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MGTOWs warn men (again): Women are vampires who will eat your souls

One of the advantages of having so ridiculously many tabs open in your browser that your computer regularly freezes up is that sometimes, when you’re going diligently through these tabs to shut down any especially unnecessary ones, you discover something that would be so perfect to write about on your blog, We Hunted the Mammoth.

Anybody? I guess all that really only applies to me.

Anyway, remember the now-defunct MGTOW subreddit, finally closed down by Reddit a couple of months ago? Before it went down I think I must have archived a bunch of posts from there just to remind me and perhaps you all of what we have lost.

Which is basically nothing, but I did find this fun little archived post comparing women to vampires. Which isn’t that unusual a theme for MGTOWs, to be honest, but it’s helpful as a reminder of the level of discourse in the MGTOW subreddit.

“When I look at pictures of naked women now, I see something completely different than before,” wrote  RoberttheWheeler.

What do you see, Robert? A tail? An extra boob? An ear where her nose should be?

Nope. He sees fangs, and it’s not clear if this is just a metaphor for him:

I see a vampiric devil wrapped up in a pretty exterior. I’m less and less attracted to them. 

And them, to you.

Everything you like about women is ON THE OUTSIDE. It’s their smiles, face, breasts, stomach, smooth skin, vag, ass, the things they say, or the things they do. These are all SURFACE LEVEL APPEARANCES from the women.



They are NOT WHO SHE IS on the inside. On the inside, she is a VAMPIRIC DEVIL who has the intent of taking everything that she wants from you and using it for her own agenda.

Dude, I hate to break it to you but there’s probably not much there that’s worth anything to her.

They are whores and they are manipulators. That is what they are.

And I suppose you’re little Mr. Perfect in comparison.

It’s a real shame that we were ever bonded to one of those things. We sucked on those tits and were held in the arms and thought that everything was good.

That’s a weirdly maternal image you’ve got there in your head, Mr. TheWheeler. i think you just might have some sort of Madonna/Whore complex going on in that rattletrap brain of yours.

What a deception! That whole experience was a lie!Free yourself from those tits and the pretty face and the power that they hold on you. Then you will see what is behind the mask.

What’s behind the mask? WHAT’S BEHIND ThE MASK!?

It’s a witch! If you fall for the treat, you are getting tricked!

Oh, I see wat you did there, with the tricks and the treats and all that.

Anyway, you might have expected there would be a few gentlemen in Mr. TheWheeler’s MGTOW audience who might suggest gently to him that he was maybe exaggerating just a teensy weensy bit.

Nah. They loved it.

“You are right,” wrote someone calling himself Pillogical.

[O]nce the attraction fades (and it always does) the thin veil is gone and it’s sheer disappointment and horror.When they can’t control you they get so pissed. When they can’t control you they are too easy to control.

Their superpower is fading, must be hell on earth for them

“Yep,” agreed DamianDev, who turned out to have a weird fixation on … yoga pants.

The more slutty they dress the more repulsive they look to me. Speciallly now with those yoga pants that go deep in their butt cheeks and even give them a camel toe. like wtf kinda degenerate shit is this? Saw couple of this succubus at the post office, grocery store etc. I refuse to look their way. And as a good looking male, they probably get pissed.

“I started seeing the evil in their eyes and on their face years ago when I was still very BP [Blue Pilled,” wrote someone called JKL4786291. (I just wonder what happened to the previous 4786290 JKLs.)

Conclusion8343 respondedI to the OP’s little manifesto with one of his own.

I get the exact same thing! These days when I try to jack my shit I know that what I’m looking at is a facade, decoration to make something bad seem good, to make me attracted even though what’s inside is… terrible.

Don’t wanna say something too offensive and get banned. But what I’ve seen from women can’t be unseen, and once you are aware of it, you are aware of it.

When you see a pretty face and a beautiful body, but you look into the eyes and see the horror of what you went through in a previous relationship, the manipulation that is just waiting to be exercised at any and every opportunity, the malintent and pain they’re capable of inflicting when all you’re trying to do is make things better, the years of your life that they’re willing to waste just so they can extract utility, resources, money and status out of you. The ease of which they can lie.

Love is/feels amazing but I’ve learnt that it’s exactly what gets men into serious trouble, for the above reasons. Love and sex are what women use to trap men. Anyone who knows this is lucky, the majority don’t. It’s the difference between being blue-pilled and optimistic, or red-pilled and informed.

These days every interaction with a woman needs both pre and post consequence analysis. “Will the receptionist fuck with my payment because I pointed out a mistake she made?” – “Will my gf sabotage my pet project if I sink too much time into it?” Luckily for me I’m fully done with the dating game and keep communication with them to a minimum.

Sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of bed this morning.

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Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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3 years ago

Yeah, sometimes relationships turn bad and people get hurt. Most of us have a cry, go through some tough times, some introspection if we’re lucky, then we pull our big girl/boy pants on and get on with life. Not these guys. Nope. Their lives are ruined, roooooooooooond I tells yer.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@David Futrelle:

It’s a real shame that we were ever bonded to one of those things. We sucked on those tits and were held in the arms and thought that everything was good. 

That’s a weirdly maternal image you’ve got there in your head, Mr. TheWheeler. i think you just might have some sort of Madonna/Whore complex going on in that rattletrap brain of yours.

I suspect it’s more of a Whore/Whore complex: the mothers who gestated and lactated them—out of their own bodily substance, which somehow manages to be an act of vampirism?—had the colossal nerve to have needs and associations and lives of their own and to require things of their children, setting the tone for an unbroken conga line of female treachery.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

And as a good looking male, they probably get pissed.

They’re more likely to be pissed off by the dangling modifier.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Their superpower is fading, must be hell on earth for them

Yeah, when a guy loses interest in me I experience the torment of the damned. No, really.

3 years ago

@SpleenyBadger: You forgot the ice cream. I mean you’d have to conclude that none of these dudes that got dumped have ever seen Buffy. 🙂

3 years ago

Is this guy dragging his mother into his hatred of imaginary generic women, or the other way round?

3 years ago

And as a good looking male, they probably get pissed.

They honestly cannot imagine a scenario where a woman’s thoughts don’t revolve around them.

When you see a pretty face and a beautiful body, but you look into the eyes and see the horror of what you went through in a previous relationship

A tangent but a school friend of mine had an incredibly horrible mum. Like, abusively horrible. In the time I knew her she burned through three relationships, one of which with a relatively nice looking bloke, getting progressively more stuff in the process (including a house). She looked like the back of a truck – she was just a good manipulator! Women don’t “trick” men by being beautiful. If someone is a clever but crappy person they’ll get their own way whatever they look like.

Waywatcher of the green
Waywatcher of the green
3 years ago

“I know that what I’m looking at is a facade, decoration to make something bad seem good”

This is the skin of a killer, bella!
Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

Well, since the idea of an afterlife is more unsettling to me than oblivion (seriously, I get bored enough as is, what the hell would I do with eternity?), I’ll take the soul destroying vampires, thanks.

Beats being a miserable git like these folks any day of the week, and doesn’t require one to be an asshole to 51% of the population. Win-Win if you ask me.

Ten Bears
3 years ago

These guys really need to get out of the door and out have a look all around, take a walk on the wild side. They want to, they’ll feel a whole lot better about themselves.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The more slutty they dress the more repulsive they look to me. Speciallly now with those yoga pants that go deep in their butt cheeks and even give them a camel toe. like wtf kinda degenerate shit is this? Saw couple of this succubus at the post office, grocery store etc. I refuse to look their way. And as a good looking male, they probably get pissed.

These women probably were just thinking “I’m going to throw on some leggings to run errands because we’re more than two years into a pandemic and I no longer wear hard pants.” They probably never noticed this guy at all, let alone wanted him to check them out. And he’s sitting here fuming and obsessing about their pants, writing self deluded rants about how he refuses to ogle them.

I promise you dudes, we do not plan our entire wardrobes about what we think will make you check us out.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

Y’all ever noticed that it seems these guys really want to fuck their mothers.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I just realized that my last comment was a bit of a word salad. Sorry. I guess reading the incoherent rantings of miggies scrambled my brains.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago


Made perfect sense to me.

3 years ago

Luckily for me I’m fully done with the dating game and keep communication with them to a minimum.”

So, not everything about these sad-sack loser lunatics is bad! I’m male, but I hope his sort also keep contact with me “to a minimum.”

Victorious Parasol
3 years ago


I co-sign your statement, and note once again that MGTOWs always assume every woman they see is a) hetero and b) a temptress trying to snag a man.

Honestly, even when I was single I wasn’t on the prowl every second of the day. How exhausting that would be.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

IMHO, miggies don’t have souls*, so there’s no chance of this happening.

@WWTH: What you said. I took an extra pain pill (stupid weather) so it made perfect sense to me.

@Vicky P: IKR? I got things to DO with my life, I’m not spending my energy on trying to pull dudes 24/7.

*(taking the premise that humans generally do have them)

3 years ago

So, I have two firefox open, one with 5000 tabs, the other with 4000 tabs, and they don’t crash all too often. (or at all TBH)

I like to imagine David think it’s rookie number and have so many tabs they can only be counted in scientific notation. Albeit the cleanup phase probably start to be awkward around 10^250 tabs. Can take a while to check each for what is in it.

Gerry Sherry
Gerry Sherry
3 years ago

What is it with this perception of women as monstrous creatures of the night?
As someone who is AFAB I get this from some men but I really don’t get it. How am I a hellish seductress who has Eve’s sinful blood running through my veins?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

Well, you see, patriarchy has made things so that men’s status partially depends on their having, or being perceived by other men as having, a woman to serve the role of domestic cleaning sexbot. On the other hand, this is impossible without a woman’s cooperation, fewer and fewer women want to be treated as domestic cleaning sexbots, most of the patriarchy’s ways of coercing cooperation from women (e.g. women not being able to own their own property or do business without a male co-signer) have been eliminated, and at the same time most men find women extremely desirable for non-status-seeking reasons. Cue a mix of attraction and resentment that brews a toxic stew of messy metaphors.

The long-term fix is changing how boys and men assess status among one another. I might be able to figure out how to do that, too, once I’ve gotten my approximately TREE(3) browser tabs under some semblance of control …

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

You know how like in old legends and in today’s media there is this like beautiful woman that’s really an evil creature that’s leading men to their death. Y’all ever notice that most of the time it’s just a beautiful woman standing alone like at the edge of some woods or on a beach, and she’s like barely clothed or is naked. All she is doing is standing by herself. maybe she’s singing, but she’s not like calling out the man’s name or anything. men just see a beautiful woman standing alone and go “oh yeah this is for me” and then die and claim they got lead into a trap.

I think the monsters just giving you a psa on minding your own fucking business

3 years ago


The sirens, at least, were supposedly singing about how they knew all sorts of divine secrets, and if you just steered your ship over to these rocks they’ll tell you all about them…

3 years ago

I haven’t commented for a while, but I had to laugh. It reminds me of the Rob Zombie hit Living Dead Girl. “Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?”

occasional reader
occasional reader
3 years ago

Conclusion8343 wrote :

once you are aware of it, you are aware of it

Thanks. That was very helpful.

David wrote :


Oops, i get carried away.

Conclusion8343 wrote :

when I try to jack my shit I know that what I’m looking at is a facade, decoration

Well, i suppose buildings and Christmas decorations can do that to some people. To each person her/his kinks.