A couple of weeks ago, Canadian fusspot philosopher Jordan Peterson, who resembles a corpse on a good day, decided to use his vast internet platform (2.7 million Twitter followers) to weigh in on the Fat Model Question, tweeting that the plus-size model on the cover of the latest Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue was “[n]ot beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.”
Tastes vary, but I think it’s fair to say that most normal people feel vaguely disgusted to hear the latest reports on Peterson’s inability to rouse his penis from a flaccid state.
Deeply offended by people laughing at his ridiculous tweet, Dr. Petersor left Twitter in a huff, then un-left it in a minute and a huff.
And you’ll no doubt be thrilled to learn that he refuses to back down on the Fat Model Question. In a recent appearance on his daughter’s podcast he reaffirmed that he was still unable to get a boner looking at fat chicks. And he explained why putting a plus-sized model on the cover of Sports Illustrated is a very mean thing to do, not just to him but to the poor model herself, who is evidently unaware that some people like Dr. Peterson can’t get a boner over her, and who would cry herself to sleep if she knew.
Also it’s very unhealthy to be a plus sized model, as opposed to being a regular model with an eating disorder or a Canadian academic living on a diet of benzos and beef.
Being the petulant baby that he is, Dr. Peterson ended his, er, argument with a “fuck you” to his critics.
I have prepared not one but two rebuttals to his argument, in the form of the music videos below.
If Dr. Peterson wants to fight the Fat Model Apocalypse more directly, he could start by posting “how do you open” queries for his fans, featuring women more his type, like his daughter. And perhaps this young woman beautiful woman.
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Is JP including beef liver on his all beef diet, or is he specifically planning to die of scurvy?
“…Canadian fusspot philosopher Jordan Peterson, who resembles a corpse on a good day…”
Sorry, but does this mean that Peterson, when he is having a “good day”, manages to come up to the attractiveness level of a walking corpse, or that Peterson resembles that same walking corpse when IT is having a “good day”?
Oh, and once I shot an elephant in my pajamas…
Okay, now here’s the thing…
Were you wearing the pajamas and shooting at real elephants? Was the elephant wearing your pajamas while you took pictures? Were there elephants on the pajamas and you shot at them with a nerf dart?
This could go in any direction, all of them equally absurd, I suspect.😂
@ kietazou & Lkeke35
Spare a thought for the poor English language, which is still trying to come to grips with the concept of ‘authoritarian tolerance’.
I mean, yes, obviously what he really means is ‘tolerance for people that I don’t feel deserve tolerance but am being pushed to shut up about’, which he only feels is authoritarian because it’s actually affecting him rather than those nebulous and undeserving other people, but still… I can’t be the only person who saw ‘authoritarian tolerance’ and had a minor brain stall as I attempted to reconcile that.
@ Jenora Feuer
Yes, I was a bit confused by that myself. I suppose I am tolerant of authoritarianism, but that’s mostly because they don’t give me a choice in the matter?
As for how to open with “woman beautiful woman”, how about “Are you feeling OK? You appear to be suffering from Photoshop.”
Poor Jordy, no one’s paying attention to him. Maybe because he’s so scrawny they can’t find him? Seriously, at this point, if he turns sideways he’ll disappear. Maybe, deep down, he’s jealous of anyone who doesn’t look like a corpse. The Sports Illustrated model (who is, to most people, attractive) is in much better shape than he is.
Excellent rebuttals. The Lily Allen one is definitely on point. “abcdefu” has a funny official video which comes up as a related link on this one. It’s very cheerful (and you get to see the dog).
Righties can never, ever stick the landing. They always stomp off in a huff and always come back. (and good Groucho reference, David). How can we miss them if they don’t go away?
BTW, I have known several people who were dependent on various benzos or opioids, but not addicted. They were smart enough not to go cold turkey; they just gently cut back their dose slowly over a period of months (so they never had withdrawal symptoms), and were entirely free of them. Without going into a coma under dodgy Russian “doctors” and ending up with more problems than they started with. No hospitals, no rehab, no seizures, just common sense and moderation…
Oh, I see my last clause explains why Jordy couldn’t do it.
That Dr. Peterson is so brave to refuse to bow to authoritarian tolerance. Well done, sir.
It’s so funny how visibly furious he is in this clip; he cannot understand how people would dare to disagree with him.
In other Jordan news, I just saw this excerpt of him giving a commencement* speech and if I were a student enduring it, I think I’d un-graduate on the spot. That, or expire from sheer boredom.
(*endlessly confused as to why it’s called a “commencement” speech, tbh)
I have always known that “f**k you” was a perfect philosophical argument in a discussion/debate. That could be the Peterson Point of a dialog.
Yuck… Is he at the Trump level, now ?
May Joan Jett (and her fans) enter the chat?
Oh dear God he has a daughter? I can only imagine how messed up she must be. Compared to her, Leia had it lucky — Darth Vader was absent throughout her formative years.
“Without going into a coma under dodgy Russian “doctors” and ending up with more problems than they started with. No hospitals, no rehab, no seizures, just common sense and moderation…”
Jordon P’s dependance on clonazepam and tolerance was so high he was probably looking at years of tapering. It seems the idea of that dependence was too much for his ego to take – he could easily have killed himself going cold turkey. Which I imagine he was told.
Elephant (posing in satin pajamas borrowed from the photographer): How’s my lighting?
There are many, many stupid things about this. But I think the stupidest part is where Peterson assumes any fat woman existing anywhere on earth is somehow unaware that her mere existence is a boner-killer for some men. Just any regular large woman gets told this constantly, never mind one who makes a career out of being visible.
I just read Carre Otis’s memoir. Being in the modeling world gave her anorexia so bad that she ended up with holes in her heart. But she probably gave Jordie a boner so it’s okay, I guess.
@ Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
I haven’t watched much, if any Jordan Peterson, but I was under the impression he tried to go for the calm rational vibe. If so, it does look like those easily triggered special snowflakes pushed his buttons. Poor guy, hopefully he can recover from not being praised and worshipped… I mean, aside from his bazillion followers.
Jordon Peterson fell into a coma. Then he “got woke” and woke up from his coma. So why haven’t his fans cancel-cultured him for “getting woke?” Surely the most unwoke people would never wake up from a coma.
Why does he think anyone cares? He’s an intelligent guy. He doesn’t need to be making an ass of himself like this.
He’s been making an ass of himself since he first made a spectacle if himself in 2016 by going on various media platforms to crow about how he refused to use a student’s chosen pronouns. Being an ass is his business model.
Pardon me while I go blow chunks. What a fuckin’ douchecanoe.
Patients like Jordan Peterson force me to consciously remind myself that all patients deserve the best support I can provide.
@ Vicky P
Are there any ethical conditions there? Are you allowed to decline a patient on the grounds that in doing so may harm others? I’m thinking of that thing that some criminals find things like therapy actually make them better criminals.
Just wondering as we’re having a bit of a debate about lawyers. Specifically with the criticism of Camille Vasquez. So is there like a medical ‘cab rank’ philosophy or can medical professionals pick and choose clients depending on their own beliefs and values?
Well, I’m not an attorney or a physician, but there are situations where you can “fire” a patient. Usually that’s for stuff like “patient presented physical danger to staff” or “patient exhibited drug-seeking behavior.”
You can also strongly recommend that the patient seek medical care somewhere else, but if it’s an emergency, life-or-death situation, other rules apply.
My baby sister the vet has a whole ‘nother code of ethics, since her patients are non-human but she has to deal with their humans. She loves animals, and the only times I’ve heard her grumble about her patients are when too many of them piddle on her over the course of a day. Their humans, on the other hand….. There are the ones who thank her for saving their beloved critters. Those are fine. The other sort of humans are not fine.
@Vicky P: I have always been so grateful to my vets. There’s no way my old kitty would have lived past 20 with all her health issues if it weren’t for my kind vet. The remaining kitty’s years of problems were solved by one visit to a specialist. So people like your sister are amazing to me. Treating patients who can’t tell you what’s wrong must be so hard.
Has anyone considered that Jordy P actually did die during his Russian adventure, and so he’s some kind of lich? It would explain his appearance, erratic behavior, and inability to get a boner from a perfectly attractive woman.