Men’s Rights Activists have discovered a new entirely hypothetical danger — that evil feminists, mad about the end of Roe V Wade, will force the government to mandate vasectomies for all pubescent boys.
Do you think vasectomies will become mandatory for boys at puberty in the future? asks a Men’s Rights Redditor called hotoros in a post today.
I’ve seen a lot of left-wing Twitter users push this lately, they say it should be done to protect teen girls from getting pregnant and because of the anti-abortion laws being passed. No country prohibits any form of genital mutilation regardless of how damaging it is on boys and circumcising boys is socially acceptable. With how gynocentric the west is, I could see this being made mandatory on male children in 5-10 years if women keep demanding it. No “human rights” organisation would give a shit if this happened … .
He’s right about one thing: people are talking about this on Twitter. But the intention behind the tweets isn’t, for the most part. to actually move this forward as a real political demand, but rather to rattle anti-abortionists and point out their hypocrisy in a soon-to-be-post Roe America.
The point being: if the government can force pregnant people to give birth by banning abortion, shouldn’t the government take action to make sure that no unwanted pregnancies happen in the first place by forcing sperm-spouters to get snipped?
Some leavened their tweets with black humor:
Over in the Men’s Rights subreddit no one is laughing. And while a number of respondents point out the obvious — that this is never, ever, ever going to happen — others lash out against this hypothetical oppression.
Some get what the mandatory vasectomy advocates are trying to do:
A few miss the point entirely.
Yeah it does, doesn’t it? That’s only just the point of the thing in the first place.
Meanwhile, a eugenicist steps briefly out of the closet:
One forward-thinking fellow manages to envision a happy ending to all this:
And then there’s one guy who threatens to become the Unabomber.
I think he’s probably just joking. But you never know with these guys. Don’t open any odd-looking packages you weren’t expecting.
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If they take things like this literally no wonder the world is a confusing and scary place. Nothing must make any sense to them.
@Mogwitch: I’m pretty certain almost all of these guys have never made it past the phase of childhood development that enables them to engage with any form of abstract thought whatsoever.
(I was only 98% sure before, but this article basically confirms my theory.)
What a scary place the world must be if everything has to already make literal sense inside their own head before allowing themselves to even consider it.
If feminists could force the (majority male) government to bend to our evil misandrist will, couldn’t we just, y’know, force it to keep Roe vs. Wade?
I think a large number of these guys are incapable of thinking from anyone’s point of view other than themselves. This is why they are so dysfunctional and cannot get a date or have a relationship. Their lack of empathy and ability to treat their partner as a human being holds them back in this faucet of life, but instead they blame feminism.
If it were easily, safely, and 100% reliably reversible, it might actually be a good idea to sterilize everyone at birth. I say “might” because some government might go all eugenicist or otherwise control birthing in some terrible way (like giving up their firstborn to be raised and brainwashed by a government agency). It would also help if we extincted the more dangerous STDs first.
We don’t live in that reality yet, obviously.
@kamosa: They probably wouldn’t have gotten dates in pre-feminist times either.
Or even prehistoric:
“I don’t care if he’s offering 5 goats and a cow! I’m not having that weirdo marry into our family! He doesn’t even deserve the ugly daughter! There’s not enough cows in the world for us to put up with him!”
@GSS ex-noob They probably would have blamed anti-goat discrimination. It’s not that you don’t love me, it’s that society has taught you to hate goats. Or some other twisted logic.
I’m at the point where I honestly do feel like every adult male (not child!) who is actively working to help gut abortion rights, or support those who do, should get a mandatory snip-snip. At least that isn’t likely to kill them, unlike numerous forced pregnancies. Cry harder, misogynists. It’s good for you guys to feel fear for a change, even if it’s because of your own stupid delusions.
A lot of these MGTOW are Autistic hence the literalness, mind-blindness, lack of emotional regulation and critical thinking.
The same thing is happening in the radical feminist groups although not as much.
Actually there is a real mind-blindness, lack of emotional regulation and critical thinking epidemic going on in the world these days, especially online.
WTF? Is it World Throw Autistic People Under The Bus Day today or something? Why the hell wasn’t I notified?
@Contemplator (a concern-troll/JAQoff nym if ever I saw one):
No. “Autism” and “asshole” are two separate and distinct conditions, whose occurrences, to the best of my ability to determine, are completely uncorrelated.