incels mass murder is good actually misogyny pedophilia rape rape culture rape is good actually

“The age of consent should ideally be around seven” and other terrible opinions from the internet’s worst incel site

Disgust is a natural reaction

If you’ve been looking for a website that will destroy your last shred of hope for humanity, might I suggest the incel forum BasedHaven? While not as appallingly popular as sites like and, the small site makes up for this with the sheer terribleness of its discussions.

Let’s consider several different threads currently up on the forum’s front page. I honestly don’t know which one is the worst.

First, there’s the thread titled “Ariel Castro was a based and underrated saint.”

Castro, you may recall, was the Cleveland man who kidnapped and imprisoned three girls (ages 14, 16, and 20) for nearly a decade. He ultimately pleaded guilty to literally hundreds of counts of rape, kidnapping, and murder before taking his own life in his jail cell.

While all the BasedHaven members in the discussion agreed that Castro was indeed “based,” a few were disappointed that he hadn’t gone further. Someone calling himself JosefMengelecel — a self-described “[p]roud advocate of rape, incest, and pedophilia” — offered a number of suggestions for anyone thinking of trying their own Castro-style kidnappings. It’s pretty clear he’s thought about it a lot.

“Yeah he was pretty based although a criticism I have is that he only locked them in the basement,” he began.

If he were to slip up just once, then they could easily escape which is exactly what happened. What he should have done instead was to lock them in cages in the basement so that he would have extra security. He also should have kidnapped younger foids so that he could groom them into eventually becoming loyal to him.

In several followup comments he elaborated further.

Yeah he should have went to an elementary school and kidnapped some 8 yo lolis instead. They are easier to groom and he has a better chance for them to get Stockholm syndrome. Maybe he could have kidnapped toddlers since they will be even easier to groom but he would have to wait for a few years before fucking them. …

Younger is always better when it comes to grooming. Stockholm syndrome is more likely to be a thing for younger foids because they are easier to manipulate. If he did this with lolis instead, his slip up might not have even cost him everything since at that point, they would have seen him as a father figure.

Hopefully a new saint emerges that will mog him, Saint Peter Scully, and Saint Tsutomu Miyazaki combined.

Just FYI: Peter Scully is an Australian serial child rapist and alleged child porn producer and distributor; he’s also suspected of the murder of an 11-year-old. Tsutomu Miyazaki, the so-called “Otaku Murderer,” killed five girls, the youngest of whom was only 4 at the time, and molested their corpses.

JosefMengelecel also thinks that

levels of psychological torture can help keep foids in line by depriving them of any feelings or emotions. That way you can completely break them and have them as sex slaves that will not argue back and let you have your way.

I sincerely hope that this guy is on some sort of watchlist.

In an another thread, a commenter called meremy jeeks argued that “[t]he best way to enforce patriarchy is female genital mutilation without anesthesia.”

He explained:

If a man marries a woman, he may simp to her by trying to make her orgasm, and this can also include eating her out. The only orgasm that matters is a man’s orgasm, since that is necessary for reproduction. A woman’s sexual pleasure is at best frivilous, at worst something she can shame her man for not giving her.

Since a woman should never be allowed to shame a man in any way, she should have her clitoris cut off before she gets married. I think age 8 is a good age, because she is still young and not married (even Muhammad didn’t have sex with his wife until at least 9). She also has a low threshold for pain. So if she gets her clitoris removed, the pain will be extreme and she will be moaning in agony, this will send a message to her about how low she is compared to men and remove any sense of pride she has. This also makes her less focused on her own sexual pleasure and thus more focused on pleasing her husband. Lastly, she deserves it, because she would become a whore if not for patriarchy.

A regular commenter who named himself after the Otaku Murderer set forth his thoughts on the subject:

What a foid wants is completely irrelevant and caring about that is soycuckoldry. I have no problems with grabbing a foid and violently raping her if the law allowed it. I would be able to have sex just fine as it is only my pleasure that is relevant. Funnily enough foids do orgasm from rape so she actually would be pleasured too lmao.

In another thread, MiyazakiCel set forth his position on age of consent laws. He thinks that 15 is

way too high. The age of consent should ideally be around 7 or so. 13 is the highest aoc which is reasonable. Anything above that is commie feminist shit.

Another prime candidate for a watchlist.

These discussions sound an awful lot like an attempt to justify terrible things that these guys clearly fantasize about doing in real life. We can only hope that these guys keep all of this in the realm of fantasy, but I’m not convinced that they all will.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Vicky P

Oh that is good news. I am so relieved for you!

Ooh, and if we’re doing Otters. I’ve just got back from a day trip around Devon. And Otters featured a fair bit. Half the villages in the area have ‘otter’ in their names somewhere. And there’s also a nice otter statue in Bideford.

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I also like that bridge. Each of its 24 arches is different. Legend says that’s because each span was built by a different town guild. Although the historical evidence is that it’s just a rubbish bridge. Still works fine though.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Long time lurker, first time poster….

I just had come in here and voice how fucking awful those people are and how gross they make me feel.


Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

Hi, KingMerv00! I hope you’ll be able to de-lurk again on a topic that isn’t quite so nauseating.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

I had my husband read this one and he took a deep breath before saying

“This is going to make me commit war crimes”

2 years ago

It took me several attempts to get past the title and actually read this… That was just as horrible as I thought it would be.

@VP, I’m so happy for you!!!!

@One-Time Otter

I haven’t been active in a while, but I mentioned before I was applying to jobs and I’m starting a new job in May!! I’m super excited and just finished my last ever quarter teaching. It’s bitter sweet, but I ended on a wonderful batch of students.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

I can’t refresh this page properly. The timestamp on bumblebug’s comment always says “11 minutes ago”, even if I wait several minutes and then reload, and even if I shift+reload.

What is going on?

A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago

@.45 and co

Men shouldn’t be able to have sex with women until they’re 27, and it should be illegal for women to have sex with any man under 27 regardless of her age. Attractive men who are under 27 will use their looks in order to monopolize a large pool of ultimately shallow women (ah, how redundant the phrase!), thereby depriving less attractive men of the opportunities, creating within them a sense of resentment which they will carry throughout their lives. We will fix this by leveling the playing field, largely through depriving attractive men of their best years to bone bitches and make them compete with the Steves and Ronnys of the world, who will likely have not known the touch of a woman anyway until they’ve secured gainful employment.

I will admit I may have been under the influence when I composed that last comment, but I remain confident that this must have been my logic going in, and I can understand its merit, however misguided the original argument may have been,

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@A One-time Otter:

1: How do you arrive at the specific figure of 27?

1a. I wouldn’t ask this intrusive personal question had the nature of your manifesto not raised it, but how old would you happen to be?

2: What would you suggest as the female age of consent? If any? Old enough to vote? Old enough to bleed? Old enough to breathe?

3: Have you personally witnessed a widespread social pattern of aging women hooking up with a series of successively younger and conventionally attractive men?

4: How do you propose to keep this policy from creating a huge pool of frustrated young men?

5: I will admit I may have been under the influence when I composed that last comment, but I remain confident that this must have been my logic going in, and I can understand its merit, however misguided the original argument may have been.

Good to know that your argument has been peer-reviewed and declared sound by a consensus of you.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
2 years ago

Ewww. WTF. In between shudders of revulsion, I did sort of roll my eyes at “soycuckoldry.” The rest, I had to detach myself from the situation to read.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Vicky P: HUZZAH! and other celebratory noises. SO good to hear.

Real otters are cool.

I give you the local version:

Live 12 hours a day, recorded cuteness the other 12.

@Nequam: We had that running 24/7 for a couple of years.

Meanwhile, these wastes of oxygen really need to be identified. All people of any age or gender would be safer if they weren’t out in public.

2 years ago

@Otter idiot

thereby depriving less attractive men of the opportunities, creating within them a sense of resentment which they will carry throughout their lives

So? Why do you think unattractive men are entitled to sex with attractive (or otherwise) women?

A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

  1. Personal experience, which I find to be the most effective and truthful teacher of them all. 1a: 28.
  2. Ordinarily, I would say “old enough to vote,” as it would be foolish to say that a person can determine the fate of the nation but not that of their bedroom, but as I am opposed to the very notion that voting should exist, I will simply say that a woman must be considered an adult of sound mind.
  3. Have you personally witnessed the existence of George Washington? What is your point?
  4. Everyone will be equally frustrated, so it will sort itself out. It is a form of affirmative action for unattractive men, any form of which is bound to cause frustration for somebody. It’s the idea that we’re frustrated but someone else is out living the dream that’s so terribly outrageous – at the very least, I suspect that sperm-jacking and false accusations shall decline. I suspect that the passage of such an act would further incentivize the creation of superior virtual reality programs and other replacements for potentially disastrous sexual escapades with women.
  5. I can just imagine living with one of you leftists, and you’re all “where’s the ketchup?” So I’m all “It’s probably wherever you left it,” so you go “citation needed.” Like, wtf? Are you turds permanently stuck in college or some shit? Go read one of your YA novels or some shit. Why not look up the scholarly work of Prof. Boffa D. Snuts, while you’re at it?
2 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

How do you propose to keep this policy from creating a huge pool of frustrated young men?

And frustrated young women. How many 18 year old women would be willing to sleep with men 10+ years older than them? Opens up the door for so much more grooming of young women.

And of course the continued infantilization of men and boys. Girls and young women are already expected to develop emotional maturity so much earlier than boys and young men. Adding in that girls are “adult” enough for sex at 18 while men must be 27 just extends the idea that young men need to be taken care of. What we really need is to let boys and young men grow up and stop coddling them.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

@dumbas otter

My 23 year old husband who just fucked me this morning says your a dumbass and an insult to otters

Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
2 years ago

Brain bleach

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A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago


“let men grow up and stop coddling them”

Also you, probably:

Government should shut down everything and give me money so I don’t catch a cold. Also, it should cancel my student loans I took out as an adult, and guarantee me employment. Offensive speech should be banned, but only against groups I like.

A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago

@Your Husband

I don’t need to take shit from someone my junior – I suggest you grow up a little.

2 years ago

@ One-Time Otter

So, from the sound of it, you are arguing like a child. A child upset because someone shared candy with the other kids but not them, and now you want Mommy and Daddy to make sure nobody else gets candy anywhere so it’s fair.

(By the way, to continue this metaphor, if nobody shared candy with you or only gave you a little, it is probably because you have a shitty attitude.)

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

@dumbass otter

Maybe stop arguing like a 12 year old then. The world has a hard enough time keeping 16 year olds from fucking. You think people are going to wait till their 27. You live in a pot filled fantasy dream

A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago


I am 28 and have never fucked. I don’t see what the big deal is – the very thought is repulsive to me, I do not understand how it is that people are able to sleep with some of the individuals I have seen them walking hand-in-hand with. It can be done, you just have to stop being a bunch of cum-for-brains who think they “need” relationships.

If I can do it, so can anyone else.

A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago


You don’t understand the first thing about my situation, and you are unfairly biased against my justice. Do not project your own problems and insecurities on to me, for I am not one to be rustled by them.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

The high squeaky voice I heard when you said

“I’m not one to be rustled with ”

Oh I’m so scared. Big man behind a screen lol

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

# otter

So your a asexual. Good for. You don’t project your issues on to us. Guess how much cum had to be loaded into your mother for your ass to even be here. Probably gallons. And I bet she swallowed gallons more.

2 years ago

Seeing this:

Also you, probably:

Government should shut down everything and give me money so I don’t catch a cold. Also, it should cancel my student loans I took out as an adult, and guarantee me employment. Offensive speech should be banned, but only against groups I like.

while also:

You don’t understand the first thing about my situation, and you are unfairly biased against my justice. Do not project your own problems and insecurities on to me, for I am not one to be rustled by them.

makes me giggle a little.

I still haven’t heard a response from the troll about why men are entitled to sex with young women. I also don’t think I’ve seen a sex repulsed incel/mra before. Or at least not one that admits it.

PSA for anyone who needs a reminder:
COVID is not a cold. Stay safe, stay healthy, and take whatever precautions you need to ensure that you can continue living.

2 years ago

It’s never intimidating when men tell you how scary they are from behind a computer screen. Or how much smarter they are than you. Especially when they know nothing about you and are likely far less scary, strong, or educated than the people they are trying to intimidate.