bad anatomy bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about lesbians lgbtq misogyny reddit women hate sex women love sex

“Lesbians don’t get periods” and even more great insights into the enigma that is woman from the NotHowGirlsWork subreddit

We’re going back in!

There were way too many amazing screenshots of self-confident mansplainers of women’s bodies and sexuality to fit in my post on r/NotHowGirlsWork the other day. So I’m doing another one. Like right here, and right now. It’s the very post you are reading at this moment!

Weird coincidence, that. Anyway, let’s see how completely wrong it is possible for human beings to be, in convenient screenshot form.

Only women who are virgins can fully close their legs:

Lesbians don’t get periods because bleeding from your vagina is too girly.

I mean, trans lesbians don’t have periods, but I don’t think that’s what this person is talking about.

When women sit down on the toilet thy never know if they’re going to pee or poop.

Women like to have sex with, er, lobsters?

I’ll bet they only go for the lobsters at the top of the dominance hierarchy, you know how women are.

Actually you don’t because women, far from being inveterate lobster humpers, have no sex drive at all. Because of science.

This next one should win some sort of award. For what, I’m not sure, but wow.

The end. Or is it?

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Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Lisa Seibel:

I wouldn’t ask this squirmily personal question had you not been the one to come forward with your experience (and if your answer is “None of your damn business”, that’s fine): if it could somehow be arranged, would you derive gender affirmation from menstrual bleeding?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

Isn’t “thigh gap” from that scene in Dr. Strangelove when they discover Russia’s women athletes have much more developed lower-body muscle mass than the USA’s women athletes?

3 years ago

Alan – Ah, I see that amendment literally specifies decapod crustaceans, an order named for its ten walking legs 🙂 Decapoda includes the familiar crabs, lobsters and prawns, basically all larger crustaceans. Outside Decapoda, there’s the closely related order Euphausiacea, which includes krill. Other crustaceans are very diverse but rarely harvested or eaten by humans. They have highly variable numbers of legs or leg-derived swimming appendages.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

I’m trying to figure out exactly how doomed I am and all I get from my calculations are infs and NaNs.

Let’s see … first, we have a COVID variant that is being billed now as the “2nd most contagious virus on earth”, behind presumably only the measles, with the vaccines ineffective against it. On top of which, it can infect people who have already had infections as well — natural immunity is not permanent, or even especially long-lived. And there are documented cases of people surviving a bout with COVID, but dying to a later COVID infection, so having survived it once doesn’t guarantee surviving repeat infections.

Add all that up and it looks like everyone will eventually die of COVID now, if nothing else gets them first. It won’t be possible to avoid infection, and if you survive, COVID will get another crack at you after a few months, and then another, and then another, and sooner or later the dice will come up snake eyes. Even if the chance of being killed any particular time is only a couple of percent, if that chance is taken enough times, sooner or later it will get you. Gambler’s ruin.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, civilization is looking increasingly precarious. We might be about to lose the coastal cities to climate change, not sometime around 2100 but sometime around 2025. That would easily be a death blow to civilization. That’s ignoring all the other multiplying threats, like the right wing resurgence that seems to be everywhere these days, the accompanying erosions of democracy (and then liberty, and then life for large numbers of people), fossil fuel depletion, and the COVID-associated supply chain woes. This is before considering that Omicron means COVID has just reduced life expectancies from 80 something down to 40 something throughout the developed world, and the catastrophic social upheaval that will cause once it starts to really sink in.

As someone whose sleep disorder alone makes him unemployable, I’m dependent on a civilization robust enough to provide public assistance such as disability pensions. If civilization goes I won’t live long before running afoul of either intolerance-associated violence, exposure, or starvation, if COVID doesn’t get me first of course. Lots of people are even worse off: visible minorities who are protected from bigots only by what thin veneer remains of the rule of law (and inadequately at that, else Floyd and Arbery would still be with us); those so disabled they need others to feed and clothe them, not just free money; anyone dependent on insulin or dialysis or some other such high tech medicine that won’t be available anymore once it’s Mad Max time.

Oh, and once the collapse begins in earnest things will unravel fast, not least because COVID will jump from 3% lethality to closer to 30% lethality once there’s no emergency room or hospital care anymore. 30% lethality plus no lasting immunity is not something we’ve seen since the days of the Black Death, and the Black Death pretty much ended the preexisting political order in Europe at the time. It will certainly solve our overpopulation problem, but in the worst possible way short of nuclear war, and too late to stop catastrophic environmental consequences. And of course that’s assuming that a great deal of forbearance is exercised by the guys with nuclear launch codes during the collapse …

If anyone can see a way that all of this might be avoided, I’m all ears. Otherwise, it’s probably time I put my affairs, such as they are, in order.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@Alan: It doesn’t seem to do much now, but if it keeps people from boiling lobsters alive, then good.

I am an unapologetic meat-eater, but I’ve always drawn the line there. If you’re going to eat a critter, at least do it the courtesy of killing it as painlessly as possible before you start preparing.

When I weighed about 90 lbs. and people were earnestly hinting around ways to ask if I was anorexic (I wasn’t), I didn’t have a thigh gap.

Last edited 3 years ago by GSS ex-noob
3 years ago


You’re right, we really are fucked. Certainly if we think we can restore anything like the climate of 1950 and earlier, that’s out of the question.

But. We can make the future better than it would be if we did nothing. Here’s a couple of examples that give us real hope. (Though I sometimes cry into my pillow when I think about how we could have avoided this in the first place and for my grandchildren and their descendants missing out on a whole range of circumstances and activities that I and most people my age took for granted.)

Try these.
1. The Loess plateau, Ethiopia & Rwanda. Especially the before and after shots at 8.25 to 9,35.
2.India The Miracle Water Village
3.Al Baydha in Saudi Arabia.

And dozens of clips about The Great Green Wall across the Sahel in Africa and Ridge to Valley projects across large parts of India.

Can’t help that seeing how straightforward solutions might be can make us even more downcast. But a half hour of hope is better than no hope at all.

Last edited 3 years ago by oncewasmagnificent
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
3 years ago

“… it’s because of evolution. their genes made them this way.”

ummm… I believe that’s the case with men, as well…
comment imagev

I wear a mask everywhere, and I will continue to do so until 1) the virus is GONE or 2) someone can show me credible evidence that the mask increases transmissibility

post note, I’m trying to paste a gif, since the blog changed format a while back this has been a struggle 🙁

Last edited 3 years ago by Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
3 years ago

regarding the monthly cycle…

“If a creature bleeds for seven days and lives… don’t mess with it!”

re: pasted gif: It worked!!! I have a computer software learning curve slightly steeper than the north face of Everest, and (with apologies to Roy ‘n’ Buck) if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all!!

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

Seriously, Putin? Did you think that between Omicron and Thwaites we weren’t doomed enough so you had to trot out Hitler’s old breathing-room speech, file off the serial numbers, and re-launch it? A speech that, in case anyone has been living under a rock for the past 90 or so years,was followed by launching a genocide of millions and a war that killed tens of millions and culminated in the use in anger of nuclear weapons?

Yeah, of course you fucking did.

Go fuck yourself.

I have even less-kind words for the local hydro monopoly here, which thought it would be fun to try to freeze me to death overnight last night, but I’d likely run afoul of the fucking comment policy.

Merry fucking Chistmas, everyone, and a happy goddamn New Year. Especially the latter. 2022 might be the last one any of us get. :/

3 years ago

I have even less-kind words for the local hydro monopoly here, which thought it would be fun to try to freeze me to death overnight last night, but I’d likely run afoul of the fucking comment policy.

You’re going to be full solipsist by the New Year, aren’t you?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

In case I don’t get a chance over the break, Happy Christmas* everybody!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely break and all their Xmas wishes come true.


(*or whatever holiday or ordinary day you care to insert)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

What the fuck is this?

TEN THOUSAND new cases in Ontario today?


I want to know two things right now.

One: Who would be an appropriate person for me to show that number to, jab a finger toward them, and say “This is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!”

Two: Why hasn’t some rich motherfucker with actual clout already said that to the same person?

They have informed the rich people that none of their assorted extra vaccine doses, early/privileged access to antibody treatments in hospital, and the like work very well against Omicron, right? The rich people know that their asses are hanging out now to exactly the same degree as plebes’, right? So their reasons for not caring if the virus runs rampant no longer apply, right? So why aren’t they clamping down on this the way they did before there were any vaccines?

And what the hell am I supposed to do to protect myself from this??? I feel like I’m stuck in the path of a runaway train here. What can I do to guarantee that this thing doesn’t kill me?

3 years ago

I believe the last one graced the inbox of “Vagina Devil Magic” (on Facebook), who does wonderful posts, including her ‘Brief Biographies of Badass Bitches’.

3 years ago

Surplus: I don’t understand the Ontario situation but here in Quebec where we’ve almost always had higher numbers than anywhere in Canada we have reacted pretty strongly already — just a week late compared to when we should have reacted. And we’ll probably throw in a bunch more after tomorrow.

The “good” news is that much of the very high numbers is due to vaccinated people getting infected, whereas in the delta wave we mostly weren’t getting infected at all. And we’re still pretty well protected. So the huge numbers aren’t going to map to similar hospitalization numbers as if we had the same numbers with alpha or delta. It’s still going to suck.

If you get a booster you’re about at equal risk as when delta was at its peak.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

Happy Hogswatch, everybody. I raise a virtual glass of sherry to all of us striving to be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
3 years ago

@ Surplus:

Regarding the idea that the aristocrats are in the same boat as the plebeians, do not underestimate the power of the self-delusion “it’s not going to happen to me!”

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Victorious Parasol:

Happy Hogswatch, everybody. I raise a virtual glass of sherry to all of us striving to be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.

Courtesy of thestuffedalligator on Tumblr:

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

@Victorious Parasol, I just watched the movie version of Hogfather today! It’s my Christmas tradition, lol.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

With joy and gratitude for Sir Pterry, and all Discworld fans who keep reading and sharing his work.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie:

How are you getting images to embed and display? (I’m working from an IPad.)

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
3 years ago

@ Full Metal Ox:

I open the gif in a new tab, copy the address (should end with “.gif” or “.jpg” or another image file.) Then paste it on its own line into the comment. I do not know if this is the correct procedure, and it doesn’t work all the time for reasons strange to me.

I have a definite “love/hate” relationship with computers… I love them, but oh, happy flying spaghetti monster, do they HATE me!

3 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements: I gather you’re on Disability, or whatever it’s called in Canada. All I can suggest is, don’t go out in public unless you absolutely have to. Get everything delivered. Wear 2 face masks, if you do need to go out. I wear 2 face masks. I get plenty of disgusted looks and eye-rolling from people, but I don’t care.

I’m sure you’ve heard all of the above suggestions already. Sorry if this is too forward of me, but you sound as if anxiety has gotten the better of you. If the Antarctic glacier breaks apart, causing coastal cities to flood, well, we’re limited as to what we can do about it. I’ve resigned myself to catastrophic climate change, in my lifetime. I don’t believe humanity is capable of solving this problem, to put it briefly and bluntly. Our mental limitations, as a species, are too great.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

At my (bubble-only) Xmas dinner, we had a toast to the Hogfather, with a fairly good port.

I had the good fortune to meet pterry once, before The Embuggerance and even before the Sir. What a thrill. He was just what you’d hope.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie:

Tumblr URLs, secure S or not, won’t link directly to images any more, leading instead to a display page with the image in question:

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Hello everyone!

Hope you’re all having as nice a holiday as possible.

The new Judicial ‘Bench Book’ has just come out here. That’s actually a series of manuals used by judges. It’s to sort of regularise proceedings; but also to give general advice on matters. This is the Equal Treatment manual. Worth a read in its own right; but I’d be especially interested in what our trans friends think of Chapter 12. That’s had a major update.