As I read through the Buffalo shooter’s 180-page manifesto last night, I was struck again and again by a feeling of familiarity. Had I read something like this before?
As it turned out I had. Something exactly like it.
Here’s the opening of the Buffalo manifesto:
If there’s one thing I want you to get from these writings, it’s that White birth rates must change. Everyday the White population becomes fewer in number.
And here’s the opening of the manifesto left behind by the Christchurch gunman, who killed 51 in attacks on two separate mosques in 2019 due to his paranoid fears of an anti-white “Great Replacement.”
It’s the birthrates.
It’s the birthrates.
It’s the birthrates.
If there is one thing I want you to remember from these writings, its that the birthrates must change. Even if we were to deport all Non-Europeans from our lands tomorrow, the European people would still be spiraling into decay and eventual death
Here’s the over-the-top conclusion of the Buffalo manifesto:
As for me, my time has come. I cannot guarantee my success. All I know is the certainty of my will and the necessity of my cause. Live or die, know I did it all for you; my friends, my family, my people, my culture, my race.
Goodbye, God bless you all and I hope to see you in Valhalla
And here’s the over-the-top conclusion of the Christchurch manifesto.
As for me, my time has come. I cannot guarantee my success. All I know is the certainty of my will and the necessity of my cause. Live or die, know I did it all for you; my friends, my family, my people, my culture, my RACE.
Goodbye, god bless you all and I will see you in Valhalla.
Between these two points — the plagiarized opening words and the plagiarized finale — there’s much of the same. Most of the rest of the Buffalo manifesto come straight from the Christchurch manifesto — page after page of cut-and-pasted text with minor variations scattered throughout.
The structure is nearly identical to that of the Christchurch manifesto, consisting mostly of a series of questions and answers much like those in internet FAQs.
Even the coldest and cruelest potions of the Christchurch manifesto are copied nearly verbatim into the Buffalo manifesto:
Children are always innocent, do you not think you are a monster for killing an innocent?
Children of replacers do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more replacers to replace your people. They grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity. They grow up and take the potential homes of your people.
Children are always innocent, do you not think you are a monster for killing an innocent?
Children of invaders do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more invaders to replace your people. They grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity. They grow up and take the potential homes of your own people for themselves … .
I wen through the two documents side-by-side last night, and it’s all like this — with a few notable exceptions. There’s an overlong section in the manifesto’s middle where the Buffalo shooter outlines in detail his gear he had assembled for his “mission” and similarly detailed plans of the (then future) attack itself. These sections are striking in their focus on the tiniest details — from the Buffalo shooter’s favorite underwear (Hanes boxer briefs, bought for him by his mother) and the breakfast he intended to eat on the day of his attack (corned beef hash).
These sections seem clearly designed to assist any future shooter trying to pull together his own set of gear.
In the manifesto portions of the manifestos there are also a few big differences. The Christchurch killer aimed his ire at Muslim “invaders.” The Buffalo shooter ignored much of this material and inserted his own sections on the alleged evils of blacks and Jews. He has somehow convinced himself that black people are “invaders” of America, when they came here in chains. He has also convinced himself that black people are a different and inferior species.
I’m not sure that the Buffalo shooter really understands what plagiarism really is; he may think his blatant copying of the Christchurch manifesto is a sort of tribute to its author, whom he idolizes.
The Buffalo shooter was “educated” on 4chan, after all, where he absorbed his current racist beliefs from what he describes as a wide assortment of “infographics, shitposts, and memes.” Notably, all of these sources are anonymous, passed around 4chan and other social media forums with little regard for authorship or originality. Indeed, he fills his manifesto with what must be hundreds of racist and antisemitic memes which seem to have radicalized him nearly as much as the Christchurch killer did,
Over the last several years, we’ve faced a veritable torrent of copycat mass shootings. But I never expected to run across someone this literal in his copycatting.
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Well, this brings an interesting perspective to the table:
Short version: The shooter’s lack of healthcare contributed to his crime.
I wish I could think of a better phrase than “lack of healthcare,” but I can’t come up with one. He needed dental care. He didn’t get it – this may have been due to crappy insurance coverage, lack of providers in the area, being afraid of the dentist, or whatever.
But rather than coping with it in a mature fashion, he decided to kill people who had nothing to do with what was making him miserable.
I tend to be sympathetic to anybody I can put the “patient” label on, but I can’t manage it here.
@ Victorious Parasol
Tooth pain can be agonizing, but that’s a reason to see a dentist or if you can’t to take the maximum dose of whatever painkillers are available to you and curl up, not to go out and shoot a load of people who you are judging as lesser solely on the colour of their skin. I do get that healthcare in America is dysfunctional, but is it really so bad that he couldn’t have paid for dentistry with the money he spent on guns and the rest of his shooting kit?
I’m with you on not finding that this makes me at all sypathetic to the shooter, it just makes him a bigger pile of dog shit opinions and actions.
Dental insurance can be its own brand of evil, but I don’t know if that was the problem here. Whatever he was thinking, people are dead because of how he chose to deal with his own problem.
Concerning the toothache business: I haven’t read his little manifesto (hell, I couldn’t bring myself to comment on these particular threads for a bit after hearing about it and hearing jokes from people I know about how he was hunting “monkeys” and all), but he apparently claimed to have spent around a thousand dollars on gun, gear, and ammo.
Now, that is probably very much low balling it, the AR15 was probably at least $500 alone, but even assuming he has “only” had a budget of $1,000, that’s a lot of dentistry he could have paid for. I imagine he just didn’t want to fork over hundreds of dollars for a medical issue. Lots of people do that, including myself. Penny wise and pound foolish.
Well, let’s see, from memories of a few years back when I had a gun nut thing going, and a short summary of his loadout mentioned in a news article, he had a cheap Bushmaster AR, which is at least $400 on sale, a generic pump action shotgun, probably around $300, a pistol, again, even a cheapo would be about $300, ammo these days is around thirty cents a round, probably a few hundred there, he looked like he had some modern body armor in a picture I saw, so another several hundred… in short, he likely had several thousand dollars over whatever time period he assembled his gear in. I assume he probably did not stint himself in the rest of his life either.
His problem could have been far outside of a mere cavity and I could see where he wouldn’t want to drop literally thousands of dollars on fixing a tooth (I wish I didn’t have a health issue that has required me to spend quite a bit more than $10K the last few years), but that isn’t even remotely justification or invoke any sense of pity. “I didn’t want to spent money on a problem that SHOULD be covered under my insurance, so I shot people” is not any sort of excuse I would even entertain in court.