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Move to “Ooga-boogastan” where sex is more cost-effective, and other dating tips from the MensRights subreddit

Don’t spend “cash for gash” unless you can get it for a big discount

I found some lovely dating advice for frugal men in a discussion of dating apps on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

ThisIsSevenOfSwords 5 points 3 days ago 
Throwing cash for access to gash is simply a money pit. If OP really wanted to "long-game", he should move out of a Western country with his assets in tact and make a decision to start a family in Ooga-boogastan and he wouldn't even have to blow money on braces for it lmao.

If he just wants to spin plates, then he really has to justify that sort of investment with his time and money of which I find to be severely lacking in most cases. If he really wanted to play "short-term" he would simply engage in sex tourism where prostitution is legal without having to buy fancy clothes to impress anyone and still get the opportunity to penetrate. It pretty much comes down to time-preference and value, which of course is subjective. It really all just depends on what OP wants, but perhaps he doesn't know what he wants yet...

I have some, er, suggestions of my own for ThisIsSevenOfSwords, but I’m not sure any of them are suitable for publication.

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Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

So the commenter is SevenofSwords? He’s referencing the Tarot deck.

comment image

Here’s what Wikipedia says:

Divination usage

A hasty decision, greed and/or thoughtless behavior, the individual acts in an impulsive fashion. It represents secret plans, hidden dishonor, frustration and the possibility of failure.

Common interpretation

The Seven of Swords, when upright, means to use your wits for diplomacy and not to use aggression. This is why it can be viewed as secret planning or hidden dishonor. Your acts may be legitimate. However, you prefer to use your mind and intellect rather than force or via obvious means.

The Reversed meaning of the card means excess use of intellect with little success on an outcome, to surrender, or to have little care on solving a problem. The questioner needs to break away from ingrained habits or ways to approach problems.

Rider–Waite symbolism

The figure is taking stealthy steps, looking back to examine the scene he is leaving. Apparently he is doing something he knows he should not be doing, and is attempting to get away with it anyway.

2 years ago

I guess his seven swords are as blunt as his brain.

Gerald Fnord
Gerald Fnord
2 years ago

I doubt his typical reader has invested any of their assets in tact.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
2 years ago

I’m intrigued by the assumption that Oogaboogastanis are A. going to be willing to offer their daughter to a random American and B. not going to charge him a great deal for her if they are.

I’m minded of a conversation I once had with a coworker from a nation ending in ‘-stan’, who was blown away to discover the concept of a dowry, as opposed to bride-price. “I had to pay thirty thousand American dollars for my wife,” he told me. “I mean, she was worth it! She’s a beautiful woman, very educated, an electrical engineer. But I was in graduate school, and getting the money was really hard. Why would someone give a man his daughter AND money?”

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
2 years ago

It would be great if they’d move to their own planet somewhere. One uninhabited before their arrival so as not to subject any living thing to their, um, charm.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
2 years ago

@David: You might want to take shelter. I’m about to facepalm hard enough to register on every seismograph between San Francisco and Beijing.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
2 years ago

Where, geographically, is Oogaboogastan? Is it in Africa, or is it part of the former Soviet bloc?

Let’s split the difference and put it in the middle of the Persian Gulf, which is the perfect spot for these guys to start a family.

Patty Thinkerer
Patty Thinkerer
2 years ago


Oooh, good catch there! He picked a fitting username, then?

2 years ago

Wherever and whatever Oogaboogastan is, with its cheap and desperate women (I’m sure they all weigh exactly 80 lbs too), the OP clearly doesn’t understand that the ladies thereof who get attention from Americans usually expect to get married (the horror), receive plenty of money and other good things, and eventually emigrate to the United States with the Ugly American who woos them, along with their families.

Last time I checked, it cost ten to twenty thousand for an Oogaboogastani bride, and that was just the finder’s fee (sarc). The marriage and life afterwards helping his new in-laws will follow.(Events based on some real-life situations that I learned about).

Sometimes, the Feds get involved in fraudulent green card deals too. It’s a very sad thing and lawyers and prison terms are even more expensive.

The OP might consider that it’s cheaper to harass ordinary local women, even if they do want him to get a job.

Last edited 2 years ago by Malintzin
2 years ago

@Buttercup. I couldn’t agree more! Besides, these guys think they are geniuses, so just because the Persian Gulf does not contain dry land does not mean they couldn’t find some place to start a family.

Fred B-C
2 years ago

Checking on the Reddit, I didn’t see any critical replies to his comment. And he had five upvotes.

But men’s rights groups aren’t bigoted!

2 years ago


Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ buttercup

Where, geographically, is Oogaboogastan?

If you find out, can you let Boris Johnson know so we can see if they’re up for a post Brexit trade deal?

2 years ago

If you find out, can you let Boris Johnson know so we can see if they’re up for a post Brexit trade deal?

I thought he’s too busy solving the Muntab question.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Pretty sure Boris is busy thinking up some new insult towards the Ooogaboogastanians and/or checking on their local kind of booze.

These guys also severely underestimate the ability of other nations to keep undesirables out, and their dislike of random American men a) showing up b) moving in on the native women. The kind of women they’re interested in go for much more money than they have, as @Podkayne’s co-worker can attest.

Honestly, just move to rural Nevada and patronize brothels. The ladies will patronize them (other meaning) right back, I’m sure. Or try some Southern hellhole state where they can marry a teenager and live cheaply.

@Kat: oooh, good catch! Spot on. LOL.

Ikarikid the Dumb
Ikarikid the Dumb
2 years ago

Here I thought Oogaboogastan was the land from King’s Quest VII. You know, the one populated by beings that can remove their own spinal cords at will?

(If that isn’t the case: I only played KQ7 once and that was years ago)

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

You know, the one populated by beings that can remove their own spinal cords at will?

I believe that place is named “Congress”.