Well, you’ve got to admit that he gets right to the point.

I examined some of his posting history on Reddit, and determined that 1) he’s not a troll, just a huge jerk, and 2) he does indeed love big boobs.
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The Space Force is never asked to secure a building, because they already were a complete joke from the start.
Alan – Re: crinkly cut chips and Royal Marines
Recently on fetish Twitter I saw people sniggering at some snack food product named “Baked Crinklies”. Apparently, this is a two-word double entendre, because baked = stoned etc. and crinkly = subculture nickname for people who wear adult diapers for fun.
Seriously, how has Acid lasted this long on this site without being banned? And now he’s claiming to be trans and gay?
So I’ve been away for a while. I finally got fully vaccinated. I kept delaying because a chronic health issue makes it very difficult for me to wear a mask for more than 15-20 minutes or so at a time and I had anxiety about going out in public because of that. But I managed to go down to the pharmacy when there weren’t too many people and got through it. Had a couple brief visits with select family members before my second shot, but I was careful. Now I just need to argue all the holdouts into getting vax’d as well, while trying not to bash my head against a wall.
I’m also trying to de-stress a little. 2021 was a bad year. 2020 was a bad year. Hell, the last 5-6 years have been pretty bad, both for obvious reasons and personal ones. Sorry if I have let any of that stress leak out into my posts here.
@Queen of the Harpies
Hang in there. Best wishes.
Not going to dip too much into this convo because it runs close to some PTSD triggers, but the attitudes you describe are part of why I have trust issues with veterans. Too many of them IME never bother learning better, and try to excuse the machismo and abuse as necessary.
I’m very glad that from the sound of things your husband is one of the good ones, and I’m sorry for what he went through. Most I’ve met have been proud of their participation in hazing culture, thought civilian deaths should never be questioned by civilians, etc. And trying to call them in on it, as a non-veteran, did not go over well.
@ Queen of the Harpies
I’ve not been following carefully, but as far as I know Acid has been saying he’s trans and gay for a while already, if not since he first appeared. Best to just believe people on this stuff.
I agree with you yes. I’m not gonna lie and say that the marines hyper macho culture didn’t affect my husband and that he didn’t adapt to that environment to fit in as well. Did he participate in hazing? no, he’s got to much of a good heart. To my husband the marines was a job just like any other. It wasn’t his life and he bite the bullet and did so he could have the benefits once his time was up. Benefits that are helping both of us through life. But the marines did bring out a side of my husband I didn’t like to see at all when he was down there.
Other marines told him constantly that all girlfriends and wives cheat on their significant others while their deployed, and there were days where he questioning my faithfulness to him. That hurt me a lot. I was aware of the fact that he was with a woman he loved and was considering marrying before me and she did come clean about cheating on him. That hurt him a lot but I made it clear to him that her actions were not an excuse to treat me poorly, especially when I don’t give him a reason to be suspicious.
Then the other thing I didn’t like is a lot of times when he be off duty and out with his boys, he be talking himself up like he was this player that had been with a lot a of women. a womanizer if you want to put it that way. That use to make me angry. He’s the opposite of that. He’s been with 5 women his entire life, one of them is me, the other 3 were girlfriends that he caried deeply about or loved, and the other one was a hookup. Which he stopped doing because afterwards it was leaving him really depressed to be with someone and not have any connection to go along with it. He’s a good man with a lot of softness in him but in the marines, he couldn’t show it.
I am proud of my husband. I’m proud of his accomplishments. I’m glad he’s home with me now and is adjusting to civilian life. But I do think the military is a toxic environment for anyone to be in, and my husband has said to me “psychopaths thrive here”.
Yeah. Acid had embraced his truth as gay and trans since he showed up around here. He’s annoying little pervert shit, but he still entitled to having his sexuality and gender identity respected.
@Queen: So glad you got your vaccines. I’m thinking if you legit have trouble wearing a mask, the virus would do every bad thing possible to your lungs.
@Elaine: Please. The recruiters wouldn’t even let him in. With leaving Afghanistan and Iraq, the military isn’t that hard up for cannon fodder any more. Plenty of SWM cis farm boys to fill those spots now.
@Acid – You asked why I said gender stereotypes were patriarchal. Well, for the most part, they come from times when men were more in power than women. I mean, men still are, generally, if not to the same extent. If you don’t believe that, well… Anyway, I’m not just going *insert meaningless buzzword here*, in case you wondered.
More generally, I hope everyone’s doing okay. It’s been super cold these past few days. Oh yeah, about army mentalities, it’s natural when something is tough to brag about getting through it, but it can be a problem when people use it to exclude others (“you’re not tough enough to do X thing! I did X thing and am now superior!”). But I doubt that’s unique to the military – I saw some of that in my phonology class last term.
Well, that doesn’t roll off the tongue so easily. But it was a bit like that sometimes 😛
I couldn’t help but laugh about your husbands comment about saying “repeat” over the radio. I’ve been out of the Army for over 20 years and I STILL to this day use “say again” instead of “repeat” in conversation.
(For those who don’t understand the reference, saying “repeat” over the radio in battle doesn’t mean “say the last thing you just said”, it means “do that artillery strike again in the same place” which is a good way to get people inadvertently blown up by friendly fire. For us in the Army the proper term over the radio is “Say again”, to which the responder would follow with “I say again (repeats last statement)” )
Yeah i don’t think he will ever say the word repeat again or call the bathroom anything but the “head”. I had him read a lot of acid comments and the most appropriate thing I could write down from his comments was that acid seems so painfully incompetent that he would get a lot of people dead from friendly fire.
Thank you, Kat, and everyone else for the well-wishes.
Sure thing. Could be I’ve just forgotten. I guess I just get suspicious sometimes because a number of online trolls and douchebags will be like “But I’m gay/trans/POC/a woman, therefore you can’t argue with me!!!1” Of course, anyone in any category can be a douchebag, regardless.
@GSS ex-noob
I don’t exactly have problems with my lungs, but my respiratory system in general. And yeah, I expect Covid would wreak havoc on my body, if not kill me, so I’m doing my best to protect myself and not visiting unvaccinated people in person. But it’s oh so frustrating when otherwise intelligent people still keep dragging their feet. Most are not full-blown conspiracy theorists, but fall for a lot of the shitty misinformation or just brush Covid off because it’s “not a big deal” or “like the flu”. I’m glad those who have caught it didn’t end up hospitalized or worse, but I feel like it gives them the excuse to downplay it.
Re: Military
Lots of family members are/have been in the Air Force and Army. Friends and their family have been in the Marines, including a close buddy. I can definitely see the toxic influences the Corps has had on said friend (another vaccine holdout, not coincidentally) and I hate it so much. Joining the Marines did some good things for him, but I really feel like the bad outweighs it at this point. Also, I’m going to beat him over the head with this:
“The second thing is that, when I was about 13 or 14, . . . I ended up dating 3 adult men, aged around 30, including one whom sent me a p*nis pic, because I didn’t know it was wrong. I thought it was ok, so I kept doing it. I fed into the cycle because I thought that it was ok. . .
By allowing them to do something, you feed into the cycle, causing a toxic behavior to emerge. Thus, toxic femininity adds on.”
Um . . . you’re saying that a thirteen-year-old who is being sexually preyed upon by a thirty-year-old man is participating in “toxic femininity”?
This is . . . I can’t . . . holy wow.
I’m really really sorry that happened to you, and I’m even more sorry that you have such an excruciatingly warped view of what they did to you. But until you’ve reached a place where you realize that blaming a thirteen-year-old victim for what grown-ass men did is extremely screwed up, I don’t know that you should be trying to define anything for anyone else. (Also — you weren’t dumb, you were THIRTEEN.)