
Every few months, it seems, I run across another article talking about how hard conservative men are having it in the dating world just because they’re gross fascist turdballs that no sensible person wants to fuck. And somehow, as noted by @guy_freire on Twitter, “this supposedly reflects negatively on Democrats.”
On the TwoXChromosomes subreddit, a commenter calling herself gothiestbbwchick hopes to make things even tougher for horny and/or lovelorn MAGAs.
“Stop having sex with conservative or “apolitical” men,” she wrote in a post on Saturday that, last I checked, had gotten close to 4000 upvotes.
Conservative men are trying to get our rights taken away from us every single fucking day. And men who call themselves “apolitical” (often code for conservative but don’t want to say it) are complacent.
I think she might mean “complicit,” but “complacent” is true as well.
So to anyone who has sex with men, stop having sex with these conservative or apolitical men. Maybe eventually that’ll make them shape up. Or if nothing else, maybe their lineages of hatred will end.
I found out recently that one of my dearest friends has been sleeping with conservatives because the dating pool here is so small. He is sleeping with the enemy, the group who wants to make his lifestyle … illegal, prevent me from getting an abortion, and set all of us back 200 years. It makes me feel like I’m going insane, and I need some support.
Well, she got it, in the form of hundreds of comments agreeing with her.
For many, it was less a Lysistrata situation than a case of standing up for oneself.
StumptownRetro explained:
I never understood how any woman could align or be with someone who completely undermines their gender. If they aren’t helping you. They’re garbage.
“I would NEVER touch right wing dick,” exclaimed GoodbyeFeline. “Gross.”
“I mean this with all sincerity,” wrote vldracer16.
I think I know myself well enough to know that even if I was in love with a guy if I found out he was a conservative that would be it, done with him. My 30 year old niece is liberal and she was dating a conservative guy. I saw how that went, thank goodness they’re not dating anymore.
I don’t understand any woman who wants to be with a conservative man. Why would you want to be with a male that treats like a second class citizen and tells you, you don’t have control over your body. They have control of your body.
Not surprised it’s conservative men who giving you hate comments. Conservative men suffering from FRAGILE MASCULINITY A.K.A. IMMATURE AND INSECURE. I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of incels who are conservative. Conservative men NO WOMAN OWES YOU SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Others pointed out the hypocrisy of what you might call the sour grapes conservatives who mock left and liberal women as alleged uggoes but still complain they can’t have sex with them.
“One thing I love about conservative men,” explained Spazzy_Spastic,
is [that] they gawk at straight liberal/leftist woman[,] calling them unattractive, undoable, childless, crazy cat ladies. Then, when those same woman say, “I’m never dating a conservative man ‘cause they never make me feel welcome.” the conservatives winge and complain, “Hey! I thought y’all were tolerant.” And they proclaim dating is HARD for them ‘cause their pool is shallow. Like…. BRUH, which one is it? Are liberals/lefties the Unfuckables or is it you guys? Do you want liberals to hookup with you OR NOT?
Like you when you proclaim your absolute shit opinions about criminalizing abortion, don’t be surprised a lot of women won’t wanna fuck you.
Naturally, the conservative and “apolitical” dudes who for some reason like to spend great amounts of time in a subreddit intended for women were a little nonplussed. Naturally, some expressed their feelings in what the OP said was a small flood of “hateful comments and messages.” Others whined out loud.
“This is disturbing and unbalanced,” mistake_maybe complained.
You do realize that conservative men are probably not really interested in sex with women like yourself, right? And that about half the nation’s female population agree with them in their opinions, and will be happy to make up the difference, right?
Yeah, that’s not what we keep hearing from right-wingers themselves.
If withholding sex is all you cam think to do to argue or fight for our rights, then its a lost cause, honestly.
What part of “women don’t want to fuck guys who don’t respect their rights” do you not understand?
“Why don’t you focus on who YOU want to have sex with and stop telling other woman what to do with their bodies,” sniffed i_fart_.
Isn’t that what you’re advocating for? Body autonomy?
The double standard with people nowadays is ridiculous. Do you not see your hypocrisy?
Defiance_Kage served up some word salad:
Honestly I think this type of “team play” in politics is concerning, sleep with whomever you would like to but it’s odd to hate so hard that just because someone doesn’t feel like participating in a political system that’s completely fudged because they might disagree with your opinions is a bit far.
A few conservative women wandered into the fray.
“You people are in an insane echo chamber full of hate,” Shasilison exclaimed.
and of people who think their political opinions are relevant and should be relevant to other people. No man owes you any political opinion at all, and this is coming from a woman.
The OP replied:
I’m not going to have sex with someone who, should I wind up pregnant, will force me to carry that child to term.
Men don’t owe us a political opinion (although being treated like humans should be bare minimum), and we sure as fuck don’t owe them sex.
But lust can do strange things to the brain, and every sex strike will have its scabs. Estokesnox confesses:
So I live in the South where confederate flags and dumb ass bumper stickers are plentiful. It’s a huge turn off to see a dude with right wing aesthetic that’s just never meaningful or interesting. But what if he’s hot af but has some dumbass liberal tears tattoos. I’m a lefty. I think the liberal tears bs is cringe and lame. We all know the right can’t meme, it’s never funny or clever. Nothing is attractive or intelligent about these dumb tattoos. But for some reason I want to S and F him into oblivion. What is wrong with me?
Oh, honey, no.
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So sleeping with a queer conservative? Like those Log Cabin Republicans that recently got barred from a Republican convention?
Don’t really have a point here, just really confused that that is still a thing.
The Texas Republican Party convention voted to call homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice” on Saturday. At that convention were delegates that are proud and out gay men. One of them timidly called the vote “nothing to move us forward as a party and gain voters”. Read the room, guys. They clearly don’t want you there.
Am I crap human if I say thank gourd I’m a lesbian?
Being a lesbian in and of itself is trying and tiring. I have to hear how I’m an abomination nearly daily and it’s getting worse. (Though dykes are well below trans people and gay men, in the hierarchy of hate.)
Left to my own devices, I teach Russians how to make Mexican food! I teach English! I rescue feral animals and find them homes! I can never do enough to be granted humanhood.
I’m reminded that when Mr. Parasol and I were dating, there was a moment where we tentatively broached the subject of politics. Fortunately in this (as in so many other things) we were in sync. We may debate on the best way to vote on a particular ballot item, but at least we can still respect each other after voting.
@Dave: The Texas Goopers also banned the Log Cabin Republicans from having a booth. Gay conservatives, how many ways must the GOP show you you’re not welcome?
FFS, with their dehumanizing rhetoric, they’re openly sharing their wish to kill you all.
@Krasnaya: As long as you don’t have sex with conservative lesbians. Which is another mind-boggling concept, but they exist.
The LCR are basically whining “but I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!” All the tax breaks you might get can’t possibly be worth the self-hatred (and, TBF, the hatred from the right that you exist, and from the left that your self-esteem is so low you’re in a party that’s codified hating you).
Regardless of your gender identity or sexual orientation, don’t have sex with conservatives unless you are one yourself, in which case go fuck yourself.
I wasn’t aware that the OP (gothiestbbwchick) had the authority to make fucking conservatives illegal, punishable by prosecution and jail time.
Oh, she doesn’t?
Then no, I really don’t see the hypocrisy.
They want us to be like Edith Bunker and smile while they call us dingbat. They want us to respond to their abuse with love and loyalty. They think we should be grateful for the violence they inflict.
A few of these individuals seems to display actions that would greatly reduce their chance of a partner. Though from what others have said on the main causes of divorce, having vastly different political opinions would be a major factor since it does have an impact on how one views the world and their partners.
Your objection comes about 230 years too late. That ship sailed all the way back in 1792, when, against the expressed wishes of (at least) George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, Americans began to form political parties instead of all the politicians being what we’d now call “independents”.
It’s telling that they see no difference between persuasion and coercion. Persuasion is what happens between equals, and their mindset is so hierarchical that they can’t even recognize it.
@GSS ex-noob
Yes, they do! Which is weird on another level.
My current gf (of 13 years) told me she was a “conservative” when we first met so I was put off until I realized that, because we’re from different countries, her idea of “conservative” is not the American version. She’s actually a radical lesbian in her home country.
What is my point? Sometimes people think of themselves a certain way that their actions belie? I had a “hardcore” dyke gf in San Francisco who dumped me to marry a dude because she’d get more money from her family that way. Many people have wishy-washy morals. Or no real sense of self? Or are just assholes, really.
<blockquote>Am I crap human if I say thank gourd I’m a lesbian?</blockquote>
Only if it means you have a crush on Kellyanne Conway.
You know…
I’m reminded of comments that a lot of religious evangelism is in fact deliberately designed to fail most of the time in order to reinforce the ‘us-vs-them’ aspect of the religion. It’s part of the cult-like atmosphere of some of these groups, actively giving people conversation tools that are guaranteed to backfire, both so they drive away any friends outside the church, and so ensure that they feel that everybody else is corrupt. This can even survive the loss of the cult leader who originally set up the deliberate failure, because eventually it becomes ‘this is how it has always been done’.
Makes me wonder just how much of the original PUA scene was built around similar principles, with the guru deliberately creating advice that doesn’t work most of the time to make the followers believe it’s the rest of the world that’s evil and cling to the guru even more, despite the fact that it’s the guru’s advice that was wrong. It’s the sort of thing that only works on people who are already invested, of course, but it can be very efficient at creating a strong in-group bonding.
I always say that one of the most important things feminists can do is to teach every woman, child, and other person with a uterus around them to love themselves so fiercely that they will NEVER bear children for misogynist men.
Today, go hug your daughter, or email your little cousin, or text your niece, and tell her that her bodily autonomy is absolutely sacred to you, and that you will happily pay ANY price to protect her from rapacious, entitled users. You will sell your house or car or most valuable comic book for her. You will go to jail for her. You will carry her across deserts on bloody stumps if that’s what it takes to protect her. You are her village. This is her due.
Good, those conservative dinosaurs need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Are they really surprised that people don’t want to date them?
I think it’s less deliberate than it is evolutionary, in a sense. Culty groups which encourage behavior that isolates members from non-members are ‘more fitting’ the niche, and therefore persist, regardless of what the original intent was. It needn’t be /designed/ as such to function that way and I think assuming that gives these people too much credit. There’s just a whole lot of toxic groups, and some of them have the right mutations to take hold.
Best option: date someone who is not a citizen of the USA. At least he won’t be able to cancel out your vote in November. Pro tip: date someone from a country that has a functioning universal health care system, like Sweden, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, etc. If you end up marrying that guy, you’ll be better situated for permanent residency and decent healthcare.