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The 3 worst reactions to the Ukraine invasion I’ve seen so far

The first one is terrible; each of the following ones is worse than the last.

Let’s start with a woman whose head is deep in her ass, delightedly smelling the source of her own farts.

might get cancelled for this one but this aesthetic feels so special. i get that you might worry about this situation if you are russian or ukranian but the rest of the world should just enjoy the apocalypse vibes 4. Events like this are rare and we should live the moment "-^

This one is equally narcissistic, but somehow its bland opportunism is more appalling than the Tweet from Ms. Apocalyptic vibes above.

While Russia is taking over Ukraine, we're taking over the Amazon event industry. 
Pulling off the most exclusive Amazon event of the year next week, and then we get to work on the biggest event of the century in June, and so on and on. 
Whoever can't handle it, take shelter.

This one, what can I say? CW: Rape.




Have the rapes started in Ukraine? We all know that during war, rape is one the weapons because in war everything is acceptable. Have the Ukrainian pink pussies and holes started to smashed? Any pics/videos?


H/T — I found these, like the screenshot in the last post, in the IAmATotalPieceOfShit subreddit, which is a something of a gold mine of awful.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Here I thought the worst reactions were “this is because the west talks about pronouns too much” or the CBS reporter who expressed shock that it was happening in a civilized European country, unlike Afghanistan or Iraq.

But no, I think the rape one is the worst.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Ugh, that first one.

Without going into boring detail, I had some dealings with former Jugolsav people after the Balkans conflict. One phrase that cropped up a lot was “pretty villages make pretty flames”. I have a lot of very strong thoughts about this. But to avoid getting ranty, and maybe breaching the comments policy, I would just say I am marginally annoyed at their trivialisation of suffering and the realities of war.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
2 years ago

The last one astonishes me, with it’s claim that “in war everything is acceptable”.

I’m certain a fair number of the defendants at Nuremberg felt the same way.

Fortunately, that does seem to be a minority opinion…

2 years ago

Yeah, I’ve seen some pretty shitty takes as well.

For much more worthwhile watching/reading, I’m sharing a couple links. If you have the spoons, I recommend listening (and reading the subtitles).

Ukrainian President Zelensky’s Speech from two days ago (only full version I’ve found):

New York Times article with video/subtitles for yesterday/today’s statement:

If you’re already near burnout, maybe don’t because they are very difficult. I’m so damn impressed though.

If you need to do/donate something and feel powerless to sift through for actual relief organizations, he’s a link to USA Today’s article, with links to donation places that have at least been vetted by a journalist and editor for legitimacy:

2 years ago

That first one … is it that the apocalyptic vibe only counts if it’s white people getting killed? She just didn’t notice all the rest of the places with apocalyptic vibes in the rest of the world for too many years?

Third one, well yeah, you’re right that asking for videos or photos of rape is NSFW you slimey odious piece of a slug.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

It’s things like this that make me want to pop in the Armageddon Blu-Ray, hit “play”, and spend two hours rooting for the asteroid.

2 years ago

I saw the first one in a discord server I’m in, and I (foolishly I guess) hoped it was sarcastic/mocking.


2 years ago

Surplus, not to be a jerk, but rooting for the asteroid is also a bloody bad take.

I can’t find the words for why, though. Something about rooting for the asteroid makes it seem like the deaths (and the fiercely won survival) don’t even matter, and fuck it: they matter. Those people matter.

It’s been a long day. I don’t think you’re being an ass, and I’m just way too sensitive right now.

2 years ago

Yeah, rereading, I’m definitely too raw right now. Cutting myself off for a bit might be smart.

Sorry for snapping. It was bad behavior and web etiquette.

2 years ago


Honestly I don’t think you were being unreasonable. As a multiply marginalized person who wants to live, damnit, and would be among the first to die in the event of a major natural disaster, I am getting heartily sick of the asteroid jokes.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ contrapangloss

With everything that’s going on right now it’s understandable if people get a bit freaked out and anxious. Don’t beat yourself up.

@ cyborgette

There is one asteroid joke I like…

comment image

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

comment image?auto=webp&s=10a5a55fcb73d4234b18dd00ec0582d30f07cae7

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Well, two really…

comment image

2 years ago

So, there’s a subreddit named “UkrainianNSFW”? And somone posting there specifically labeled their post “NSFW”? And their profile pic is also a plaque that just says “NSFW”? I think I see theme here.

Optimistically, I think, this is perhaps one guy who starts new rape video wank subreddits every weekend as the previous one get banned.

2 years ago

That first one … is it that the apocalyptic vibe only counts if it’s white people getting killed? She just didn’t notice all the rest of the places with apocalyptic vibes in the rest of the world for too many years?

To be frank, the “vibe” probably depends mainly on how much your local media is freaking out and how immersive it is with video footage and personal stories. So… yes, it largely is about war happening to white people.

Also, people in a war zone toady produce a lot more video footage and personal stories via social media than they’d do just a few years ago.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

The middle image link of your three is members-only for some place you, but not I, apparently are a member in. I just get a 403 error.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
2 years ago


And yes, the first two insensitive assholes should be “canceled” for their shit takes, and the third slimebag can just get banned from every corner of the internet. Dude, they have fake non-con if that’s how you want to get your jollies, looking for the real thing just makes you a heartless, sadistic monster.


You find the best things. Thank you for helping to keep my rage meter down.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

For those interested, a blog post by a military historian outlining some of the complexities of this conflict, including why it is unlikely that this war will escalate beyond the two countries involved. In short, though, it is very unlikely that this conflict will turn nuclear. It is also unlikely that this conflict can be resolved through any other means than the current war, and while it is likely Russia will win, it is unlikely it will be worth it for Putin.

occasional reader
occasional reader
2 years ago

> Alan Robertshaw
Speaking of Balkans, in Bosnia, Serbian parts seems to want to ask for secession, of course with the support of Putin gov… (source : this article (in french, sorry))

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ surplus

The middle post was just a failed attempt to link to that last cartoon so you didn’t miss owt.


Glad you enjoyed it. I totally get the rage meter though. I think I need to read up on Primal Scream therapy.

@ occasional reader

Thanks for that link. I think I was able to get the gist of it. But it just reflects Putin’s divide and conquer philosophy. He does not like coalitions or alliances. Hence the Balkanisation of the Balkans; wangling for the UK out of the EU; his objection to anyone joining NATO etc. And whatever he’s trying to foment in the US.

2 years ago

Congrats on finding things worse than the several dozen “Putin is attacking us because we have trans people” takes, the UK government ministers insisting that Ukrainians fleeing a war should apply for farm labour visas and the several different people outright saying “these refugees are different because they’re white like me”.

epitome of incomprehensibility

The stupid emoji & happy face in the first are infuriating, as is the blatant commercialization in the second, but the third is the worst for me.

War does often increase the risk of sexual assault and it’s not something to fucking celebrate. And the language sounds a lot like incel talk.

OT but our neighbourhood’s newspaper distribution is slow because of supply chain issues and Friday’s and Saturday’s simply didn’t come. I was really curious about their coverage of the Ukraine invasion, and I don’t want to go searching for their articles online, because the way my mind works means that I’m not great at regulating time and I have papers to grade.

I wish print newspapers weren’t going the way of the dinosaur – they’re a much easier way for my ADHD brain to digest information than things that have a lot of links.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
2 years ago

Apropos to this horrific topic, but far less horrific is this:

Apparently Russian soldiers have been looking to get laid using dating apps to try to find women in Ukraine willing to fuck them.

Ukrainian intelligence has been both tracking the aggregate hits on those dating websites from Russian military members to acquire data on Russian positions, but also has encouraged people to respond to the Russians, get them talking, and then forward the shit that they say to the Ukrainian government so that their own loose lips sink their own goddamn ships.

As long as there has been war, women have used soldiers’ desire to fuck against them, but this is certainly a new twist in the methodology of the whole thing.

Krasnaya Koshka
Krasnaya Koshka
2 years ago

I’ll reluctantly comment because I am SO burnt out about talking about this with my American/European friends. (Yeah, poor me! *I* am not suffering in the least, but I’m super sensitive to others’ pain and talking about this just guts me. I’m sort of a middle-man because I can speak both Russian and English. Again, poor me. /sarc)

I have students in Kyiv. Well, I did. My gf of 12 years’ step-mom lives in Kyiv. I don’t feel cozy blabbing about what my students are going through. They have emailed/WhatsApped me and I prefer to keep that private. But my gf’s step-mom has asked me to talk about her travails so I will.

First off, I have lived in Saint Petersburg, Russia for over 12 years with my gorgeous gf. I’ve been in Ukraine many times because my love’s father was Ukrainian. He’s buried in a cemetery in Balaklava, Crimea. My gf’s step-mom, Alevtina, is a nearly-80 year old widow who is extremely religious. She adores me even though I’m a dyke because we both rescue animals. Alevtina believes that proseltyizing is done by “fake” Christians, and “real” Christians show their devotion by their deeds. SO we’ve been trying to talk her in to staying with us, but I fear it’s too late. Alevtina just could not leave her beloved goat behind and said she’d rather die with her goat. She last told us she’d try to run to Crimea but we haven’t been able to reach her the last three days and this is actually why I’m gutted.

These three posts, which David has provided, are sickening.

I’m not an expert on the Russian way of thinking, by any means, but I have had over 1000 Russian students in my tenure (think young Russians who are either well-off or have their companies pay for my time) and they are all 100% against this crap move. No one I know voted for “Voldemort” and almost everyone I know has relatives in Ukraine. My inbox is FULL of ex-students asking me to PLEASE explain to everyone else in the world that this is not the doing of Russians.

The overall feeling is shock, really. There have been a ton of protests, which I cannot join if I want to stay in Russia with my gorgeous gf and my beloved cats. I had planned to go to Arizona to see my mom for her 76th birthday in May of this year, but now I think I can’t. I might never get back home.

2 years ago

I like this. An extended essay by Vladimir Sorokin on how Putin developed into the monster he’s become. Though most of us will skip the details of Putin’s favourite philosopher/political theorist – Ilyin. I found “modern” Russian history pretty indigestible back in 1965 and I see no reason to change my view now.

I reckon making Putin’s emergence as a full-fledged power-crazed weirdo is pretty good. (rather than my Catherine the Great, Sorokin goes straight for the real culprit … Ivan the Terrible.) Drawing a parallel between Putin now and Frodo at the end of the Lord of the Rings is pure genius. The other interesting tidbit is Merkel.

Merkel admitted that, in her opinion, Putin lives in his own fantasy land. If that’s so, what’s the point of seriously engaging with such a ruler? He’s not a writer or an artist, he has to live in the real world and be responsible for every single one of his words. For 16 years, Merkel, who grew up in the GDR and should therefore understand Putin’s true nature, “has established a dialogue”. The results of that dialogue: the seizure of certain territories in Georgia, the annexation of Crimea, the capture of the DPR and LPR, and now: a full-scale war with Ukraine.”  So despite her clear-eyed analysis and lived experience, she made exactly the same kind of mistakes as all of Europe, USA and the rest of the negotiating, appeasing, western democratic world.

Optimism is an admirable virtue – but not at the (eventual) cost of full-scale war.

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