Apparently if a movie series has female protagonists some of the time, it’s an outright cultural assault on men. At least that’s what one Men’s Rights Redditor is arguing. About Star Wars. Take it away, Vinniikii:
Most men lost Disney decades ago, the ethnic men and other non cis white heterosexual men lost Disney even earlier. We didn’t get to enjoy misandrist animations, we had to find stories that celebrated men on our own.
For most of many men’s life, Star Wars was the gold standard for that entertainment.
I did not know that Star Wars was the only force, heh heh, holding up masculinity in the west.
While Lucas lost his way in the 2000s with the movies, men online used video game technology to create huge communities. Star Wars meant imaginative freedom and complicated accomplishment.
Now, Disney has begun the misandrification of Star Wars.
“Misandrification,” huh?.
The foregrounding of evil old man Palpatine and abandonment of huge open galaxy for feminist, single mother ruins. The constant ideology and purposeful teaching moments.
Er, I’m admittedly a couple of Star Wars movies behind but what the fuck are you talking about, dude?
Even many of the feminists this is supposed to cater to, reject it on sight as false, a rehash of rehash, so resolutely insistent on hating men that it refuses to allow them to succeed or prosper in any way.
How are these movies male hating?
Do you have the conditioned response to pervasive Disney influenster misandry? I know whenever I see their pseudo original memes I cringe, the same reaction I used to have to fratty homophobic presentation, this material is going to hate and demean men without warning. The “safe target” is evil no matter who the scape goat.
I’m completely lost at this point. Maybe give some examples of this terrible misandry of which you speak?
So much of gamer hate is simple misandry. They are so reactionary and attack focus they forget to achieve or accomplish. So sad to see Disney become the locus of current hate, using false narrative of “accessibility/inclusion” to profile and exclude. Changing Star Wars bc they couldn’t compete.
Well, that answers precisely none of my questions.
In the comments, though, Vinniikii gives a couple of examples of the misandrificationizing of which he speaks. After accusing one critic of “gaslighting,” he declares that
Padme is high key the star of 2 and Obi/Qui are gay so you don’t really have a point. Jar Jar is a misandrified Chewbacca. Also the whole single mother plot line in 1. … Ewoks are neutered Chewbacca. Every movie had less virility.
Ewoks are “neutered?” They’re murderous forest monsters who may be eating the stormtroopers they kill. Don’t mess with Ewoks.
Elsewhere in the comments Vinniikii suggests that
we’ve finally started to come out of the total man-hating era where a man couldn’t even wear the traditional symbol of masculine pride, a fedora.
This made me wonder for a moment if Vinniikii was a troll, but a scroll through his comment history suggests that, nope, he’s serious. Ridiculous, but serious.
But what do I know? I’m a misandrificationalist.
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@.45: “I can’t believe little kids like [Jar-Jar].”
To be fair, kids like all sorts of rather silly/dumb stuff. Think of the first jokes kids tell!
@Moon Custafer: There’s a TF2 fan video based on the venerable Disney Short The Skeleon Dance, of all things– and the guy did a really good job of it!
@ Nequam:
Aw! Love me a good Skeleton Dance homage!
@ Jenora
I was not aware of this; but having read some reviews I very much should have been. Right up my Strasse!
I didn’t even know Gary had written a full on book. I do so love the Far Side though so I’ll keep an eye out for this in the bookstores I frequent.
Thank you!
I know there are at least couple of commentators here who might want to see the origin of life chemistry I finally posted about.
OK, I don’t know what I’m doing differently today to prompt all of this harassment, but, well, I need to know.
First my access to this site was obstructed for half an hour. Then my power was shut off for half an hour, and after just under two hours, it was shut off again, that time for a full hour.
I am being treated way, way worse today than I was yesterday and I deserve to know why. If there is something I’m doing wrong today that I was doing right yesterday then tell me! Punishing me without my knowing what I’m (allegedly) doing wrong does not work. It won’t deter me from doing whatever-it-is when I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be deterred from doing!
And if it’s nothing I’m doing wrong, then I guess it’s just plain bullying rather than punishment per se. And then I really, really need to know how to defend myself against this type of bullying. This is extremely disruptive to my activities and to my life!
This is what happens when a very bad writer thinks he’s a very good writer.
@ brony
Wow, that was a stunning piece of work. Must have taken you ages. It’s a testament to your clarity of thought and the way you explain things that, even though I am woefully ignorant of the hard science here, I was able to follow your thesis.
Couple of points arise.
How important were membranes in early evolution. I believe that viruses are just genetic code in a mucous membrane (might be wrong on that). But does your Lysine hypothesis mean something akin to a virus was the ancestor of the first proper cells?
Do the base pairs in DNA and RNA always bond with their usual opposite? Or can you get a mutation or copying error so you might have an AU pair in DNA or a TA pair in RNA? Are there enough free bases of all five kinds floating around to enable that?
Are there any other viable base pairs? I’m wondering what alien DNA might look like. Would it even be DNA? Might it be RNA? Or could it be the case that there’s a third or more option? Is that even possible or are only oxygenated and deoxygenated nucleotides the only possible options?
Star Wars is rather relentlessly masculine, in the traditional sense. Even the introduction of female leads like Rey hasn’t really changed that.
I don’t like all the Star Wars movies but that’s not here nor there.
It’s hard for me to say. How much of membrane biosynthesis is present in non-enxymatic basic ocean chemistry? Maybe ribosomal proteins protected ribosomes from water and membranes? Maybe “micelles” were already common and ribosomes lived in them? The bacteria fossils could be micelles.
There are “wobble” base pairs.
How important were membranes in early evolution.
It’s hard for me to say. How much of membrane biosynthesis is present in non-enxymatic basic ocean chemistry? Maybe ribosomal proteins protected ribosomes from water and membranes? Maybe “micelles” were already common and ribosomes lived in them? The bacteria fossils could be micelles.
I believe that viruses are just genetic code in a mucous membrane (might be wrong on that). But does your Lysine hypothesis mean something akin to a virus was the ancestor of the first proper cells?
Ribosomes and viruses might have a common ancestral pool of RNAs, ribosomes wen’t on to learn to make cells.
Do the base pairs in DNA and RNA always bond with their usual opposite? Or can you get a mutation or copying error so you might have an AU pair in DNA or a TA pair in RNA? Are there enough free bases of all five kinds floating around to enable that?
Are there any other viable base pairs? I’m wondering what alien DNA might look like. Would it even be DNA? Might it be RNA? Or could it be the case that there’s a third or more option? Is that even possible or are only oxygenated and deoxygenated nucleotides the only possible options?
There are “wobble” base pairs.
Also there’s a whole layer of tRNA and mRNA modifications that make mature versions that have some of the dozens of kinds of nucleotide modifications. But this is the general pathway those are based on.
I messed up the copying and pasting I’m that comment. Let me know if I should repost.
@ brony
I predicted something!!!
Does the Nobel prize pay out in one go; or is it in instalments, like the lottery?
But no need to repost. Understood that fine.
Keep in mind this is speculation and maybe the chemistry doesn’t actually work out.
Another way of looking at membranes is control of hydrocarbons that get sequestered together by water. Water might be like being surrounded by constantly jostling beach balls with oppositely polarized ends pointed at one another.
That “coenzyme-A without the A” refers to the methyl groups, and short stretches of naked hydrocarbon along the rest of the molecule. Coenzyme-A is the cofactor that acts as the carbon skeleton construction platform for the fatty acids that go into membrane biosynthesis.
This is probably pointless, but…
No one is “punishing” you. No one is harassing you. No one is targeting you, or sin g Ling you out in any way.
Stuff just doesn’t work all the time because nobody is perfect. And these events make life difficult for everybody. Contrary to your frequent claims, everybody else is not coasting by in a world where everything works perfectly. No one can give you a Magic Button because such a thing foes not exist.
I had major problems this last weekend because not one, but two dialysis cycles stopped working, and suffered four days of distress and pain as a result, preventing me from doing anything those days. But as I lay there my second night without treatment, I did not think that someone was trying to kill me because Crap. Just. Happens.
To everybody.
That you think otherwise for something as minor as a blog being down for a few hours shows that you are not well. You need help. Psychiatric help, not help finding a nemesis that does not exist.
Please get help.
@ brony
You’ve certainly got me thinking. On all sorts of tangents. Abiogenesis fascinates me. I find panspermia quite plausible; but that just puts the issue back a step. I can’t help but think asymmetry is important in how we came to be somehow. Where did the anti-matter go? Why is life chiral? (panspermia may answer that; hence me giving it credence)
But replication and heredity seems, admittedly from sample size n=1, to arise spontaneously as soon as the conditions are viable. So I won’t be surprised if there’s simple life anywhere there’s a suitable liquid solvent and a bit of energy. But how did multi cellular life arise? Now that’s the question.
I like your idea that membranes may be just a purely mechanical chemistry thing. But of course they do seem to be a condition precedent for life. So that was handy.
@ allandrel
Oh no, my sympathies. That is such a pisser. Hope you’re on the mend now.
@ brony
With perfect synchronicity, John Godier just put this up.
No life without membranes? The idea doesn’t bother me. Early ribosomes and pre-ribosomes living in and on minerals. The biosphere may not support viral replication without cells anymore, that we know of.
@ Allandrel
I’m so sorry to hear about the dialysis problems. That sounds very hard to bear. All best wishes for better luck next time.
@ Allandrel
My sympathies. I hope things improve.
What you’re missing is that no storm or earthquake or whatever caused any of this … which means all of these incidents were the result of human choices. And that, in turn, means one or more humans made choices whose effects would cause me harm. When someone chooses to inflict harm on another, it is either punishment (coercion to deter a behavior), or it is bullying (every other case, where the harm is inflicted for the evulz rather than with any higher goal). So, either someone is punishing me or someone is bullying me.
Or — let’s look at this from another angle. I got up yesterday, went about my business, and went to bed again without any outside interference. Then I got up today and was subjected to repeated bouts of outside interference, each of which brought whatever I was doing at the time to a grinding halt. There was no substantial difference in the weather or any other such extra-civilizational factor that could explain this difference in outcomes, so the difference must have stemmed from people not all making the same choices today as the ones they made yesterday — and some of those choices resulted in harm to me. Either I made the different choices, and got punished for it, or some bully made the different choices. There does not seem to be any third alternative here.
Regardless, the fact is that the world treated me far worse today than it did yesterday and I am owed an explanation as to why.
> Allandrel
I wish you a quick recovery. Take care !
Oh, like on Steam ? Like the AH who, when Wingspan made a background for the Ramadan, came and whine a lot, while they were perfectly ok with Christmas and Easter ones ? Or the ones who were complaining when some game devs (russians and ukrainians) wrote messages condemning the russian attack of Ukraina ?
Sometimes, i miss a superpower which would allow me to solidify text and stuff it in the poster where the sun does not shine.
No, you’re not–nobody here owes you shit. And many have already given more than is healthy for them.
I’m tired of seeing your attempts to impose your entitled demands on the people here. There have already been multiple comments from people who find your behavior very distressing.
If you continue to act like this, I will attempt to get you put on moderation–unless the regulars request that I not.
Are you seriously suggesting that it is acceptable for me, or anyone, to be treated in a wholly arbitrary and capricious manner with no explanations given? Whims of the king sort of crap?
That sort of thing might fly in China, or Russia, or North Korea, but it doesn’t fly in Canada, where I am. Here, we are supposed to have things like due process rights. There certainly is a problem with large monopoly businesses being able to get away with crap that neither the public sector nor a competitive industry could get away with, but that does not make it right, contrary to the implications of your comment.
It doesn’t take an earthquake or something obvious to you to cause a power outage. There are also:
– Unfortunate squirrels in substations (8+ hours of my childhood)
– Failures of old power posts (sibling’s place recently, 1.5 days)
– tree limb/root failures
– Unfortunate eagle
– line slapping from sag in old cables
– blown fuses/whatever in substations
– ALL SORTS of mechanical/electrical failures at a power plant
It isn’t someone sitting at a terminal going “screw this guy in particular; I want So Many angry calls today, it’ll be FUN” I promise.