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There are two things that every antifeminist believes in like gravity:
- Feminist men only pretend to be feminist in order to get laid
- They fail at this because no woman wants to have sex with a feminist man
A new(ish) study from two researchers at Canada’s McMaster University suggests that the antifeminists are full of it:
Not only do feminist men have sex, they have more sex than non-feminist men, and, in line with their general respect for women, appear to care more about the sexual satisfaction of their partners, going down on women more often and fondling their boobs. Reports suggest that sex-having women tend to enjoy both of these activities.
According to Max Stick, a doctoral candidate in sociology, and Tina Fetner, chair of the sociology department,
This study explores … the relationship between feminist identification and sexual behavior. In heterosexual encounters, do feminist men report having sex more recently than those who do not call themselves feminists? During sexual encounters, do feminist men behave differently than non-feminists? In particular, do feminist men organize their sexual behavior in a way that prioritizes their partners’ sexual pleasure to a greater extent than non-feminists?
Their answer? An unequivocal yes means yes.
Using representative survey data of Canadian adults, we examine the self-reported sexual behavior of heterosexual Canadian men. We find that self-identifying feminist men report having sex more recently and are more likely to report engaging in breast stimulation and performing oral sex on their partners than non-feminists.
In an article for The Conversation, Stick explains that
In private sexual encounters, feminist men and those ambivalent toward feminism, perform sexual behaviours targeting women’s pleasure at a higher rate than those disavowing feminism, suggesting these men may care about their partners as expressed through the performance of equality in sexual pleasure. …
Feminist men help transcend sexual (interaction) inequality by bridging the gender gap in orgasms.
It kind of makes sense that men who actually like and respect women would do more to please their sexual partners than men who hate feminism and, often, women in general.
But feminist men don’t ignore their own sexual desires in their attempts to please women. Stick notes that
While feminist men reported giving oral sex to their partners more recently, they also engaged in intercourse and received oral sex more recently than non-feminist men, suggesting they do not sacrifice their own pleasure.
As you may imagine, this study has not been received warmly in the antifeminists subredddit. After one user recently posted a link to Stick’s article, it inspired an assortment of irate and oblivious comments that inadvertently revealed why antifeminists are likely shit in bed.
Nishuu-j217, who started the thread, declared indignantly that
It’s so damn clear what the purpose of these articles actually is. They will liter do anything to turn men into simps.
Some, ignoring the findings altogether, simply repeated the old antifeminist dogma. According to a commenter called Pingayaso , in the top comment in the thread,
That’s why simps are simps, since they’re unable to be liked by women, they have to rely on the misandrist narrative to impress some feminist and wait for a crumb.
Spoiler alert, it doesn’t work
“”Lol any normal man knows 100 percent that this is cap but ok,” BS-Calrissian insisted.
Vasekgamescz seemed a bit dizzy:
They honestly think we are so dumb as to fall prey to classic bait of playing with our primitive instincts deeply imbeded in all of us, just to become a simp for misandry driven women, and would probably never actually get even close to having sex, instead going in circles of mindlessly following commands in hopes of getting some. wow.
Wow indeed.
Some suggested that the feminist men in the survey were actually having sex “[w]ith other men and their hands. For sure.”
Quizzii echoed this implicit homphobia:
Yeah but taking huge dillos in the ass is not the best sex ootion you can dream of as a male…
Just_some_guy8484 insisted that
Even if the assertion of the title of the article is true, which I’m pretty sure statistics prove that it is demonstrably false, the sex feminist men are having is not, in my opinion, the kind of sex they or anyone really would want anyways. Basically, most hard-core feminist women I know are not attractive people physically. People who sacrifice their sexual standards to procure sex have some seriously low self-esteem and virtually no individual character at all.
One commenter had a more imaginative vision of feminist sex. According to Massive_Pressure_516
They probably count hiding in a closet and jacking off to your wife getting inseminated by a stranger as sex.
(Note: They don’t.)
Still others insisted that sex that puts women’s needs first, or even equally, was pretty sour, as in grapes. ” I still ain’t going to degrade myself just for sex lol,” wrote ExMuzzy.
Added ShiZniT3:
male feminists have more sex because they are treated like obedient pets with benefits. that level of degradation is not worth the sex… rule34 is proof of that.
(Note: the study found this to be untrue. It’s almost as if no one in the discussion actually bothered to read Stick’s article.)
PsychologicalItem353 insisted that it was unfair to men to have “to push beyond their natural limits in order to please women every day,” as if finding the clit was some sort of Sisyphean torture.
In a followup comment, he declared that
honestly I don’t give a damn about sex. … haha I’m sorry for not wanting to push beyond to please a woman every time she wants to have sex and when I’m done I’m drained of my energy. Yeah it takes work in a relationship but sorry I’m not going to drive through till she is satisfied. Knowing if I do so I’m going to feel like shit when done. You wouldn’t want to do that right? So men shouldn’t have to do so and knowing the repercussions.
I’m sure the women of the world feel absolutely bereft at his absence from the sexual arena.
Large-Victory apparently thought he was bringing some good sense to the discussion:
See it’s totally fine for making your girl to oragsm. The thing here is some men do anything to get a pussy, just like what I used to be, and it’s dangerous thing and pulls many men into resentment and anger if things don’t work out in their way.
But my favorte exchange was this one, between the thread-starter and a much-downvoted feminist who was there to argue with the crowd:
![Beatplayer -4 points 1 day ago
It’s almost as if liking women is a pre-requisite of fucking them…
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[–]Nishuu-j217[S] 3 points 1 day ago
No it isn't. If that were the case then the most misandrist feminist women would keep their ugly asses away from men. However, when a feminist sluts around and acquires a body count of 50 everyone says that don't slutshame her. She's eMpOwErInG herself bY oWnInG hEr SeXuAlItY.
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[–]Beatplayer 0 points 1 day ago
I genuinely can’t imagine why women won’t sleep with you.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/2022-02-12_15-49-42.png?resize=580%2C631&ssl=1)
@Stacey: Good to see you! Glad to hear things have been going well for you and yours.
@Cyborgette: Put me down as another fan of quietly competent dorks. They are also quietly competent in bed, as well as handy around the house. I call them “functional as well as decorative”.
Erm, well … uh.
Things could be going better, but later this week I’m going in for a second-round biopsy to make sure I don’t have cancer or anything else serious. So that’s kind of a bummer. But Mr. Parasol is being awesomely supportive.
@ Vicky P
Oh what? I am so bummed out the hear that. As this is a second biopsy then hopefully that means you’re totally in the clear. But thinking of you, and wishing you all the best, anyway.
@ Alan
Well, it’s hard to say. The first biopsy was inconclusive because the pathologist wanted more tissue to examine.
It’s going to be a rough few days between now and the next appointment.
@ Vicky P
I really feel for you. That horrible thing where you’re having to wait on something. FWIW, I will though keep everything crossed for you. Hope all goes well!
Oh gods, @Victorious. Sympathies, best of luck, and utterly fuck cancer.
Quote “apparently you believe everyone is faking”
I don’t believe male feminists are faking it. I simply believe that they reflect the opinion of the majority. And since feminism is the dominant ideology of 21 century, you are usually expected to be at least supportive of it.
And anti-feminists are sad, toxic individuals. Like you.
Also, healthy vaginas produce a scent. Read a book.
Yeah cause I’m gonna believe the dude who jacks off to drawings totally knowns what real women are like.
Stacy! I wanted to tell you about the angel wings I got! It’s made out of leather and it has spikes at the tip of the feathers!
@henatiArtist – this isn’t a site for people who want to express their contempt and loathing of women, so I am not sure why you are here. However, I do want to say to you that as you do have contempt for women and loathe them as well – it really is okay to not have sex with women, you are not obliged to!
It is okay to not want to have sex at all, in fact, with anyone.
It would be bad for you physically, intellectually and emotionally to have sex with someone you found repulsive – it is okay to just not do it.
It seems as if you are a long way down the rabbit hole of hating and resenting other people. That path does not lead to any kind of peace or happiness, only more bad feelings. Sometimes people find their way back out of there, I hope that can happen to you as well.
@Victorious Parasol
I’m sorry to hear about this development. All best wishes for the happiest of outcomes!
All my well-wishes to you @Victorious Parasol. Here’s hoping your biopsy incurs as little discomfort as possible and shows you a clean bill of health. With {{{hugs}}} (virtual and long-distance, and only if you want ’em of course!).
@ contrapangloss
Thought you might find this amusing…
@Fapper (“hentaiArtist”)
You don’t “get pussy” because you’re a misogynistic shitstain that calls women “foids”. But apparently you think they’re icky and smelly anyway, so why the hell do you care? Go jack off to your moe waifus and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
Not everyone who likes hentai/drawn erotica is as shitty as This Fuckin’ Guy. But I’m sure he’s the type to think “real” women (oh, sorry, “foids”) are “3DPD”.
Happy to see you again! Long time reader, new-ish commenter. I love your stories.
@Vicky P
Sending you all the good vibes that I can. Best of luck.
“you think they’re icky and smelly anyway, so why the hell do you care? Go jack off to your moe waifus and leave the rest of us the fuck alone”
Yes I do think foids are stinky. Apparently the foids are less clean than men on average. As for the hentai fapping routines, I am already doing it. I fap almost only hentai, rarely I fap some porn contents, but when I do I pick the foids with big boobs and I fap them.
Leaving you alone? No, sorry. You started this. You did first blood and I am just politely answering to some of the bullshits I see here. Considering that 8/10 of my comments never appear (because of the censorshit) I think my presence here is not a problem. You can remove all the other comments if you like.
Why are the trolls so fucking boring and unoriginal these days?
They’re so banal, I’m starting to miss Walter.
Man, this new troll is like beating a piñata only to have circus peanuts and peanut butter kisses come out. And really, do we truly deserve that?
Sounds boring because I am not a troll.
Point is that all the incel stereotypes vanish away when you discuss with a real incel. Here I am. I think I can handle all of you alone, even with the censorshit that removes half if not more of my highIQ contents.
I think I could also win alone against 10 normie journalists, first because the incel stereotypes are all false (and old), second I win because you are all dumber than the average incel.
Bit O/T but may interest the legal peeps.
A chambers colleague has got the first use of “gaslighting” in a High Court judgement.
See para 66.
…clearly, not a troll.
“Foids are less clean than men.”
Says the guy who probably thinks it’s unmanly to wipe your own ass or brush your teeth every day.
Also,you aren’t doing anything to dispel incel or just regular old woman-hater stereotypes. You’re kinda reinforcing them.
You hate women and this is the woman’s fault because you say so.
You have no idea how in-person relationships work and that is also women’s fault.
No one started anything. You’re just bored and looking for a fight no one is actually going to take you up on.
You’re whiny, entitled, boring, and unoriginal. You could not take on any “normie” journalist and for your own sake, I suggest you don’t try.
Seriously, caring about the other person’s experience makes it a better experience for everyone. Giving off “I think you’re a real person” gets you way farther than giving off “I hate women” vibes. How is this such a difficult concept to grasp? Why is treating people with basic common decency so controversial? Honestly, if you hate women that much, why can’t you just fuck off to No Girls Allowed Ville and leave the rest of us alone?
Also, it’s not “did first blood.” It’s “drew first blood.” If you’re going to be trite, please get it right.
Is this a joke? This has to be a joke.
Yes exactly! TBQH I lean more towards other women for long-term relationships, but if I wanted a boyfriend, I’d rather a skinny nerd who knows how to do housework and cook (and Google it when his knowledge fails him) than a guy who lifts weights but doesn’t know how to use a Swiffer.
(And honestly? “Skinny nerd” is also a feature. After many, many episodes of physical abuse by men/boys, I’m a lot more interested in ones who don’t look like they could kill me with their bare hands.)
OMG, that is a VERY good development. I hope we get similar precedent here in the US soon. AFAIK brainwashing people is basically legal here.
You are a disgusting creep. We don’t want to hear about your masturbation habits. Please get lost.