Well, we knew it was coming. Though that doesn’t really help much. What a fucking disaster this is.
Discuss, rant, post links, whatever.
Here are some Tweets I thought made good points.
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I’ll be blunt here: the law can no longer be relied upon to protect women’s rights (or the rights of anyone else at that matter) at this point. There is no reason to expect that this will stop with abortion alone. And supposing this decision is overturned at some point: what stops the decision overturning it from being overturned itself?
If abortion is to be made legal again, it will not be because of any lobbying or playing politics, but because people are willing to take matters into their own hands. At minimum, it is time for the creation of a new Jane Collective. More likely, a true revolution will need to take place to ensure that this will not happen again, and it will not be a bloodless one.
My fear here is that we will again see back alley abortions and self performed procedures that will maim and kill countless women in America.
Are these so-called pro life advocates willing to adopt the babies born of women who were forced to give birth? Are they going to advocate support systems for the thirteen year old impregnated by her paedophile uncle? Will they help raise the children whose mothers died giving birth to them because abortion to save their lives is no longer allowed? I can tell you that the answers to these questions is almost certainly no.
This is only the beginning of our slide into fascism. Once these self righteous SOBs get a taste of stripping rights from those they were sworn to protect, it will be a feeding frenzy.
It won’t end here. They are coming for birth control. They are coming for same sex marriage. And they will work to make abortion illegal nationwide.
Banning abortion doesn’t stop abortion. It just stops safe abortion.
(I know everyone here knows that; but still, just needed to say it)
I’m posting this link again–We’re Not Going Back to the Time Before Roe. We’re Going Somewhere Worse. Basically, miscarriages will be in investigated as potential crimes and data will be collected on people who may be likely to get abortions.
The utter horror of it all.
Can they please stop being cringe and useless
Unless the final version of the leaked draft is drastically different… abortion is not a “privileged right” because it hadn’t been a legally or culturally established right in England for centuries before the US existed, yet gun rights are absolute despite that nothing like the current interpretation of the second amendment has existed since the 20th Century, because “muh Founders”.
It’s difficult to have conversations with people opposed to abortion and women’s health, and unfortunately part of it is because of the fetishization of abortions. No wait, hear me out.
There’s a specific kind of sex offender who is akin to a flasher, except instead of exposing their genitals to women their modus operandi is to intrude upon a mundane conversation by describing graphic sexual fantasies. These fantasies tend to include risque and taboo themes, and it’s no surprise that some of these people have found a pretext to engage in these behaviors legitimately by “testifying” about what happens at clinics that perform abortions. Naturally these fantasies often reach absurdist or even physically impossible heights (I’ve seen one such person claim he was friends with a woman who got abortions on a weekly basis, even when confronted with the impossibility of it).
Unfortunately a lot of otherwise intelligent people don’t realize that when they’re listening to a story of aborted fetuses being turned into biodiesel they’re becoming part of a disturbed person’s sexual gratification, and take these stories at face value.
I got nothing except rage and nausea. Maybe tomorrow.
I’m sorry, I didn’t summarize my post well: there’s a lot of misinformation about abortion out there, and I’ve never seen anyone address the role of… let’s say LARPers in contributing to that misinformation
…Also, there’s a general conservative view these days that people have the right to determine the “moral values” of their state (and this is one of the justifications for overturning Roe v Wade), but also the state has the right to choose their voters and ignore the will of the people. I can’t wait to see the Supreme court try to justify that particular contradiction. 😕
(Needed to scream into the void for a sec there. Actual comment below.)
I’m actually scared. Not because I personally expect to need an abortion – I’m asexual – but for everyone I know who might rely on this safety net existing and for the future collapse of rights that might follow. Wish I could go back 7-10 years to when I could convincingly pretend I was a straight cis girl.
It sucks, i know, and I’m so very sorry for all Americans subject to this bullshit. Coming from country where abortions on grounds of wanting one have been illegal for decades and for the last few years also most other kinds (in practice only risk to pregnant person’s life counts , but doctors are extremely conservative with what counts as risk to life and people died because of this): organize. Organize. I can’t stress this enough. This is not xvii century. There are tools: use the experience of orgs such as women on waves, remember internet is great and encryption works, remember you are not allowed to ship drugs, but allowed and possible are two very different things, help each other, and while it never will be easy or good, a lot can be overcome. There are orgs that have been helping people in fucked up countries access abortions for years -the one i sometimes work with, as an emigrant who can’t be currently touched by my homeland’s law, helps people get tens of thousands of abortions every year, and it’s hardly a huge operation. There is hope, but only in fighting. I won’t say it’ll all be well, but we are tough creatures and we can survive.
It was always a racist and classist weapon to control the licentious, willful, “worthless” brown and/or poor women, whom it will hit hardest. There will be more child poverty. More teen pregnancy. More maternal deaths. More infanticide. More despair.
I have already seen posts online from horrible cisgender men gloating “hoes mad” and talking about r*ping women to impregnate them and there’s nothing they can do about it.
I just… I can’t today. I can’t.
I am thankful I don’t have a uterus anymore, but I am terrified for everyone who does, or presents as female….
If you don’t own your own body, do you truly own anything at all?
Jane’s Revenge has the right idea. As I’ve mentioned before, every right enshrined in law became so only because the alternative was potential rebellion or worse. I welcome any such insurrection, as I doubt the religious fanatics are quite as willing to die for their beliefs as they think they are!
Corrupt SCOTUS also struck down Miranda rights yesterday.
Don’t talk to cops. EVER.
I’m still dealing with a bunch of shit in my personal life right now, but I couldn’t stay silent about this one.
Fuck every single last one of these scumbags who made this happen, or even supported those making it happen. Every single hypocritical “pro-lifer” who has decided a
fetusfertilized egg deserves to be treated as a “person” with “rights”, but that we need complete and total unrestricted access to firearms in this country, giving literally zero fucks about the body counts piling up in our nation’s ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (to say nothing of all the other mass shootings) on a regular basis. Mass shootings are practically happening every day now, but fuck it, put out the fire by spraying it with gasoline and chuck the can in there too for good measure, right?And they aren’t even satisfied with this ghoulish violation of human rights, oh no, they’re just chomping at the bit to gut the rights of EVERYONE else who isn’t exactly like them or falls lock-step with their deranged worldview. They’re investigating miscarriages as “criminal”, they’re coming for birth control rights, they’re coming for queer marriage rights, and they’re already doing their damnedest to attack not only trans adults, but CHILDREN (again!) and punish their parents for trying to help them! They do not give a single solitary fuck about children, that’s just the lie they vomit out and their base blindly believes. Welcome to Nazi Amerika, people. This is the beginning of the end.
(Sorry for getting all doom and gloom, but how can I not when things just keep getting worse and worse every single day?)
Anti-choicers got what they wanted and they just keep lying to pretend they aren’t the villains here.
~ “Don’t be silly, SCOTUS won’t remove contraception rights, or gay rights.”
~ “Medical procedures to save the mother’s life aren’t considered abortion, they’re called D&C, so she will be fine.” Narrator: They are indeed referred to as abortions and red states are not making any laws to protect doctors from prosecution.
~ “Of course there will be exemptions for rape, lawmakers aren’t monsters.”
They’re punching us in the face while telling us that they would never punch anyone in the face.
Oh I would also love for them to admit that they aren’t at all about equal rights for the fetus, they want the fetus to have superior rights, and that they are extremely comfortable with forcing couples to forgo sex because the stakes have become too damn high.
I am also very tired of the conservative tweets telling women – and only women – to “just don’t have sex, it’s that easy.” There is 0 messaging telling men and boys to taper their expectations.
And when women don’t have sex with them, they complain about that too.
Can someone explain to me why abortion should be a right? A Man who doesn’t take responsibility for His actions Is a POS. Why should be different for a woman?
AND why Gun control should be considered among civil liberties? The opposite should be More like it