Sorry to have to bring some bad news to you all, but the pledge drive is, well, not doing so great. While some of you have stepped up and donated, in some cases generously, the total number of donors has been much smaller than usual, and unless we can turn this around, hopefully in the next few days, I’m going to have trouble keeping the blog running. It’s likely I’ll have to cut back on posts, possibly drastically, and/or seriously consider shutting the blog down. I’m really sorry to have to even raise this as a possibility, but unfortunately it’s a real one.
Which seems a pity, because if everyone who enjoys this blog on a regular basis were to donate even a small amount of money, as a lump sum or monthly, we could raise all the necessary money to keep the blog (and me) thriving in a matter of a couple of hours.
If you’re having a rough time, due to COVID or whatever other reason, and can’t afford to donate now, I certainly understand, and I hope things can turn around for you. But if you enjoy the blog and can afford to spare a few bucks (or more than a few bucks), you could help make all the difference.
Big thanks to all who have donated so far, and to those who donate monthly. But if you’re not one of these fabulous people, please consider becoming one.
Thanks again
I will have substantially mo’ money on the 1st; can you hold out that long?
It’s worth it for making fun of foolish boy-men, cute cat pictures, carpinchos revolucionários, and the commenters.
I’m waiting on replacement cards and updated security for transfers blah blah blah. Should be fixed by next week, but … time will tell.
I have donated before but not recently. I have rectified that.
My excuses are that I presently have no job, my coffers are the lowest they have been in years, and I have a doctor’s appointment that needs to be paid out of pocket in the near future.
However, in the next few days I should be getting some money from our evil liberal nanny state government. (Should. I have been fighting with them for quite some time, but the rep I just spoke with claimed 2-3 business days.) At that time, I can donate, but right now I am being cautious with my spending. Sorry.
Soooo… to sum up, I will check with my bank to see when or if I get more money, but I cannot make any promises right now. Timing is not good, is all.
Adding to the chorus of … can you wait a week or so? I hope? I value this blog tremendously, but February always sucks in terms of cashflow. It would appear from the above comments that’s not just in my case.
After so many years, I feel like I am doing well enough to help. Hope you can keep on going.
Sorry, I was a spacing. My attention varies with far greater irregularity than the tides.
A one time chunk dropped off, hopefully it’ll help keep the lights on until next quarter, or at least buy 1.5 bags of food for the IT Crew.
Your rss feed is acting up and my feed parser has been missing your posts.
Taxes and inflation are hitting me really hard.
I love this blog David, I read it every day. I wish I could donate enough to keep you and the cats in biscuits for ages; my own cats are looking at me squinty eyed as I type [who are these other cats you speak of, tell us now!]. Have made a donation and hope others will be able to assist also.
Alas. My divorce is ongoing and I just had to forward my lawyer another $1k.
My spouse is supposed to send me some money about it but hasn’t come through and I desperately need to leave my parents house to continue with my transition so I’m trying to save every cent. When he finally gives me the money the judge ordered him to pay then I might be able to, but I don’t know when that’ll be (or when he gives me my maintenance/child support at the end of the month).
Sorry. Weird times….
“all the necessary money to keep the blog (and me) thriving”
How much would that be?
Done. It ain’t much, but I hope it helps.
BIg thanks to everyone who donated this evening (and of course to everyone who donated before that); I’m feeling much more encouraged about the pledge drive now. And absolutely don’t worry if you can’t donate immediately — better later than never!
45, only donate if you can spare it!
Donated. I’ve been reading this blog since Gamergate and have enjoyed every post. The commentary part, of course, the manospherians and alt right can get in the bin.
I have donated as well. I appreciate this blog and this community immensely.
I feel bad I’ve been so flat out with the start of the school year here that I literally missed every other post about this!
Just donated, David. Hope the blog is thriving soon.
David, I can and will donate on February 28th –10 days from now! Can we please stay a little bit longer? Can we make this happen? *biting nails in nervous anticipation* I need you; we need you. And we need to come together to support your majorly important work. I’m all about it. Making a financial contribution to you is one way of funding the revolution…
Again, I procrastinated for some days due to lacking a comfortable transaction routine, and then almost forgot the pledge drive. However, in the light of this update, I now prioritized the amount of my donation a bit more than I was originally planning.
Just wondering, Do you have a patreon? Not sure if that would be a good option in terms of fees or efficiency but for some it would be a convenient way to donate.
Would you please post a reminder and link on the 3rd. I can kick in then!
I think a reminder in the first week of March would be helpful; so many of us will have a few bucks to spare by then.
Sent you some extra on top of my monthly contribution.
Usually I donate twice a year, so I sent my first half now. All the best with your work and take care!