dating tips misogyny PUA twitter very bad advice

@TheManMakerX is making men one terrible tweet at a time

“In just seven days I can make you a man”

TheManMakerX is a pickup artist who sells his wares on Twitter, where he’s built up (or perhaps just bought) a decent following of curious men drawn in by the little nuggets of (what I guess is supposed to be) dating advice he doles out in his often enigmatic tweets.

His profile explains that he will show his followers “how The Female Brain works, what motivates them, why they do what they do,” promising a mixture of “Discipline,” “Dating,” and “MindGames.”

His profile picture adds a little to his aura of mystery, given that it’s quite clearly a picture of Jason Statham. There are only three possible explanations.

  • MrManmaker accidentally posted a picture of Jason Statham instead of himself. Oopsie!
  • MrManMaker is Jason Statham
  • MrManMaker is a professional Jason Statham impersonator., and a pretty good one at that.

Regardless, let’s see what we can learn from this mysterious man-making man.

Huh. That’s not a promising start.

Yeah, we got it the first time.

And Land O’ Lakes makes men and women butter.

Salahuddin said that? That Salahuddin? And where exactly are all these young nudists, anyway. (Asking for research purposes.)

I can vouch for this one as one of my cats is continually trying to eat me.

Aw crap.

I’m having a little trouble getting this metaphor here. If you buy the whole woman you can use the “door” whenever you want? That’s not always true even in real estate; I’m pretty, pretty sure it’s not ever the case with women, who are not buildings.

Says the guy posting a picture of Jason Statham as his profile pic.

If you’re toxic I hope she can get free of you as quickly as possible.

Yeah, we got the idea the first time.

Sure thing, Mr Machiavelli.

MrManMaker also likes to do tweets that aren’t about what they’re ostensibly about. And so he tells us this, every time, although you’d have to be pretty obtuse to not get that whatever the ostensible topic is, it’s really just a metaphor for dating life.

Thanks for telling us this isn’t about fishing because we never would have figured it out.

I just hope he didn’t have to figure out this insight the hard way after trying to feed his date worms.

No shit this isn’t “about bus.” With buses, you always run, because the next one may not be by for 20 minutes.

Just a little crass. Also not true, of cars or women.

Just to be absolutely clear here, never ask a deer about how to hunt deer because they can’t talk and don’t even know what language is.

I’m pretty sure this guy has never owned a cat, because then he would know that you basically have to give the cat as much attention as the cat wants because otherwise they’ll come and sit on your keyboard. Also, cats already think they’re lions. I mean, look at this utterly fearless lil beast.

There are at least a half dozen other videos of cats chasing off bears on YouTube.

“About meal.”

It’s almost as if this woman-whisperer actually hates women.

And now he’s sounding like an incel.

MrManMaker also likes to set up little challenges for his followers.

“Excuse me, miss. Do you have a face or is it just hair all the way around?”

“Excuse me, ma’am, Are you photoshopped or are you compressing your internal organs with a way-too-tight corset?”

Well, at least he didn’t use this picture.

I’ve got nothing left to say about MrManMaker, so let’s wrap this up. Please don’t follow any of his advice.

Here’s the song that inspired my graphic up top.

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Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
2 years ago

Frank-n-Furter knows much more about man making than this guy, tho.

2 years ago

“Stop spoiling goals because of holes” sounds like it could be useful sports advice. I guess it doesn’t really work in golf. But if you interpret holes metaphorically, it could be a thing a soccer coach constantly yells at the team.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
2 years ago

I think the “X” in his Twitter handle must stand for “excruciatingly stupid”.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

How do you open?

I’m pretty sure these young women don’t want me to “open.” But if they were, romantically speaking, my type and seemed as though they might not be appalled by my approach, I would smile. I might even say hello. If they wanted to take it from there, so be it. If not, so be it. This is what a civilized person does.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

This tweet is not about Cars.

I’m so confused. What is it about?

Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

If you don’t take out the garbage, your home will start to smell and attract vermin.

This comment isn’t about garbage.

Tim Lieder
2 years ago

If you don’t rub the lotion in, you will get the hose again.

This is not about lotion

Unty M
Unty M
2 years ago

Growing beard doesn’t make you a man.

As an enby who can grow a beard, I’m fine with that!

I somehow suspect, though, that Fake Jason Statham would just be another name on my list of people who both insist that I’m not a man and insist that I am a man.

Fred B-C
2 years ago

Flush shit.

This post is not about shit.

happy cat
happy cat
2 years ago

“Never accept a gift that’s already been opened, used and played with”.

So if you have two children and the elder gives the younger their bicycle when they outgrow it, the younger should refuse and demand a brand new one?

What a spoilt brat!

(Yes, I know this tweet is not about bicycles. It’s still a terrible tweet)

occasional reader
occasional reader
2 years ago

Hmm, should not have skimmed the first tweet, i was reading “Chase a goat, not a mole”.

Anyway, give an anus too much credit and it’ll start to think it’s a brain. This is not about anatomy.

2 years ago

Well, at least he didn’t use this picture.

Those pants look pretty awesome, actually. Too bad they are being worn by a shapeshifter which mistook Jessica Rabbit for the ideal feminine appearance.

Seth S
Seth S
2 years ago

“If you’re toxic she’ll never forget you”.

Well… I mean, if you’re okay with your existence being a lifelong warning to others….. I guess that’s sort of a legacy? Not a very good one, to be sure, but…

2 years ago

But… where is he going to find all those virgins? If you follow his advice to not “use” anything that has been used before, the first thing you say to the women in his examples would be “Excuse me, miss, but have you ever had sex?” Because you don’t want to waste your time, right? And if she says yes, then crap, you have to find someone else to bother seduce.

You would drastically reduce your own dating pool. And I thought the very thing about pick-up artistry was that you were the conqueror, the hunter who fells every prey, the pussy slayer – manly bragging and showing off your many sexual victories like the Bolshevik lady from yesterday showing off her carrots.

How do you do that if you have to spend a lot of time just searching for the carrots?

The sentence above was not about carrots.

But I guess it wouldn’t surprise me if he is one of those who thinks it is a good idea to go after very young girls, and complains about cock-blocking parents.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Never ask a deer how to hunt deer. They’ll lead you down the wrong path.

He’s telling on himself here.

The reason not to ask a deer how to hunt deer would be because you’re at cross-purposes. Either the deer gets what it wants, or the hunter does, but never both.

Now which interaction with women would be analogous, out of these two?

  1. They have consensual sex, to mutual delight.
  2. He rapes her.

“PUA”/”redpiller”/etc. stuff is not and never has been about dating, consensual one-night stands, or anything of the sort; that’s just somewhat implausible deniability. It is, and always has been, about how to perpetrate date rape and get away with it, and how to excuse it to oneself in various ways. Not a single one of this sorry lot who’s been profiled here has not at some point told on himself, this latest one included. Doosh may have been the crassest and most vulgar of the lot, but all of the others have been the same, just with a bit more dapper clothing on top of it.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Linked at one of the articles Alan linked to:

Putin shakes during February meeting with Lukashenko
If it was that bad in February, goodness knows how far his decline has progressed in the 2 to 3 months since then … and how desperate he’s getting to cement his legacy, and to do it quickly.

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t wish for a sick person to have a swift decline, but for Putin I’ll make an exception. If he takes a turn for the worse that has him dead, or bedridden in the hospital with someone taking over as acting president, suddenly enough, he might cross the “willing to push the Button” threshold only minutes or seconds before being incapacitated from doing so. Whereas if his decline isn’t swift, several billion other people’s might be.

2 years ago

A parody account with a Li Shang avatar could be fantastic. But I don’t have time to make it.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ surplus

Yeah, Putin looks like that famous last video of Hitler giving medals to the young kids (which, contrary to popular belief, was actually filmed quite some time before it all went boom boom shaped in the bunker).

But there have been lots of rumours about Putin’s health. Leadership can obviously take its toll generally. Just look at Obama. After 8 years his hair was so white it could have run for the GOP nomination. But I suspect Mr P is under quite a lot of pressure; and it wouldn’t surprise me if his former FSB colleagues may be chemically hastening his decline.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
2 years ago

If you are massively insecure, woman-hating, and unemployable, become a “life coach” on Twitter!

This comment is not about lions.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

This comment is not a pipe.

Seriously, this guy’s got a very high opinion of himself, doesn’t he? Sphinx of Mystery Men (anybody else remember that movie?) was more fun, though admittedly it’s easier to sell lines like “To learn my teachings, I must first teach you how to learn” if you’re Wes Studi.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Vicky P

I love that film; it’s so good hearted. And The Sphinx was full of good advice.

“Sometimes, the true hero is the one with the courage to run away.”

“I like the way this man thinks!”

(I also like your Magritte reference.)

2 years ago

Don’t get your dating advice from Twitter.

This comment is not about from.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

The upcoming boxing match has been cancelled.

This comment is not a bout.

2 years ago

@Alan: Reminds me of this game:

The goal was to have your faction in charge of the party chair for a certain number of years but various stressors would effectively age all the committee members so there was a constant risk of your favored candidates dying off.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ specialffrog

Ooh, that looks interesting. And reminds me, must try to watch Death of Stalin at some stage (I’ll put it on my ten year old list of films to catch up on).

But yeah, if I was Putin right now I’d be using my own teapot.

There’s a sort of corollary to this. A film called Roseanna’s Grave (alternatively For Roseanna).

Basic plot. A woman is dying. Her last wish is to be buried next to her daughter. But there is only one plot left in the village church, and all the elderly parishioners want it. Being good Catholics of course they can’t hasten their own deaths. They can however take risks.

So the lady’s husband takes it upon himself to ensure all the other residents of the village outlive his wife.

So it’s like a reverse murder plot. He has to sneak around, mending their wonky staircases and swapping the stuff in their fridges for healthier alternatives.

It’s a very weird, but rather sweet, film.