misogyny rape red pill reddit sexual exploitation

Red Pill Redditors discuss “How To Use The Desperation of Ukrainian War Refugees to Your Sexual Advantage”

When disaster — natural or man-made — strikes, people of all sorts are roused to action. Some of them look for ways to help; others try to figure out how to take advantage of the situation for their own personal gain.

There are few manmade disasters worse than war, and the refugees fleeing from Ukraine today are in a dire situation. Some in the west have stepped up to help.

But some aspiring sociopaths have taken a darker path: trying to figure out how to sexually exploit the mostly-female refugees at what it literally their worst moment on planet earth, offering “free” food and shelter to young women — in return for sex. Indeed, a Glasgow charity that works with refugees tells The Scotsman that it’s gotten “direct reports from young Ukrainian women” that skeezy men are trying to take advantage of the government’s Homes for Ukraine program to provide themselves with personal sexual slaves. Other NGOs have warned about more systematic attempts by human traffickers to capture young Ukrainian refugees for sex and/or labor.

You will probably not be too surprised to see Reddit’s “Red Pill” community, always eager to exploit any circumstance that might lead to them getting their dicks wet, is happily discussing what one Red Piller who goes by the name Gay LubeOil calls “the logical question for any contemporary rational male … How to Use the Desperation of Ukrainian War Refugees to your Sexual Advantage.”

Mr. LubeOil, despite his ridiculous user name and the many bad jokes he works into his posts, is dead serious; his ability to sound satirical without actually being so is part of what has made him into something of a celebrity on the Red Pill subreddit, and something of a mentor to younger or more inexperienced Red Piller. He’s not gay. Nor is he lube oil.

In his post on the subject, currently stickied as the top post in the Red Pill subreddit by the moderators, GLO starts by contrasting his idealized vision of Ukrainian women with their supposedly vastly inferior American counterparts.

“What are the sexual advantages of Ukrainian women?” he asks.

Unlike American women, who on average weigh 170 pounds at 5 feet 4 inches, Ukrainian women still possess a modicum of self-respect and have not gorged themselves into grotesque proportions like barnyard hogs….

Another stark contrast is that Ukrainian women possess souls. American women power wash away all semblance of personality via hormonal birth control, antidepressants, recreational drugs and social media.

The supposed libertines of the Red Pill subreddit are surprisingly illiberal when it comes to women taking birth control pills and other prescription drugs.

Ukrainian women, on the other hand, live simpler lives and spend their days digging for potatoes and playing the accordion. Their bloodstreams have not been colonized by big pharma and they are capable of face-to-face social interaction without turtling up in their smart phone at the slightest inconvenience. This means that Ukrainian women are not grotesque science experiments with soulless hollow eyes and can still be biologically classified as human beings.

But GLO is not interested in treating these women like human beings; he sees them, rather, as sentient sex toys and baby producers.

Finally, the most important difference between Ukrainian and American women is that the former are capable of providing you with healthy, viable offspring, while the latter will misappropriate your DNA and birth a transformer whose only life skill is genital self-mutilation and attaching itself to ceiling fans in creative ways.

I have no idea what the fuck he’s even talking about at this point.

Now that you understand the comparative value of Ukrainian females, it’s important to understand the driving factors behind the current sexual marketplace deep discount.

That’s one way of putting it.

[U]ncle Vladimir has given us a belated Christmas present: hot, young, fertile Ukrainian refugees. …

The devastation of Ukraine was purposefully engineered to flood the West with cheap, high-quality labor. So why not benefit from the situation by taking advantage of cheap, high-quality Ukrainian sexual labor?

He compares the current refugee crisis to the stock market, and encourages his readers to go all in.

Financial advisors always talk about buying the dip; now’s the time to invest your penis by dipping into Ukrainian vagina. The sexual market is no different than the stock market. You have to eke out every advantage you can get.

He contrasts the current “dating market” in the west to an idealized vision of the early years of the Pickup Artist (PUA) subculture, when wet-behind-the-ears junior PUAs could succeed with women by using an assortment of relatively simple pickup strategies.

We are well past the easy sexual marketplace of 2005 when a fedora and copy of the Mystery Method [a popular pickup guide] were sufficient to get you lady-hole. You don’t have to be a genius to understand that the world is rapidly deteriorating and that opportunities are becoming harder to come by.

Indeed, he suggests that even the most socially inept Red Pillers today should be able to succeed in getting sex if they concentrate their attentions on refugees.

Luckily for the Red Pill, Ukrainian women are already acclimated to living in basements on dirty mattresses and as such represent a perfect fit for the lifestyle of our readership. … All you need to do is be nice to them and find them living space between your elite gaming rig and boxes of Mountain Dew. Best of all, they won’t know how socially uncalibrated you are because of their limited English.

I don’t think they will need to understand a word anything their new American friends tell them in order to realize that their “benefactors” are weirdo assholes intent on exploiting them.

From a practical standpoint, all you need to know about Ukrainian women is that they will be arriving primarily in Central Europe and major western cities as refugees. They are easily identifiable by their stoic facial expressions, out-of-date choice of fashion and slim figures.

They will be in refugee camps, not out wandering the streets. I’m not sure how GLO thinks his readers will able to approach any of these women.

At the level of game, Ukrainian women are no different than any other second world woman which is to say they want to ride a dick into a first-world lifestyle. They are shallow, materialistic and willing to do anyone and anything that will give them the assets necessary to make their girlfriends at home jealous.

GLO, you do realize there’s a war going on over there? I’m sure most of the young female refugees will be far more concerned with helping their “girlfriends at home” to get out of Ukraine than in making them jealous.

If you do not manage the relationship properly you will find yourself in the same financial situation as the men who fell for the mail order bride scam in the 90s when the Soviet Union collapsed. If you do manage the relationship properly, she’ll be on the receiving end of your meat missile while her devoted husband is on the receiving end of a Kalibr cruise missile. 

Sociopath says what?

When you’re defeated in war, someone else takes your women and passes on their superior genetics to them. When a simple Ukrainian man gets conned into joining Right Sektor and fighting on behalf of gay Aryan Rimjobs by a country that shall not be named …

Again, I have no fucking idea what he’s talking about here.

… his wives and daughters flee abroad and get drilled by foreigners. That’s just basic War Bride Theory. We the Red Pill didn’t create the situation nor do we have any power over it. What we can do however is take advantage of it with our penises. After all these Ukrainian vaginas have to get fucked by someone. Why not us?

After getting his readers hot and bothered by all the talk of sex with young and desperate women, GLO ends his post by linking to his website, where they can sign up for one-on-one “coaching.” He also links to his Telegram, which he describes as “an uncensorable fortress, for Red Pills so spicy they can’t be posted on Reddit.”

Who exactly is exploiting whom here?

And how exactly is stuff like this allowed to stay up on Reddit?

More on this ugly topic in future posts.

Or you can take a look at some of my earlier posts on the subject of sexual exploitation of desperate women — and the men who think it sounds like a swell idea.

Homeless girls: A frugal alternative to pricey prostitutes!

Incel hopes to find desperate runaway girls and abuse survivors to exploit for sex

Incel says: Moving to Thailand for sex is a hassle. So seek out poor and/or vulnerable women closer to home!

H/T — Dub Teedub

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

I guess the stereotypes of Slavic women have changed since I was young — they used to be considered chunky peasant types, not lissome goddesses. I’ve seen some pretty sturdy ladies still in the country shooting down Russians.

And if they made it out, they’re no shrinking violets who can’t defend themselves and aren’t stupid enough to fall for this.

I hope they all get out of these skeevy situations, and like @.45 said, take all the assholes’ stuff with them. Pawn shops don’t care if you speak the native language.

@BQS: please accept this internet for “digestive Klein bottle”.

@Alan: You seem to be in a region where the laws of probability are malfunctioning.

I got my next booster this morning! In the waiting area, I was watched over by Mando and Baby Yoda. This is the way.

Fred B-C
2 years ago

@Surplus: I agree. But it is still a real problem, and one that gives them the tiniest bit of room to squirm, that there is a real gap between those people who appear to have virtues or profess to have them and those that do. (Of course, there are also people who do not advertise their virtues or straight up don’t believe in them and yet still have them).

They rely on a lot of misunderstood inheritance filtered through their preexisting ideological lens of things like “sneaky fucker” theory, basically thinking that any pretense t a virtue is just a trick.

What I’ve always found marvelous about it is not only the great hypocrisy (okay, bub, you constantly brag about how tough and awesome you are, that’s virtue signaling for the values you want to convince others to have, I have no reason to listen to you either – and in fact unlike with you regarding me I in fact have good theory to assume you’re lying) but it’s moot. Other people being hypocrites is no reason for one to be a hypocrite or monster oneself. But swimming in the manosphere and the alt-right is to embrace moral nihilism, essentially always.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ jazzlet

It was a bit weird. For various reasons I live, on my own, in a huge semi derelict building. So there’s like one bit I keep habitable; but then the rest of it I barely venture into; especially at night. There’s no working lights in most of it, so I have to wear a head torch.

The chap wasn’t unfriendly. Far from it in fact. But obviously one gets a bit concerned upon encountering someone covered in blood waving a knife around. So I asked if he would excise me for a moment. Then took a circuitous path to a lockable room and called the old bill. It was a bit freaky to be on the phone to them whilst I could hear him calling out and trying all the doors.

But the police arrived en masse and were pretty cool with him. He’s been arrested for affray and aggravated burglary. But I made it clear that I wasn’t bothered about that; just that he gets any help he needs. The officer taking my statement said they’d check he wasn’t involved in or wanted for any other matters; but if not they’d just refer him to the mental health team. But they need to find out where the blood came from first. I thought it might be from breaking in, but we can’t find any obvious points of entry. It might be I just left the door unlocked. They said they’d ask how he got in and let me know.

Although as he was saying something about a force field round the building I’m not sure whether any answer will be reliable. Pretty certain we don’t have any forcefields; but I’ll check the deeds.

epitome of incomprehensibility

They are easily identifiable by their stoic facial expressions, out-of-date choice of fashion and slim figures.

Uh…I didn’t know *I* was a refugee from Ukraine. Not sure about the stoic expression part, though.

But seriously, what the fuck? I hope he doesn’t actually try this, or if so he fails horribly.

@Alan Robertshaw – ack, that sounds scary!! I’m glad you’re all right and I hope the person didn’t hurt themselves too badly.

Have some historical linguistics, should it interest you at all:

Kievan Rus’s linguistic history
Your earlier post reminded me: we were just looking at the Balto-Slavic language family in Indo-European linguistics class. From the paragraph in the textbook, it seems that Kievan Rus’ in the early Middle Ages wasn’t properly Ukrainian or Russian, at least where language is concerned; they spoke an ancestor of both languages:

The literary language [of Kievan Rus’] has traditionally been called Old Russian, the term we now use in this book, but it is a bit of a misnomer: it was ancestral not just to Russian, but also to the other East Slavic languages, Belarusian and Ukrainian. In fact, some features of the “Old Russian” of Kievan Rus’ are found in modern Ukrainian but not Russian – not surprising when one recalls that Kiev is now the capital of Ukraine. (Indo-European Language and Culture, Fortson 2010: 429)

I guess from a linguistics perspective, there’s no clear definition of what separates one “language” from another. That’s more of a sociopolitical distinction.

Anyway, the history makes Putin’s claim that the territory used to be “Russia” mighty suspect. I mean, it wasn’t really Ukraine either. Or it was culturally/linguistically both. But obviously that doesn’t give any excuses to a modern state to invade another.

Last edited 2 years ago by epitome of incomprehensibility
2 years ago

From back on March 6:

A prominent member of the Brazilian right is facing calls to resign after he was exposed in leaked audio messages making a succession of callous and misogynistic remarks about Ukrainian refugees during a purportedly humanitarian mission to the recently invaded country.

In one recording, the politician says: “I’ve just crossed the border on foot between Ukraine and Slovakia. Bro, I swear to you … I’ve never seen anything like it in terms of beautiful girls. The refugee queue … it’s like 200metres-long or more of just total goddesses … it’s some incredible shit … the queue outside Brazil’s best nightclub … doesn’t come close to the refugee queue here.”

In a second excerpt, Do Val says: “Let me tell you, they’re easy because they’re poor.”
(He had to resign and not run for re-election)

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ epitome

Thanks for that. I do find stuff like that fascinating. There’s a YouTube Chanel called Usefulcharts. Inter alia they also cover some linguistic history.

the history makes Putin’s claim that the territory used to be “Russia” mighty suspect. I mean, it wasn’t really Ukraine either.

Shifting boundaries and population migrations are something that crops up in art law. I just do stuff like rows about commision. But some of my friends specialise in restitution of works. That can be Nazi looted stuff; but it also covers cultural heritage. Returning things to their rightful owners.

But whom might that be?

Say for example you establish the provenience* of an ancient statue that it was produced by a Greek colony in Latin Italy. So who gets it back, Greece or Italy? Meso-American artefacts are even more tricky. The various ancient empires had territories that cover many modern countries. So unless you can establish exactly where it was produced, it’s hard to work out who is the legitimate heir to it.

There’s an interesting case going on at the moment. Real life sunken treasure ship. It had been transporting all sorts of valuables (about half a billion in today’s money) from what is now Peru, to Spain. A US company tried to establish ownership (as they found it) but the courts held the ship belonged still to the original country of origin.

So Spain went “Cool!”. But then Peru said “Now hang on a minute…”

As Simon Bolivar was only 19 and yet to make his mark at the time the ship sank, the court said it was still Spain’s.

(*provenience is a term used for establishing where ancient artefacts come from. It has the same root as the more familiar provenance; but it’s technically different.)

2 years ago

“I asked if he would excise me for a moment.”

Glad he didn’t! (particularly in the medical rather than the Customs-and-Excise sense of the word) ;-s

Only once ever actually been in the same room as someone waving a knife around with intent (years ago), and it was very frightening absolutely terrifying (fortunately everybody else there was all about the de-escalating and calming things down). Good on you for keeping your head. Hope the mental healthcare resources are there, and that the bloke doesn’t turn out to have been involved in anything worse than accidentally nicking himself or something 🙁

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

@ Alan

Oh my goodness, I’m glad you’re okay. Stay that way.

2 years ago

@alanrobertshaw- freak me out, Alan, that was an un-nerving story! I am glad you didn’t make us wait for the next episode, or anything. A++ and totally worthy of being made into a short film. But already a great short story. Am glad you are safe!

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Thanks for all the kind words about my unexpected guest.

Just by way of update, the police just called me. They’ve bailed the chap, with a condition not to come back here or approach me.

They’ve dropped the burglary charge. Which is fair. There’s nothing to suggest he was intending to do anything untoward once he was inside.

They’ve also dropped the affray. That requires “using or threatening unlawful violence”. And he didn’t do that. He was nice as pie.

They have however charged him with possession of an offensive weapon/bladed article.

Hopefully though, if this does go to court, they’ll use a disposal that recognises and addresses his mental health issues rather than just bang him up.

We still haven’t found out how he got in. He told the police he owns the building and has been here for 10 years.

Oh, and the blood was his own. He appears to have cut himself with the knife. I hope that was just an accident and he’s not self harming.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
2 years ago


Sounds like you need to check out the rest of the building and make sure there’s no secret room hiding under the stairs or in the old wardrobe or in the secret chamber in the basement or….

Then double-check the ownership history of your building and make sure the intruder wasn’t remembering something that used to be true years ago or something.

2 years ago

Thank you for the update, @Alan. Hope it was just an accidental nick, indeed 🙁 Sounds like he needs help, I do hope he gets some! Must have been one hell of an unnerving for you, though – I imagine it might rattle around your brain for a while, hope you’ve got any support you might need for you too.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago


I’m glad that you are safe, but also that you resolved it with decency and kindness. I know someone wealthy who was burgled, who I advised not to press charges for a variety of reasons including Biblical ones that should have resonated, and it turned out to just make them even more vindictive. I can’t express how happy it makes me that you’ve taken this really scary situation and not let the fear run all over you, and made the police listen about to stitching the guy up. Alan Robertshaw, restoring faith in men since… whenever I started lurking. Keep on keeping on.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ redsilkphoenix

and make sure there’s no secret room hiding under the stairs

Heh, the building is the Old County Hall here; and as it happens there were some mysterious cupboards under the stairs (there are five staircases). One of which we still haven’t found the key for. We got one open just before Christmas. But it was just full of cleaning products. I was a bit disappointed no lamp-posts or lions. Still, I’m ok for bleach for the next few years.

And yeah, the poor chap is in need of help rather than condemnation. It’s back to that thing we were talking about in the other thread; “Care in the community”. But in practice that’s just people abandoned to their own devices unless and until something like this happens. I mean, he’s been bailed (good) but he doesn’t even have a fixed address. What I’m concerned about is someone with such a peripatetic lifestyle may have other things to worry about (like where next meal is coming from) than remembering to turn up at the police station on a particular date. Then there’s a warrant out for him and he risks being banged up.

The police do seem to be pretty cool about not throwing the book at him. Trouble is, we do take knife possession pretty seriously here. Which is understandable. But a lot of people on the streets may feel the need to have some form of protection. So that’s understandable too.

But fingers crossed this will end with him being helped. The irony is, I got offered all sorts of ‘victim support’. Which was very kind but unnecessary. But if some of those resources were used to assist vulnerable people in the first place then there might not be as many victims; including the vulnerable themselves.

What a world we live in eh?

ETA: thanks also to Oppossablethumbs and BTD for your kind words.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

@GSS ex-noob:

@Alan: You seem to be in a region where the laws of probability are malfunctioning.

I think the name of that region is “Earth”.

@Alan Robertshaw:

For various reasons I live, on my own, in a huge semi derelict building. So there’s like one bit I keep habitable; but then the rest of it I barely venture into; especially at night. There’s no working lights in most of it, so I have to wear a head torch.

That’s novel-premise material right there.

He’s been arrested for affray


Just by way of update, the police just called me. They’ve bailed the chap, with a condition not to come back here or approach me.

I guess he’s white, then, if they didn’t just shoot him on sight.


The literary language [of Kievan Rus’] has traditionally been called Old Russian, the term we now use in this book, but it is a bit of a misnomer: it was ancestral not just to Russian, but also to the other East Slavic languages, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

Why not follow the pattern used elsewhere and call it “proto-Slavic” then? Or is there an even more ancestral language already called that?

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ surplus

He’s been arrested for affray


When I was doing the statement we got into a discussion about the meaning of the word ‘fear’. Some other legislation uses the word ‘apprehension’ and my argument was that was more appropriate. We also got into ‘reasonable firmness’. I of course wanted to establish my badass credentials; but I realised that that might make it easier to prosecute him. It’s an objective test. Not what the ‘victim’ felt; but that hypothetical person. So I didn’t want to leave the argument open that he was causing fear in an objective sense.

With hindsight I can see how they had to drop that charge. But I’m happy about that.

(I remember a judge once tossing an affray case because it didn’t cross the threshold.

“In my day people lost limbs in affrays! It’s from the French affrayer; “to terrify”)

they didn’t just shoot him on sight.

Well, police here aren’t routinely armed. They did initially point the Tazer at him; but it was obvious he was more oblivious than uncooperative. It was like if someone says ‘hurry up!’ and you respond that you’re just trying to find your keys. So it was:


“Tazer, tazer, tazer!”

“Tazer, tazer….tazer?”

“Look mate, just put the knife down alright?”

Fred B-C
2 years ago

@Alan: Yeah, kudos to you for handling a situation that could easily have been very scary and weird with compassion and thought. Hopefully it turns out okay for that guy.

2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

I hope he does get help, but given the appaling state of mental health services in the UK I can’t say I’m optimistic he’ll get relevant help. It does sound as if the police were reasonable with him which is good as it certainly isn’t a given, but no doubt helped by your handling of the situation. I wonder if he’s ex-army? Pure speculation of course, but far too many of them are homeless

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
2 years ago

Heh, the building is the Old County Hall here; and as it happens there were some mysterious cupboards under the stairs (there are five staircases). One of which we still haven’t found the key for. We got one open just before Christmas. But it was just full of cleaning products. I was a bit disappointed no lamp-posts or lions. Still, I’m ok for bleach for the next few years.

Sooooo, what you’re saying is that Door #5 will be the one with the fire poles leading down to the Batcave? Kewl!

Or else at least an explanation for all those ghosts wandering around the place then. The ones who needed their permits granted, licenses renewed, and parking fines payed, but got lost in the bureaucracy instead. That’s the door where their paperwork is stored and they need that to get free of the place and continue on to the next life, right?

2 years ago

(that’s a frightening thought all right, @Redsilkphoenix. Like the poor bugger in Pinter’s The Caretaker who just needs to get to Sidcup to get his papers, everything would be fine if he could just get his papers … )
Voting for firepoles and a batcave.

Last edited 2 years ago by opposablethumbs
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

I was trying to think a way of describing this building. But perhaps the best way is this video. I mentioned about how dodgy the electrics were. Just having a shower involved a convoluted exercise in switching fuse boxes (hence why I now just shower down the gym). But I once did a video of the procedure as if it were an FPS video game.

I love how the cat is just “Oh, it’s you”. I am of course friend to all living creatures; but the cat is like a contact on LinkedIn.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Alan: If you didn’t need a shower before, you would after trudging all that way! I hope they’re only charging you (and the cat) a peppercorn rent. If you don’t have a sturdy pair of legs, that place is impossible! I presume the new hall has ramps and elevators. I shall now be more grateful for my shower that’s right next to the bedroom, and the fact mine’s a ranch house. The fuses were mildly dodgy, but the Mr. fixed them when we bought it, plus we have a giant outgrowth next to it with all the electrics for the solar panels. My favorite is the master on-off switch, which is a red knife switch that makes me feel Frankensteinian.

I do hope the confused man gets some mental health treatment. If he does end up in jail, at least he’ll have a roof over his head and regular food, and maybe an occasional psychiatrist visit, but some inpatient days at a proper treatment facility would be best.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ gss ex noob

If you didn’t need a shower before, you would after trudging all that way!

It was a bit convoluted; especially in winter in the dark (and cold). Fun though. But because of the dodgy electrics I had to turn off anything that drew a current other than the shower. So basically Apollo 13 reboot programme.

I hope they’re only charging you (and the cat) a peppercorn rent.

I don’t pay anything*; hence why I like it here. Ironically though, there’s a bunch of luxury apartments across the way so we stuck the cat in one of those. They’re meant to be for rent but the estate agent got confused.

“So you have ten apartments…”



*bit later*

“OK, so I think I see your rationale for giving the cat an apartment; but why the one with the best views?”

“She likes to look out of the window.”

(* I should point out that with all the work I do for this company that is very much a bargain)

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago
Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
2 years ago

There’s so much stupid, offensive bullshit being discussed here I’d swear this was trolling if I didn’t know better by now.

I can’t even address the whole thing without making a gigantic post of my own, thoroughly peppered with rage bombs, but let’s look at some of the ways this idiot contradicts himself:

At the level of game, Ukrainian women are no different than any other second world woman which is to say they want to ride a dick into a first-world lifestyle. They are shallow, materialistic and willing to do anyone and anything that will give them the assets necessary to make their girlfriends at home jealous.

Hmmm. I thought he was trying to sell his fellow douchebags on the idea of Pure Fertile Peasant Women who are so much unlike their American counterparts, who are “grotesque science experiments with soulless hollow eyes” that can’t “be biologically classified as human beings”. And yet this is the exact same thing they complain about when it comes to American women: “shallow and materialistic” and “riding the Cock Carousel” while tricking “beta manlets” who are eager to get their dicks wet into paying for their lavish lifestyle.

Well, which is it, Grotesque Loser Online? Are Ukrainian women potato-digging, accordion-playing sweet and simple folk who are “capable of providing you with healthy, viable offspring”, or are they just as materialistic as the American women who “wash away all semblance of personality via hormonal birth control, antidepressants, recreational drugs and social media”? Pretty sure all those things are (or were) readily available in Ukraine as well. We’ve already seen Ukrainian women using their phones and social media as tools to fight back in this war and keep people safe. But I’m pretty sure that, before the war started, they were using them for recreational purposes in the exact same way as their counterparts across the globe. And how does your claim that they are “already acclimated to living in basements on dirty mattresses” mesh with your other claim that they’re all slim, healthy, fertile baby machines?

These morons can’t even get their own shit straight. People are out there suffering and dying, but all these guys care about is trying to exploit that to their advantage. May their disgusting fantasies remain just that: fantasies.


I’m glad you’re safe. I’m rather puzzled as to why you’re living in a large building by yourself, but I won’t pry. And I’m equally puzzled as to why the authorities can’t get the man some mental help and maybe taken to a shelter so he isn’t back on the streets with the potential to cause another incident, but I guess that’s just how life works sometimes. Take care of yourself.

Just a few days ago there was an incident around here that involved a more dangerous weapon, but at least it wasn’t actually IN my own home, and I don’t think anybody was hurt. But it still makes me a little nervous because I don’t know what happened or what (if anything) might have been done about the potential threat.

And on top of all that, I’m trying to do whatever I can to help someone else out of a really bad situation, which is why I haven’t had the energy for my Evil Feminist Harpy Rants here lately. Not that anyone misses them, I’m sure, lol.

Last edited 2 years ago by Queen of the Harpies