Apparently if a movie series has female protagonists some of the time, it’s an outright cultural assault on men. At least that’s what one Men’s Rights Redditor is arguing. About Star Wars. Take it away, Vinniikii:
Most men lost Disney decades ago, the ethnic men and other non cis white heterosexual men lost Disney even earlier. We didn’t get to enjoy misandrist animations, we had to find stories that celebrated men on our own.
For most of many men’s life, Star Wars was the gold standard for that entertainment.
I did not know that Star Wars was the only force, heh heh, holding up masculinity in the west.
While Lucas lost his way in the 2000s with the movies, men online used video game technology to create huge communities. Star Wars meant imaginative freedom and complicated accomplishment.
Now, Disney has begun the misandrification of Star Wars.
“Misandrification,” huh?.
The foregrounding of evil old man Palpatine and abandonment of huge open galaxy for feminist, single mother ruins. The constant ideology and purposeful teaching moments.
Er, I’m admittedly a couple of Star Wars movies behind but what the fuck are you talking about, dude?
Even many of the feminists this is supposed to cater to, reject it on sight as false, a rehash of rehash, so resolutely insistent on hating men that it refuses to allow them to succeed or prosper in any way.
How are these movies male hating?
Do you have the conditioned response to pervasive Disney influenster misandry? I know whenever I see their pseudo original memes I cringe, the same reaction I used to have to fratty homophobic presentation, this material is going to hate and demean men without warning. The “safe target” is evil no matter who the scape goat.
I’m completely lost at this point. Maybe give some examples of this terrible misandry of which you speak?
So much of gamer hate is simple misandry. They are so reactionary and attack focus they forget to achieve or accomplish. So sad to see Disney become the locus of current hate, using false narrative of “accessibility/inclusion” to profile and exclude. Changing Star Wars bc they couldn’t compete.
Well, that answers precisely none of my questions.
In the comments, though, Vinniikii gives a couple of examples of the misandrificationizing of which he speaks. After accusing one critic of “gaslighting,” he declares that
Padme is high key the star of 2 and Obi/Qui are gay so you don’t really have a point. Jar Jar is a misandrified Chewbacca. Also the whole single mother plot line in 1. … Ewoks are neutered Chewbacca. Every movie had less virility.
Ewoks are “neutered?” They’re murderous forest monsters who may be eating the stormtroopers they kill. Don’t mess with Ewoks.
Elsewhere in the comments Vinniikii suggests that
we’ve finally started to come out of the total man-hating era where a man couldn’t even wear the traditional symbol of masculine pride, a fedora.
This made me wonder for a moment if Vinniikii was a troll, but a scroll through his comment history suggests that, nope, he’s serious. Ridiculous, but serious.
But what do I know? I’m a misandrificationalist.
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@GSS ex-noob: FYI, Ontario does have some
form of active shooter drills in schools. At least Toronto does: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Elementary-School/Caring-Safe-Schools/Hold-and-Secure-Lockdown
@ gss ex-noob
My favourite capybara fact I learned from someone here is that, whilst the word capybara means ‘grass eater’, carpincho means ‘grass dude’. That just so suits them.
Argentine taxonomists: 10/10
@ .45
I must confess, when the edit timer used to count down and I was trying to amend a post before it ran out, I did like to pretend I was defusing a bomb.
@ contrapangloss
That’s an oxymoron surely?
But what’s your hound like about publicity? Would they be willing to allow a pic of themselves here?
Congratulations! Your first sweater is such an awesome knitting milestone. What kind did you make? My first sweater was an EPS raglan, pattern generated by this website (because too much math makes me nervous).
@Victorious Parasol
Thanks! That website looks amazing! I’ll have to try that out for my next sweater. For the first one I did a top down raglan from Ravelry.com called “Brick”. It’s nice because it has some collar shaping that gives it a bit of a boat/scoop neck (I don’t usually like fabric rubbing on my neck). I haven’t gotten to a point where I feel comfortable making my own patterns. Maybe one day!
Brick by Clare Lee? That’s LOVELY!
Yes, definitely give Knitting Fool’s pattern generator a try. It’s astonishingly flexible, and when you combine that with a good stitch dictionary to give you a wider choice of ribbing, you can ring a good many changes on the basic pattern. Or you can play around with color – contrast color for the ribbing (neck, wrists, hem), contrast color at the arms or in the main body of the sweater or the yoke, etc.
That’s the one!
I’m always so impressed by people who can create their own items without a specific pattern. It will be nice to have a little more flexibility on trying to make something for myself!
@Alan Robertshaw (and whomever else it might concern):
On the subject of Rodents Of Unusual Size, have a bamboo rat and her pup’s woodland encounter with another species’ young. (Bonus points if anyone out there can identify the hobbity pastoral background music; this song used to be in heavy rotation on my local NPR station’s ambient music program, and I never caught the artist or title.)
@ full metal ox
Aww, they’re adorable. And pretty huge. I’m not sure I knew they existed before you posted, but you go me googling. And now you’ve cleared up a mystery for me.
I went for a nice walk on the moors today. Didn’t see any giant rodents; but I did try to make friends with some disinterested sheep. They were occupying a hill fort. Didn’t put up much of a fight though.
The relevant hill fort, for people who like such things. Being Cornwall, its name translates as ‘Castle Castle’.
Best I can do is this. But any East Asian language specialists out there help?
@Alan Robertshaw:
Thank you! That proved to be all I needed to track down the song. I knew the bamboo rat video was Chinese, because it was originally posted on Douyin, China’s equivalent of TikTok. This online tool (https://translate.yandex.com/ocr) enabled me to translate the text; the song turns out to be “Forest Fantasia”, composed by Wu Jindai and performed by Taiwanese ocarina master You Xue Zhi (popularly known as Tao Di A-Zhi, “Ocarina Zhi”: https://www.chinawiki.net/thread/72/1499.html)
@ full metal ox
Glad to be of service.
And that translation site is amazing!
But anyway, brb, I just need to have a word with a tattooist and ask for my money back.
@Tim gueguen
I absolutely loved the fact that princess leiea was such a curmudgeon
@Alan: I, too, adore the term “carpincho”. It’s not in wider usage, so I can’t call them by that elsewhere, but as this is the place where I do the most talking about carpinchos, it hasn’t affected me much. 🙂
@contra: The weirdest reaction to my last booster was having one (or more?) of my glutes, on one side only, randomly twitching when I was lying down doing nothing. It only happened while I was going through the extremely mild fever/extra nap stage, and stopped the same time as those. I’d have understood it if it was a butt injection, but this puzzled me. I have injured myself in other ways, but never had that particular twitch. Ah, well, it didn’t bother me, all part of life’s rich pageant and a fun anecdote for online.
@Alan, re: Southeast Asian rodents: which led me to fondly remember
Also I lived in a city which boasts a geographical feature named “Table Mesa”.
@Megi: Her unimpressed delivery of “This is some rescue!” is great.
@Alan: I promise I will share a dog pic as soon as I either stop being a bum and get my laptop out instead of existing on a phone when not at work OR remember how to coerce the phone into letting me share/embed a link to a picture instead of a blog.
He is adorable. And sweet. And cuddly. And active.
I’ll try to pick an active-ish thread with your name in it, if it takes me a while to fight tech inertia.
@GSS ex-noob
That is a weird side effect. Since no recent vaccines, I’m guessing my butt/hip-half hating me is because I did a stupid step at some point and the muscles are weaker than they should be.
Or I slept wrong.
Wow he fails literary analysis. That’s like arguing that Jekyll and Hyde are two different people.
They’re all good dogs Contrabront! Heh, but I really want to see your doggo. If you want a good photo use my friend’s approach. She puts cheese in her hair.
Speaking of animals, I attended this today. They said they had vegan food. But I was able to warn them that the Lush stuff is actually soap, not cake.
@contrapangloss: It’s certainly probable that I slept wrong during the mild blah stage, but my butt has never twitched in exactly that way ever before. Anyway, it stopped and I don’t know if it was connected or if my stretching and heat pad cured it.
Ocarina master is cuter than pan-flute master.