incels mass murder is good actually misogyny pedophilia rape rape culture rape is good actually

“The age of consent should ideally be around seven” and other terrible opinions from the internet’s worst incel site

Disgust is a natural reaction

If you’ve been looking for a website that will destroy your last shred of hope for humanity, might I suggest the incel forum BasedHaven? While not as appallingly popular as sites like and, the small site makes up for this with the sheer terribleness of its discussions.

Let’s consider several different threads currently up on the forum’s front page. I honestly don’t know which one is the worst.

First, there’s the thread titled “Ariel Castro was a based and underrated saint.”

Castro, you may recall, was the Cleveland man who kidnapped and imprisoned three girls (ages 14, 16, and 20) for nearly a decade. He ultimately pleaded guilty to literally hundreds of counts of rape, kidnapping, and murder before taking his own life in his jail cell.

While all the BasedHaven members in the discussion agreed that Castro was indeed “based,” a few were disappointed that he hadn’t gone further. Someone calling himself JosefMengelecel — a self-described “[p]roud advocate of rape, incest, and pedophilia” — offered a number of suggestions for anyone thinking of trying their own Castro-style kidnappings. It’s pretty clear he’s thought about it a lot.

“Yeah he was pretty based although a criticism I have is that he only locked them in the basement,” he began.

If he were to slip up just once, then they could easily escape which is exactly what happened. What he should have done instead was to lock them in cages in the basement so that he would have extra security. He also should have kidnapped younger foids so that he could groom them into eventually becoming loyal to him.

In several followup comments he elaborated further.

Yeah he should have went to an elementary school and kidnapped some 8 yo lolis instead. They are easier to groom and he has a better chance for them to get Stockholm syndrome. Maybe he could have kidnapped toddlers since they will be even easier to groom but he would have to wait for a few years before fucking them. …

Younger is always better when it comes to grooming. Stockholm syndrome is more likely to be a thing for younger foids because they are easier to manipulate. If he did this with lolis instead, his slip up might not have even cost him everything since at that point, they would have seen him as a father figure.

Hopefully a new saint emerges that will mog him, Saint Peter Scully, and Saint Tsutomu Miyazaki combined.

Just FYI: Peter Scully is an Australian serial child rapist and alleged child porn producer and distributor; he’s also suspected of the murder of an 11-year-old. Tsutomu Miyazaki, the so-called “Otaku Murderer,” killed five girls, the youngest of whom was only 4 at the time, and molested their corpses.

JosefMengelecel also thinks that

levels of psychological torture can help keep foids in line by depriving them of any feelings or emotions. That way you can completely break them and have them as sex slaves that will not argue back and let you have your way.

I sincerely hope that this guy is on some sort of watchlist.

In an another thread, a commenter called meremy jeeks argued that “[t]he best way to enforce patriarchy is female genital mutilation without anesthesia.”

He explained:

If a man marries a woman, he may simp to her by trying to make her orgasm, and this can also include eating her out. The only orgasm that matters is a man’s orgasm, since that is necessary for reproduction. A woman’s sexual pleasure is at best frivilous, at worst something she can shame her man for not giving her.

Since a woman should never be allowed to shame a man in any way, she should have her clitoris cut off before she gets married. I think age 8 is a good age, because she is still young and not married (even Muhammad didn’t have sex with his wife until at least 9). She also has a low threshold for pain. So if she gets her clitoris removed, the pain will be extreme and she will be moaning in agony, this will send a message to her about how low she is compared to men and remove any sense of pride she has. This also makes her less focused on her own sexual pleasure and thus more focused on pleasing her husband. Lastly, she deserves it, because she would become a whore if not for patriarchy.

A regular commenter who named himself after the Otaku Murderer set forth his thoughts on the subject:

What a foid wants is completely irrelevant and caring about that is soycuckoldry. I have no problems with grabbing a foid and violently raping her if the law allowed it. I would be able to have sex just fine as it is only my pleasure that is relevant. Funnily enough foids do orgasm from rape so she actually would be pleasured too lmao.

In another thread, MiyazakiCel set forth his position on age of consent laws. He thinks that 15 is

way too high. The age of consent should ideally be around 7 or so. 13 is the highest aoc which is reasonable. Anything above that is commie feminist shit.

Another prime candidate for a watchlist.

These discussions sound an awful lot like an attempt to justify terrible things that these guys clearly fantasize about doing in real life. We can only hope that these guys keep all of this in the realm of fantasy, but I’m not convinced that they all will.

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Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


You aren’t just spitting in the wind friend. I’m still recovering from COVID and it’s been months now. I thought I was gonna die there for a little bit during it. And I’m a other wise healthy 23 year old.

2 years ago

@ One-Time Otter

I don’t understand your situation, so I, like everyone else, should accept your plan? You are apparently admitting to being asexual, but presume to enforce rules on people nothing like you on the subject?

You remind me of someone I know who has some similar views on sexuality and thinks everyone should be like them. Trying to explain sexual attraction to them and why it is what it is just earns a “If it is a problem, just stop” response. Right, because it is no big deal to you, you assume everyone can flip a switch in their head and just not have a sex drive…

Last edited 2 years ago by .45
A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago


If my mother heard what rot you are spewing about her, you’d be walking around with a few less teeth. Just because you suck the cock of a navy seal or whatever doesn’t mean you’re imbued with super saiyan powers after drinking buckets of his pearly white man jam. I’m not going to be the one to do it, but take heed that if you keep running your mouth like that, eventually you’re going to get a little too big for your britches and someone’s gonna give you what for. My mother was a saint, unlike you, you little bitch. Fuck you, and fuck the tiny weenie of that boyfriend that you have to find a microscope to ride on, you slobbering smegma-breathed sow.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


Your mama is just as much of a whore as I am. You are the evidence of her sluttiness lol.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


It’s fun watching him a tantrum after I pointed out his precious mama had a cock in her at some point

2 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear that the recovery has been rough. It sounds really scary. I don’t know what symptoms you’re suffering, but I have respiratory issues and can highly recommend breathing in the steam from super hot baths or really hot drinks to help ease some lung discomfort.

2 years ago

Well, looks like someone just passed their best by date. Personal attacks = I’m losing the argument.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


I love it when they have tantrums. It’s my favorite part.


I’m just really weak. It is hard to breathe and my husband and I are slowly working through it. He had to go with me to pick up my degree like a month ago and I nearly past out walking up some stairs. It’s really been sucking because I haven’t been able to dance like I use to. My doctor and I are talking about the possibility of a sports inhaler. I know that I’m lucky and it could be far worse. Its just a bag of dicks though. It really sucks

A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago


I am only losing the argument because I made the critical error of believing that you people are the sort to be reasoned with. I have been wisened by my error, for it seems that you are impervious to sound argumentation and good logic – I would sooner subject an iguana to my theoretical discussions than do it with any of you and expect something approximating a stimulating, fruitful debate. You are without capacity for anything approaching the love of learning, without appreciation for the finer nuances and extremities of intellectual discourse. You have the unmitigated audacity to question my maturity, and similar interlopers make uncalled-for remarks about the sex-life of my mother. My mother only knew the cocks of two men, there were no “buckets” of semen that went into my conception. You people need to get your minds out of the gutter, and then pull your heads out of your asses. You motherfuckers better read a book.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


I’ve only known the cocks if two men too. Guess what. You can have gallons of cum in you from one man. I get your mama took it up the ass a few times too form her man. Get your daddy cummed on her tits too. Like I said. Your mama is jsut as much of a whore and slut as I am.

epitome of incomprehensibility

These posts are disgusting. I can’t even, as they say, so I’ll rant about a side topic:

It’s weird how people, esp. non-Muslims, just accept that Ayesha was literally 9 when she got married. Do they think Methusaleh in the Bible was actually 900+ too? (I mean, you might want to question whoever was doing Muhammad’s biography and decided that a ridiculously young age signified beauty and innocence, but I doubt his last wife was really that young.)

@Victorious Parasol – that’s great news!

@A One-Time Otter – Having sex doesn’t make someone bad. Calm down and stop insulting people.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

And now, the kind of response A One-Time Otter’s reasoned, measured, and supremely rational argument deserves:

2 years ago

The inhaler can definitely be a lifesaver. Tastes horrid though.

It’s bold of you to think your much older mom could do anything to physically harm a healthy young person. It’s even more pathetic than threatening women with harm through a computer on your own.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


Yeah it’s weird that they take that as fact. It’s like losing critical thinking. My husband and I are Catholic and you know what? I don’t actually believe a virgin gave birth or that lot’s wife turned into salt.

2 years ago

@ You-Know-Who

You have the unmitigated audacity

I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have rolled in on this blog making vague value statements with no backup plan except insults… oh wait, that was you, not me.

Edit: Talking about unmitigated audacity to question your maturity when you come in with an attitude like you do is… interesting.

Last edited 2 years ago by .45
2 years ago


You don’t understand the first thing about my situation, and you are unfairly biased against my justice. Do not project your own problems and insecurities on to me, for I am not one to be rustled by them.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

An asexual person should never be pressured into sex or feel like they are wrong for not wanting sex. But asexual people do not get a free past to think sex is wrong and that the people who have it are wrong.

Which is why I pointed out to dumbass otter that his mother probably loved sex and had to like it to have made him at all. Oh and even if it was just her husband. They probably did all kinds of sex stuff cause it’s a normal and healthy thing to do. I’m not a whore or a slut for liking sex with my husband and neither is otters mom. She’s just a average person with a sex drive.

The woman could have an orgy and swam through a swimming pool of “man jam” and still been a wonderful person. Because sex isn’t wrong and liking it isn’t wrong.

That’s all I’ve got left to say ahout why I brought it up in the first place.

And If an old woman wants to hit me because I said that she had to have to sex to have her little otter son. Then I’m gonna laugh.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


You know my husband and I just saw a movie about that. It was called X. And it had an old woman killing much younger women but that was because she wanted to have sex with their much younger boyfriends and her old husband Howard couldn’t have sex with her anymore. It was very odd and disturbing. There was a really long uncomfortable sex scene with her and her husband

2 years ago

@ Elaine the witch

Well, thanks for the spoilers!

(Actually, I’m kind of serious. ;D Just heard about the movie and thought it sounded like one of those interesting ones outside my usual genres I will probably end up never watching, so getting a basic plot rundown is good.)

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Elaine the witch – Yeah, and the worst part is when people (often Christians) refer to that to say bad things about Muslims in general. (I don’t want to just single out Christians, but there was a lot of casual Islamophobia in the Christian school I went to during the 9/11 & Iraq war era…and this was in Canada…)

Or, in the case of the incel quoted above, to defend child abuse. Euggh.

Anyway, I hope the long COVID symptoms go away soon. One of my tutoring students caught it at age 15 and had aftereffects for about 3 months. And she’s athletic and generally healthy.

2 years ago

That sounds extremely disturbing…

I don’t actually think it’s impossible for an elderly person of any gender to kick a younger person’s ass. In fact, I had an old martial arts teacher who (at 65+ and barely 100lbs soaking wet) beat up a couple big brawny guys who tried to steal her purse. But she was definitely an outlier. And from my experience, men and women at that age and who are still capable of doing that kind of damage are not likely to get physical after an insult.

Anyone else a little uncomfortable with the fact that otter knows how many sexual partners his mother has had?

2 years ago

@ bumblebug

I’m not sure why Otter knowing about his mother’s sexual partners is disturbing. My mother was rather anti-sex and yet I have a passable understanding of how many men she has been involved with. She may have treated it as taboo, but others in the family who had known her before I was born were more forthcoming.

I don’t know names, dates, exact activities, etc, as it was being treated as random trivia rather than a subject of much gossiping. I.E. “Yeah, she had her first boyfriend when she lived there” sort of thing. Nothing graphic was asked for or offered.

I guess what I am trying to say is: I feel like knowing basic info about your parents sex lives is only weird if you make it weird. MMV.

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
2 years ago

@Bumblebug “And from my experience, men and women at that age and who are still capable of doing that kind of damage are not likely to get physical after an insult.”
Matches my experience, as well- the hot-headed ones don’t tend to make it to that age, at least not in one piece.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

If my mother heard what rot you are spewing about her, you’d be walking around with a few less teeth. Just because you suck the cock of a navy seal or whatever doesn’t mean you’re imbued with super saiyan powers after drinking buckets of his pearly white man jam. I’m not going to be the one to do it, but take heed that if you keep running your mouth like that, eventually you’re going to get a little too big for your britches and someone’s gonna give you what for.

These are classic threats from a certain type of batterer: the kind who doesn’t want to take responsibility for his threats. First he says his mother will hurt Elaine the Witch.Then he says that someone will hurt Elaine — but that someone is not him.

But a batterer (in this case an emotional batterer) is a batterer is a batterer, even if he’s asserting that his mother is the violent one. And this is an excerpt of David’s comments policy:

No threats or violent comments. That includes telling someone to “die in a fire” or remarking that so-and-so would probably be better off dead.

Otter, you are new to this blog — or at least you claim to be. And it didn’t take you long at all to jump to the threats portion of your argument. You’re going to have to knock it off or you’ll be banned. My mother won’t do it but David will.

Crip Dyke
2 years ago

Sorry I wasn’t around to push back against Otters when it was needed & thanks to those who did push.

I found this OP so vile I really couldn’t discuss it, but when comments hit 74 I wondered what was going on. Again, sorry I couldn’t/didn’t help.

Be well, and I hope we’re free of this Otter and on to much better otters very quickly.