bad history men created civilization misogyny MRA reddit

It’s Women’s History Month, which means it’s also Men Complaining There’s No Men’s History Month Month

Today is the second day of Women’s History Month. Which means it’s time for the men of the Men’s Rights subreddit to start whining that there’s no Men’s History Month.

When is Mens history month?” asked a fellow in the Men’s Rights subreddit calling himself Amazing-Window-346.

I saw that it is womens history month at NASA and to be honest i think it’s good that they are being recognised for their part but what does bother me is when people say (but every month is man month)

So maybe it should [be] a thing [seeing] as men make up 70%+ of the work force and feminist are less than 1% of the work force maybe they could give us a month

 I’m not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your statistics work, there, Amazing. Men make up 53 percent of the workforce in the United States, not 70 percent; roughly 60 percent of women and 40 percent of men see themselves as feminist.

Not that being right about things has ever been a big part of Men’s Rights “activism.” Indeed, when one commenter corrected Amazing-Window’s butt data on the percentage of men in the workforce they got voted down below zero.

Anyway, a bunch of other Men’s Rights Redditors are equally mad they don’t have a month of their own. After all, they hunted the mammoth built civilization with their bare hands while women sat around having babies and eating bon bons or their historical equivalents.

“EvErY mOnTh Is MeN’s HiStOrY mOnTh! ” wrote stunspot sarcastically.

Sigh. Just get used to it: you will not be celebrated. You are not valued. Society does not want you. The fact that society has been, by and large, created by men is irrelevant. The contributions of men are irrelevant. You are a man: you do not have value – you ACHIEVE value.

Misandry_Today had a somewhat different take:

Every month is Men’s history month. This is because men built the entirety of civilization. As a result men should be celebrated every day of the year.

PigTenis agreed that this was why men deserved a lot more than a month.

Bro – entire history of humanity is Mens History. Nearly all conquests, wars, great works of art, architecture, inventions, or atrocities. Why ask for a month when you got millennia ?

But that’s why we need a month, replied OldEgalitarianMRA.

Men cannot be faulted for making so many great discoveries. This is even more reason to celebrate men and their contribution to our society.

I say, give these poor baby men a month. Call it Men’s Herstory Month, just to piss them off.

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Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Men’s Rights “Activists” complaining? Wow, wow, wow, that is an entirely new development.

Man Bites Dog

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
2 years ago

So basically it’s like every other month they hate. They spent all last month whining about the fact that there isn’t a white history month.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

And you know we’ll get to a point where they’ll cry about ‘why isn’t there a cis history day/week/month?’.

2 years ago

When you’ve been part of a demographic that’s had to fight tooth and nail to even be a part of building civilisation, AND then had their achievements stolen by the same people who didn’t want them in the club at all, then you can have a month to yourselves.

Until then, MRAs, shut up and stop trying to coast on the successes of people that aren’t you.

2 years ago

@Battering Lamb

You mean like they already do on every trans day of remembrance/visibility?

2 years ago

Off topic: I checked out Sinfest for no reason other to see whether Tats has any take on this war in his comic. The answer is either “no” or “not yet” (I don’t know how far in advance he makes them) but what he is doing right now is the Transgender = Transhumanist = Cyborg = Replacing Humans nonsense which Laura Ingraham and a few others were doing awhile back.

Last edited 2 years ago by Snowberry
Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

This reminds of when my husband tried to tell me there was no international men’s day and I was like
“Uh yeah there is. It’s in November. I’m part of the activest group raising awareness for prostate cancer during it so there totally is” cause he never bothered to Google if there was an international men’s day.

2 years ago

Gah, Sinfest is such a roller coaster of gross to feminist to gross

2 years ago

Well here’s some women in history with a young Russian soldier who has surrendered, treating him with care, ringing his mum to tell her he is ok.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

comment image

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

@Threp: I wasn’t aware we already had those, but yes.

2 years ago

OT: Shaun (the lefty youtuber) has a new video, a movie-length critical deep dive into Harry Potter, and what the writing reveals about JK Rowling. It’s pretty good.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
2 years ago



Pick one and ONLY one.


Yeah, I was about to mention International Men’s Day. Why should we give them an entire month when they whine that they don’t have a special day… when they totally do, but are too lazy to look it up?

It’s a clear cut case of “Why do OTHER people get to have things? I want things! Waaahhh!!!” without even understanding why we have those days/celebrations. Because (straight, white) men get the bulk of all the credit for everything in history (see their own arguments above: men created history and society!), so it’s nice to finally remember all the other people who got swept under the rug. There is no Straight Pride Month because straight people have never been persecuted in the history of ever for being straight, whereas queer people have been outright hunted down and killed. There is no White History Month because white people weren’t enslaved en mass in this country and continue to receive racist treatment from the system.

They are just little brats whining because somebody got a piece of cake with more frosting on it when they’ve taken more than half of the thing. Cry harder, babies.


Ugggh, Sinfest. There are a number of webcomics I regret reading, but that’s in the top three easily. Even before the guy went all TERF-y, the comic always felt a little… off to me, like what it’s actual “message” was or what he was trying to say. I sorta gave up on it, then heard about what a flaming dumpster pile of a disaster it became. Checked a few out, could hardly stomach it. Just… torch the whole damn thing already.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

@Moggie: Had not checked that out yet, but Shaun usually creates quality content so looking forward.

Rapidfire women’s history (By Overly Sarcastic Productions):

Last edited 2 years ago by Battering Lamb
to whom it may concern
to whom it may concern
2 years ago

To whom it concerns (unnamed semi regular- not in comments at moment):

This comment from another community might be helpful:

“True story… my first real, adult girlfriend convinced me to see someone about the possibility of being OCD when I would flip out over someone saying make like a tree and leave, since leave was just a misspelled version of leaf, or the S was missing at the end of leaves. I said it didn’t make sense and she said… no sweetheart, you just can’t make sense of it. I made the appointment and she later married an officer… we both won.”

You have made a reputation for yourself as a supporter of women’s and POC issues that is undeserved.

Your partner is WHITE and you support their appropriated Latino Id, while they talked over actual POC while you were present.

You were raised with both white and gender privilege and used it to gaslight and minimize your verbally explosive anger almost exclusively directed at women. Followed by whining when confronted.

You have only grudgingly changed your behavior and and never apologized.

(Yes, this person was aware of their behavior… that’s why they needed to gaslight the situation as “drama” or a “misunderstanding”.)

And there is reason to suspect at least the current partner, and possibly an ex, tried to sabatoge a former friend of yours because of a combination of jealousy and thinly veiled racism.

Which is all sorts of ironic, considering their Latino and/or native claims.

There is certainly nothing wrong with building a new community of friends. But it can’t be based on lies or at anyone’s expense.

So maybe talk to your partner and tell them they need to clear up any lies or “inaccuracies” they have been spreading.

You knew, you share responsibility.

And that’s how you prove you are really an ally to women and poc, not grandstanding on the Internet.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

I think the MRAs and TERFs need to get together.

Somewhere very far away from decent people.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
2 years ago

Re: Sinfest:

Some time ago on another board I saw a screenshot taken from what I assume was a ‘Chan board (everyone was posting as ‘Anonymous’, which is how they do their nyms there, I think). Said screenshot was of a Sinfest discussion, where a few Anonymouses (? on plural spelling) were trying to figure out if the Sinfest dude was simply criticizing feminism or if he just fell away from it. One Anonymous said they were a socialist (I think), and using those skills on the overall comic said the creator’s feminism never was more than surface level at best. None of the jokes ever went deeper than ‘MEN BAD!!! RAAAARW!!!’, so it wasn’t a big surprise to them that the SF creator dropped the feminist trappings as fast as he did.

If/when I refind that screenshot I’ll post it here, if the thread hasn’t died by then.

Some OT stuff now:

@Kupo, belated thanks for checking on Valintin a few threads back. Hopefully he and his loved ones are still safe over there. (Plus as many other Ukrainians safe as possible too.)

@Everyone: be warned there’s a new(ish) way for scammers to get your money now. It is possible for scammers to disguise themselves as an iTunes sale and nickle-and-dime a bank account to death. One of my cards got hit with that and I lost around $200.00 before getting a new card and transferring my money to it. Outside of two attempts on this card, the charges were all between $5-20, small enough to not get noticed until too late.

So be warned, and watch out for small unknown charges on your bank accounts. They’re money leaches. D:

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
2 years ago

I don’t know much about Chan culture, but from what little I’ve seen, I think the preferred plural is “Anons”. Although I personally would opt for “Anonymice” until corrected, just because I’m a terrible little Chaos gremlin who is easily amused.

2 years ago

I’m not surprised that surface level “men bad” feminism ended up leading to TERFy shit. That’s like half their argument right there

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
2 years ago


Speaking of babies (the baby at the article thumbnail), No I’m not pregnant. My cousin is. Which is very exciting. this is her second pregnancy and we just found out it was twins. which shocked me and her, cause I went with her to that appointment. (her husband is in the military, and is over shores as well right now). Then we found out, through our mothers that there are 4 sets fraternal twins in our family from our mom’s sides. So we both have good chances, of getting twins.

Ten Bears
2 years ago

Men built the entirety of civilization. Look where that got us.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
2 years ago

@ten bear

in a pandemic and on the verge with war with Russia?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

I submit that the Ukraine invasion is mostly due to one man’s insecurity about his penis and his toxic masculinity. That poor crying Russian boy is clearly starving and didn’t want to be there. Running into women who probably remind him of his mother and let him talk to her is the best thing that’s happened to him in ages.

@Elaine: There used to be a stand up comedian whose famous line was “Twins are God’s way of telling you you’ve slept enough.” Hope it all goes well for your cousin.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

If you’re the eldest twin, ring your younger sibling, say “When I was your age…”. Then tell them what you were doing ten minutes ago.