Attention men! Sure, you’re already stretched thin and squeezed out by your rent or mortgage payments. But if you want to be a real man, you’re going to need a second house in which you can be your masculine selt without any interruptions from naggy women trying to make you all girly.
At least according to this dude, a Kenyan health and fitness guru of some sort who has somehow managed to garner himself more than 770 thousand followers on Twitter.
And always remember not to drain your body of its precious bodily fluids.
As it turns out, Eric here has a lot of thoughts on the general topic of women and their allegedly emasculating ways.
And don’t let her beguile you with her carrot.
Be wary of love.
Also, never blink in the presence of a lady.
Eric also has some strong feelings about … tomato sauce.
I don’t think “tomato sauce” is code for anything else — like the woman’s “carrot” a couple of tweets ago — he’s just really pissed off at tomato sauce. I guess I can respect that, even if I respect nothing else about him.
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Oh look, a troll! I’ve been gone a few weeks and now we have a troll?
As an inveterate introvert, who closely resembles an invertebrate when imposed upon to invest in interpersonal interaction:
The problem is absolutely not men needing their own space. Everyone should have a space (a closet, a roof, a point on a trail in a park, a bench by the streets, somewhere) where they can have some mental or physical space when needed.
The problem is associating that space with freedom from having to learn that other humans (in this case women and children of unspecified genders) are PEOPLE.
The problem is disappearing for A MONTH on your kids! Like, what the hell?
I mean, if you’re the type of dude willing to apropos of nothing disappear in your kids for a full month to hang out in a separate house doing only “self-improvement” without even feeling bad about it… why not just divorce already so your kids can have a shot at having a dad who gives a fig about them?
Instead of growing up with a complex of “Oh yeah, we suck so much that dad disappears completely every other month and doesn’t even text back. Yeah, no, it’s not even like he’s in the military and not ALLOWED to stay in touch or he’s got some illness and is too unwell to stay in touch right now; he just doesn’t WANT to because we suck that bad.”
Seriously, what the heck? Your takeaway from this post was “Women think men suck for wanting a place to decompress when things get to be too much?”
Seriously? Nobody has a problem with that idea. Everybody needs that kind of place to a degree.
It’s the misogyny and the advice to participate in the dereliction of duty as the co-creator and parental guidance unit of small sentient beings that we have beef with.
I mean, having a full second house when most people are struggling to afford apartments might also be a little economically unsound, but a random bloke’s finances aren’t really my concern.
Also, yay for the good news on the negatives, VP!
Forgot to say that earlier.
Thanks, Contrapangloss! It’s good to see you.
I knew the odds were in my favor, but the worst possibilities were always on my mind. Especially after that time a couple weeks ago when Mr. Parasol ended up rushing me to the ER because I wasn’t supposed to be bleeding like that (glossing over the details for the sensitive among us), and after I was in the ER pod with a saline drip started and lab work drawn and things going “beep” around me … well, I was telling him things like, “If they need to admit me, would you get my tablet from home? And the headset, not the ear buds, because I don’t want to worry about recharging. And I’ll need a clean set of clothes.”
So even though we’ve got the happiest possible ending, it’s been an exhausting journey to get here.
@A One-Time Otter
You can go your own way without complaining about women.
Now do society a favor and don’t spread your genes. There’s a reason most men didn’t pass on their genes.
You say this like it’s a bad thing.
Is hotdicks some sort of weird Minnesota recipe?
Guess I need to go tell all my straight guy friends they’re not allowed to like pizza anymore, it’s too girly for them. (More for me!)
All RealMen™ find women suspiciously effeminate.
So, this particular retentionist – For Seagull Island or the monasteries of Mount Athos?
Ah, fascists. So committed to their supposed strength and so convinced that they are weak that they can’t take personal responsibility.
@Otter: Otter, I know it feels nice to be convinced your “side” are the good guys, but Eric didn’t just say what you’re saying, and you don’t need to throw in with him.
Eric didn’t just ask for space. He didn’t even just counsel that fathers leave their children for a month at a time, giving no indication that he thinks women should also have a month’s worth of uninterrupted space in their own castle where the father takes care of the children and does all the domestic household maintenance full time. He’s not just trying to insist that men have this space no matter the financial plausibility thereof, which is deeply classist and should bother you as deeply misandrist. No, he also wants men to control what happens to a woman’s body and to not love others. Why did you ignore the rest of his selfish, misogynistic, male-policing, toxic screed? Because it was rhetorically inconvenient to your Red Team-Blue Team propaganda?
People here have given you the indication that they agree men need space just like everyone else. I find it remarkable not only that you didn’t listen to them or people like them, but also assume that it’s just impossible for a man to respectfully articulate to his partner (male or female – let’s get rid of Eric’s heteronormativity too!) that he needs to find some alone time and be able to express himself, maybe even his more conventionally masculine elements he might not feel comfortable expressing in a shared space, and find some kind of compromise.
If I were to say something like, “Men: Control the vast majority of all economic and political institutions, make more money, get to sexually harass and rape women with near-impunity, get to catcall and invade women’s privacy, get to doxx them at will get to control their bodies with legislation Also Men: WE NEED SPACE FROM GIRLS”, would you find that particularly fair? I bet you’d find that gross misandry. And yet those generalizations I just gave are either statistically demonstrable or have prominent examples we can easily find. GamerGate alone would give anyone endless ammo against men if they wanted. But the problem is that “men” don’t do those things. Some men do those things, some men silently support the norm that lets them, and some (not enough but some) men oppose them. Not only are you dehumanizing the women who broadly match the mold you expressed, who are also real people with good traits to go along with the seemingly bad, but not all women are like that. So why did you decide to make that generalization, when without that generalization you didn’t have an argument?
Worse, Eric didn’t just say that he wanted men to have some space. He was saying they should, as a matter of course, for the sake of vaunted “masculinity”, have an entire separate space at some time. He wasn’t just expressing an idle wish, the way that you framed the women’s desires here (who obviously won’t do all those things); he was making a demand. Why did you lie about it not being that way? Why can’t you condemn Eric while also pointing out that some men want something far more reasonable? Why does personal responsibility only matter for women you don’t like?
(And I should say, of course, that nothing you’ve listed here would even necessarily be morally wrong. As long as they did it in order, they could get railed by whoever they want wherever they want and have whatever religious experiences. Why are you so afraid of women’s autonomy?)