antifeminism misogyny reddit

Reddit antifeminists lose it over women referring to themselves as “actors” instead of “actresses”

Man actressing horrified

At one point in the Depp/Heard trial, Amber Heard referred to herself as an “actor,” instead of an “actress,” and some of the boys in the Antifeminists subreddit are evidently still pig-biting mad about it.

What’s Up With Feminists Replacing The Word ” Actress ” With ” Actor “? asks DeputyDak in a post to the Antifeminists subreddit today.

I can’t be the only one who’s noticed this.

But off late some people have stopped using the word ” actress ” to describe a woman who acts professionally. And instead just calling her an ” actor “.

But why? What’s wrong with calling women actresses? They now think the differentiation between the word ” actor ” and ” actress ” is sexist. Because according to them acknowledging differences between men and women is sexism.

In that case why are they using ” actor ” as the baseline, instead of just calling males actresses as well? What a self own. Lmao. This just gives you a window into their mind. They want to be men.

Yeah, it couldn’t be that the dictionary definition of “actor” is gender-neutral, a “person who acts.” Or that “actress” — like , say, the patronizing term “comedienne” — is a diminutive, implying a lesser version of something.

But forget all that. The real reason must be that feminists — sorry, “feministesses” — want to be men.

And speaking of “comedienne.”

“They also do it with comedian and comedienne,” JoeSmith1907 complains.

I think it’s part of the agenda that says that sex is a social construct. When I see people use actor instead of actress I call them out for sexism.

Well, that ‘s because you’re an idiot. Sorry, a “male idiotress.”

GivePuppiesBazookas has an even more convoluted reason for hating women who call themselves actors.

Like everything else, they make it sexist and separate when it benefits them. When it doesn’t, we are all the same. This is them trying to say we are the same because they don’t need or want anything in that area (since it’s essentially equal anyway, men play men, women play women, etc.)


So watch, when they bring up Hollywood pay in the future, actor and actress with be separate again so they can claim actresses get paid less

It’s not a claim. They do get paid less. Which is maybe another reason not to use a diminutive when talking about them.

If you’re looking at actual everyday usage, actress is still the preferred term for female actors. But that’s changing, in part because actors like Heard are using the term “actor” instead of “actress.” That’s how language works. Definitions follow usage.

Many of these feminized terms have already fallen from fashion. No one refers to female professors as “professoresses” any more, and you’d get an annoyed look if you referred to a Jewish woman as a “Jewess.”

But “velodipedestrienne” will always be in style.

You see me rollin’ up pops you step aside.

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epitome of incomprehensibility

@Cyborgette – That really sucks. What an asshole cop. Hope you & them are doing okay!

@Alaniel – I don’t follow the people involved, but it sounds like the other person was trying to take advantage of Kya’s trust. Unfortunately that sort of grooming / emotional blackmail is far too common.

@Redsilkphoenix – adorable snakes and kittens, thanks!

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Cyborgette; @GSS ex-noob:

More weirdly specific geeky diversions (and I’m awed and delighted by the sort of monuments to their obsessive special interests, in sprawling fractal encyclopedic detail, that people have posted on the web to share: there’s an invaluable body of folkademia out there.)

Carrot biology, cultivation, history, recipes, folklore, and pop culture are all covered here; should you ever need to know about the British government’s propaganda campaign to promote carrots during World War Two rationing (with posters, mascots, and struggle recipes!), or what the deal is with that lone purple floret on a Queen Anne’s lace blossom, or musical instruments made from carrots, the World Carrot Museum’s got it covered.

Every day since the site’s inception in 2009, these folks have showcased a different flute piece, with free scores, MIDIs (with adjustable key and tempo!), MP3s, and recordings crowdsourced from readers. They maintain an extensive database of flute pieces in the public domain (or otherwise available for public use), searchable by genre, title, composer, difficulty level, and such categories as “Show-off tunes”, “Romantic”, and “Written for flute.” The two people involved wish to remain anonymous to the point of refusing donations; they’re the Phantom Flutist Enablers.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Ooh, things have gotten worse (or at least the badness extended due to lack of available doctor appointments), so all possible distractions are good.

If you need constant video distractions, I recommend TinyKittens and their YouTube channels. What it says on the tin — 24/7/365.25 live video of rescue kittens. Everything from about-to-give-birth “catermelons”, to Learning To Go BOING!, to forever homes. Sadly, since there is no end to stray cats, there’s always new babies.

@FMOx: I’m loving the Carrot Museum. I learned that purple carrots taste fine, but you don’t want to put them in soup because the whole thing will turn a muddy gray-brown color. But whatcha gonna do when you need carrots and all you’ve got is a mixed batch of orange, white, and purple? Tasted yummy anyway.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ full metal ox

In some ways I now know more than I am ever likely to need about carrots; but in another, greater way, not enough.

Loved that though. And I am so glad they had a separate page about the WW2 Radar thing. That’s the first thing I looked for.

2 years ago

This is hardly new. My first journalism gig out of college was at a weekly news-and-entertainment paper that used “actor” for performers of all genders. That was in 1997, and that policy was in place long before I started working there.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ john

That was in 1997, and that policy was in place long before I started working there.

And of course this was never an issue in the C16th.