So a couple of days ago a Redditor stopped by the Antifeminists subreddit in search of some advice. Seems his girlfriend is a feminist, and by golly she won’t shut up about it. “[S[he’s giving me a hard time and headache” wrote yournftmaker, “what should I say or do ,hellpp.”
You will not be shocked to learn that the gentlemen of that subreddit advised him to get out, and quick. “If she’s in that cult and already drank that Koolaid,” one advised, “your best bet is to run for the hills.”
But the most detailed advice came from a fellow called AirSailer, who seemed to be speaking from bitter experience.
As someone who was married to a feminist I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you are not a feminist (and you don’t plan on becoming one) then you are 100% incompatible with her. There is no tolerance in feminism for anyone who does not support feminism, so you are in a relationship with someone who has no tolerance for your viewpoints.
I’m not sure this is necessarily the case, but certainly if the first place you go to for feminist-girlfriend-related advice is the Antifeminists subreddit, your relationship isn’t going to last.
Her idiology will eventually require that you give up your masculine qualities and adopt behaviors that in no way benefit you and are solely intended for her benefit. Be aware that this will happen under the guise of making her more attracted to you when in reality she will become less attracted to you since she, as a feminist, is incapable of reconciling her disdain of masculinity with her physical desire for a masculine mate. Eventually she will blame her lack of desire on you and will step out on your relationship.
Regardless of your level of shared idiology you can expect to become the sole source of all of her insecurities, perceived injustices, and inadequacies… Eventually she will project on YOU all the perceived injustices that women everywhere have to “endure”. She will then resent you for that, but not until you get married and she locks you into paying her court-ordered free income via the family court system.
I would kind of like to hear her side of the story.
Feminists are incapable of normal intimate human relationships, I advise you to GTFO now.
Well, they may be incapable of a normal intimate human relationship with YOU, dude who posts advice in the Antifeminists subreddit.
One commenter was so inspired by AirSailer’s advice that he made up a little story of his own.
“When I was in college,” said Normal-Yogurtcloset5 ,
I would see guys who dated feminists and did their best to become attractive to them…stop eating meat, be skinny and physically non-threatening, speak with feminine inflections in their voice, not contradict a woman, etc. Those guys would inevitably find that their girlfriend was cheating on them with some very masculine guy who lifted weights, at meat, didn’t subscribe to feminism and basically was everything they said they didn’t want in a man.
The chances of any of this being true I would put at about one ini six billion.
For me, whenever I got into a debate with a feminist and, exasperated, she would say, “You’re too masculine”, I knew I would be getting some if not that night then soon afterwards.
And then the entire bus stood up and clapped.
Dudes, try to make your self-aggrandizing antifeminist bedtime stories at least a little bit plausible.
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@Big Titty Demon
No argument that Choi Minho was too thin then- he like most idols- starved. Male idols coming out of the military often look very good to me- they’re mostly at least 10-15 kg heavier than before enlistment.
Schwarzenegger admitted to steroid use right? Also he used drugs recreationally during the period he competed. (I remember he talked about pot in Pumping Iron, but don’t remember if he talked about steroids.)
@ mrs morley
He has; he’s been very open about it.
At the time he was competing, steroids were seen as a perfectly legitimate, and safe, aid to recovery after training. However his training partner died after suffering organ failure; and Arnie himself thinks his own cardiac issues may be down to the steroids. Steroids are now known to increase the risk of such issues. So he is very anti steroid use now.
@Alan Robertshaw- thank you for the reminder!
@ mrs morley
Glad to be of service!
It’s ironic. I can remember an interview from years ago; but I can’t remember anyone’s name if I have to click on a new page.
@ mrs morley
This pop singer went into the army. I believe one or two teenage girls thought he was quite attractive.
@Alan Robershaw
Yes, the young Elvis was very pretty.
Young Mr. Presley there is a pretty, pretty man. I’m told he was also a good singer and made a lot of money.
I think these MRA boys have no idea how much work it takes even without steroids (starving, no carbs allowed ever, dehydration, constant exercise) to get giant and/or well-defined muscles. That’s why the K-pop idols look better after the army; they’ve finally had a regular sleep/work schedule and 3 meals a day, plus no world travel or photo shoots. It’s got to be easier.
Also, the MRAs don’t think of the other side effect of getting so swole via steroids: the… shrinkage and non-functioning. Muscular Chad ain’t got no thundercock.
(rumor has it Arnie’s got a device to, er, pump him up)
Here’s Arnie talking about steroid use. First, back in the 70s when he was competing. Then from a few years back.
Ah, yes, something I find myself saying in arguments all the time.
Actually, I did here at WHTM leave a comment once in the last year or two years (what even is time anymore) that did sort of read as “All masculine things are bad. Anyone who wants to be masculine is bad.” That’s not how I intended it, but it absolutely read that way, and I know a transmasc person commented after saying something like, uh, if there’s no healthy or kind way to be masculine, then what options do I have? Anyways, I’m really sorry. By the time I came back and realized how hurtful my comment was, it was days later, and the thread was dead, so it seemed too late to apologize. Much overdue apology now.
There are absolutely good ways to be masculine! There’s no good way to be like……….. these guys.
@GSS: To be fair, Elvis took up one of the styles I learned, Kenpo Karate. In a time before modern understandings of conditioning, he probably wasn’t in bad shape until he gained the weight.
@Viscaria: It’s definitely good that you are saying that – as much as for many people the assumption that there’s some essentialist bigoted agenda is being made just out of fear and hate and privilege, collateral damage is real.
This is for Alan and anybody else who agrees that The Wicker Man is an important example of British cinema.
@ Vicky P
Heh, knowing various Scots from the East and West and Highlands and Lowlands that is very relatable. My old pupil master is now a crofter in the Hebrides. That video is no exaggeration. He keeps asking us to visit him; but the airport is shut on Sunday. We complained about how parochial that was. Then it turned out he was one of the main campaigners for that. We pointed out he’s not even religious but he said it was the principle.
But like the joke goes: Why are there more Rangers fans than Celtic fans?
Because it’s easier to shout “Fuck the Pope” than “Fuck the Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland.”
I figured you’d enjoy it. 🙂