bad science chad dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies incels misogyny sexual marketplace value

Bad news for Chads: Women don’t like you either


It’s a sad day for Chads: An incel “theoretician” has revealed one more feminine secret — that women don’t really like Chads much more than they like (or don’t like) ordinary schmoes.

According to Swedeguy93, posting on,

Given the fact that women exist for the sole purpose of birthing more people, it is literally impossible for them to be as attracted to men as we are to them.

Huh. That’s certainly … a take.

Men can spread their genes via polygamy so men in general are all trash to women, even chads somewhat, as they know instinctively that there´s always a better chad.

Harsh truth, I guess.

In a feminist society in which women are allowed to survive without men, i dont think they even like chads that much. As long as a woman is at least younger and not overweight (deformed ogres dont count, theyre so few), a man will basically always find her attractive. Mens attraction to younger and thin women is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% higher than females attraction to men.

I suspect he might have to remove several dozen zeroes there to get a more accurate picture.

Women are only a little bit horny when they ovulate, and even then they arent as horny as men are all the time.

I’m not sure this guy has ever spoken to a woman.

The only reason females have many kids like 3+ is if she isnt given a choice, its either have as many as their husband wants or get kicked out and either starve/whore themselves out in a traditional society.

But wait , aren’t women all secretly fucking Chads on the side? That’s the traditional manosphere belief, in any case. Wouldn’t these women want to bring Chad’s babies into the world?

This is why the average birth rate is like 1,7 in the west & the east. Females have basically 0 attraction to men or lust to breed so they wont if given a choice not to.

If they exist only to make babies, why don’t they want to make babies? At least with Chads as the fathers. Seems like evolution slipped up big time here.

If they did like chad as much as men liked women, the birth rates would show it. The chads, the top 5% of society, would have (huge) harems and the birthrates would be high, like 4-5-6 / woman. Feminism beats chads as well.

Ok, now I’m a bit lost. I’m beginning to think this guy is not the expert on human sexuality he thinks he is.

But don’t worry! He explains more in several additional comments:

They like the idea of chad, or their genes instinctively TEMPORARILY scream for chad, until they find a better chad and the previous chad becomes trash to them, no different from the ugliest incel.


Due to polygamy, women dont think of men as a grade system 1-10. Its always 0 or 10->0 new 10->0 new 10 etc. So all 10s are eventually guaranteed 0s to them.

I wonder if it’s too late to say [citation needed].

Thats why men are all trash to women in the end. Due to always in their mind/for real, switching men, they always live in the NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW. There is no future or planning for women. Thats why they arent individuals, only the birthing tool for the species. They are things.

Boy I can’t imagine why this guy has trouble getting dates.

Oh, but there’s more:

Think of ovulation.. the fact that they need a fixed point every month to push themselves to be somewhat attracted to men means they arent in general. Only then are they attracted to chads, and less so than men are attracted to women 24/7

Yeah, that’s not how ovulation works. I mean, as a cis dude I only have a vague notion of how ovulation actually works, but I know it doesn’t work like this.

One commenter takes issue — somewhat — with Swedeguy83’s thesis.

“True but cope,” writes coping_manlet.

Chad still fucks consistently, but you’re right.

If a taller, more muscular and handsome guy comes along the women are always going to flock to him. Women are just pre programmed birds flocking to breed with the next best opportunity

Swedeguy93 replies:

ye[s] they are preprogrammed to flock to chad always, but since they dont rly have attraction to even chads the way men have to women, they need incentive to breed a lot. They feel like theyve bred just after 1-2 max 3 [children].

Isn’t having fewer kids adaptive? I mean, this world is overpopulated already.

But nature doesnt work like that. Men just wanna breedbredebreedbreedbreed….breed..breed.

I feel silly having to spell out to everyone who thinks like this that a desire to fuck is not the same as a desire to “breed.”

While it’s true that men are somewhat more interested than women in having kids, that doesn’t mean they want an infinite number of them. That’s why so many people devote so much energy to preventing pregnancy.

All women feel like they´re done at 2. They dont feel the intense atraction for even chads to adore him enough to give him a legion of children.

Dude, “sexual attraction” and “wanting to bear a legion of children” are not the same thing.

Thats why i think men will always find women more attractove than women even find chads. All women are stacies to men if they are at least younger and thin & not deformed/handicapped.

I got nothing. He’s finally broken my brain with all this. But Swedeguy93 isn’t done yet. In another comment he clarified his “young and thin” point.

The only ugly women are the old, like 35+, the young fat (and ofc old fat but young/old alrdy mentioned) & the deformed.

Like most incels, this dude should never be allowed to have sex, at least not until he un-brainwashes himself from all this nonsense.

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2 years ago

It’s wrist circumference all the way down…

2 years ago

I got nothing… It is the usual off hand theory about women based on biased online babble and rather vague examinations of society in general, that ultimately requires ignoring basically anything actual women say.

2 years ago

Professional woman understanders.

2 years ago

On one hand, it’s good that some of them are starting to recognize that their idea of a “real man” isn’t actually attractive and/or interesting for most women, and that their longstanding theories based on that are garbage.

On the other hand, I’m not looking forward to what eventually replaces that. We’re talking the kind of person who is both desperately avoiding any hint of self-awareness and desperately avoiding the implication that women are people.

2 years ago

Hmmmm, aren’t these intellectuals always harping on how the only thing women want from men are kids? Where did the theory that men want kids more than women do come from?

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Men just wanna breedbredebreedbreedbreed….breed..breed.

Nothing at all about raising the kids you bred.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

I see once again these experts are pretending lesbians don’t exist.

2 years ago

I don’t know the first thing about the zodiac and such, but I seem to recall that I would be considered pisces. And I already have a bicycle. Shows what they know 😎

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
2 years ago

Men just wanna breedbredebreedbreedbreed

Why is the second one spelled differently?

2 years ago

coping_manlet: “Women are just preprogrammed birds.” I wonder if he’s read

2 years ago

I wonder if he’s read Birds Aren’t Real, the satirical conspiracy theory that claims that all US birds are secretly robots.

2 years ago

I absolutely promise you that men don’t want legions of children more than I want to live. I have absolutely no intention of dying in pregnancy/childbirth trying to give men “legions of children” I don’t want.
None of these people ever knows how evolution works. You could try to tell them about chorionic placentas and the adaptation of how pregnancy is an evolutionary arms race between fetuses and mothers (the fetuses are trying to incubate for as long as possible, but maternal mortality rates increase drastically the longer pregnancy continues because childbirth is inherently dangerous when you are a primate with quite a big head, so the placenta developed as a way to create an organ that could just be yeeted so that you didn’t have to gestate an entire human if it were incompatible with life), but they’re never going to understand because they don’t really think women are people. Evolution doesn’t describe individuals, it describes trends within species and between species; individuals are just individuals with mutations, and you don’t know what’s going to be adaptive ahead of time.
But when you have gestation periods that are this long with mammals this complicated, it makes sense and always has to invest time and effort into the few children you will have instead of just trying to make as many as possible.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

How do I veto this creeping privatization? I don’t want to spend my twilight years under a hellish privatized system like America’s, and as a Canadian citizen I have a right not to have to do so, a birthright no less. Pretty sure that makes what’s happening unconstitutional here and therefore illegal.

Meanwhile, I had Showcase on the other night as background noise while I worked on various things, and they put on the original 1980s Ghostbusters film. Then I noticed that they were bowdlerizing the living crap out of it, even dropping the audio on the “hell” in “what the hell are you doing?” after they almost fried the poor janitor while chasing Slimer at the hotel.

I remember that same channel describing itself as “television without boundaries” and putting on edgy self-promos hinting at voyeurism and other kinks.

Back then the sci-fi channel Space would air bits of space news (e.g. new Hubble/etc. observations of note) along with ads during breaks, put more obscure movies on and not “only the hits”, and would do some truly strange things sometimes during the overnight hours (e.g. “trailervision”, which you would have to have seen for yourself). They also occasionally had fake “ads” for alien energy drinks (or maybe starship fuels?) and other such amusing things.

You could find porn — actual, bona fide, XXX-rated porn — on cable after midnight. And not just in the province of Québec.

Now, cable channels are as bland as network TV — blander, if anything, more like network TV used to be in the antediluvian times before “CSI” became a breakout hit. They not only do nothing edgy anymore but they don’t even seem to have distinct identities anymore.

It’s almost as if some totalitarian state colonized us sometime in the past 20 years or so and imposed its media censors on us, except I don’t remember any tanks crossing the border, or a big naval battle preceding the Fall of Halifax, or any of the rest of what you would expect. As if they took over by stealth, pod-people style.

What happened?

2 years ago

If a taller, more muscular and handsome guy comes along the women are always going to flock to him. Women are just pre programmed birds flocking to breed with the next best opportunity

Oh yeah, this must be true. I’ve never heard any woman or girl anywhere in the whole of my 75 years living on this planet complain about the “God’s gift to women” bloke in the office, on the beach, at last night’s party or any other event or location.

Never ever, not once. /s

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

We have a thread going on legal twitter where we’re all fessing up to our most embarrassing courtroom moments. So, in a similar confessional vein and to follow on from @oncewasmagnificent’s comments…

A chambers colleague once announced that she was now ready for a full time boyfriend and I had got through the selection process. I was very flattered of course, but I explained I had a policy of not getting involved with work friends. (She totally got that.). I suggested though that she might approach another chap in chambers; not least because he fancied her. Her response:

“Oh god no, he’s far too good looking. Handsome guys are so full of themselves.”

Er, thanks?

(I was literally sat right there!)

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago


TERFs are sounding more and more like Nazis with every passing day.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Due to polygamy, women dont think of men as a grade system 1-10. 

Not sure polygamy has anything to do with that. Plus, I don’t think most men think of women on a 1-10 scale either. IMO it’s kinda immature.

@Alan – similar story! When I was doing my first degree, I was talking to a friend from music class. We were discussing superhero stories and I asked – prompted by what, I don’t remember – “You think I could be a supervillian?”

He thought about it, then said something like, “Nah, you don’t seem like one… Maybe this is sexist, but I’ve always pictured female supervillians as either really hot or really ugly.”

Good news: I’m not “really ugly,” apparently! (Although these days, I’m almost over the hill, since I turn 34 soon.)

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
2 years ago

Also, birds are a very large group of species with a wide variety of reproductive strategies (we already discussed the wonders of crop milk in an earlier thread).

2 years ago

I think the fraction of people who associate their sex drive with the desire to reproduce is pretty small. I have absolutely no desire for children ever, but am very very attracted to my husband. I mean, we’re not constantly having sex, but that’s because we’re adults with jobs and life is busy/exhausting.

I’m also pretty sure that it is common for sexual desire to decrease when people are trying to have children because sex becomes a chore that must happen at specific times.

2 years ago

@ Assorted, concerning appearances

That reminds me of a couple of excoworkers. One of them, the sleezy mid twenties guy who routinely hit on anything he considered attractive, had the hots for a barely legal young woman (who first started working there underage, which didn’t deter him at all). At one point, he puffed up his chest and told her he was basically the best looking guy working there. (He was most definitely not, BTW.)

She then gave him an innocently baffled look and said “But what about…”, rattling off the names of three or four of the other guys that worked there, including myself.

I never did find out if she was playing dumb to mess with him, or was simply being straightforward with him. She was a manipulative little thing, so I suspect the former.

Anyway, I suppose the moral of this story is don’t claim to be God’s gift to women if it isn’t even remotely plausible.

2 years ago

As horrible as this is, nice to see the poster use ogre as a unisex term, and not insist on referring to them as ogres and ogresses. Though, given how many people express attraction for supernatural beings, I am guessing a female ogre would get plenty of action if she were of a mind to do so.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@oncewasmagnificent: No, that never happens, ever. But then you also know women as people, who will talk to you, which is unlike these boys. (I bet you’re still pretty good at your current age, even if slightly less magnificent.)

I spent many of my reproductive years not ovulating thanks to the wonders of drugs, and it didn’t seem to change my interest in sex with the Mr. nor my interest (theoretical) in other men I fancied for whatever reason. Just like the unmedicated regular cycle had no effect on my attitude towards men, or indeed the complete cessation of my ovaries doing their thang recently.

(Don’t tell these boys about period sex, they’re far too fragile to deal with that.)

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

A chambers colleague once announced that she was now ready for a full time boyfriend and I had got through the selection process.

Congrats on being shortlisted?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Kat

It’s all about the cover letter.

2 years ago

Nah, its kind of true. Men these days are disposable for women. Even chads aren’t as special anymore, cause there are so mamy chads online. As a homosexual guy you shouldnt write about men’s stryggle with women. You know absolutely nothing about it.