consent is hard creepy misogyny rapey sexual exploitation sexual insecurity

Unwanted sex is no worse than drinking a glass of water when you’re not thirsty, and other observations from a complete piece of shit

This guy can’t understand why every girl isn’t the girl who can’t say no. It’s just sex, baby, as natural as using a sex toy, except that, well, you’re actually the sex toy here.

 Now I never understood how people, especially women, just refuse or don't want to have sex. They somehow believe that sex is unnatural? It's like saying you don't want food to go into your mouth and that the act of chewing is too much to bear or something & She literally can lay on her back, use some lubricant, and go to sleep. There's nothing more to be done there. Literally. And the guy will last all of3 to 5 minutes. With a condom on. No difference from using a dildo. A hard object going into a hole that it's meant to go into. Women can have zero attachment, barely even feel their "small dick", and then go right back to watching a movie and eating some popcorn. Like how are y'all pretending like a natural lubricated hole where a penis is supposed to go, equal such a tortuous act??? It's no different than drinking a glass of water, even if you're not really thirsty at won't kill you.

It’s like chewing; it’s like drinking a glass or water;; why oh why won’t you let me use you as a sentient fleshlight?

Some people should never be allowed to have sex.

H/T — Found on the IAmATotalPieceOfShit subreddit. I wasn’t able to track down the original.

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Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Yes, and suppose someone rams a firehose down your throat and turns it on full blast? Your mouth is where water is supposed to go.

3 years ago

So now getting punched in the face is just “an inopportune boxing match”?

The invasion of Ukraine is just “an intense touristic season”?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

These are the kind of people I wish would get exactly what they’re describing.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

And I never understand why a guy so desperate for sex doesn’t just use his own hand.

Oh wait. I do understand. Sex doesn’t do anything for him unless the other person is an unwilling participant.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

And I imagine this asshole won’t complain if some extremely heavyset guy wants to apply the same mentality to him, right?

Also, really hate the notion that penis is supposed to go in that “hole”. Fuck your heterosexism and gross ass-umptions, douche. Just buy a sex doll if you want zero response or input from your sex partner.

3 years ago

If I had as low an opinion of sex as he seems to have I’d be more confused that anyone ever bothers than that everyone isn’t always eager.

epitome of incomprehensibility

If this is real, the self-own is ridiculous. He thinks women should always want to have sex with men, because… and then he describes sex for women as extremely boring, so much that they’d fall asleep. Way to NOT sell your point, there.

Just maybe we’re human too, with emotions and bodily sensations, and those of us who are interested in sex want it to be actually fun.

Krasnaya Koshka
Krasnaya Koshka
3 years ago

I’m hoping this person is just really young and has never experienced actual sex. (But I am sort of an eternal, depressed, Optimist.)

I recall when I was 17 and my younger brother (15) came to me and asked me about different ribbed condoms. “What would feel best for a girl?”

Having never had sex with a dude, I was hard pressed to say so I told him, “Just ask her. Women are not a monolith.” At least my brother was trying.

What is the point in having sex if both people don’t enjoy it? To be perfectly TMI, I am stone butch. I really never want anyone to touch me so the thought of “laying” back and just taking it is horrifying.

I think I’m just writing this because of “Would love your thoughts, please comment.”

3 years ago

If I were to be extremely generous, perhaps this person is used to being constantly “volunteered” for unpleasant tasks that they don’t particularly want to do but don’t feel they have any real choice in the matter. And perhaps, it feels strange and/or unfair that they can’t just “volunteer” other people to do things for them, and right now, it feels like their biggest issue is that they’re constantly horny and not getting laid. And they’ve been way watching too much porn but it doesn’t really satisfy. And also the porn gave them some wrongheaded ideas about sex and/or interactions with women.

Very generously assuming it’s something like this, and not the more likely case of general toxic selfishness plus entitlement towards women’s bodies, then: considerable wrong has been done to this person, but that doesn’t mean that they have any rights to do the same wrong to others. The resentment is understandable, but badly misaimed. I would hope that eventually they would come to learn how messed-up their life is and escape it, and look back on their former self with cringe.

3 years ago

Krasnaya Koshka – Welcome to WHTM. Nice to see a new commenter in this small blog community (that used to be bigger in the early to mid 2010s). I remember you sometimes commented on Pharyngula years ago. (I was a lurker then.)

Some Chick
Some Chick
3 years ago

This guy also doesn’t understand why women want nothing to do with him.

Dana C.
Dana C.
3 years ago

As a woman who was, in her youth, enthusiastically and aggressively promiscuous, and who married a cute younger man with whom the sex was the hottest I’d ever had (far from the only reason I married him), I think I see his problem: I actually love sex. Sex I could sleep through and was over in 3-5 minutes? Yeah, I had one or two like that. They didn’t get a second go-round.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

And BTW, jerkwad, sometimes chewing IS “too much to bear”. That’s why we have dentists and TMJ specialists, and people on soft/liquid diets.

Gerald Fnord
Gerald Fnord
3 years ago

This is essentially a lot of Victorian-through-‘Fifties ‘marriage manual’ advice: ‘It‘s natural but icky, you have to do it to get children, keep a container of cold-cream by your bed and wait for it to be over.’.