Well, we knew it was coming. Though that doesn’t really help much. What a fucking disaster this is.
Discuss, rant, post links, whatever.
Here are some Tweets I thought made good points.
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So, your premise is that the Republicans and Conservatives in the news all upset that they can’t get dates were not actually thinking of having sex with their dates?
TLDR: Ever look into that reality thing some people go on about?
Edit: And yes, I am aware that not all Republicans/Conservatives are anti-abortion, but if you were a betting man, as they say…
Joaquín, es obvio que vos no la pusiste nunca en tu fracasada vida, así que dejá de jorobar por favor.
(Translation: Joaquín, it’s obvious that you never “put it in” in your failure of a life, so quit being annoying please).
False, Joaquin. I should think you would know that the Catholic church is the biggest anti-abortion institution worldwide, and GUESS WHAT?
From the report:
Whoops, looks like you were lying again! Or was it that you, again, were just too stupid to know any of the facts before you dribbled your ignorance onto the internet?
Or maybe it’s that in Argentina no Catholics are having sex?
Even when they have to rape people to have something resembling sex, these anti-abortion staffers of an anti-abortion church still bravely forge ahead, seeking sexual gratification regardless of the toll on others.
But that’s the anti-abortion crowd for you. Always trying to kill the rights of others while simultaneously screaming how much they must be recognized as victims.
Oh, and hey! That describes you, too, Joaquin!
Crip Dyke:
Oof, that link. You know, to add insult into injury: the first picture you see there belongs to Julio Grassi. You know the stereotype that, in prison, child molesters are at the lowest end of the pecking order? Well, not this guy. Since he’s still a priest and all, he gets, or at least used to get until very recently, exclusive “luxuries” that other inmates lacked, in part due to embezzled donations from the foundation that still carried his name. So there you have it, Argentina, such a bad place for men, oh my!
Is anybody else reading Joaquin’s brayings about consequences and thinking about that Margaret Atwood quote?
Because frankly the consequences of having to pay for a child you helped create seem pretty danged minor compared to the consequences of having to bear a child (physical and psychosocial consequences ranging from minor to major) and either raise it (potential psychosocial consequences ranging from minor to major) or give it up for adoption (potential psychosocial consequences ranging from minor to major).
How interesting, coming from a scumbag who doesn’t even know how to use contraceptives.
And your spanish sucks, no wonder you are such a failure at life.
You cannot deal with ANYTHING an adult is supposed to deal.
Stay in your fantasy “consequence free” World.
Victorious Parasol:
That Is another “all time favourite” feminista argument: men ALWAYS have it easier than women.
Now that abortion is unavilable you complain about equality? Ever since Roe V. Wade, women had an unfair advantage.
You want equality? Fine: Let women have access to legal, safe abortions BUT at the price of the equivalent sum of money that a man would have to pay in child support (AND also charge the man, he Is responsible todo).
That way, both men AND WOMEN would face THE SAME RESPONSIBILITIES.
Ah, but you wouldn’t like that either, right? You only want equality when it suits you.
It’s not a competition, you jackass!
You know what I find “interesting” about a lot of the anti-abortion types? When it comes down to it, many of them devote most of their focus on men vs women, not so much on the children. The children often seem to be an after thought that serves as little more than justification and proof that they have the moral high ground. It’s usually all about the evil females.
Case in point (from Twitter):
AND there Is More:
<a href=”https://ibb.co/2hjTVkQ”><img src=”https://i.ibb.co/QQ64SKR/Screenshot-20220628-233330.png” alt=”Screenshot-20220628-233330″ border=”0″></a>
Okay, enough spamming for today. Bye
AND WHY should we care about cleaning up YOUR MESS???
Parents are responsible for their children. Not the goverment or anyone.
It’s your fault, YOU deal with it. How pathetic can you be???
Lying rage monger ignorant of nearly everything important to discussing abortion access says what?
Is there a reason your dumbass isn’t commenting on how America wants to take away birth control. Or about how dangerous pregnancy is. It appears your to chicken shit to stand up to anything I’ve said to you
@ Joaquín
Well, at least you’re honest. Apparently not even going to pretend the children, potential or otherwise, matter to you.
Anyway, you got plans to watch the Joker sequel?
I seem to have hit a tender spot on Joaquin’s ego, though to be fair it seems to be all tender spots.
Listen up, buttercup. If a woman wants a D&C (one of the simpler forms of abortion that has to be done as an outpatient procedure), for best results she needs to take (ideally the day before) a medication that softens her cervix and makes it easier for the OB/GYN to get into the uterus. Depending on which medication is used, this can result in mild to moderate cramping.
So there’s that piece of it. Then there’s the lovely side effects of post-procedural uterine bleeding and pain, which fortunately can be managed with analgesics.
And here in the United States, you’d better hope your insurance will cover at least some of the cost, but even then you’re probably shelling out a thousand dollars or so for an outpatient procedure, depending on the level of anesthesia provided.
And you’re whining about being asked to pay child support? And you’re seriously saying that’s worse than having to endure physical pain and potential complications?
You have a really twisted view of the world and the people in it.
Oh, and you can slam down all the Twitter screenshots you want, buttercup. All I’ve got is over 30 years working in healthcare, and some personal experience that goes with having a uterus. If taking financial responsibility for a child you helped create is too much for you, then never ask anybody to fit you with a TENS unit to simulate menstrual cramps. You don’t have the fortitude for it.
For Brit Mammotheers.
“I will adopt your baby”
OK, so at first I thought Joaquin was saying that if a woman wants to abort, and the man doesn’t want to pay child support, the cost of the abortion should be equal to what the man would have paid in child support, which puzzled me because surely she’s *saving* him from having to pay that.
But now I think he doesn’t see child support payments as paying for the costs of raising the child, he sees them as the fine people can pay, in lieu of parenthood, as their punishment for having sex? So I guess I can follow his logic, I just don’t agree with it.
His logic is not like our Earth logic, with apologies to any Vulcans observing.
Moon Custafer
I’ll put it in a more simple way:
Men: Pay child support OR a fine equivalent of 50% of child support.
Women: If they want to access an abortion, then pay a fine equivalent of 50% of child support (FYI pregnancies are the result of BOTH men and women having sex, so the fine for an abortion should be for both equally, while child support should be for men, since que quota for child support DOESN’T cover all the expenses that a woman will endure for raising a child).
Victorious Parasol
It’s called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. You should try it.
Also: 30 years in healthcare AND you don’t know how to use contraceptives to prevent a pregnancy??? What a legitimate f.ucking joke.
If you can’t deal with the consequences of your actions, then don’t commit them in the first place. Loser.
@ joaquin
Unfortunately even with the most diligent use of contraceptives, they sometimes fail. So there has to be a back-up.
Liners are >99.999% safe; but they they still carry lifeboats.
Sending my support to and my anger for each and every one of you in the States. You deserve control over your own bodies.
Like I said, I seem to have hit a tender spot on Joaquin’s ego, but as I also wrote, it’s all tender spots. I can’t figure out if he’s avoiding the refutations people have made because he has no defense or if he is just dim enough to think that yelling more loudly is the best defense.
PS – Joaquin, I’ve personally used 3 forms of contraception at various points in my life, and was informed of the risks for each of them, either in writing or via verbal/written instruction. Luckily they all worked as intended, or I’d have a different POV to bring to this discussion.
So now in the wake of Roe being repealed,
Not gonna lie, I’m more scared right now than at any point during the Trump regime.