You probably haven’t been wondering what good old A Voice for Men — yes, it’s still alive, if barely — has to say about Will Smith’s famous slap. But I’m going to tell you about it anyway, because I found it quite … educational?
The gist of Mark Dent’s overlong post on L’Affaire Smith is that the “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” actor wouldn’t have gotten away with the slap had he not been slapping another man in defense of his wife. And that’s undoubtedly true. We live in an age where such “chivalry” is still celebrated, at least by a chunk of the population. On our side of the political spectrum, we call outbursts like this examples of “toxic masculinity.”
Ah, but Dent’s essay offers more for anyone who wants to wade through all 2000 words of his pretentious prose. Since I can’t really expect anyone to do that voluntarily, let me provide you with a capsule version of Dent’s assessment of the true victims of the slap.
When Chris Rock made a reference to Jada Pinkett Smith’s “G.I. Jane” haircut, he did so knowing that she suffered from hair loss due to alopecia, an issue pf particular sensitivity to black women, who are more likely to develop the disorder than their white counterparts.
But who is thinking of the suffering endured by dudes who go bald?
You see the thinking is women are not used to the idea of losing their hair and it is not a common occurrence for females particularly at a young age, whereas young men have endured this affliction since Adam was a boy.
Yet nobody explains why this makes it any easier for a teenage boy or man in his early twenties to watch his hair slowly recede or indeed quickly reveal his bald skull and always to the great amusement of his friends, work colleagues, sport teammates and the media
I’ve often argued that the argument about not hitting a woman being based upon size and strength differentials is a lie.
Tiny men can be beaten by huge men and nobody expresses the slightest concern about size and strength disparity. Such a disparity existed at the Oscars the other night.
REAL VICTIM NUMBER THREE: All men, at the hands of the “gutless” Chris Rock.
Rock let men down by deciding not to bring charges. This is not admirable. It is a gutless, weak response from a man who is scared he will be attacked a second time for calling out his abuse at the hands of a psychotic cuckold.
REAL VICTIM NUMBER FOUR: Donald Trump and his family, who have also been the butt of jokes from Hollywood types like Alec Baldwin and Bette Midler.
Think of the endless lectures from the scum that gather for these awards. Lectures about the poisonous, vile nature of a certain politician. Think of the hideous comments made about him, his wife and children. Nobody said they were offensive and disgusting. Not one person called them out as highly inappropriate. They laughed and cheered every vile word and threat of violence, be it spoken by demented De Niro, the killer Baldwin, Cher or Bette Midler.
TRUE VICTIM NUMBER FIVE: The soul of America.
Hollywood must die. It is an idea passed its used by date. Its narcissism, stark hypocrisy, sexual corruption and vile violent politics are a shit stain on the soul of America.
Well, that about covers it, I guess, though I would like to offer a little addendum on the behalf of the REAL REAL VICTIMS: All of those who’ve seen the following sentence from Dent’s post.
All of the strong, independent women were standing and applauding- dewy eyed and perhaps a little moist in another region as the batterer stood and accepted his Oscar … .
We really need to just ban the word “moist” altogether. That’s the real lesson I take from all this.
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Well, Squack also seems to think that “evidence” means “shouting something over and over again without offering proof independent of assertion.” So there ya go.
@Victorious Parasol
He kind of sounds like some copypasta dipshit trying to do QAnon, honestly…it’s pretty sad.
Squack is what happens when you don’t teach critical thinking, media literacy, or history in schools.
To be fair, Squack’s arguments are nonsensical and overheated because Squack’s got nothing.
These guys really are desperate in their never-ending search for Ways To Be More Oppressed Than Women™.
Squacks is what happens when your parents are siblings
It’s a sibling tattoo I’m getting with my brother. We are each getting a tiger since we were both born in year of the tiger in the Chinese new year
Is this where I point out Agent Orange is, in fact, a bald man but is too much of a sensitive snowflake in the fee-fees to admit it, and he thinks it’s manlier to wear orange pancake makeup and a dead stoat on his head than stick with his natural skin color and hair that isn’t swirled like soft serve ice cream?
Also, since he played Ali, I’m pretty sure Will could have REALLY hurt Rock badly if he’d punched instead of slapped. I hope he gets some anger management therapy, though.
@Victorious Parasol
Thanks for the response.
Substantively, that may be so, but that doesn’t mean Rock knew of it. Or if he did, that he remembered.
Just because Jada posted publicly about her alopecia doesn’t mean Chris Rock knew about it. I’m inclined to think he didn’t. They aren’t close, and he probably has better things to do than look at everyone’s instagram.
Mind you, that still doesn’t excuse Rock of publicly mocking her without finding out whether it might be a painful subject. Hair generally is enough that he should have thought about it, and he wrote a whole documentary about the expectations society places on the hair of black women.
@ Elaine the witch
Awesome. I like tattoos with stories behind them.
I got curious, so I did some googling, and Jada didn’t just post about her alopecia on her instagram a few times. She’s given interviews where she talks about it, she first discussed it on her podcast, and in general has tried to introduce people to the topic.
Now, does this mean Chris Rock knew about it? I can’t say that. But he did do a documentary about Black women’s hair recently, and how sensitive the topic is, so he is aware of that at least. Honestly, I’m sticking with my perception that he was floundering a bit on stage and he was kinda going all over the place trying to find a joke that would land with the audience. Unfortunately, he failed to do so.
@Elaine the Witch:
It’s a sibling tattoo I’m getting with my brother. We are each getting a tiger since we were both born in year of the tiger in the Chinese New Year.
Multiple birth, rapid succession, or twelve-year interval? (I will accept the answer “None of your damn business.”)
@full metal ox
12 years apart.
Fingers crossed, but I don’t want to get my hopes up too soon, because they’ve already been dashed far too many times
Oh please. You’re still gonna play the denial game? Your time would be better spent coming up with more excuses as to why the Tr*mp Cult rioted. You can’t keep pretending it was an “antifa librul false flag smear attempt!!!1” when half or more of these dipshits were bragging openly on social media and to people they knew in real life about what they were doing while they were doing it.
And Biden won. Hate it and cry over it all you want, but after a billion of your bad-faith “investigations” to prove otherwise, you have absolute shit to show for it. Never have I seen so many people so disconnected from reality. It’s pathetic.
@Queen of the Harpies
I’ve always found it deeply amusing that Rethugs believe it’s impossible that a guy whose popularity never once got above 49% – and was usually considerably lower – could fail to win a free and fair election.
If less than half the population votes for you, how can you possibly lose?
Gullible and stupid – a politician’s dream constituency!
I’m fond of the other favorite fallacy, which says that Trump MUST have won because of all the rallies he held. Never mind that the rallies weren’t part of a GOTV or even voter registration drive. As a Chicago precinct captain might say, rallies only matter if they inspire voters to go to the polls
Good to see that their racism exceeds their sexism here. You would think these guys would be all about a strong-armed defense of a married woman. But the cuckolding fear is just too serious.
@Queen: It’s especially hilarious because we all know that he would balk at even very clear evidence of voter intimidation and suppression. How about this, Squawk? We’ll trade you one election of Biden for two of Bush. You still owe us an election.
But of course, as MovieBob eloquently pointed out some time ago, the reason to make a conspiracy theory is to justify your own conspiracy. So this lets them justify actual voter suppression.