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Roosh V declares War on Hugs

WHTM is steadfastly in favor of hugs

I wish I knew how to quit you, Roosh Valizadeh. It’s been several years since Mr. V took shrooms, found God, abandoned his career as a pickup artist, and took up a new life as a religious fanatic. But under it all he’s still the same old Roosh — a raging misogynist and conspiracy theorist who still somehow thinks we all need to hear his thoughts on the world and all the dirty filthy sinners in it.

His latest crusade? He wants his followers to stop hugging women and putting themselves at a real risk of going to h. e. double-hockey sticks.

Unless you’re hugging your grandma — she’s safe.

Roosh begins his blog-post-cum-anti-hug-manifesto with this warning:

It is extremely unsafe to hug a pretty woman. I expect most men to scoff at this notion and ignore it, but a hug with someone you’re attracted to is a form of intimacy, and intimacy before marriage turns on the treadmill of lust and sets the speed to a brisk jog before steadily ramping up to a sprint.

Really not the best metaphor there Roosh but whatever.

One “innocent” hug can begin a course of heavy temptation that entices you into sin and blocks your ability to properly evaluate a woman for marriage.

It blocks your abililty to what? How?

But before he answers these questions he puts in a good word for the aunties and grandmas of the world.

There is nothing wrong with a platonic hug, the form of which you’d give to an aunt or grandmother. It features minimal contact between bodies, only the shoulders and upper chest around the collarbones, and is often completed with a comforting pat on the back.

Why does Roosh write like an alien from planet Zorg 12 trying to explain humans to his fellow lizard people?

An intimate hug, however, is simply a variant of horizontal bedroom embrace.

I think you might be doing sex wrong if you think a hug is the same as a fuck.

Your body and her body are so firmly pressed against each other that you can feel the cushion of her chest and the fat and muscle of her thighs.

The fat and muscle, huh? Don’t tell me you’re aiming to dissect this poor woman.

In such an embrace, you can perceive the exact proportions of her feminine curves as if you measured them with a ruler.

Please don’t take this as an invitation to measure your girlfriend’s “feminine curves” with a ruler. That may fly on planet Zorg 12, buddy, but here it’s considered quite rude.

With this description alone, I’ve entered into the realm of the pornographic …

You think that talking about the “fat and muscle” of a woman’s legs is pornographic? Dude, what kind of porn are you watching, anyway?

… not from my imagination but from the reality of an intimate hug, the type of which fallen men innately crave with women whose bodies they incessantly daydream about.

She’s got what fallen men crave!

The fact that she’s wearing clothes matters little because is the mind not capable of removing clothes?

I usually just use my hands and sometimes teeth.

Unfortunately, many women already exist in a state of semi-nudeness, especially during the summer, so even for the dull-witted man, imagination is not required.

Such a tragedy, having to look at women in shorts.

When you add the emission of feminine scent from her neck and hair, whether pheromonal or chemical, your slavery to her body is sealed.

You’er talking like an alien again, Roosh-boy.

This one “innocent” hug will amplify your passions to such an extent that lustful thoughts, a sin itself, become only the beginning of your fall.

Damn, that has got to be one powerful hug!

I’ve lost count of how many Orthodox couples I’ve seen using secular behavior in their courtships. They drink alcohol together. They give each other googly eyes. They hold hands. They hug incessantly. They use secular vocabulary like “boyfriend,” “girlfriend”, and “dating.” They position themselves so close while seated that they can feel the heat of each other’s breath.

These damned Orthodox and their secular ways. Roosh wants us to know he’s past all that.

They even kiss! They do all this and say they are in “Christian courtship”! They are dating like any secular couple dates, but moving slowly enough so that they can deceive themselves that they are courting when in reality they are in a veiled seduction.

Dude, you’re starting to sound more than a little like Elliot Rodger, the Incel terrorist who used to stalk happy looking couples so he could throw his coffee at them.

Many couples will succumb to mortal sins if they think all that I have listed is permissible, and the very first step of physical intimacy is the hug. If their courtship happens to end …

He means, if it doesn’t result in marriage.

… they have caused so much real damage to their souls with the attachment that came from their rationalized sexual foreplay that they will have to repent for months before considering another try, all because they started with the wrong notion of what a hug can do.

The little hug that could.

Before I converted to Orthodoxy, I was in a pre-courtship with a woman (the relationship has since ended). I could see that she liked me and craved a bit more affection than merely talking to her as if I were conducting a live stream.

Pre-courtship? What on earth is that, alien boy? Did she even know you were pre-courting her, or did she just think you were some weirdo who liked to bring along a camera and a ring light to every date.

As a consolation for her needs, I decided to give her a hug. So passionate was that hug that I remember it more vividly than many of the most vile sexual sins of my past.

I’m sure many of the women Roosh, er, courted as a pickup artist have also been trying desperately to erase the memories of their vile encounters with Roosh from their memories. And I’m not even kidding.

It took place at night, outside the house she lived with her parents.

Are you dating high school girls, dude?

If they were watching, they would have seen nothing that offended the virtue of their daughter. It was just a hug, after all, but through that hug I gained a detailed blueprint of her body and the signature of her pleasing feminine aroma, and because of that I had to use all my willpower and faith to fight the temptation to keep from hugging her repeatedly and doing just a “little” more.

What, like fornicating on the doorstep while her parents slept inside?

Thankfully, God was with me, and I did not fall in the flesh, but I learned my lesson: if I am considering a woman to be my wife, I will not hug her outside of the awkward platonic hug, hunched over so that only the tips of my shoulders touch her body, whose shape and softness will remain unknown to me until our wedding night …

Yeah, dude, I hate to break it to you, but that wedding night isn’t going to happen any time soon if ever.

… and if that’s too extreme for her, there is a long line of men who will be happy to hug and hug and hug her and serve the physical needs of her body.

Yeah, I think they’ll move on from all that hugging fairly quickly. because they’re not as obsessed with hugging as you are.

It’s also not fair to my future wife …

Your “future wife,” you say? Now you’re talking like Tommy Wiseau.

… that I so vividly remember the hug with that woman, and it surely isn’t fair to me if my future wife remembers hugs and much more that she had with other men.

Yeah, dude, you’re going to be found wanting even if she never kissed another man. She’ll compare you to a pile of shit she once stepped in and it’ll be the shit she’ll see most favorably.

Not hugging a woman is the best way you can honor your future wife.

Put that on a t-shirt, baby. I’ll buy it.

Are you so foolish to think that you are strong enough to willingly dance with Satan and walk away unscathed? With such noxious pride, it’s a miracle you’ve even made it this far in my article.

Dude, your blog is like an addiction; I’m drawn to it again and again, against my better judgement. Sort of like those people who obsessively eat styrofoam and whatnot.

Another reason not to hug is that it becomes impossible to properly evaluate and vet a woman for marriage when you are in a state of even mild passion, and if you’re trying to evaluate a woman you’re having sex with—forget it!

Uh, having sex with a potential wife or husband is considered part of the, er, vetting process these days. Most people don’t want to marry someone they have no sexual chemistry with.

You won’t ever be able to judge a woman you’re sleeping with because your flesh is firmly in the driver’s seat …

Hey, that’s one of my all -time favorite songs.

… guided by Satan, and all you can think about is when your pee-pee, your false god, can use her body as an instrument of your selfish pleasure.

Your … “pee-pee?” Is it a mortal sin to use the word “dick” or “penis” or “baloney pony?”

The same goes with kissing, hand holding, and hugs. While they are not sex, you have an imagination, don’t you?

I know you do. You must spend your life just quivering with lust.

The physical touching paints an immediate and bright picture of her naked body and what sex will be like, completely damaging your ability to evaluate her as a wife.

I’m pretty sure you can’t tell what sex with a person would be like by giving them a hug.

The bad news is that even if you refrain from all physical affection during courtship, and she’s beautiful, you still will not be able to judge her properly. Her visage alone is tempting to your dumb flesh, and it’s not hard to construct a rudimentary sketch of her body from incidental touches, but at least in this case you have a chance at proper discernment.

Either that or you could pluck out your eyes so you won’t see her tempting, er, visage. Isn’t that in the Bible somewhere?

For fleeting moments, you can transcend her body and contemplate if she would be a suitable wife for you. However, if you’re intimate, even with hugs alone, it’s close to hopeless!

Dude, I’m pretty sure that for most guys older than teenagers a hug (or a glance at a smokin’ hot visage) isn’t enough to give them a boner for the rest of the day. Maybe you should try just wanking it from time to time. Might calm down your lust a bit, get it out of your system.

If you look at the history of courtship, men never had to make a decision to marry a woman wholly on their own (and neither did women), but involved parents, other family members, and the Church to guide that decision for them. The fact that you are deciding yourself is already dangerous, and if you add physical intimacy, you might as well be gambling in a Las Vegas casino, hoping for a lucky spin of the roulette wheel.

And getting your bride picked out for you isn’t a gamble?

If I am in a courtship with a woman, I will not give her a full-body hug. I will not learn about the contours of her body, I will never get a whiff of her glandular scent …

Jesus Christ, man, you are a fucking space alien.

I will be blind to her flesh and ability to please my flesh. If she needs a platonic hug, I will do so in such an autistic manner that the last thing on our minds will be sex.

I would actually like to see you do this. Can you set up a livestream?

I must do this, not only to obey the commandments of Christ by blocking potential avenues of temptation, not only because I respect her and do not want her to fall, but because I want to be able to see through her body and into her soul.

Come on, dude, you know you’ll take a few moments to scrutinize her tits before you get to her soul.

Does she understand what’s at stake with our decision to marry? Is she ready to follow me into Paradise?

Follow you into paradise!? Dude, are you secretly putting together some sort of death cult?

Is her soul compatible with my soul? I’ll have a reasonable chance of answering these questions if I refrain from all physical contact. Otherwise, I might as well be back in the nightclubs, checking out women with my eyes to see which specimen pleases me the most.

Roosh is almost done writing up his report on human sexuality for his lizard bosses on planet Zorg 12.

That I refuse. The next woman I hug will be my wife, and if I don’t get married, I shall never hug a woman again.

Oh, please, Lord, make the last part of that last sentence come true!

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2 years ago

Roosh has issues.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
2 years ago

Actually, I think the lizard people of Zorg 12 would be looking at his report and wondering, “The hell is wrong with Unit RSV-23? Not only is he sending us a bunch of irrelevant data on human mating rituals, he’s sending us a bunch of inaccurate and pointless data on human mating rituals. It’s nearly as bad as what he used to send!”

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

[Y]ou have an imagination, don’t you?

This of course is the real problem. Also free will.

2 years ago

The last woman I hugged was an ex-coworker when visiting my old workplace. Strangely, I did not receive a blueprint or become a slave to her body. Perhaps I did it wrong.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
2 years ago

The googly eyes are what you’ve gotta watch out for the most.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

comment image

2 years ago

Go Skoptsy, dude. A good wire saw isn’t even that expensive.

2 years ago

It’s interesting how some individuals can be repulsive yet utterly hilarious at the same time.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

Hate tell roosh but he gave that up long ago. I know many fine Catholic girls that are saving themselves till marriage but they want hubby to also be a virgin. Not a cum stained rapist.

2 years ago

Here I was thinking blueprints and engineering drawings were hard. Turns out, I just haven’t been hugging my work enough!

Thanks, my dude! Will go hug a gearbox, pronto. Toss out my tape measures, totally unnecessary.

Honestly though, if a hug turns someone on that much, maybe they were already thinking about 95% of it pre-hug?

Because there is no way the pressure receptors and brain processing of people are so good and detailed to go from “eh it is a day, ho hum” to “OMG I WANT! And know major dimensions” in a 1 second duration hug, right?

I’m ace, but that sounds remarkably absurd.

Maybe now that Roosh is Orthodox, the only way he can feel virtuous about expressing his natural urges is through writing bad erotica for aliens in the form of advice columns? Because this feels less like actually warning people off hugs and more like an excuse for him to describe body-feels in the weirdest possible way.

an autistic giraffe
an autistic giraffe
2 years ago

Actually Lizard People traditionally greet each other with a firm hug, as can be seen on the Netflixs documentary Inside Job.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

Thanks for the tip, Roosh! I’ll discuss with my partner the possibility adding Googly eyes to all of our pictures.

occasional reader
occasional reader
2 years ago

Hmm, the part with the “fat and muscle” has a little Hannibal Lecter flavor…

And i far as i remember from my catechism, JC did not make any commandment, his most known advice was to love everyone, and he had no problem to know biblicaly sex workers. So i doubt he had anything against hugs.
Maybe it is different in the Orthodox church, i do not know.

2 years ago

I am most astonished that he thinks he is going to Paradise! I think it would be good general advice for women to not follow him anywhere, in any case. In fact, to make it a general rule to immediately leave any environment Roosh is in, without hesitation.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Roosh V declares War on Hugs

But his real enemy is women.

2 years ago

What about Duggar-patented “side hugs”, so your bathing suit areas aren’t smushed against each other? Those okay??

Roosh is 42 and still refers to penises as “pee-pee”.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

I’m sorry, I’m stuck on the idea that grandma hugs are these distant formal expressions of affection. Grandma hugs (by most grandmothers I’ve met) tend to be fierce. You don’t hug Grandma. YOU ARE HUGGED BY GRANDMA.

(Which can lead to a whole ‘nother discussion of not making kids uncomfortable for the sake of pleasing their elders, but I doubt Roosh is capable of that discussion.)

2 years ago

@sarah_kay_gee, but it’s better than him saying “baloney pony. “

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
2 years ago

intimacy before marriage turns on the treadmill of lust and sets the speed to a brisk jog before steadily ramping up to a sprint.

And then it’s on to the Elliptical Trainer of Adultery!

 through that hug I gained a detailed blueprint of her body and the signature of her pleasing feminine aroma

This sounds like he’s stealing the plans for the Death Star.

When you add the emission of feminine scent from her neck and hair, whether pheromonal or chemical, your slavery to her body is sealed.

”Men are more rational and physically superior and should therefore run the world, but also they can be completely disabled by shampoo.”

because of that I had to use all my willpower and faith to fight the temptation to keep from hugging her repeatedly and doing just a “little” more.

I see Roosh’s inner rapist is still there, lurking just beneath the surface. If he ever does get married, I feel bad for the recipient of all that pent-up lust, who he will inevitably view as his property. She’s in for a very bad time.

Human touch is such a basic and primal need. Roosh can’t separate it from sex, which has him trapped in a vicious cycle of alienation and misogyny. In that respect he’s like every other fire-and-brimstone preacher, using the authority of the pulpit to wrestle with his own demons. The only way it can end well is if he and his equally rapey followers actually do stay away from women, leaving the rest of us to enjoy consensual hugs, hand holding, and the exchange of long protein strings.

2 years ago

He needs to be in a men-only monastery with no internet.

Are you dating high school girls, dude?

Aw, that’s not fair. Lots of adults live with their parents because it’s too expensive to live alone.

2 years ago

I am curious-frightened as to what Roosh considers hugging in “an autistic manner” to be.

In my experience, it usually consists of realizing that someone is going in for a hug, stiffening your whole body so that don’t run away or flail, and trying to mentally go to your Happy Plade until it is over.

In short, about how I expect any woman would react to a hug from Roosh.

2 years ago

[Y]ou have an imagination, don’t you

I used to. Now it seems to have gotten in an infinite loop of trying not to think about Roosh hugging a 20 year old college student, like he was her great aunt Edna.

2 years ago

I mean, the man thinks you can measure curves with a ruler. That’s all I need to know about his credibility.

2 years ago

This is so weird to me. I am half Sicilian & grew up hugging (& kissing) all my relatives when we came & when we left family gatherings. I’m not saying that I hug everyone upon meeting them, but if I know you & like you, I will probably hug you if you show that you are comfortable with being hugged. (I always ask children if they are ok with being hugged – and I never grab anyone’s cheek (if you have old-style Italian relatives or have seen the Princess Bride, you know what I am talking about. Yes, it is really a thing. And yes, it really does hurt.)) Maybe that’s what’s wrong with Roosh? Not enough affection from his family?

2 years ago

Of course of course I love hugging my tall gorgeous muscled but lean ripped guys as much as everything else.. I’m their bitch-goddess but part of what that means is bitch gets what she wants when she wants. Besides, going back and forth between cuddling and me dry-humping whatever part of that gorgeous body I like in that moment is just good sex in this outrageous demoness’s tyrannical mind. Ferocity and tenderness together according to my terms is my way.