bad anatomy incels mass shooting misogyny vaginas

Well, this is the worst thing I’ve read all week

This … thing … has been making the rounds on Reddit. Originally posted in r/confessions, it was quickly deleted, but lives on as a screenshot elsewhere on the site. An unusual query from some dude who should probably never be allowed to have sex, it really is the worst thing I’ve read this horrible week.

“Do girls get wet in school shootings?(self.confessions)
submitted 3 days, 12 hours ago by inescapable_ad3953 to /r/confessions (939k)
[removed] by mod 

Mandatory Preface: I am not condoning school shootings. Rather, I am merely inquiring about female biology. We all know that women love attractive, dominant men. Within the context of a school shooting, the shooter is unequivocally the most dominant man (that is, the shooter transcends his current status in the dominance hierarchy and temporarily becomes an ultra-Chad). Given the females close proximity to this ultra-Chad during the shooting, one can reasonably conjecture that the females, although scared for their life, experience extreme sexual arousal and attraction towards the shooter, hoping that perhaps rather than shooting them, the shooter has sexual intercourse with them instead. Is my theory correct? Have studies been conducted on this?”

“Have studies been conducted on this?”

Yeah, I’m not sure how anyone could study this without getting punched in the face, so I’m going to guess “no.”

H/T — r/IncelsInAction

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Megi Stardust
Megi Stardust
2 years ago

I couldn’t get past the headline.
That’s just beyond fucked up.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
2 years ago

is… is this man asking if the second graders that got shot got sexual aroused before it happened?

2 years ago

@Megi Stardust : You didn’t miss anything. Spare yourself.

Crip Dyke
2 years ago


Yes. That’s exactly what he’s asking.

2 years ago

I have never before wanted to claw my eyes out from something at We Hunted the Mammoth

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

There have been studies on what effects people in traumatic events like mass shootings experience. Note that sexual arousal, directed at anyone, is not reported.

%age of subejcts experiencing phenomemon
Diminished Sound 85%
Intensified Sounds 16%
Tunnel Vision 80%
Automatic Pilot 74%
Heightened Visual Clarity 72%
Slow Motion Time 65%
Temporary Paralysis 07%
Memory Loss (Event) 51%
Memory Loss (Actions) 47%
Disassociation 40%
Intrusive Distracting Thoughts 26%
Memory Distortions 22%
Fast Motion Time 16%

There is however often a spike in pregnancies after mass shootings. The advice to schools is that they should ensure that students are directed to appropriate services like access to contraception. But you can imagine the political push-back against that in certain circles.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

And thinking on the original post, if that was in response to the most recent shooting, they were toddlers. Which makes this even more sick.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Well, I’ve never been in a school shooting, but I’m going to have to speak for all feeeemales here and say nope

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

There is however often a spike in pregnancies after mass shootings.

Among whom? Students of fertile age? Bereaved parents? The community in general? I could see how surviving that sort of horror could lead to a carpe diem attitude, or seeking reassurance in the arms of whomever.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Unfortunately, the OP isn’t the first to come up with the idea of mass shootings as aphrodisiac to female victims—as documented previously right here, with a generous saucing of racism:

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

When women say that mass shooters don’t arouse us, this means that we’re in denial about it. We don’t know what we actually want. This guy seeks permission to treat women really badly. And, according to him, deep down, women want it. If he doesn’t shoot women, he can say that he’s not as bad (or as sexually arousing) as a serial killer. So the women he treats really badly are lucky that he’s not a lot worse. Plus, they actually enjoy it when he treats them really badly. Secretly, they wish he were a serial killer. He wants to avoid prison, so he’s not willing to be a serial killer just so women can get their kicks.

Women: They always get men to do very, very bad things. Then they deny that they wanted them to do those very, very bad things.

The only solution is to control women’s every movement at every moment of the day.

Citizen Justin
2 years ago

This also appeared on FSTDT recently and a fellow commenter found out that it’s copied and pasted every time there is a mass shooting. So while it’s still horrible and misogynist, it’s definitely the work of a troll.

2 years ago

We all know that women love attractive, dominant men.

Even lesbians.

It’s just lawjick and byeohlujee.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ full metal ox

Among whom? 

Students at the school affected. The research just identifies the trend rather than the reasons. Although it’s generally put down to the reasons you identify.

2 years ago

Technically they do get wet if they pee themselves out of fear..

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Incels: somehow always the very worst the rightwingosphere has to offer, though in fairness to the others they are always racing just behind them but just can never seem to quite catch up.

@Citizen Justin:

This also appeared on FSTDT


2 years ago

“We all know that women love attractive, dominant men.” It always starts with this unquestioned assumption. There are a lot of little things a boy or girl might see growing up implying that dominance is attractive.
Certainly there are a lot of movies that show dominant, violent, power fantasy men who also get the girl in the end. There are stereotypes of domineering jocks that get all the girls. If you are just watching from a distance you can see that the dominant guy is getting close to the girl, but you can’t tell if she is actually enjoying it or scared.
These guys register that “truth” on a subconscious level and the idea that someone would legitimately disagree becomes unimaginable, let alone that it is actually false. Then when they use that “truth” as the foundation for a full ideology you get the Red Pill and the Black Pill and the whatever pill. Because between a woman explaining her romantic desires at age 16 and him watching James Bond at age 6, clearly the latter is the deeper truth and the former the comforting lie.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

OT, but I’ve got ten burning questions I could use the answers to, and I thought maybe some of you might know some of them.

  1. When will it be possible to, say, go to the movies or a concert or similarly without a realistic risk that two weeks later you’ll be gasping your last into a ventilator in an ICU somewhere?
  2. What the hell is going on with Ontario’s election? Normally election polls in Canada have assorted ups and downs and back-and-forth swings of support during the campaigning period, but this one is seemingly frozen in time … with a large Tory lead, because of course if it was going to do that it would be with a Tory lead. Why isn’t anything moving more than a percentage point or two?
  3. What the hell is going on with all this inflation? Everyone is jacking up prices on everything. Don’t they understand they can’t squeeze blood from a stone? The bulk of the populace of the developed world already pays virtually every cent they receive for various products and utilities provided by various giant megacorps, so all that money is already pouring into the coffers of the billionaires. They can’t collectively get any more of it because they already get all of it. So all this latest nonsense might do is let one of the billionaires claw a bit of it away from another of the billionaires. And the other one can then just claw it right back. Nobody gets ahead, so what’s the point? Of course, some people will get behind, and end up down and out. The roof likely goes first, and with it access to clean running water, so hygiene goes with it and any job (and thus any income) shortly thereafter, unless that job was in construction or something like that where you can maybe get away with being in rags and smelling like an outhouse. If that happens to enough people, the workforce will shrink enough to drive wages up for the lucky ones who stayed in the game that long, and then all of the billionaires will have a sad. That’s probably why there’s been a gentleman’s agreement among them all to keep inflation low all this time … so why’d they break it, and why now?
  4. Where are the right wing parties finding so many voters, now that everyone is flat broke? Surely there aren’t vast throngs of lower-middle-class people who genuinely think that low taxes and trickle-down will elevate them anymore? OK, there’s always been a part of their constituency consisting of bigots who will vote themselves into destitution, as long as the people they hate end up even worse off, but the solid backbone of tory parties has always been middle-class homeowners who want to protect their property values against anything (windmills, solar farms, good public transit in the downtown cores, a decent stock of public housing, black people being able to get home loans) that might drive those down. That would be the middle class that is fast disappearing due to supply-side idiocy and that probably won’t survive this bout of inflation. Without them, shouldn’t conservative parties not only shift to focus more on overt bigotry, to match the changing composition of their base, but also see their poll numbers drop from the forties down to the twenties or less? Similarly, is antibigotry such a deal-breaker for so many lower-income people that compelling pocketbook-issue platforms from center-left and left-wing parties don’t get them even a few percent more of the vote than before the great middle-class collapse? (OK, in the US it can be explained by gerrymandering and voter suppression worsening to compensate for the shifting priorities of the electorate, but that won’t fly to explain the stagnant polling numbers in Canada and elsewhere.)
  5. Exactly how bad must the fires, the hurricanes, &c. get before people sit up and take notice of climate change?
  6. Every year, the other TV networks butcher their lineups while the CW renews almost everything they have … except this one, where precisely the reverse has happened (plus the accelerating unwelcome trend of moving shows behind a paywall after airing the first season or two OTA; thus making the rest inaccessible to anyone who can’t afford $2000 a month or more in rent, if not a mortgage). What is going on? I usually attempt to explain bizarre and consumer-hostile behavior by megacorps with greed, but in this case neither the usual pattern nor this sudden reversal seems like it would make anyone richer than otherwise. (The paywall thing fits though: classic greed, combined with shortsightedness since the audience will implode. Everyone not living in urban cores will just treat it as cancelled and move on, and that means they’re actually leaving money on the table in the form of lost advertising revenue. All for what, some tiny sliver of $7.99 a month that Netflix will give them for each viewer? There will also be an explosion of piracy by people who can’t afford to live anywhere where they can get internet speeds good enough for streaming high def.)
  7. Why the hell does Laureline put up with that immature twit Valerian?
  8. What happened to all the fancy pulse cannons and Delta-9 accelerator suits between Rise of Cobra and Retaliation?
  9. Where the devil is Avatar 2??? It’s gotta be years past due now.
  10. Where in the name of ZEUS’S BUTTHOLE is Half-Life 2: Episode 3?! It’s gotta be a decade past due now!
2 years ago

No one who has resorted to killing 10 year olds in dominant. These guys equate fear with dominance, which tells you a lot about their sick headspaces. But what is really even more disturbing is he is sexualizing 10 year old girls. 10 year olds.

2 years ago

google jonty campbell

2 years ago

I think the “truth” about women all wanting the most dominant men isn’t even really a statement *about women*. It’s a statement of what *should* be true in the patriarchy these men want to live in – where the best men as defined by the standards of men get to have the best women *also* as defined by the standards of men.

2 years ago


8. The pulse weaponry was all MARS designs. Having kicked Destro “out of the band,” Cobra Commander no longer had access to MARS. Which also meant no more nanomites, forcing CC to find another doomsday weapon.

The accelerator suits may have been phased out after their poorly-received performance in Paris. Even if not, they were clearly not standard kit for G.I. Joe and the surprise attack and subsequent manhunt would have left the surviving Joes unable to access them.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements:

>> This also appeared on FSTDT


FSTDT: Fundies Say the Darnedest Things. Basically a fast quote site for some of the more deranged things from religious fundamentalists. It’s not as in-depth as this site (lots of quotes, not as much commentary, and the forums are slightly separate from the main site) but serves a similar purpose in filtering some of the worst of the muck so not everybody has to get out their hip-waders.

2 years ago

9. Where the devil is Avatar 2??? It’s gotta be years past due now.

December 16, 2022

Last edited 2 years ago by Fabe
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

One problem for me with Avatar was it was so black and white. Well, blue and white. But the lack of nuance made it a bit boring for me.

I would seriously have put in a line just before the final battle, when everyone thinks it’s clear cut:

“And remember, if we can get the Unobtainium, we don’t just save little Johnny, we can save all the children.”

Throw people a bit of a curveball. Dislocation of expectation and all that.