bad anatomy bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about misogyny reddit sex miseducation vaginas

“Damaged feet = damaged pussy” and other insights into the mysterious female, from the NotHowGirlsWork subreddit

Today, some amazing screencaps from social media documenting what happens when guys who slept through sex ed try to explain women’s sexuality to women. As you’ll see, these were all captured in the wild and reposted on the NotHowGirls work subredddit — an amazing source for this kind of thing.

I hope you’re taking notes because there’s much to learn here.

For example, female virgins can’t feel sexual desire.

Sexual attraction is apparently too difficult for mere women to grasp.

I believe we’re run across this theory before.

Women hate guys who make them cum.

But hey, there’s no evolutionary need for the (cis) female orgasm, so don’t worry about it, guys!

Everything about vaginas confuses these guys.

A lot of men seem to be perpetually clueless about menstruation in particular.

Some guys are even confused by women’s feet.

Well, that’s enough for today. I don’t want to strain my facepalm muscles too much.

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Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

@Moggie: Good catch, my bad.

The book was a lot of fun, one of the angriest books I’ve read in a while, and I couldn’t help read it in their voice.

3 years ago

Xiran is fierce, and I am here for it.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani

@Surplus to Requirements

Iron Widow … now there’s an Avengers ship I’d never considered.

You’re about 60 years behind the curve then. Iron Man / Tony Stark debuted in 1963; Black Widow / Natasha Romanov debuted the following year. And while I don’t know the history of fanfiction tropes, I’m very certain that folks have shipped that pair since before Widow’s debut issue left the stands. Though nowadays I suspect that it’s a relatively rare pairing in Avengers fanfiction; folks are much more likely to pair Tony with Cap / Steve Rogers and Natasha with Hawkeye / Clint Barton from what I’ve seen.

Last edited 3 years ago by Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
3 years ago

That sperm residue one always gets me laughing.

3 years ago

OK, but like if you’re doing the deed and your junk is in her womb?

Please stop, please stop immediately

3 years ago

‘damaged feet= damage pussy, and she isn’t feminine’ or she’s a ballerina.

…or a hiker.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago


OK, but like if you’re doing the deed and your junk is in her womb?

Please stop, please stop immediately . . .

. . . and drive her to the nearest emergency room. Snarl.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

And while we’re on the subject, I’d like to sincerely apologize for all the members of my gender that seem to have learned about female anatomy from goddamn hentai.

3 years ago

Male Feminist
A person who usually sexually inadequate that invades gender equality politics in order to (attempt poorly) get laid. These people kiss the feet of feminists every day with very little reward reciprocated; in fact they are still seen as privileged assholes by feminists.

Most often, the males who vociferously support feminism fall under the beta positive or beta negative category within the male social hierarchy. They usually patronize the feminist ideology simply to elevate their status in women’s eyes, even though stridently feminist men are almost always found explicitly on the internet (similar to the “white knight”).

3 years ago

some things a male feminist does or says that are more subtle sexism to you here’s my list:
= If he only dates women several years younger then him
-If he says things like I can’t hate women there the most beautiful thing on earth (gag)
-If he only listens to male music artists or if he only listens to rap/hiphop
-If he’s white and fetishisizes Asian women
-“I only watch “ethical” porn”
-Listens to Joe Rogans podcast or listens to or idolizes any leader in the manosphere
-“I think feminism is just about female superiority these days”
-“Men are the real victims or men are the ones who are oppressed nowadays”
-If he’s homophobic or would get angry if a gay guy hit on him
-“Men think with there intellect women think with there emotion”
-Obsessed with his masculinity
-Uses the phrase not all men
-And last but not least when he acts so woke and feminist but still expects you to cook clean do childcare and all of the “womanly duties” but goes on and on about his activism