Most manosphere misogynists have a love-hate relationship with cosmetics for women — they love to hate them. As far as the typical MGTOW or Men’s Rights Redditor is concerned, makeup is a devious and deceptive tool women use to look prettier than they really are. Using makeup is akin to fraud, and probably should be outlawed or something.
But it turns out that not all of these dudes think so negatively of makeup. Instead, some Red Pill dissidents see wearing makeup as something like a duty for otherwise ugly women — because their only job in the world is to look pretty for men, and makeup makes them look hot or at least passable.
In a recent thread in the PurplePillDebate subreddit devoted to the proposition that “Girls not wearing make-up should be normalised, a commenter called Jax_Gatsby lamented that the beauty industry
literally profits off women’s insecurities. Some women can’t even leave the house without it on, and the thing is it doesn’t actually do women any real favours. Sure it makes you look better, but everyone knows (you included) that that isn’t the real you. Its a mask.
But several commenters weren’t having it. As far as they were concerned, women wearing makeup are actually doing themselves and men in general a favor. Because looking good is the only thing they — or at least some of them — are actually good at.
Another commenter offered a more detailed argument for makeup, and basically against women.
These weren’t exactly popular opinions to the makeup-skeptical crowd; last I checked, TheLaziestPeon’s comment won him all of zero upvotes; Shreddit’s got a negative five.
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Absolutely bang on.
Since when the fuck have women worn make-up or dressed to look attractive (but for BLACKS)?. I ain’t seen any non-race traitors dressing to please anything at all. Scruffy manly trouziz wearing geezer girls is ALL I’ve encountered in the u.k. (IF I can even FIND women on My Own Race!!!)
What the fuck are you on about?
Have you thought that maybe women don’t want to be found by someone with your personality?
I’m not totally sure what Username is saying, but I’m fairly confident it’s awful.
Anyways, I decided to apply ~~my mask~~ today. I put pigment on my face that’s the same colour as most of my skin, but some skin is redder or paler, and now everyone will know that I’m living a lie.
I also extended my lash line with eyeliner, thereby obscuring my identity. Who could even know where the corner of my real eye is? I’m lying to those who look at me, and I’m lying to myself. I could weep, except that would mess up my aforementioned liner, so I guess I’ll have to keep my pain inside.
@ Username
I’m not surprised women are not hanging out round you. Dump the racist dog shit and you’d have a better chance.
If you think women in pants arent hot as fuck, you don’t deserve to even count yourself as attracted to women.
I’ve no idea what race our latest troll-boy is, but he’s certainly prejudiced, and makeup and trousers have nothing to do with why he can’t get a date. Women of any race know to steer clear of his personality.
For someone domiciled in the UK, he’s not terribly good at writing English, either. Not so popular in these days of Brexit.
@ Full Metal Ox
Somewhat OT: It really isn’t difficult to add an inch or two (~2.5 to 5 CM) via heeled shoes and thick insoles. I decided to start improving my look and dealing with foot pain by that exact approach a few years back, which led to people constantly going “Wow, are you like six one? Six two?”
@ Elaine the witch
Somewhat related to that, I find it odd there is such a hatred for women in sweat pants. I feel they can offer a relaxed casual lounging-about-the-house vibe.
Huh. I wonder if leggings are replacing sweat pants these days. Someone should do a study.
I personally hate loose pants but only because I like things that are form-fitting so that I’m using the visual of the contours of my own body to make an anti-patriarchial statement about bodily autonomy.
Sometimes I wear just a sports bra and bikini brief over sheer tights, with my hair in a ballet bun, jewelry and a belt, for a look that is kind of half sporty and half formal on occasions when I’m with my guys and just want to be a generally bitchy. We like it as a good look for me when enjoying my prerogative to make some “unreasonable” demand of their hot awesome selves for my own gratification. So no pants there but definitely not what asshole troll thinks a woman should do.
@Fred B-C:
Good point! My focus was just on the sheer unreasonableness of drawing such a sharp separating line between women and men, of going “men are all like THIS, women are all like THIS.” That sort of thing pisses me off. It’s so willfully narrow, besides being demonstrably false.
@Viscaria – Good thing you didn’t also wear lipstick! That would have been another layer of wicked deception, slightly changing the colouring of your lips – even possibly their glossiness!
They really do think that. That women exist to adorn men’s worlds.