They have such … interesting discussions over on the Incels.is forums. And by “interesting” I mean “stomach-churningly horrendous.”
Take, for example, this recent post from a prolific contributor to Incels.is called Kuriboh, who has some novel ideas about the Woman Question.
“Why do women pretend that they are humans ?!” he began.
It is really sick when you see women talking about human values. Imagine a woman shaming you giving you a lesson about respect, acceptance, consideration, appreciation, openness, affection, empathy and love towards other human beings! Imagine a woman talking about God !!
If you believe in God, why do you reject and humiliate men ? … why don’t you give just a small amount of love and affection to desperate men? wouldn’t that save them from suicide or going ER and give them positive energy to benefit the society and build civilization ? … t how can a man live normal when all what he gets is rejection and humiliation ?
A more relevant question: why would any woman want to have anything to do with a man who sees woman like that?
They brutally reject you, call you creep, stalker, ugly, loser, desperate etc they humiliate you and treat you like trash then go to teach others about human values! women are just hypocrite double standard whores!
Kuriboh then gets to the heart of his thesis:
Women are not humans because they don’t care about the human race.Men are the only humans.
This is just horrendous. Do go on.
Men invented values and ethics and everything that gives meaning to the human race.
They probably hunted a few mammoths along the way, too, amirite?
Men sacrifice themselves in wars for peace and justice. They die in the honor of their nations while women betray their nations throwing themselves on the winners.
Yeah, that’s not actually how it works.
Men invented science and religion to save the human race.
If men were selfish, they wouldn’t invent medicine and build hospitals to cure sick and help disabled humans. No man would waste his life learning and working to save other human lives.
Never mind that most of the staff in these hospitals are women.
Oh, but he’s got an rebuttal for that.
If men were selfish, they wouldn’t invent religion and build churches for social cooperation, charity for the poor and hope for desperate humans. … You may tell me there are nurses in hospitals and women in the church, these are like domesticated animals.

They were humanized. Men taught them and used them like a donkey or a dog used in a farm.
I’ll say it again, what!?
Women didn’t invent anything useful for the human race.
Because they are not humans.
Yeah, it’s not so much that women didn’t invent because they aren’t human. It’s that they were undereducated, trapped doing work around the home, and, well, when they did come up with cool stuff men often just stole their inventions and discoveries and claimed all the credit for themselves.
They are disgusting dirty primitive selfish sub human creatures.
We shouldn’t trait them like humans.
A week and a half later, Kuriboh returned with another post setting out some of the implications of that last bit.
“Women shouldn’t have the ability to see and talk!” he declared.
Women only speak shit with their mouth, they call you ugly, creep, desperate, hopeless etc and use it to brutally reject you. [M]en … invented languages to communicate with each other, men … invented music, women didn’t invent anything useful with their dirty mouths.
I’m pretty sure there aren’t many inventors who do much of their work with their mouths.
Women only judge your looks with their eyes, they are shallow superficial creatures who can’t use their eyes to look at deep things.
And by “deep things” he apparently means “my penis.”
If women didn’t have the ability of vision and speech, all men would be able to get laid because they women couldn’t detect lookist standards of men.
Even by incel standards this is perverse.
Nature did a big mistake by giving these abilities to women.
Women would be just objects to fuck and machines to produce children so they only need the senses of touching and tasting to suck your dick!
So strange that this guy can’t get a date.
Doctors in future should turn all newborn females to dumb and blind whores!
Problem solved.
Faith in humanity, waning.
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OK, who built the time machine and brought a Tleilaxu back from the future? 😛
Bet this guy admires the Tleilaxu from Dune.
Does he want love or does he want sex? If you want women to be blind and mute so that they can be just sexual object, why not pay a prostitute. They will fuck you as long as you pay them and don’t look like a psychopath who will cut them into pieces. If you want love, he will, sadly, need to learn to love women too. You can’t just call people animals (and view them as such) and expect to be found attractive.
I hope he wins himself a Herman Cain award.
Question: if all the women are blind, how are they going to microwave his hot pockets, navigate the basement stairs, and change his diapers?
Ok, this man is just crazy…but, I’d like to point out that a vast chunk of incels are not like this. Some are, and they should be reeducated, but most are not.
@Kinda: All good questions. I guess some of the “real humans” are going to have to become “domesticated animals” to do the dirty work. But not this guy, of course.
Also I love that the first 2 comments referred to Tleilaxu.
Because that would be treating them at least a little like a person?
Back when incels were starting to become generally known and their spaces weren’t quite so toxic (but still pretty damn toxic), people suggested that all the time. Most of them reacted badly. They wanted highly abusive relationships (with themselves as the abuser), or a porn world where random 15-year-old virgins beg them for sex, or revenge against all women for failing to cure their severe social anxiety (or even occasionally because their mother and/or sister wasn’t into incest), or… just wallow in their own misery. Visiting a sex worker wouldn’t accomplish any of that; and paying a woman for a service means they don’t have absolute power in the situation.
Men murder for non-violence! They rape in the name of consent!
AND they are the experts on ethics & morality!
:rolls eyes:
What, you’re worried about making sure that good incels aren’t stigmatized?
Color me unenthused about that cause. There are plenty of options available for incels who wish to reeducate themselves. They could start by reading this website. I’m sure that there are also marginal members of the Proud Boys, who miss as many meetings as they intend and haven’t yet actually chased someone down & beaten them in the streets of NYC for the crime of thinking the Proud Boys are violent. Should I leap to defend the reputation of these marginal PBs who aren’t (yet) guilty of street violence because going to a PB meeting might give someone the wrong impression? Nope.
Hang out on incel websites and you get a reputation as … someone who hangs out on incel websites. Upvote sexism and violence, and you get a reputation as someone who supports sexism and violence. Chant “Jews will not replace us” at a rally, get a reputation as someone who embraces racist myths.
Actions have consequences. The fact that people who join incel groups get treated like people who join incel groups is the universe spinning itself along in perfect accord with the same laws that governed it for the last 13 billion years.
Protect them from natural consequences and you get people who do even worse things because they don’t have to fear the natural consequences.
There’s no way I’m going to buddy up to some incel, wrap my arm around his shoulder and tell him, “There, there. It’s okay that you call women sub-human whores to get a laugh since some of the people on that website are much worse than you! Hell, by comparison with Elliot Rodger you’re a saint!”
For various reasons, I think that may send the wrong message.
I don’t know why, but I found this line especially funny being deployed right in the midst of the rancid firehose of complaints. It’s like listening to a septic tank take credit for the Taj Mahal.
I think I see a slight problem with his program. If all wome are rendered blind and mute at birth, and only to be used for breeding, who’s going to care for them, feed them, wash them etc, until they teach breeding age, and then look after all the children (even the mighty males) when they’re helpless children? It seems like his vision is for men of the future to devote their lives to taking care of women and children.
“Women are not human because they are never kind. The women who are kind don’t count because…they’re not human!” With this kind of hatred I shouldn’t expect to see logic. The same circular logic for why women’s work doesn’t count.
I think it starts with a guy who rather than trying to deal with their insecurities, double down on the beliefs that make them feel like shit. Anger feels more empowering than sadness, and taking responsibility for your own happiness is difficult so they blame everything on women. I think the misogyny is performative, but it still makes them hate women more and more. The idea that a man needs sex to be happy is already absurd and dangerous, but that was just a starting point for the incels.
What’s scary is that there are guys outside the incel community with the same insecurities. Patriarchal society teaches men that they need to be the big (dick) alpha male to get love from women, that getting one night stands is how you prove your value, some men grow out of that, some don’t, a lot understand it’s just a stereotype but worry that it is all true at the back of their mind.
That’s true…his statement also becomes very misandrist when you boil it down, though it is intended to be misogynistic. I’ll keep this in mind for future reference.
@Acid Kritana:
Fuck off with your ableism and your defense of incels.
@ Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Uh, first off, I’m borderline autistic, so I may have a harder time understanding what people find offensive, so don’t assume and just say you found something I said offensive, and I will fix my language. Second off, please give me a better term to use than crazy, please. Third off, I said that there are bad incels. Some are perfectly fine people. Here, meet one:
Where the Incelosphere Got Its Start: An Interview with an Admin of Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project [Part 3] (home.blog) (a lesbian incel)
If he hates women so much, I think he should live on a desert island or in a place where he would never meet anyone. Problem solved.
Where is the ableism here?
Moderate incel: “Women can have a little humanity, as a trait.”
@Gerry Sherry
Are you directing the question at me, or @Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
all of you?
@Acid Kritana
I was going to actually respond to you, but I looked at your link in your handle and realized you’re completely acting in bad faith, so fuck you, you MRA Incel defender.
@Gerry Sherry
Ok, I’m confused, and now I’m more confused. How have I been albiest, and if so, how would I fix it?
@Schnookums Von Fancypants, Naughty Basic Horse
Um, ew, no, I have a boyfriend, thank you very much. Also he doesn’t care that I’m an MRA. Also, defending GOOD incels, including that one lesbian incel I brought up, is suddenly bad?
One sec:
Obsession With Incels Needs to Stop – Acid Men’s Rights (wordpress.com)
@acid asshole
The woman who coined the term “Incel” has literally nothing to do with what the movement has become, stop using her as cover for the horrible movement. At this point anyone identifying themselves as an Incel knows exactly what movement they’re identifying themselves with.
The problem is your use of the word “crazy”. Have you read the comments policy?