This … thing … has been making the rounds on Reddit. Originally posted in r/confessions, it was quickly deleted, but lives on as a screenshot elsewhere on the site. An unusual query from some dude who should probably never be allowed to have sex, it really is the worst thing I’ve read this horrible week.
![“Do girls get wet in school shootings?(self.confessions)
submitted 3 days, 12 hours ago by inescapable_ad3953 to /r/confessions (939k)
[removed] by mod
Mandatory Preface: I am not condoning school shootings. Rather, I am merely inquiring about female biology. We all know that women love attractive, dominant men. Within the context of a school shooting, the shooter is unequivocally the most dominant man (that is, the shooter transcends his current status in the dominance hierarchy and temporarily becomes an ultra-Chad). Given the females close proximity to this ultra-Chad during the shooting, one can reasonably conjecture that the females, although scared for their life, experience extreme sexual arousal and attraction towards the shooter, hoping that perhaps rather than shooting them, the shooter has sexual intercourse with them instead. Is my theory correct? Have studies been conducted on this?”](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/9svfd9vd3w191.jpg?resize=580%2C723&ssl=1)
“Have studies been conducted on this?”
Yeah, I’m not sure how anyone could study this without getting punched in the face, so I’m going to guess “no.”
H/T — r/IncelsInAction
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@Surplus to Requirements:
Why the hell does Laureline put up with that immature twit Valerian?
Because the writers said so. (Disclosure: I’m not familiar with the original French comics, which I get the impression are hardy perennials.) I’ll grant the film a spectacular sense of place—as in all Besson’s works—and it yielded three beautiful set-pieces: the most lavish fanvid ever for “Space Oddity”, the chase scene through the bazaar, with Valerian dipping in and out of virtual space with the fluidity of a daydream, and the shapeshifting exotic dancer Bubbles’ performance of the Male Gaze’s Greatest Hits. Too bad that Besson’s extravagantly budgeted labor of love had to feature an Idiot Plot about the quest to return the Beach Elves’ Magic Porridge Pot (conservation of matter? What’s that?)
(Valerian’s line, “I’m a soldier; I follow orders”—after the preceding two-thirds of the movie has established that he treats his job as a combination Let’s Play and opportunity to meet hot babes—is one of the most facepalm-inducing lines in cinema.)
I think Avatar was supposed to be black and white. It’s about when Giant American Mining Co. barges into South Africa or wherever, forces the locals off their land by legal/financial shenanigans, then hires some of them at slave wages to dig up diamonds, all to enrich a few already-very-rich Americans an ocean away. It’s about the genocide of the Native Americans. It’s about the conquistadores wiping out half the Incas with smallpox and most of the rest with war to steal their gold and set up gold mines in the Andes where they used to live. It’s about every bit of white-supremacist colonialism throughout history, all of which was quite black-and-white. It’s also, unfortunately, a white-savior plot, but at least it’s one with great special effects.
@ surplus
Yeah, the subject matter didn’t really allow for nuance. Which is funny. Cameron is vegan, and they’re known for their open minded non didactic way of seeing things. Surprising to see one so preachy.
I do though like films where the ‘bad guys’ have a point. A lot of 70s films wee like that. I love the original Rollerball for that. Ostensibly Jonathon E is the hero, but the antagonist is allowed to make a pretty compelling case. And within the films there are good side characters who at least tacitly accept that.
So it’s when a topic can have more than one reasonable stance, but the writers/director make the villain a bit of a straw man that I find myself losing interest.
1. Not for the foreseeable future, now that COVID-19 is endemic. Since selfish jackasses flat refused to even wear masks and social distance.
3. Quarantine supply chain issues still persisting and the aftershocks are still hitting. Plus the illegal invasion Russia is enacting on Ukraine, which is stressing global markets. Due to the fact that Russia has been more, or less excluded from global markets by sanctions. Which are justified, but it hurts everyone from the middle class down world wide. That’s all on top of the normal crawl upwards of inflation generally.
4. Scapegoating to keep people kicking down is the best tactic to win votes. Along with getting people to not notice that they’re voting against their own best interest. Because as a collective people are really damn stupid. Individually we can be smart. In groups we get stupid and the bigger the group, the more stupid we get.
5. Mass famine and when it starts cost noticable amounts of money to the Mega wealthy.
10. Since the main writer was laid off by Valve? There may never be a Half-Life 2: Episode 3/Half-Life 3. If there ever is, it’s not happening any time soon. Especially since Half-Life: Alyx was a prequel and exclusive to the Valve Index VR.
The H/T link is broken.