Well here’s a terrible post for you all from an incel who thinks he’s come up with the ultimate excuse for pedophilia, oh sorry hebephilia — you know, the one in which they want to fuck girls 14 or younger.
“Mental age should be taken more seriously than birth age,” MuddyBuddy writes in a recent post on Incels.is.
One issue concerning inceldom is that mentally most of us are developmentally behind our peers. Foids tend to prefer dating men their age or older. Never younger. However soyciety thinks it’s the worst crime ever for a man in his latest 20s or 30s to date a 14/15 yo foid. For many incels their drivers license might say 20 or 30 something but mentally we’re still teenagers. It’s impossible for us to ascend with women our birth age.
It’s also ludicrous to assume an older birth age male is default the groomer when dating a young teen foid. Both are equally sexually inexperienced and mentally the same age. People’s actual mental age should be what’s really displayed. Not saying this would completely cure inceldom but it would help many.
What the fuck, dude. You need to be on a list.
Needless to say, MuddyBuddy’s colleagues on Incels.is think he’s on to something.
“Yeah I thought I would grow out of my JB ]jailbait] attraction once I was no longer a teen, but that’s not the case,” notes 이지금.
It’s only natural that missing out on a developmental milestone (taking each other’s virginities at ~13-14) leaves us forever stunted in that mental stage.
Dude, virtually no one is losing their virginity at age 13 except in your fevered brain. The average age at which American teens first have sex is 17. As one recent study found, only about 5-14% lose their virginity at 14; for 13 year-olds, the spread ranges from roughly 3-6%.
“[F]rom a moral/ethical, but non legal standpoint,” adds Silverberry,
it would at the very least be less unethical for a 25 year old incel to bang a 14 year old foid than for an experienced 25 year old chad to, since the supposed power gap is less.
Society of course paints this issue as giga taboo and just says “adults shouldnt have sex with minors, simple as that,” and doesn’t even entertain any contrary thoughts.
Meanwhile, TheDarkEnigma explains that he thinks
it is wrong to be sexual with a prepubescent foid. But by the time they are in their mid-teens they are capable of consent if they are taking naked pictures of themselves and initiating sex. A 15 year old is much closer to being adult than to a toddler.
It’s more than a little creepy to see the word ‘toddler” show up in a discussion of age of consent laws.
Words2_live_bye bursts a few bubble by pointing out that
it’s not like we would be able to be with teen girls either. Even if it was legal and socially acceptable. Some of us are just too far gone in terms of sociability and autistic ways.
Can’t get women my own age, can’t get older ones, and can’t get younger ones.
Well, maybe there’s a good reason for that.
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I’m being weird, I know, but it’s Friday and I’ve had a heck of a week. What I was thinking about was a pronoun set that would ONLY be used as a hypothetical, and never to refer to a real person.
Part of this probably comes from a situation I often face at work, where I ask clinics to register a test patient who could never be mistaken for a real person, and I usually have to run through a list of suggested names. I need them to avoid names like “Harry Potter” or “Sonic Hedgehog” or “Betty Boop” because the policy is to test with someone who is clearly not a real person, and fictional character names are right out because some people will name their children after fictional characters. (I’ve seen them. “Cinderella” was one of the prettier ones.) But a name like “Zztest, Patient” is pretty universally accepted as signalling “not a real person.”
The tricky thing is, I need them to fill in all the usual other fields so that we get a realistic result – that is, I don’t want anything to hang up because they didn’t fill in something that would typically be filled in for a real patient. One of these fields is sex/gender (our system now allows you to specify sex AND gender, btw), and while some hospitals/clinics can use “X” for a test patient, others have to have either “M” or “F.”
@Parasol: But ZZTest is a badass name. I can do without Patient as the first name, though maybe ZZTest Patient implies someone who is exceedingly methodical, but I think I can find a better surname.
@ Vicky P
Obligatory posting of this…
@Fred B-C
I confess, whenever I see a “Zztest, Patient” I usually hear a ZZ Top guitar riff in my head.
Oh, man. The things I’ve seen that cause a system to misbehave.
Though the least exotic one that did the most damage is still the trouble Nuance got into a few years back – it made the news – where somebody was careless with security, and a really nasty virus spread through hundreds of hospital/clinic systems. Nuance is one of the big players, so they really should’ve known better, or at least provided their IT folks with an adequate staffing ratio and above market-level pay. My then-employer ended up onboarding a hundred or so hospitals and clinics because their medical records had been pooched to a fare-thee-well. I ended up making a few grand in bonus money because it was an “all hands on deck” situation.
@ Vicky P
You familiar with this episode?
That is ringing a bell, though I have the feeling it’s the sort of story Mr. Parasol stumbled across and told me about it back when it happened.
@ All
Thanks for the education on freeze preachers. Apparently if I had only searched freeze preach I would have gotten it. Devil, meet details.
@.45: it is actually freeze peachers. The idea is that they’re like frozen peaches, because what they’re talking about is so far from free speech that it’s like something totally unrelated that sounds similar. I can’t find a good image about it that doesn’t link to some right wing or centrist crap that hems and haws about deplatforming fascists.
@ Fred B-C
Well, I don’t think I’m dyslexic, but for some reason preach vs peach just got by me. In my defense, I wasn’t raised with the normal sort of reading and writing education most people get, not learning to do either until I was years past the usual expectations.
That’s my excuse anyway. ;D
@.45: I mean, we’re talking about made-up joke phrases to mock people, and while “freeze peach” is better to sound like free speech, “freeze preach” more accurately captures the tenor of their arguments.
Having read some of the memes against the idea, they’re totally great! Totally standard right-wing strawmen! I saw one which basically implied that someone using the phrase doesn’t believe in free speech “You believe in free speech in current year? Frozen fruit!”
Yeah, totally. It’s not that we think you don’t actually believe in free speech but are disingenuously using it as a shield, you fucking fascists.
Freeze Peach = Free Speech when the law doesn’t even apply and there’s obviously no understanding of what Free Speech even is
Freeze, Preach! = something you’d yell after a Reverend doing a heist
(Not making fun of the typo, I’m just goofing because the mental image is living rent free in my head and I need to share)
@ contrapangloss
You may find this amusing.
You remember some bloke bought the NFT of the first tweet for $2.9 million?
Well he tried to auction it last week.
Top bid: $280
Alan, that is beautiful and I do indeed find it very amusing in a terrible way.
You have all the best links. I appreciate you.
So, it’s reverted to being just a tulip bulb now. Can’t really say I’m surprised.
I know there aren’t people randomly performing abortions in public, while just passing by for a few seconds.
But there are a lot of them coughing and not wearing masks and not getting vaccinated walking around in public.
Fetuses aren’t that contagious, and don’t happen at all to people above a certain age or of many physical types.
The entirely fictitious roving bands of abortionists aren’t going to kill off an 80 year old cis man with COPD, but the very real “let grandma die to help the economy and I’m not takin’ yer jab or wearin’ a mask!” types are. And for all their love of (other people’s) fetuses, they sure don’t give a damn about actual breathing children who can’t get vaccinated, or have a chronic disease or such.
So, by their own logic incels should be stripped of their right to vote, are below the age of consent, not allowed to marry or drink, and I guess they should be living a home with their parents or wards of the state. So, incels are children. Isn’t this what all the MRAs accuse women of being children. Now it all makes sense. They are projecting once again.
@kamosa: It’s worse. Like many but not all acts of projection, the initial projection is a preemptive justification for the later ask. “Women are basically all children already, so who cares if I have sex with a 14 year old?”
And, as always, defenses of misogyny rely on extreme misandry.