antifeminism antifeminist women dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about memes misogyny

Damn those women and their generic memes!

I found this little screenshot posted in the Antifeminists subrreddit, and I sort of love that the ultimate putdown for women they can think of is “they share generic memes.”

Julia Marie 
When girls say 'all guys ever want is sex from me and I hate it Tell them You have no hobbies, no talents, no wisdom, no legitimate interests beyond your personal vanity, no original thoughts on politics, society, philosophy, or anything else. All you talk about is random celebrity dudes you have crushes on, your exes, and other shit that revolves around men or getting a man while sharing the most generic memes imaginable. What the fuck else is there to want from such a vapid shell of a person? Your only redeeming quality is that you can lay still and take a'Y dick. Why are you surprised?

Damn you bitches and your GENERIC MEMES!!1!!

I love that these guys assume anyone would want to discuss philosophy with them, as if their ideas on the subject are actually interesting or original and not just some random thought from Marcus Aurelius they saw on their Daily Stoic Page-A-Day Desk Calendar.

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2 years ago

The projection is strong with this one.

2 years ago

Successful relationships are built on communication. Communication beyond dullard level 30 second cute, fail, vanity videos is needed to prevent a boring relationship

2 years ago

This guy would be much happier with a Fleshlight, and would make the world a better place too.

They keep making it clear that they don’t even want women. And then still resent women for not wanting them back.

2 years ago

Being called vain is one thing, but calling my memes generic. That’s a step too far.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

Hey now, stoicism as a philosophy is way more interesting that anything these jackoffs would come up with. And it’s very much not about sitting on your ass complaining about things (sitting on your ass is fine, but the complaining would make you a shitty stoic).

If any ‘great’ philosopher deserves to be lumped in with these morons it is Schopenhauer, the ‘Great Pessimist’.

2 years ago

I suspect that they genuinely don’t hear women say anything interesting, because the guys are so self-absorbed that women’s words just sound like the adults in a Peanuts cartoon.

2 years ago

wow this woman’s pick me energy is off the charts.

2 years ago

Battering Lamb beat me to it, Marcus deserves more than these guys can offer, and I doubt they would have much success trying to follow his strictures. Schopenhauer would do, or even better, the popular version of Nietzsche. You can read just about anything into that. How about Platinga? Smugly arguing god into existence could keep them too busy to bother people.

2 years ago

This guy is so vain he probably thinks those generic memes are about him.

2 years ago

If the only women the OP talks to are shallow, vain, and dull (for the sake of argument, I’m going to assume their lament isn’t complete bullshit; a dubious proposition at best), one might suggest that the criteria OP uses to determine which women they try to talk to are deeply flawed and may need to be revisited.

…on the other hand, that would subject more women to the OP’s conversational musings, which – judging by the post – would be doing those other women a grave disservice.

Yeah, nevermind; AWALT for you, OP!

Ada Christine
Ada Christine
2 years ago

does everything need to be an exercise in practiced profundity? i think it’s nice to be around people you can have deep conversation with as well as engage in shallow, meaningless nonsense.

Lakitha K Tolbert
Lakitha K Tolbert
2 years ago

Such guys really do think pretty highly of themselves, don’t they? The real irony is that an educated woman (you know, the kind with degrees in oh, I don’t know, philosophy or science) is still too uppity or feminist or something for guys like that.

So they claim not to like “stupid” women, but I’m pretty damn sure they have equally nasty things to say to women who can out-think them.

Lakitha K Tolbert
Lakitha K Tolbert
2 years ago

Besides nobody wants to sit around having deep discussions on Literature and scientific theory all day.

Sometimes it’s just fun to argue about jelly or jam, whose gonna do the dishes, or if a person should put sugar or cheese on one’s grits! That’s how you find out what kind of monster you’re dealing with.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Lakitha K Tolbert

Sometimes it’s just fun to argue about jelly or jam

If you like major conflicts involving jam, you should move to Cornwall, or Devon.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

I’d like to know where all these wise men talking politics, society, and philosophy are. I’ve heard a lot of talk about sports and video games though.

2 years ago

Gosh! I never realized that all those random dudes in the street who appeared to be hitting on me in the past actually just wanted to learn about my hobbies, talents and wisdom! It’s amazing that so many men I’d never met before wanted to hear my views on knitting, photography and climate change, and I never noticed! And it’s a little strange how, now that I’m older and less conventionally attractive, random dudes in the street are no longer interested in my hobbies, talents or wisdom. I mean, I’m a lot wiser now than I was at 20, you’d think they’d be lining up to hear all about it…

2 years ago

@Lakitha: Grits with blue cheese are surprisingly good.

2 years ago

@ Alan Robershaw
As a descendant of Cornish stock on both sides of my family there is only one answer to that question.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Grits are either with sugar or with cheese, not both. Depends on what kind of mood you’re in and what else is for breakfast.

2 years ago

GSS ex-noob: Exactly! Never both.

Alan Robertshaw: You know ultimately it doesn’t actually matter to me as long as there is both jam and cream on the scones at one time. If I don’t Ike how they were made that day, I’ll just turn the scone upside down. But considering some of the very contentious grits discussions I’ve seen, the scone fight seems pretty mild…unless there was a war about it, then I stand corrected.

Actually it sounds a lot like some of the peanut butter and jelly discussions I’ve seen. Do you put all the ingredients on one piece of bread, or separate each ingredient to their own slice?

I do love discussing food though. I recently had a pretty intense discussion with a co-worker about people who put both ketchup and mustard on their hotdogs! 😂

occasional reader
occasional reader
2 years ago

Call him Mr Raider, call him Mr Wrong, call him Mr Vain…
Ah, well, the music was a bit catchy, but the lyrics were creepy…

2 years ago

SpecialFFrog – I see what you did there. I think Carly Simon would approve!

David Utidjian
David Utidjian
2 years ago

Hahahaha! Reminds me of this clip from “A Fish Called Wanda”:
It’s as if they went to the same school as Otto.

2 years ago

Admittedly there are a lot of women who internalize society’s patriarchal obsession with female beauty, and accept the notion that boys and beauty are their focus. On the other hand hating on women for putting too much effort into their looks is not new either. I wouldn’t be the first to point out the double bind. Apparently women need to be beautiful but specifically effortlessly beautiful, possessing all of the attractive qualities that can only be achieved through genetic luck.
I wonder how many men go out of their way to date “Perfect 10s” and then complain about the fact that she owns 17 different kinds of shampoo and takes 3 hours to get ready for the party.
Of course maybe this is just a snobbish intellectual looking for other snobbish intellectuals to date.

2 years ago

I haven’t had grits since I was a child, but my family had them with either butter or that fake “maple” syrup, the latter of which I find kind of gross actually. On anything, not just grits. Cheese sounds like it might be interesting, if I ever try it again.