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Men need their own houses where they can be free from women’s “effeminate indoctrination,” Red Pill fitness guru contends

Man having a private moment with his masculine consciousness.

Attention men! Sure, you’re already stretched thin and squeezed out by your rent or mortgage payments. But if you want to be a real man, you’re going to need a second house in which you can be your masculine selt without any interruptions from naggy women trying to make you all girly.

At least according to this dude, a Kenyan health and fitness guru of some sort who has somehow managed to garner himself more than 770 thousand followers on Twitter.

And always remember not to drain your body of its precious bodily fluids.

As it turns out, Eric here has a lot of thoughts on the general topic of women and their allegedly emasculating ways.


And don’t let her beguile you with her carrot.

Be wary of love.

Also, never blink in the presence of a lady.

Eric also has some strong feelings about … tomato sauce.

I don’t think “tomato sauce” is code for anything else — like the woman’s “carrot” a couple of tweets ago — he’s just really pissed off at tomato sauce. I guess I can respect that, even if I respect nothing else about him.

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2 years ago

This is one of those times I want to both block this guy and also block every follower and commenter he has all in one fell swoop.

2 years ago

I am supposed to cook my own meals while fasting? That sounds more frustrating than the semen retention.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

I’m guessing he’s either an estate agent or a property developer.

Also, HIIT doesn’t need an ‘s’.

Totally with him on the sauce thing though.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago



Also, never blink in the presence of a lady.

I’m pretty sure that only applies if they’re made of stone and have wings.

Also, a four-week fast will probably kill you. (Three minutes without air, three hours without heat, three days without water, three weeks without food, last I checked.)

2 years ago
2 years ago

Great. It’s not enough we have to have a “man cave”, now we need an entire house too? Can’t we just get in touch with our masculine consciousness by going out to play with power tools in the garage like every middle aged suburban father?

To be slightly less sarcastic, of course not, because if that was enough, we wouldn’t need what he is selling and he couldn’t get off on telling us what to do… Anyway, I imagine this guy likes Fight Club.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
2 years ago

ew he ruined HIIT for me. why do they ruin everything.

Take control of your sperms because it is you who will shoulder the burden of responsibility,

NOT her.

well that’s a new one. good to see them finally stepping up. not sure how this will work given they’ll be in their little man houses for weeks at a time, but let’s see.

So, don’t be a parasite on her.

good advice.

2 years ago

“Don’t blink. Blink and you’re dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don’t turn your back. Don’t look away. And don’t blink. Good Luck.”

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Dating a workmate unmasks your availability & displays your weaknesses.

And that’s why men also need a separate house: so as not to display their weaknesses.

It’s ironic that Eric chose a photo of Martin Luther King Jr. as his avatar. MLK argued for integration and loving everyone, not separating yourself from others because you’re so afraid to reveal your weaknesses.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
occasional reader
occasional reader
2 years ago

This will expose you to disrespect, manipulation & terrorism.

Terrorism ? How ? Have you read figures about DV, asshole ?

Anyway, i wonder if this is not some kind of troll. Or a bot. The displayed tweets are always on o’clock or half, except the one about tomato sauce.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
2 years ago

And don’t let her beguile you with her carrot.



I am supposed to cook my own meals while fasting?

Yeah, that sounded weird. Is it like the Ramadan fast where you just can’t eat between certain hours?


It’s ironic that Eric chose a photo of Martin Luther King Jr. as his avatar

Okay, so I wasn’t just seeing things. Didn’t want to make the “they all look the same” mistake.


I imagine this guy likes Fight Club.

It’s actually a good movie, but you’re not supposed to walk away thinking Tyler Durden is a role model.

Honestly, this guy just sounds so fragile and insecure. What a pathetic waste.

Last edited 2 years ago by Queen of the Harpies
2 years ago

A Room of One’s Own is one thing, but a whole house?


While in your private house, – away from your woman and children:

– Sleep on the floor regularly,

– Fast daily,

– Semen retention,…


While he’s in his private house,- away from you and your children:


(BTW, love to see a post on the “Turning Red” kerfuffle that has all the MRA snowflakes a-twitter.)

Mimi Haha
Mimi Haha
2 years ago

Does this guy not understand you can make your own tomato sauce?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
2 years ago

”Put zero effort into your marriage and disappear for a month at a time.”

Then be all shocked and whiny when she divorces you and takes the kids. How could this happen? Modern women are so selfish!

Well, at least you’ll have Casa Nofap and your three masculine books.

Couch Thing
2 years ago

What exactly are “masculine books”? Like, do they have beards and use body wash that smells like gasoline and elk entrails?

2 years ago

Does this guy not understand you can make your own tomato sauce?


A One-Time Otter
A One-Time Otter
2 years ago

Women: We want to divorce our husbands, get fat eating pasta in Italy, find religion in India, get railed by Javier Bardem in Bali, and then divorce him later because self-actualization.

Men: We just want some space to ourselves.

Women: OMG men are trash, y’all are selfish, side-eyeing that rn, male entitlement.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
2 years ago

Okay like latex allergies are super common. So common in fact that hospitals stop using latex gloves in the us, because so many people are allergic to them. Most condoms are made out of latex, not rubber. Rubber condoms are less effective then latex condoms. I don’t know why this idiot is treating it like it’s a lie.

I’m allergic to latex, and I found that out by using normal condoms, and getting a horrible rash on the outside and inside of my cnt. The latex free ones, they are so incredibly fragile and stupid. If you don’t pull out the second you are done, and you start to get soft, the damn thing is gonna fall right off of the dick. (that happened because unlike latex, they stretch out).

They are like wet bible paper. Super thin and fragile, and if you have any type of long nails, the condom will rip when you try to put it on.

Yeah, there is a reason why I’m more of a “everyone gets tested for sti and I just use hormonal bc” type of woman.

2 years ago

Read only masculine books, by manly man authors such as James Tiptree Jr, George Eliot, and Andre Norton.

I hope he doesn’t just mean Hemingway, because I’d get bored quickly.

Also, “easily manipulated by her carrot”? Is this guy a rabbit?

2 years ago


Don’t forget Lionel Shriver (who has sadly made a bit of a far-right turn lately, sigh).

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ couch thing

What exactly are “masculine books”?

Testosterone of the d’Urbervilles“?

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


(BTW, love to see a post on the “Turning Red” kerfuffle that has all the MRA snowflakes a-twitter.)

Because it has the temerity (A) to acknowledge a bodily function that doesn’t happen to cis men, (B) to center the female members of an Asian family, and (C) to use zooanthropy as a puberty metaphor in a way that isn’t sexualized or exoticized? In short, because (D) it isn’t primarily for them?

Last edited 2 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Ann M Hatzakis
Ann M Hatzakis
2 years ago

The funny thing is that a similar situation was part of a science fiction trilogy in the 1980s by Suzette Hadin Elgin.

EXCEPT, that in the trilogy the men built separate residences for WOMEN/girl past puberty … because the women were “too feminine” (IN A TRADITIONAL PATRIARCHAL MALE-DOMINATED WAY)…..

(Of course, the women didn’t mind being away from the men’s unreasonableness)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

Latex allergies can be very sad. Years ago I was working at a hospital where one of the more gifted surgeons developed a latex allergy. This was before nitrile gloves were readily available, plus there was other medical equipment that included latex in their construction. It was so bad that she was at risk of dying in the OR.

She ended up taking a job with a surgical supply company. The general feeling around the hospital was that an excellent surgeon had been forced out of the profession. ‘Cos essentially she had – her own body had betrayed her.

@Ann M Hatzakis

Have you ever read Raising the Stones by Sheri S. Tepper? One of the planets in that book has a matrilineal society that actually works – the women and young children live in a house, and the uncles and older boys live in smaller houses, in a family compound. I’ve long suspect that Tepper modeled the society after the Mosuo people, though for the purposes of fiction her society’s flaws are the more ordinary sort (clash of personalities leading to trouble, for example).

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

All the tomato sauce I’ve ever bought has “tomatoes” as the first ingredient on the label. Guess things are different in Kenya, or else Eric here needs some effeminate indoctrination in how to go grocery shopping.

How do you fast AND cook meals at the same time?

I suspect all the women in Kenya would be really happy if Eric had his own man house, permanently. Maybe he could learn to grow his own tomatoes (in a Manly way, of course) and make some decent sauce.

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