So over on the AntiFeminists subreddit they’re discussing the important issues of the day. Like whether or not feminism is a giant grooming operation operated by “predatory lesbians” who want all the ladies to themselves.
No seriously, that’s what they’re discussing, in a thread asking the question To what extent do you think feminism is a grooming ground for predatory lesbians? posted by someone called Interesting-Eye-5464.
The ignorant dingbats who hang out in this subreddit despite knowing less than zero about feminism — they know things, but they’re all wrong — offered up their opinions, which were generally some version of “sort of.” Never mind that there are predators of every gender or sexual orientation (but mostly men) who are literally everywhere, from the USA Gymnastics team to the Boy Scouts; at least feminism provides women (and everyone else) with the tools to recognize and resist predatory people, while antifeminist “Red Pillers” offer how-to guides to predation.
“It’s not the main thing but I’d bet your ass they find ways to justify it with feminism,” offered Ogreblack.
“This has always been true,” said Practical-Rip6471,
not the major reason, but still a significant percentage of rabid feminist’s motivation is to get men out of the way so they think they have a clear run.
Fathers, watch out before your beautiful daughter is seduced into the lesbian lifestyle!
“Fathers should be on their guard about this if they have gay/bi daughters,” warned dw87190.
“Or straight daughters who could be taken advantage of,” added chuckf91.
Budnugglet had a somewhat different spin on the question. one that seems to have sprung fully formed from his ass.
I know of a few anecdotal cases of this, but feminists tend to feel safer with predatory lesbians than normal men. Thus, the predatory behavior of the lesbians makes them strong and sexy, whereas in a man those qualities would be creepy and rapey.
But the most comprehensive, er, analysis comes from someone called onlyidiotsgoonreddit.
There is definitely an element of promoting debauchery to it, but I think lesbianism is not the most significant form of debauchery.
Good to know.
But it seems like the motivation is just so they can have women, not just so they can convert them into lesbians for themselves. It is more like the want to spoil women for men.
Do tell.
They encourage underage girls and women alike to let 100 different guys go up in there, precisely because they do not want them to be able to offer men something of value, and thereby outcompete them.
Huh. This is a part of feminism that I certainly wasn’t aware of, the “letting 100 different guys go up in there” part.
If plenty of women out there were saving their hymen for marriage, older white women could hardly attract husbands with their used up bodies and immoral lifestyle. So to keep competition low, they encourage them to throw away their virtue, also.
Wait, this is so the older white predatory feminists who haven’t let 100 men “go up in there” can have men to marry? This is all a sneaky plot by older women to foil younger women by making them even bigger sluts than they are?
It is the same anticompetitive motive that in prior times and in more traditional societies leads women to discourage promiscuity. Their fear in that case is that promiscuous women will lure husbands away from the older women. Both values are pushed for the same reason- to reduce competition younger more attractive women can bring to the table.
Wait. Isn’t that literally the opposite of everything you’ve just said?
I really wonder what it must be like to live in one of these guys’ heads. Because these are the most peculiar lesbian fantasies I’ve ever run across.
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I think the most remarkable of these ‘arguments’ is
Apparently someone doesn’t quite understand what a lesbian is. Not if they’re encouraging parents to keep their gay daughters from becoming one.
Yeah, yeah, you antifeminists can’t get laid, but it’s not because you lack charm — or decency. No, it’s the fault of [lesbians/feminists/communists/Chad/mothers of daughters everywhere/women’s impossible standards regarding looks, money, or personality].
I tried to post the photo that accompanied this conversation over on Reddit but failed. Too bad, because it was a picture of two young women sitting on a bed and looking meaningfully at each other. Also, one of them held a hairbrush in her hand. Grooming.
These… I guess they’re still genetically Homo sapiens, so… people have reached the Hellnirvana where simply lying and repeating lies and expanding on lies is the sum total of what has replaced their reasoning processes and basic, instinctual humanity.
It’s a hatred that cannot be affected, save by truly enormous personal physical AND emotional trauma – and even the lasting effects of that are questionable. They have no human life any longer. None. And all their bitter, dull, lethargic energy is bent on seeing others harmed.
They mean to begin to murder, first by encouraging others among them to murder, because they are, more than anything else, cowards.
And the final, ugliest fact is, they depend on our humanity to protect them – from their own stupid, now evil, choices.
These sad fellows really do believe that lesbians and feminists spend WAYYYYY more time thinking about men than they really do. I guess they can’t possibly comprehend the idea of being anything other than the centre of the universe. This behaviour here… this is why I’ve started using the portmanteau term ‘pathlarious’. Saves me a little time.
I’m sure they would prefer to be known as Hetero Sapiens. 😛
Well said.
It is, but he’s saying that the cultural conditions have changed so much that you now have to do opposite actions to meet the same ultimate goal. See, in the “old days”, men loved sluts, so women slutting around meant that they’d get snatched up and married* before lesbians got any piece of the action, but in the “new days” men hate sluts, but they’ll have one night stands with them anyway, so women slutting around means that they’ll never get married* to a man and be forced to marry* a lesbian instead. Because marriage* is all women care about.
*Or at least being in a long-term relationship, before same-sex marriage existed.
It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense regardless.
Dark, damp, full of little scuttling vermin…
So we just lost Roe…
And they blatantly stated they’re now looking at the right to birth control and gay marriage… I’m sure HRT for people like me is implied to be on the list, as well…
OT but big: The Supes did it. They killed Roe v. Wade. Just how fucked are we? Very fucked. Thomas mentioned going after the right to birth control, same-sex marriage, and the basic fucking right to exist as a gay person next.
Here’s an article that will ruin your morning coffee: We’re Not Going Back to the Time Before Roe. We’re Going Somewhere Worse
Re the recent SCOTUS decision, I’ve been saying “FUCK!” way more than usual this morning.
ETA: My youngest sister just got married. I’m grateful her husband knows what’ll happen to him if anything happens to her, but at the same time I have found myself being grateful that he’s Jewish and hoping she converts in case she needs to argue a religious exemption for her reproductive care.
@ loucpurr
The irony of course being he could not have married his wife but for Loving v Virginia.
@Alan Robertshaw
Interestingly, Thomas didn’t mention Loving v. Virginia. I guess he figures the leopards will never eat his face.
@ loucpurr
Yeah, and those four cases are usually referenced together; as they all apply the same principles. So the omission was especially glaring. Like saying “John, Paul, George, and…er, more tea?”
Oof, the Roe v Wade thing blows. That is a low blow…
I like to try to think like people with whom I disagree, to try to understand them, ‘Nothing human is alien to me.’—but trying to do this with these guys makes my head hurt too much.
What I expected to see—’Predatory lesbians want women to sleep around so they’ll be unhappy with that and turn to women.’—which at least has a premise and a conclusion and a statement about perceived ‘human nature’ in between to justify the conclusion, doesn’t even seem to be on the map here. Instead, we have something more like:
Therefore the one must be supporting the other….
All snarl-words are equivalent.
Seth, Justice Thomas did not say that he wanted to overturn gay marriage. He said he wanted to allow anti-sodomy laws. Why stop at preventing people from getting married, when you can throw them in prison?
Justice Thomas explicitly called on the court to overrule the rulings in Griswold v. Connecticut, on the right to contraception; Lawrence v. Texas, on the right to same-sex intimacy; and Obergefell v. Hodges, on the right to same-sex marriage.
So all old ladies are like Blanche from Golden Girls?
@ Alan Robertshaw:
Morty was underrated as a drummer.
@ alyson
I liked the episode where there’s a hurricane; so the girls are about to abandon the house. Dorothy’s ex-husband is also with them at the time.
Rose says that it’s just been announced on the radio that the police are shooting looters on sight.
Dorothy: “Stan, bring the TV.”