Unfortunately, that’s not even Business News Network. It’s “Breaking News Network”, as it says in their profile picture. The tweet in question is also deleted. On top of that:
@An Impish Pepper
Thanks, and wow. WTF.
For future reference, what birth control takes 4 months to be effective?
So, now they are engaging in blatant trademark infringement and getting away with it. They really have placed themselves above the law, haven’t they?
I believe the one I had at the time was called mylan. It was a low dose hormonal birth control I had just started taking because of depression linked to my period cycle. Keep in mind, I had only been taking it a few weeks when the.. um sa started and it lasted quite a long time.
If I remember correctly from a different thread Joaquin was from South America, not the US. So who knows if he was exposed to sex Ed as we know it. He definitely has become tiresome, though.
@ Elaine: I think Mylan’s the name of the manufacturer (because they also make the stuff I sometimes take for migraines). They do several varieties of bcp: https://ro.co/health-guide/mylan-birth-control/
That could very well be. It was a pill form of birth control that came in a little blue sleeve. I would still have my period while taking it. I was told that once I started it, it would take up to three to four months to be completely effective to preventing pregnancy. My primary care doctor did not tell me that when I started taking it, because I didn’t start taking it for preventing pregnancy but other health reason. The doctor at the clinic was the one who informed about how long it would take to prevent pregnancy. At the time I had only been taking it for a few weeks which is why I got pregnant to begin with.