misogyny PUA red pill reddit sexual exploitation

Red Piller: Forget sexually exploiting Ukrainian refugees. Wait until pure Russian peasant girls come on the market

Not actually what Russian girls look like today

The other day we looked at a popular post on the Red Pill subreddit suggesting that men in search of sexy, subservient women turn their attention to Ukrainian refugees in desperate need of food and housing.

But I don’t want to give the impression that all Red Pillers are up for exploiting Ukrainian women. Some of the commenters in the thread thought the whole thing sounded skeezy as hell. “[I]f one has to resort to exploiting female refugees to get laid,” wrote a commenter called Kenchikka00, “one would be a pathetic piece of scum.”

And then there was a commenter called zino193, with a somewhat more, well, expansive take on the subject.

As he sees it, exploiting Ukrainian refugees is a fine strategy, as far as it goes.

it’s easy pickings if you are a cold hearted bastard, especially if you are ok with a mother-in-law and kid live in situation. Life is good. And this is RIGHT – this is what humans are made for. Guys die for what they believe in, their kids get to survive due to the flexibility of female nature.

But he thinks his fellow Red Pillers could do better if they hold back on the exploitation for now. Because Russia itself could be in danger of collapsing under the weight of Putin’s folly. And, he suggested, the poor showing of Russian troops in the war on Ukraine has revealed that Russian machismo “ain’t worth shit in the real world.”

“[J]ust wait until Russia opens up :)” zino193 wrote happily.

[W]hen the empire crumbles, a new era of russian brides will open up. And I am talking 100% pure, russian village prime puss.

It’ll be like the Stepford Wives, but with Russian peasants rather than suburban housewives.

That’s when you invest gentleman. You take a stroll through the wilderness and take your blushing bride directly from her sycophantic alcoholic father, if you give him a good schotish wiskey, he might even trow in a shag with the mum – russian love being cucked – literally.

You have to admit he’s got a vivid imagination.

As for your new nubile bride she will praise the lord and your cock from releasing them from their russian p3do patriarchs. ANd these are girls that have prepared themselves their whole childhood to be as beutiful as possible to either find a husband, or a talent agent. Ain’t nothing better than prime 80 lbs russian virgins.

Hail Zelensky for opening up all those nubile wombs to our western degeneracy. Thank you comrade Putin for ending the cold war and making all this race mixing possible, you will go down in history as the architect that ended Siberian inbreeding.

Well, that’s one way of looking at it. But zino193’s argument proved a less than compelling to the Red Pill regulars, many of them in the tank for Putin, and they voted his comment down to zero. More “Russian village prime puss” for him, I guess.

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Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

Well, we’ve said before that these guys get their ideas from porn. The internet being what it is, I assume that there’s a site out there somewhere dedicated to “Eastern European hotties show you their gratitude” or whatever the proper keywords would be.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
2 years ago

80 lbs? Either he has not concept of what that weight looks like and how almost no post puberty women weigh that or he wants to kidnap children to sexually abuse. Sadly I’m not even sure which it is.

Fred B-C
2 years ago

Again, so fractally revealing: Their love for toxic masculinity and war where men die pointlessly at the beck and call of other men being even more important than their love for getting laid; and someone saying that it’s just right and natural that men die and women preserve their survival… when talking about a group of men at no risk of dying who are eager parasites off of other men dying.

Anyone want to bet zino193 is far from accepting about the state of affairs when it’s not convenient for him?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

“Russian village prime puss”

Not for the foreseeable future. Comrade Kitty has been sanctioned.

2 years ago

Well, the attempts of these guys to exploit the situation in Ukraine at least has gotten some attention:
Stop matching lone female Ukraine refugees with single men, UK told

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
2 years ago

I’m a bit startled at how stereotypes can evolve here.

You see, I grew up during the Cold War, and at the time we had a very different stereotype of Russian Women. Instead of 80 pound waifs who were somehow nubile and desirable, we thought of the average Soviet female as somewhere around 6 feet tall, 220 pounds or more, little of that being fat– no, they were in our minds a muscular breed, lantern-jawed and crisply uniformed– much like the stereotype we had of the average Russian man, but with boobs.

Then again, this was the Cold War era, and we were encouraged to think of the Russians as something to fear rather than to desire.

The exception, of course, was the Commie Spy Femme Fatale, but as a kid I suspected they were grown in laboratories.

I like to think I have grown out of my idiocy, and (perhaps naively) hope that maybe these poor idiots might grow out of theirs… but I’m not clinging onto that hope too hard, I admit.

2 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

I had exactly the same thought. Porn has rotten this guy’s brain. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible but then red pillers don’t have the media comprehension to ingest the likes of Fox News and the Daily Mail without the shedload of salt required so I guess it makes sense!

Mimi Haha
Mimi Haha
2 years ago

Do none of these people use spellcheck?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mimi Haha
Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
2 years ago

Oh look, Vomit-Inducing Incels Fantasies has a sequel. Like so many other unwanted, unasked for sequels these days.


Kids, or adults on the verge of starving to death from the war, I guess. Nothing’s more sexy than bones jutting through skin, amirite?

@Fred B-C

Exactly. And they dare claim to be a “men’s rights” movement? The absolute nerve.

@Robert Haynie

I remember that. Somewhere along the line, they started to replace all the Aleksandra Zaryanovas with Katya Kazanovas.

I actually think both types are fine.

@Mimi Haha

I guess proper spelling is too much to ask when they’re typing one-handed.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
2 years ago

This is so incredibly gross. Not that I’m expecting anything else from incels, but yuck!!

Re: photo

They still dress like that in some of the preserved old towns, such as Novgorod. They are either paid or participating in cultural rights and you wouldn’t see that in like downtown Moscow or SPB but in the little towns you still can.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago


Like so many other unwanted, unasked for sequels these days.

Meanwhile, the sequels we really want, particularly Avatar 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode 3, remain vaporware!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
2 years ago

 ANd these are girls that have prepared themselves their whole childhood to be as beutiful as possible to either find a husband, or a talent agent. Ain’t nothing better than prime 80 lbs russian virgins.

This is the Reddit equivalent of the 12 year old in the locker room confidently asserting that pee is stored in the boobs.

Victorious Parasol
2 years ago


I’m old enough to remember the Soviet Union, and yeah – Russian women were portrayed as either the kind of sturdy peasant stock who could carry a pig under each arm, or the slinky Natasha type.

2 years ago

It’s like the fact that they don’t see the desired 18 years + three days old, skinny & curvy, impeccably coiffed yet low-maintenance, sexually savvy virgins anywhere in real life means that they’ve all been corralled into some remote part of the world and you can just wait til they come out, and not, like, that they don’t exist.

Also, is it just me or do these types actually think that everywhere that’s not the US or the “right” part of Europe is just forests and villages? That would be nicer for the environment, but cities exist in both Ukraine and Russia.

2 years ago

Re: photo

They still dress like that in some of the preserved old towns, such as Novgorod. They are either paid or participating in cultural rights and you wouldn’t see that in like downtown Moscow or SPB but in the little towns you still can.

I understand there’s often serious underdevelopment and poverty in the remote rural areas, though Novgorod isn’t remote or rural by Russian standards. I suppose people dressing up in folkish style for certain occasions could be found almost anywhere.

I don’t know if that particular photo is a famous one, but I remembered seeing a similar pose (apparently, an imitation) on a album cover by the Russian folk band Otava Yo. Their music videos on YouTube are often both pretty and hilariously funny, going overboard and slightly tongue-in-cheek with the old-timey rural aesthetics. I think this one is their best ever, and it even has an English subtitle option:

It’s been a while since I last watched their videos, and now I see the comments are turned off. The comments used to be mostly from Russians, with occasional Westerners complimenting the music and contemplating on the growing political tensions.

Edit: Some videos still have comments on.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lumipuna
2 years ago


It’s like the fact that they don’t see the desired 18 years + three days old, skinny & curvy, impeccably coiffed yet low-maintenance, sexually savvy virgins anywhere in real life means that they’ve all been corralled into some remote part of the world and you can just wait til they come out, and not, like, that they don’t exist.

I suspect this sort of representation is part fantasy and wishful thinking, part coded language celebrating the idea (if not the actual practice) of Western men ruthlessly exploiting women from impoverished countries.

Also, is it just me or do these types actually think that everywhere that’s not the US or the “right” part of Europe is just forests and villages? That would be nicer for the environment, but cities exist in both Ukraine and Russia.

Perhaps there weren’t such quite interest in fetishizing and exaggerating the poverty/traditionalism of eastern Europe, if wasn’t for racial attitudes. European women seem to be generally most desirable/palatable to these sort of Western men, while East Asian women come as second. There doesn’t seem to be many takers for South Asian or African women, despite the relatively abundant supply of impoverished traditionalist communities in those regions.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Masse Mysteria:

It’s like the fact that they don’t see the desired 18 years + three days old, skinny & curvy, impeccably coiffed yet low-maintenance, sexually savvy virgins anywhere in real life means that they’ve all been corralled into some remote part of the world and you can just wait til they come out, and not, like, that they don’t exist.

And that being denied that Hot Validating Pussy-to-MEEE!!! Pipeline must be the result of a Grand Unified Conspiracy on the part of the universe, melting everyone else into a nebulous mass of THING IN MY WAY!!!


There doesn’t seem to be many takers for South Asian or African women, despite the relatively abundant supply of impoverished traditionalist communities in those regions.

Well, not as wife material.

Last edited 2 years ago by Full Metal Ox
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Over and above the overwhelming gross skeeviness, they seem to be, as usual, not thinking it through. Wouldn’t the skinny 18 year old virgins already be taken by the men in the same area, thus not available to these losers? Particularly the rich men, who are also not these losers?

Also, not all Siberians are “Russian” by ethnicity, dumbass. Hope you also like Turkic, Mongolian, and even (gasp) Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist girls, and Tuvan throat-singing in yurts.

(I would really like to see these guys dragged into a yurt, throat-sung at, and a shamanic ceremony.)

2 years ago

Aside from the fact that people like this prove why feminism needs to exist, there is so much wrong with slavering over imaginary “beutiful” (sic) 80 lb girls who will worship umm, the male organ, that it’s hard to enumerate it all. I’ve met several Russian women and none were like this creepy fantasy at all.

I will say that if any Russians read the OP, it could hardly endear Americans to them or do anything for international understanding..

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
2 years ago

80 pounds seems unhealthy. Of course, that’s what any relationship with one of these dudes would be, by definition.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

[I]t’s easy pickings if you are a cold hearted bastard, especially if you are ok with a mother-in-law and kid live in situation.

You are hilarious. The people who say, Don’t punch down because it’s wrong to hit someone who’s suffering never read your funny, funny shit.

2 years ago

There are so many other things wrong with the post, but a woman would need to be mighty short for 80 pounds to be a healthy weight for her.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
2 years ago


I wasn’t trying to say Novgorod isn’t a city. Sorry if I was unclear! They dress like that in old town Novgorod (the place with the old walls surrounding it that was originally built un the 9th century to create a medieval atmosphere. It’s for performance value there, but in other, actually rural places, that kind of dress can still be found, mostly on older women.

Old School HTML
Old School HTML
2 years ago

CW – weights and numbers, albeit of fictional characters

re: 80 lbs — I remember reading the Marvel Handbooks which gave stats on all the characters, and 90% of the women were 5’7 and 120 lbs — this is superheroes! I *think* She-Hulk, at 7′ was allowed to weigh 150. So Rogue, the very strong X-man? 120. Storm? 120 but taller. Jean Grey? 112 — her power is in her mind. (This is numbers from memory and the 80s, so I may be off, but this was my general impression.)

So if they think 150lbs is a weight for 7′ green monsters, then they’ll assume that under 100 is what a thin human might weigh?

(No idea why I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. It’s more of a society thing — people don’t know what weights “look like” since different heights and different builds carry them so differently. So it’s a more a general society misapprehension (possibly) instead of an MRA-specific.)

2 years ago

I know of two adult women who weigh 80 pounds.

They are both very slender and incidentally 4 feet, 9 inches tall.

So you know, perfectly average.