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Men oppressed by taxes, child support, strippers

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Over in the Men’s RIghts subreddit, some of the regulars are discussing the unfair way that contemporary society “transfers” their wealth to an undeserving government, their own kids, and of course strippers.

Wait, strippers?

“A large portion of wealth is transferred from men to women in society, complains i_dont_know_2000 in a post today. “Men make lots of money transfer it to women via divorce alimony child support or strippers, wives.”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure men aren’t being held at gunpoint while their money is “transfered” to devious stripppers. Unless I have completely misunderstood the nature of strip clubs, I’m pretty sure that men voluntarily hand over money to strippers because they want to see boobies and have women grind their asses in the general vicinity of their laps. Also, the strippers are expected to perform difficult maneuvers on poles that most of their customers couldn’t pull off in a million years. All while dealing with creepy advances from drunken assholes as well as the maudlin speeches of customers who’ve fallen in love with them. I’d say that these women are more than earning their money.

 i_dont_know_2000 is also concerned about the allegedly massive amounts of money that men voluntarily shell out for Valentine’s day gifts and on dates, which are also entirely voluntary. You know, guys, plenty of women buy men Valentine’s day gifts as well and pay their own way on dates. Indeed, according to one recent survey, men typically shell out a massive … $41.38 on Valentine’s day, all of $15.53 more than women typically spend on them. The net difference in spending adds up to a whopping 0.027 percent of men’s median earnings of $57,456 (in 2019).

i_dont_know_2000 also complains that ” men pay more money in taxes then women so we are basically funding the welfare state.”

And why do they pay more taxes than women? BECAUSE THEY EARN MORE. Like, a lot more — more than $10,000 a year in 2019.

Even after taxes, that could pay for a lot of trips to the strip club.

But that’s not how the Men’s Rightsers see it.

“Avoid taxes as best you can. 401k, Roth, HSA, EV credits, etc,” advises a commenter called QuadraticFormula42 .

They’re trying to cuck the working class into paying for the children of strong and independent whores who do nothing but spread their legs for their beloved penitentiary counterparts. It’s very upsetting to know that 1/3 of my labor is going to prop up some welfare queen’s disgusting lifestyle.

I’d like to see him live off of a “welfare queen’s” income for a month.

MRAs are really devoted to portraying themselves as victims, huh?


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Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

A large portion of wealth is transferred from men to women in society, complains i_dont_know_2000

And they pay no taxes. At all! And they use their ill-gotten gains to take a joy ride into space. Astronauts: hah!

Oh wait, I’ve confused women with Jeff Bezos.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

penitentiary counterparts.

Any idea what that is supposed to mean. Something to do with prisons, or is this a typo?

Also, if strippers are such a drain on your supposedly massive income, I’d suggest spending some money on therapy.

3 years ago

I know it varies from state to state but generally speaking, from a UK perspective (I imagine even more if you are from a more enlightened country) the USA has an extremely inadequate safety net. So all these guys moaning about their taxes and “welfare queens” shows me that a certain type of person will ALWAYS complain about the fact they live in a society and resent helping people even in the most meagre capacity. Like they would gripe about having to use taxes to run a poor house or something.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

@Battering Lamb

Yeah, that’s how I read it, having sex with cons and dropping litters of babies and eating bon-bons while living it up on welfare monies shelled out by the poor straight white boys. Oh, to be a strong and independent whore!


I’m sure they already do, but it generally tends to be welfare they bitch about, because all they can do is regurgitate well-worn Reich Wing talking points. I’d bet fifty bucks they’ve never actually known anyone on welfare nor have the slightest idea how it works. They just parrot the “MY hard-earned money going to support LAZY people I don’t like!!!1” lines without ever giving it a second (or single) thought.

If they don’t like it, they can always GTOW and build that little men-only island society of theirs on some deserted rock in the middle of the ocean. Bet they wouldn’t last a week. (For one thing, sending misogynistic messages in a bottle takes more effort than pounding their keyboards on the weekends.)

PS: Anyone else notice the reply box keeps changing? Now the format buttons are on the bottom and I don’t like it. You still tweaking things, David?

Last edited 3 years ago by Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

@Battering Lamb
Yeah, I read it as the welfare queens having sex with cons and producing large numbers of kids with not a working father among them too. Slightly surprised they didn’t take this thought to it’s ‘logical’ conclusion and have the women in prison too, and the kids in the foster system, but I don’t suppose they’ve actually thought about how expensive it is to keep a person in prison; just one of the reasons our prison systems are unethical when many prisoners would be less likely to reoffend if given help in their community.

3 years ago

So 1/3 of income is a reasonable guess for the total of various direct and indirect taxes. If the taxes men pay all goes to welfare queens, then either police, fire, highways, defense and all that other stuff is free, or women pay for it. Which to MRAs want us to believe?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Welfare is only 8% of the total federal budget. The largest recipients of direct cash assistance from the government are the elderly and disabled, not single moms. On top of that, the wealthy get the lion’s share of government expenditures in the form of mortgage assistance, tax breaks, etc, but these guys aren’t demonizing them.

Avoid taxes as best you can. 401K, Roth, HSA, EV credits

Roths are funded with money you’ve already paid taxes on. 401ks are taxed when the money is withdrawn. HSAs have small annual funding limits, and the money can only be used for healthcare expenses. EV credits are one time only, and you have to pony up for the car.

I love it when they try to sound like wise financial gurus and give each other One Weird Trick to cheat the system.

The actual best way to get back at women, as everybody knows, is to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in digital apes and then lose them to hackers.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
3 years ago

@Battering Lamb

Any idea what that is supposed to mean. Something to do with prisons, or is this a typo?

Welfare queens invariably means black women, usually with none of their multiple kids having the same father. The same sorts that use the phrase welfare queens consider all black men as criminals.

It’s a dogwhistle. QED.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

Thanks for the responses. I am familiar with the racist connotations of the ‘wellfare queen’, but I also figured these people tend to be bad at typos.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

I once conversed with a young lady on the bus who was nursing a painful goose egg on her forehead; turned out that she’d suffered a mid-air collision with the stripper on the next pole over. (One for the Occupational Hazards That Might Not Occur To The Layman column; hypothermia, broken glass, and customers who disregard boundaries seem fairly obvious.)

3 years ago

Men’s Rights Activists have sufficient money for the strip club? Shouldnt they be sending those dollars to their children?

3 years ago

Count me in as another who read “beloved penitentiary counterparts” as Black guys. Might be a jump to a conclusion, but I just get that vibe.

As for the whole strip club thing, I’ve never been to one, but have been kicking the idea around. I figure I’d probably be awkward and uncomfortable, so it is more of a “then I can say I have been to one” sort of thing than any great desire to visit one. However, I am still curtailing my public activities due to Covid, so guess the poor single moms will have to wait for my money transfer.

Really, though, the wording these guys use suggest they haven’t personally been to a strip club or very often if so. So, this whole affair is just another example of MRAs taking on other dudes’ hardships as their own via some obscure transference and expecting rewards for their work.

Kind of reads like this: “Not only did other guys, WHO ARE NOT ME, have to work hard to give the evil feminists air conditioning, but then they, WHO ARE STILL NOT ME, gave some of their wages to strippers. I am very upset over their losses, even though THEY ARE NOT ME, and they seem happy to take those losses… Damn it, why won’t anyone pity fuck me?”

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Here’s a thought, boys: have you tried NOT going to strip clubs? Many heterosexual men lead full, fulfilling lives without regular visits! Or even occasional! In the decades I’ve known the Mr. I think he’s been about 4 times, all for friends’ bachelor parties, mostly to embarrass the groom before they go do something more interesting. I’ve seen male strippers twice. (Once to embarrass the bride)

@Kat: LOL!

@FM Ox: Ouch! Poor woman. Probably not covered by worker’s comp.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I didn’t get the criminal counter part = black men thing. But that’s because I’m a white woman married to a Latino man. These chuckle fucks think the same thing about him

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

@Battering Lamb

I also figured these people tend to be bad at typos.

No. They employ typos regularly.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago


Here’s a thought, boys: have you tried NOT going to strip clubs?

Besides, who needs a strip club when you have the Internet??

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@Elaine: It’s usually safe to think when you don’t understand something a RW’er says, they’re using racist dog whistles. If not, it’s sexist or anti-LGBT dog whistles or all of the above.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements:

Besides, who needs a strip club when you have the Internet??

(Low-hanging fruit, I know—but this particular fanvid cracks me up; I’m moderately surprised that it’s stayed up for thirteen years, especially with the Muppets now under the Mouse Empire’s aegis.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago


As for the whole strip club thing, I’ve never been to one, but have been kicking the idea around. I figure I’d probably be awkward and uncomfortable, so it is more of a “then I can say I have been to one” sort of thing than any great desire to visit one.

I decided to go to one on a spur of the moment with a friend, back in the early years after I first came out. It was also a “just to say I’ve tried it” situation rather than really wanting to go oggle the dancers. But since it was on a whim and not planned, I only had enough to pay my way in, so my friend and I didn’t go sit at a table near the dance floor, but more toward the back/side, since I’d have nothing to tip with. It was also kind of dead in there, since it was more in the middle of the day instead of the evening, and possibly on a weekday too. Fine by me, since I didn’t want to be around a huge crowd of horny guys anyway. I mostly just ended up talking to my friend, occasionally glancing at the dancers, and then he and I went home. I thought about trying it again, but never did. And with the pandemic showing no end in sight, I don’t want to be anywhere near people, despite being fully vaccinated now. I might relax a little once I can get the booster, but not by much.


Usually when these dumbasses talk about “cons” and “thugs”, they do mean black people first, but then yes, Hispanics are next in line, followed by Muslims and then anyone else who isn’t lily white.