MGTOW misogyny MRA reddit semen things that aren't rape

“We’re expected to provide, protect, provision, promote and surrender our sperm” and other long-winded lessons from the Men’s Rights subreddit

One thing I’ve noticed about Men’s Rights Activists is that they like to type. Type, type, type — they LOVE it!

I was reminded of this fact once again when I went a-reading in the Men’s Rights subreddit today after stumbling on a rant that was the size of small novelas.

Unfortunately, I do not like to read, read, read endless men’s rights rants as much as they like to type, type, type them. Perhaps you feel the same way. That’s why, out of respect for you (and for myself) I tend not to inflict most of the really long MRA posts on you, the readers of this blog.

But today, fuck that. I had to read this huge pile of shit so now you have to also.

But I’m not a monster. To save (your) time I have put all my favorite bits in bold. And edited out portions of the duller and/or more repetitive bits.

The ostensible topic up for discussion is how bitter and wrong feminists are. IRONY ALERT: The rantist I’m looking at today is way more bitter and wrong than any feminist I’ve ever met.

Take it away, MGTOW_and_Bitcoin, whom I can only hope lost many thousands of dollars in the most recent crypto crash.

Here is a very short list

SPOILER ALERT: It is not a very short list.

of the major issues of feminist hypocrisy: Issues MGTOW talks about, but gets banned over. It’s clear that Society sets men up to fail even before there are allowed to mature and catch on to the hypergamy game or the feminist cover-up.


I’m not concerned with a man who acts thirsty…. let him throw away all of his opportunities and wealth just to sniff a vagina or two… I really don’t care beyond introducing the red pills. It’s the things which men are gaslighted into or legally forced into that has to be addressed. Thus, what matters to me is how Society and governments step in and force or manipulate men in ways it does not do to women.

What follows is the list of real grievances:

Oh goody.


Women can commit (4) of the worst imaginable crimes and it’s not labeled as such: women can take children away from fathers, extort fathers using their children, remove father’s from the most important role as a parent and force them into indentured servitude.

Ok, except that these aren’t crimes and it isn’t uindentured servitude.

Women commit the worst imaginable type of violence: taking away your rights to your own child and women commit this act everyday in family and divorce court. I dare anyone to point at a more violent Act.

[I don’t know, pouring acid in someone’s face? Drawing and quartering? Just spitballing here..


The most important role of a parent is making financial decisions (like what clothes to buy, if the child goes to a daycare, what daycare, what sports to get into, what books to buy them, etc.) Child support takes away all of those choices from fathers and give them to mothers, who go on to conflate it for their contribution as a parent. Worse still they further alienate fathers by calling him cheap while he is paying her way in life, paying to support her lifestyle.. etc. Make no mistake about it this is Parental alienation at its most basic level and it’s built into our family court system.

Women can Force men into lifelong indentured servitude using legal devices like permanent alimony. Wtf…

Haven’t you said this like nine times already?

All of these three crimes should be showing up on the statistics showing and proving the criminal deviance of women. And again I can’t find any other crime that is worse than these four.

Wait, is it three “crimes” or four? Please keep your grievances orderly.

Women can put men in jail on a mere accusation and these women get away with 4 of the worst crimes imaginable…

I guess it’s four.

Western women will complain about clitoral mutilation in the world, and circumcise infant boys without any possibility of consent.

Men are as involved in that decision as much as women.

Women can practice all forms of prostitution, but men will still be held as criminals for participating.

Er, men can also practice all forms of prostitutions. Just s aying.

Feminist complain about men stalking women,  physically and verbally abusing women, but complains when a man or boy fights back or when men complain about cancel culture harassing men at work.

Cancel Culture is harassing men at work? Better send ’em to HR!

Feminist complain about sex trafficking which forces women to serve men’s sexual needs, and then they ignore all the men who are forced into indentured servitude in order to serve women’s lifestyle needs

I’ll take “things that are not equivalent to each other” for $1000, whoever is hosting Jeopardy at the moment.

Men are not given fairness under the law like due process or the assumption of Innocence, when it comes to gender issues… so it is men who lack basic rights whenever women complain.


Women complain about not having a voice in the media and yet that’s all the media reports on meanwhile men’s issues get marginalized, demonized and the manosphere gets deplatformed for talking about men’s at issues like this.

Guy who’s posting a 2000-word rant on a subreddit with 320,821 subscribers: Help help I’m being repressed!

I’m snipping out some more relatively boring passages here.

They will complain about Harvey Weinstein getting naked in his own hotel room with an aspiring actress who takes that deal,

What difference does it make that any of his abuse took place” n his own hotel room “.” Like renting a hotel room gives you the right to sexually assault women in it?

then they will March down Main Street completely naked writing the word slut on their body with their own menstrual blood.

I think they mostly used paint or markers, dude,

They complain about representation in all of the easy air conditioned offices, and ignore their lack of representation in all of the hard heavy dangerous dirty Work.

Damn those women and their air conditioning! AIR CONDITRIONING IS A MISANDRUST PLOT AGAINST MEN, women should always be somewhat uncomfortably warm!

Also, the odds that this dude is working one of those hard heavy dangerous jobs, are, well it’s not looking good. Somehow I suspects air conditioning in his life.

They yell and complain about the wage Gap and they ignore all the other Financial gaps like: the child support Gap, the net taxpayer Gap, the alimony and palimony Gap, the consumer spending Gap, the car insurance and Healthcare premium Gap, etc, etc…

Alimony isn’t part of every divorce settlement, and in cases in which a woman earns more than a man she may have to pay him.

They complain about fairness under the law and then they promote antifather discrimination in divorce and family courts.

Bla bla bla.

They complain about manspreading in the trains and then put their purses on empty chairs or support women pouring bleach on men’s crotches.

Oh no not their purses. Also that viral video of a woman pouring a bleach solution on men’s crotches was staged.

They complain about equality in the workplace and then they look for special privileges like menstruation leave,

LET’S GET SUPER MAD ABOUT A THING THAT REALLY ISN’T A THING! Why can’t cis men have menstruation leave too!!!1!

They point to news events where women are held captive like Boko Haram and then they ignore how all of the young boys and men were slaughtered. And then say that women are more affected fine the Injustice is against men.

Ok, maybe he’s got a little bit of a point here. BUT JUST THIS ONE.

They March alongside black lives matter and then they support economically disadvantaged black father’s going to jail the next day in child support cases.

Excuse me? I’m a little confused by the, er, logic here but I can certainly smell the racism.

They complain about men not marrying women and yet they also complain about the institution of marriage but also how there are no men worth going through the process of marriage and divorce rape… but they’re also 70 to 80% more likely to initiate divorce.

To be fair, dude, if I were married to you I would immediately get a divorce, possibly fake my own death.

They complain about not being able to get ahead because of all of their student loan privilege and then they ignore men who can’t get ahead because of the excessive alimony, palimony and/or child support orders.

Student loan privilege?

Yes it is certainly a privilege to owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans despite being educated by poorly paid adjuncts, many of whom are also trying to pay back student loans ,

They complain about civil rights protection for all women and then they take all of the rights away from fathers (Tender Years Doctrine, Title 9, and the default full custody for women)

Bla bla bla. Lots of typing, no citations.

Oh, but we’re not done yet. Apparently dear Mr. MGTOW Bitcoin came up against a word limit for Reddit comments (I think that’s a thing). And so he replied to himself with yet another torrent of text:

They waited until we built a safe and secure world and a bunch of bulshit jobs now they want equality in the workplace even though they don’t want to do any of the dirty dangerous hot heavy jobs that actually produce social good.


On the issue of wage Gap there is usually a wage Gap if all of the women try to only get all the easy Air Condition jobs.  Simple supply and demand economics along with personal choices.

Jesus dude enough with the air conditioner hate.

But an often-overlooked issue is all of the other economic gaps that these feminazis do not want to raise concerning alimony, palimony, child support, paying the bills, paying for entertainment  transportation, etc and paying for all of these government programs which benefit women to a larger degree. Taxserfs.

TAXSERFS! Weird, because you have to be pretty well-off to have to pay alimony.

Society always looks to men to be the breadwinner that already sounds on Financial abuse.

Yes, how terrible it was for the feminists to impose patriarchy on the world thousands of years before they even existed.

Having one adult parasitize your financial future with alimony power alimony and child support that is financial abuse.


Being divorce raped clearly is financial abuse.

Being “divorce raped” is not a thing.

Directing the vast majority of welfare towards women is financial abuse to men who find themselves being used as a taxsurf.

The taxserf has become the taxsurf.

Having the expectation that men pay most of the bills is financial abuse, raising our young boys to believe that they must pay for the majority of dates is financial abuse. Allowing women to play their hypergamy games is all about women trying to financially abused men.

Again, none of this stuff is “abuse” and none of it the fault of feminism. This is patriarchy.

The most important decisions a parent makes is financial decisions for their child

You’ve got a pretty fucked up notion of what parenting is.

child support takes those decisions away from fathers and gives it to mothers who then confuses it for their own contribution and very typically try to shame father’s for being cheap.

I’m surprised he didn’t say that being called “cheap” is a kind of rape.

At this point Mr. MGTOW Bitcoin stumbles to a stop.

Then he returns with a third comment.

They want to help women get into prostitution while simultaneously wanting to help women get out of prostitution.

It’s possible you are talking about two different kinds of femininsts here.

... but they do not want to support MGTOW  who are wanting to walk away, and they want to criminalize men who participate and women prostituting freely.

What on earth does MGTOW have to do with prostitution? Also, no one has any problem with MGTOWs walking away. It’s just that they never do.

They complain about sexual harassment because men are only interested in them because of their sexuality, then they ignore all of the Practical harassment men experience because we’re expected to provide, protect, provision, promote and surrender our sperm..

Dude, I’m pretty sure no one is begging for your sperm.

and they seek laws to compel men to provide these things.  Alimony, palimony, child support and crosssubsidized tax-serfdom which force men again into male gender provider roles, harassing men who do not come to a woman’s rescue and expecting police to always take the side of the woman in domestic disturbances ( the Duluth model)

” Harassing men who do not come to a woman’s rescue .” What on earth does that even mean? Do you just havet the word “harassment” stuck in your brain or soemthing? Not everything is harassmeent or even much like harassment.

They promote ideas like toxic masculinity which is only true of men who are sociopaths, then they deplatform, criminalize and get men fired who complain about all of this toxic misandry I’m posting about.

So close! As feminists point out every time this comes up, “toxic masculinity” is a kind of masculinity that is toxic, just like a “red car” is a car that is red. It doesn’t apply to all kinds of masculinity.

They complain about Father’s not taking an active role in their child’s life while they have been taking away decisions from fathers and not insuring that fathers have any rights to their children.

The logic here is so twisted I’m not even sure how to respond. Generally speaking, wothers want good fathers to be involved in their children’s lives; they want bad ones kept away.

They complain about men raping women, and they ignore how men are divorce raped…. (and yes these are the same issues where one gender wants to forcefully take from another gender what they find most interested in getting).

That is the dumbest excuse I think I’ve ever seen for improperly defining something as a kind of rape.

They complain about believe all women and so they promote disbelieve all men.

It’s “believe women,” not “believe all women no matter what.”

They complain about stalking and harassment and then they harass and stalk men who try to get together and talk about men’s rights.

Again, just redefining random things as “harassment” doesn’t make them so. And talking about what idiots you guys are doesn’t count as either “stalking” or “harassment.”

They complain about free speech and not being listened to, but let’s face it feminist get to define gender issues and all we listen to are women’s complaints… even stupid shit like sexist air conditioning gets precedent over having a conversation about men’s lack of basic rights like the right to choose to be a parent or not.

Jeez, dude, get over this air conditioning thing.

Women complain about sexualizing breastfeeding and yet they actively sexualize their bodies.

Not while they’re breastfeeding they don’t.

They complain about rape culture but they also promote that all sex is rape.

A tiny number of radical feminists think all sex in a patriarchal culture is rape, The vast majority of feminists are sex positive, and there’s absolutely no contradiction between that and opposing rape culture. The slogan is “yes means yes,”

Feminist complain about the high death rates of women when it comes to giving birth and then they ignore how 96% of work deaths are men.

Yes, how terrible it is that feminists care about women dying in childbirth. If you guys really cared about mem dying at work — and not just as a debating point –wouldn’t you have done a single solitary thing to help reduce them?

They complain about patriarchy and they are promoting women taking over as Feminine Supremacy. In fact they have never pursued gender equality.

This endless nonsense.

They talked about domestic violence yet statistically women are more likely to initiate and practice more covert forms of violence…

Uh, citation needed. Also, a definition of “covert forms of violence.” What are you even talking about?

basically they don’t care about domestic violence they just want to criminalize men I lost control after they threatened to take away half of what the men have worked for all their life, false rape, false abuse or to take their children away. ( the silver bullet theory)

“I lost control” seems like an odd little Freudian slip to make here.

They complain about men cheating on women and now they have normalized women cheating on men as some type of stupid Journey which the husbands are obligated to except.

“Accept,” And no, this is not a thing.. Even “Eat, Pray, Love” was about a single woman, not a woman cheating on her husband.

They banned male-only spaces and they have actively pursued female-only safe spaces for decades now.

There are still many male-onlly spaces.

They have complained about the Boy Scouts not being inclusive and then they exclude boys in the same way from Girl Scouts. They literally do this everywhere they go. We even have gyms that are women only, school programs that are women only, etc, etc.

You know, I’m pretty sure the big problem for the Boy Scouts isn’t the presence of a few girls. It’s the decades of sexual molestation by adult men.

They complain about poor parliamentary representation and yet they’ve had 51% of the vote the whole time.

Not the whole time. You do remember the suffragists, right?

Here is a very short list of the major issues of feminist hypocrisy: Issues MGTOW talks about, but gets banned over.

Am I in a time loop? Didn’t we hear this already?

Yes, we have. Because Mr. WGTOW BItcoin has decided to cut and paste in the first nine paragraphs of his rant and call it a conclusion. It’s not just that he sounds like a stuck record most of the time; he actually is a stuck record.

They all are, aren’t they?

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3 years ago

May I gently remind everyone here about their responsibilities to all the air conditioners in their lives. With all this nastiness being talked about air conditioners word must have got around the aircon population.

I think a few kind words or a gentle pat on the surface or similar soothing gestures would be greatly appreciated.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

The whole air conditioning obsession reminds me of HP Lovecraft. (He was scared of them.)

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
3 years ago

@ Robert Haynie:

That’s *Colonel* Linebarger!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

As a Brit, air conditioning is one of those exotic mysteries of the US. Not quite sure what it is, but a bit envious we don’t have here. Like Sea Monkeys.

Crip Dyke
3 years ago

The most important role of a parent is making financial decisions …. Child support takes away all of those choices from fathers and give them to mothers, who go on to conflate it for their contribution as a parent.

So, the most important role of a parent is doing X, women are now doing X, and he’s pissed that women think that they’re doing important parenting?


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

men who find themselves being used as a taxsurf

Hang 1040, dude.

So, I’m guessing his wife also got custody of the air conditioner?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

I don’t really have any comment on the original post. It’s so far beyond comprehension that any analysis would be like trying to knit fog. But this seems at least tenuously related. It is about parenting.

This is Diego.

comment image

As might be apparent, he’s a tortoise.

Back in the 60s there were only 15 Galapagos tortoises left; and just 3 of them were blokes. So Diego was ‘volunteered’ to become part of a breeding programme.

He’s retired now though and has been re-homed on a bit of the Galapagos where there’s lots of stuff tortoises like to eat.

Thanks to his decades of service the tortoise population now stands at 2,300.

No wonder they had to carry him.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

As a Brit, air conditioning is one of those exotic mysteries of the US. Not quite sure what it is, but a bit envious we don’t have here.

If you had summer there, and not just fall and spring, you’d need it and then you’d have it. 🙂

3 years ago

I couldn’t finish that. I’m impressed that David made it all the way through.

Did anyone else know that the temperatures that offices typically set their AC to is calculated based on the amount of body heat men give off. Men are on average comfortable at slightly lower temps than women. So those air conditioned offices he’s so jealous of are actually made to be too cold for women to be comfortable in.

3 years ago

bumblebug – I noticed he does briefly mention feminists complaining about sexist air conditioning, like it’s the most frivolous thing ever.

Alan – Finnish language struggles to come up with a word for air conditioning that’s different from “ventilation”.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ lumipuna

Finnish language struggles to come up with a word for air conditioning that’s different from “ventilation”.

Another bit of trivia.

I had occasion this week to be discussing something called “ancient lights”. That’s a legal thing about not blocking windows. We got on about why, in law, windows are called lights.

Someone then told us that originally ‘window’ was just the hole in a roof to allow smoke out. It’s the Norse for “wind eye”.

I shall of course be availing myself of every opportunity to mention that.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

Y’all know I’m so beaten down by this world I just don’t expect good things to happen ever again. Russia started looking at the Ukraine and my first thought is, my husband been home for like 2 months and their gonna take his ass from me to go get blown up cause he’s a com operator.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Elaine

I don’t want to dismiss your fears; I totally understand them. But you, and your hubby, don’t have too much to worry about physically. That’s not to say if he’s deployed that won’t be upsetting. You’re bound to miss him. But he’s not likely to be in any danger.

For all sorts of geopolitical reasons, even if Russia invades Ukraine, NATO will not be putting boots on the ground in any subsequent battle. NATO’s sole role will be bolstering numbers in the NATO states to the West of Ukraine. It’s been made very clear that the US response will be limited to sanctions.

That’s not to say there won’t be some US ‘observers’ or ‘instructors’ assisting Ukraine forces, and certain material may well find its way to Kiev; but there won’t be any overt deployment of elements like USMC.

But I’m sure everyone here is thinking of you and your hubby, and wish you well; so if you are upset I’m more than happy to listen to any concerns you may have.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Just spend your own money (oops, you lost that in a bitcoin scam, huh) on your own air conditioner, have a vasectomy, and STFU dude.

He’s probably mad because mommy doesn’t turn the A/C down to the “meat locker” setting for him. Because she can’t afford it since his sperm donor dad is late with the alimony and child support again.

@Alan: I was in the British Museum once when the most popular exhibit was the old and feeble electric fan on a stand. They really could have used air conditioners there and on the Tube. And I know they had the technology of short trousers and short-sleeved shirts, because I’d purchased some shorts at M&S the day before. You definitely need it sometimes. It takes out both heat and humidity. Just don’t let the men at the thermostat.

Maybe someday you’ll get heating that’s more efficient than a few warm pipes directly under a single-pane window, too!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ gss ex-noob

I did a post rambling about London Underground (lack of) ventilation. That’s in the aether somewhere. So pending that turning up, I’ll just link to these posters.

Not even slightly contradictory, nope

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

Dude’s rant can be summed up as this: Blah blah alimony blah blah child support whine whine air conditioning asspull “divorce rape” and “financial abuse” blah blah prostitution whine whine women and feminists ruin everything!!!1!1one

So, I’m guessing his wife also got custody of the air conditioner?

Lol! I bet she did. I mean, would YOU trust him to take proper care of it?

Seriously, 9/10 times these whiny, spoiled dudebros go on about alimony, child support, and how unfairrrr the courts are to favor women and give them all the children, money, and power, you know they have no fuckin’ clue what they’re talking about and have never been in that situation (and hopefully never will; don’t need their kind to reproduce). The 1/10 time they are, it’s some deadbeat dad whining about how unfair it is for him to have to do the bare minimum for the offspring he brought into the world and how that evil bitch probably “sperm-jacked” him or “cucked” him into raising one of her 5326 lover’s babies.

They whine about cushy, air conditioned jobs, but I guarantee you none of them have ever worked in construction, mining, manufacturing, mammoth hunting, or any of the other dirty and dangerous jobs they complain that women don’t do. (Hint: Many women want to, and some do, but then men whine that they’re takin’ our jorbs!!!) They are keyboard warriors typing their incomprehensible screeds from their basement lairs while yelling for mommy to bring them another hot pocket.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
3 years ago


I’ve always loved those posters, especially the one with the slogan IT IS WARMER BELOW, which always looks like it was concocted by some enterprising demon in a 1930s fantasy novel to advertise Hell as a destination.

Kat in Boots
Kat in Boots
3 years ago

I just…wow. Kudos to David for wading through all of this bs and curating it for us so we don’t have to. I appreciate being able to read this through at least one level of filtration.

3 years ago

Jeez, that’s the weirdest freakout over air conditioning since H. P. Lovecraft wrote “Cool Air.”

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@Tony: I bet this guy’s views on race are like Lovecraft’s too.

@Alan: The “cooler” post is a lie during the rare August heatwave.

“You’re wearing shorts and a t-shirt! That’s so American!”
“I’m not sweating and fanning myself like you are.”
“Um. Yes. Well.”

3 years ago

The “It’s Warmer Bellow” poster reminds me of the game Fallen London, where one of the late game stories involve building a railway to Hell.

3 years ago

@ Alan
Regarding warmer/cooler below: there’s a train station near where I live that’s underground, and I have to say it feels very cool in the summer and warm in the winter, but that’s probably just because what counts as cool in one weather can count as warm in another.

The trains themselves seem to be consistently the wrong temperature around the year, though, but that might just be because it’s mostly not underground.