So here are a few little tales I found on Reddit that sound like they were directed by M. Night Shyamalan ; you’ll want to read them until their ends, as that’s where the real magic happens.
First, a 4chan anon turns a rom-com into a horror movie.

This kind fellow worked so hard, didn’t even get a handjob out of it.

This helpful and reassuring fellow has an unexpected question.

Well, maybe not THAT unexpected.
Anyway, ladies feel free to email this guy anytime.

This one quickly descends into chaos:

BuT GIrLs hAvE iT So EasY oN DaTing SiTeS!
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“You don’t find it funny because you haven’t been on chans long enough”
So, divorced from reality and/or a sociopath, like I said. Got it.
Preaching to the converted I know, and people who do need to read this, won’t. But hey ho.
Now that Squack has quacked out some ableism, can we ban their desperate-for-negative-attention ass?
Nope, still don’t get waht the joke is.
@LouCPurr: Seconded.
@LouCPurr Thirded. I’d rather a thousand “Make money from the comfort of your home” spam comments than any more squawks for him.
On the subject of rape ‘humor’, George Carlin once took offense to the idea that one shouldn’t joke about rape. George Carlin is a comic revered by many, and I have enjoyed some of his routines, but he was a straight white man and sometimes this caused him to take some wrong turns*. This ‘rape joke’ routine was possibly the worst. What made it so terrible is that it was from the rapist’s point of view.
A few years ago, I made the mistake of looking at the comments for a Raw Story article about a 12-year-old girl’s sexual assault, and someone decided to quote the entirety of George Carlin’s rape joke routine. Since someone that they saw as a humor authority had written it, they figured it was appropriate.
On the other hand, Wanda Sykes did a routine from the viewpoint of someone who fears being raped. That was a funny-because-it’s true bit. Not a laugh-out-loud kind of routine, more one that elicits rueful laughter.
*He mocked women and girls with anorexia. And he lambasted people who put babies in slings as too lazy to carry their children, which is a clear indication that he never had to do much child care.
Dipshit the Gullible: we can aways count on him to bring the stupid.
Oh, good, now Squack is adding ableism to his variety show of vileness. Fourthing the request for a ban.
Newsflash: I’m autistic, and one of the reasons that I never got a date in college was that I was terrified of coming across as creepy, so I basically never tried to flirt. It was the neurotypical guys who thought women would find “only joking” threats charming.
“You don’t find it funny because you haven’t been on chans long enough”
Somebody’s never seen or read Ionesco’s Rhinoceros.
Fixed it for him.
News Flash: You were terrified of coming across as creepy, because you probably are; behavior that would seem cute or quirky coming from an autistic woman automatically becomes a sign that you’re an emotionally-stunted school shooter in the making if you’re male. May as well tr4nnymax and go for the lesbians.
Also gotta laugh at everyone missing the point of the last post. The story itself isn’t what’s funny, it’s all the channers who act like that getting made fun of while the ones with shit theory of mind chime in that the exact same thing has happened to them or whatever. Anon’s totally giggling at these other cheeto-fingered recluses seeing themselves as the story’s protagonists. Get it?
Fuck aaalllll the way off. You have no cause to insult Allandrel like that… Or to insult me like that. You’re sitting there laughing while people like us struggle to survive? Get fucked.
Fourthing the request for a ban. I’ll be notifying David.
@Allandrel, Jesus Christ dude I am so sorry. And please believe me, I’ve seen nothing from you here that I’d expect of anyone but an absolute mensch.
I see Squack’s doubling down on the childish behavior again.
Also anyone who thinks autistic women have it easy can go to hell. If anything we’re considered even less worthy of respect than the men. For men being unsexy is inconvenient, for women it can literally be a death sentence, because that much of our worth is measured by whether we’re fuckable.
Srsly Sqack you’re a piece of shit. Get lost.
@Victorious Parasol
Squack would have to be rather more self-aware that they have evidenced so far to do anything like admiting he is wrong – the mature thing to do, so of course he defaults to childish. An unpleasant little tick all round
@Cyborgette: It’s also just bullshit. I’ve had friends who were in chan culture and could see this as vile.
Yeah, there wasn’t an entire pet genre of shows that had people who were implied to be on the spectrum or had some other unusual behavior quirk but actually super awesome cops or doctors or whatever, right?
You’re so committed to being an asswit that you literally contradicted yourself. Either women get away with all of this unusual behavior and men don’t, a claim you pulled precisely out of your backside, and then the fear she was having was illegitimate, or they don’t and her fear was legitimate and she was coming off creepy.
What’s so fucked up, Squack, is that I was going to ask if you’ve talked to women who are non-neurotypical or break the mold of society’s behavioral expectations in some way and just asked them how they are treated, but, well, you just got told about it and fucking denied it in order to try to maintain your false sense of non-equivalence. You could just have admitted that, actually, society really sucks at dealing with the non-neurotypical, the mentally ill and the mentally disabled. But nope! Men gotta rule and women gotta drool, right?
Never mind that your false equivalence here undercuts your immediately subsequent claim that everyone is laughing at the “cheeto-fingered recluses” when you reflexively adopt their framing and worldview.
Squack. Squack, Squack, Squack.
This is self-serving bullshit.
This is literally an object of study, dude. We actually know you are wrong. It’s not a secret in 2022, except apparently to clueless disingenuous fucks like yourself, that the anonymity culture on image boards and elsewhere can promote a two-facedness where people can express their sincere awful feelings, getting one audience to think it’s a joke and another to emphatically think it isn’t. After Q fell out of chan culture, you have no fucking excuse.
It’s been some time since I’ve spent time around folks who are into chan culture, for very obvious reasons, but my friends who were into it absolutely would not have necessarily laughed at all of these stories. And my friends were definitely not the incel-adjacent types in any way. But even garden variety misogyny can make one see the world the way these nice guys see it.
The one good thing from this utter line of tripe is that it tells me that you know on some level that there are in fact people who read these responses and take them very seriously is really, really worrying. You want to distance yourself from those people. Sure, it has the massive downside of you downplaying a very real social problem, but it at least shows that you can see that nice guy culture, a very real thing, is a massive, massive issue.
You’re almost certainly going to be booted soon because you can’t communicate like an adult, but hopefully at least some of this gets through first.
“Get fucked.”
I thought that that was something you people didn’t want me to do?
“If anything, autistic women… unsexy…literal death sentence…bla bla bla”
Lol, what, are the Ugly Police gonna arrest you and have you tried for capital offense in Ugly Court? People will still try and fuck you if you’re an autistic woman, if you’re a man your grubby hygiene and infodumps about Bionicles and Nabisco logos will just dry a woman up like a baby wipe in the Sahara.
tl;dr. You are an ass face that delights in eating mayonnaise off of your father’s cock until you vomit.
@ fred b-c
I was once in a restaurant. There was a kid kicking off at another table, like real Verucca Salt style; but the adults were just ignoring that. But then someone from another table walked over and said to the child “If you want to sit with the grown ups, then you must behave like a grown up.” It was amazing to watch. The kid suddenly shut up and her parents looked mortified. It was almost a real ‘and then everybody clapped’ moment though.
But I do find myself reminded of that right now.
ETA: I would also add, most portrayals of Alan Turing to your list. Although by all accounts he was actually very witty and sociable. But they also portray Sherlock Holmes like that now too. Although, in the books, he has amazing social skills. He’s just a terrible housemate.
Bit of Turing trivia though. In the war he was persuaded that he should convert all his cash to silver ingots; which he did. He then buried them; but forgot where. After the war he did remember, but by then they’d built Milton Keynes on top of them. Presumably there’s a treasure hunt possibility there.
Squack is banned, for obvious reasons.
And so it begins…
Ah, ninja’d by David’s intercession.
No sure why anyone is taking Dipshit seriously; he’s the stupidest troll we’ve ever had here by a huge margin.
He makes seagull-guy look like a fucking genius.
He’s so mind-bendingly dumb, he actually believes that he’s smart.
It’s really pathetic…
It’s great that Squack really stuck the flounce. For all of the pretense of caring about shit like boobs and whatever other anti-feminist tripe he had internalized, at the end it was just screaming insults instead of having integrity and revealing that he was indeed exactly the “nice guy” he pretended to despise.
I’ll never fully understand what leads one to have worldviews based off of something like this. I get that it can be very hard to look past yourself, but there should be that tiny voice that says, “Wait a minute, is it true that, say, no women goes without sex who may want sex? That’s… actually really unlikely, right? Maybe I’ll check?” Let alone the lack of attention to the idea that maybe everyone’s concerns are less about just getting laid and more about respect? Even as a dumb teenager I got that idea. In particular, I’ll never understand getting so mad about beliefs I don’t even hold. It’s hard enough fighting for the things that feel important to me.
@Alan: To be totally clear (not that you said otherwise but since we’re talking about the trope), I am not saying that this kind of “positive” male representation of people who are clearly intended to evoke some understanding of non-neurotypicality in the public means that men with disabilities have it easy somehow. But there is definitely a difference between a representation that may be of questionable validity that are nonetheless well-intentioned. I just found it funny that I had just watched an analysis of Hannibal that used the Community clip making fun of the predominance of that trope.
And, to be fair, there’s also an ugly trope of non-neurotypicality as shorthand for villainy: Lex Luthor in Batman v. Superman, for example. But that example itself is illustrative (i.e. it comes from one of the content creators on the planet most associated with the visual language and representations of heroism of fascists and Randians), and, again, even negative representation can at least humanize (especially when that representation is intended to have some amount of complexity as that tends to breed empathy even when that’s not the author’s intent), whereas invisibility is much crueler. Also, a lot of it is trying to capture the appearance of Silicon Valley douches like Zuckerberg and Musk.
I’m actually not aware of any prominent female character who’s been coded in this fashion. I bet if I go to TVTropes I’ll find a number of examples, but definitely not at this volume.
@ fred b-c
Yeah. I think it’s hard for fiction writers, even when they’r trying to get it right (as opposed to Sheldon Big Bang type portrayals). But that’s like representation generally. The fine balance between writing “X character” as opposed to ‘character who just happens to be X.”
But minorities aren’t monolithic groups of course. So there’s always that danger of one size fits all generic tokenism. I guess that will change as there’s more representation. You’ll be able to have minority characters who are allowed their own individual personalities, rather than just being a stereotype.
Thanks. It’s been a major issue affecting my self-worth, but I’ve long become inured to assholes hike Squack. Who, of course, just had to pile transphobia on top of his ableism.
I will admit to just a little disappointment that he was banned before I could get in I could get in a “infodumps about Bionicles and Nabisco logos? Shows what you know. My infodumps are about G.I. Joe and film studio logos.”
@Fred B-C
Regarding female leads given that treatment, the only to that come to mind from the last few decades are Temperance Brenna from Bones and Maura Isles from Rizzoli & Isles. Neither was ever canonically stated or speculated to be on the spectrum, but like similar male characters in the shows you listed the view is very common in the fandoms.
Autistic coding, like gay coding, is one of those things where people either seem to understand immediately or they can’t accept it no matter how you explain it.
Which makes it especially difficult to get people to understand how harmful certain robot character archetypes are, where the traits that are used to code them as “not really human” are the exact same traits used to code human characters as autistic.
Which was part of a recent kerfuffle in the fandom of a webcomic where an autistic character called out an NT character for calling her “robot girl,” and for every autistic commenter sympathizing and praising her there were three NTs lecturing us that “It wasn’t a dehumanizing insult, it was a compliment, because robots are cool. And definitely not a dehumanizing anti-autistic slur, because I, a neurotypical person, have never encountered it as such, and my ignorance clearly outweighs the lived experience of all you think-skinned autistic people.”
Wow, that was quite an extended meltdown.