Today in exceedingly inapt historical comparisons we have a rather incredible comment on the Men’s Rights subreddits suggesting a parallel between so-called “woke culture” and … the Chinese Cultural revolution, which you might remember as a terrifying cultural crusade in the name of Marxist purity that tore apart countless families and left perhaps as many as twenty million people dead.
Anyway, here’s Mens Rights Redditor Emfuser elaborating on this nonsense.
We currently are in a cultural revolution that is basically modeled off of Mao’s cultural revolution in China. The woke control the great bulk of academia, the news media, entertainment. They’ve gained strong footholds in government, but particularly the federal and blue or purple state governments.
Really? Because right now it’s the right that’s trying to push its people into the election machinery on a local and national level so that they can basically rig the next election for Trump in what would be effectively a coup.
They’ve gained footholds at most large corporations (look for any diversity, inclusion, and equity ANYTHING at your company) and their flag flies everywhere.
“Their flag.” Nice homophobia, dude.
The longer people agree that it’s not a big deal, the worse it will get.
Meanwhile a social credit system is being installed right under our noses in the guise of health and safety controls.
There’s no “social credit” system being foisted onto anyone; it’s just that the more people refuse to get vaccinated based on lies and misunderstanding the longer it will take to get rid of COVID. We got rid of polio with widespread, basically mandatory injections and it didn’t turn into some “social credit” thing. We may end up dealing with COVID for pretty much forever.
That social credit system will look just like China’s system because that’s what it is modeled on. Your social status is going to depend on the moral whims of the people who succeed in controlling the system and Social Justice / Wokeness was DESIGNED to infiltrate and take over such systems. How do you think that’s going to turn out for anyone that won’t bow to their new moral social edicts?
The cultural revolution is right now and anyone who isn’t in the SJ/Woke camp is on the side that is currently being revolted against.
Really? One of the most terrifying aspects of the actual Cultural Revolution was the emergence of the “Red Guards” — an armed paramilitary force loyal to Mao. Right now the only paramilitary groups that are forming in American are on the right — and like the fanatical “rebels” of the Cultural Revolution they’re the ones showing up at demonstrations with guns and other weapons. And they’ve already started killing people.
So yeah, as always the biggest complaints of the right are based on little more than crude projection.
Speaking of which, here’s another rather, well, presumptuous historical comparison I ran across on the Men’s Rights subreddit about a month ago from someone called Ok-Efficiency1842:
A man in 2021 is a victim. That’s it. A man in the west in 2021 is no different from a Jew in Poland in 1940 or a Native American in Oklahoma in 1835.
How dare you compare your own pathetic self to the victims of genocide.
The Nazi comparison is especially rich, as it’s once again the right that is sometimes openly, sometimes not-so-openly adopting fascism in their thoughts and in their behavior. So yeah, fuck you.
Society hates you and it’s going to punish you for being born.
Well, it’s true that I hate you, dude, but it’s because you say shit like this. Otherwise I couldn’t care less if you were dead or alive.
You’re seen as a violent criminal and you’re treated like one no matter what good you do in the world.
That’s it. Being a man is just being a victim.
MRAs really need to develop a modicul of self-awareness — and a sense of proportion — when they start saying shit like this. These comparisons are an insult to Jews who died in the Holocaust, to those who died in the Cultural Revolution (as well as to the Native Americans who died on the Trail of Tears). You’re pissing on their graves to score a really cheap political point. That’s just one of the many reasons that people see MRAs as a hate group.
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Personally I doubt that the typical “Men’s Rights Activist” could survive very long under either Hitler or Moa
Yep, definitely this is all going to happen. If not this, then something equally scary — in fact, probably more so! Just you wait and see.
The annoying part is they only tell themselves these tales as a narrative to justify their own plots.
Rigging as many elections as possible for Republicans wouldn’t be “necessary” if the Dems weren’t “already doing that”, after all.
Groupthink and circlejerk indoctrination in their own social groups wouldn’t be “necessary” if the lefties hadn’t already “invaded” universities and the media.
When your only narrative is that the entire system is out to get you, it starts feeling very justified to lash out everywhere you can.
Yes because nazi Germany was exactly the same sort of totalitarianism as Maoist China, because there was no difference and economic systems are all the same when you can’t oppress women.
Well, that’s because the “woke” aren’t science-denying, racist, flat earth Creationists who burn books. If you want more representation in academia, maybe try not opposing critical thinking in your party platform?
As for media control, that may have something to do with the fact that the “woke” have more than one joke. And more than one story to tell.
Political left gains strong foothold in blue government. Film at 11!
What a cowardly, sniveling snowflake. He thinks getting the fantods over an all-female Ghostbusters reboot is the equivalent of genocide?
I will give the second guy one thing: he’s aware of the Trail of Tears and aware it was a bad thing. That’s a lot more than I’d expect from the average MRA.
Though I wonder if he’s a COVID conspiracist and thinks that men are being deliberately infected, so is just drawing a parallel to the notorious smallpox-infested blankets. In which case he can fuck right off even harder.
Academics were among the principal victims of the Cultural Revolution.
@rapid rabbit I suppose one could make the argument that if he and his friends are hanging around unmasked they are deliberately infecting each other, but I doubt that’s what he’s getting at.
Academics were among the principal victims of the Cultural Revolution.
Which would seem to be firmly compatible with U.S. manosphere anti-intellectualism.
I suspect that their main objection to the present Chinese flavor of authoritarianism is that they don’t see it as putting them (or at least people they can identify with) in charge. Their ilk think struggle sessions, reindoctrination camps, and disappearances are awesome as long as they’re applied to those queers and immigrants (not retroactive to 1492) and indigenous people and women who won’t sleep with them.)
Being a Canadian this is what comes to mind when I hear the phrase Social Credit. At one time there were several provincial political parties, and a federal one, that operated under the Social Credit banner, although they eventually became fairly typical right wing parties.
IMAX-sized projection and ignorance of actual history as usual.
MRA opens his mouth, no film at 11 because nobody likes reruns.
It pisses me off too. Someone I’ve talked to through a creative writing site (basically a different version of the one my nym links to) was comparing vaccines to literal slavery.
I almost let that distract me into responding – shouldn’t, I have an essay due Monday – but damn it, those things are not. at. all. alike.
He’s American, too. White, not surprisingly. Anyway.
Easy. Every one of MRA Incel posts is them describing what they wish to be done or would do with power. We are approaching The Fash inflection point.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I would be considered a screeching harpy feminist wokester by these peeps and I did actually burn a book before. It was because it was a horribly traumatizing book that the librarian who let me read that when I was 10 should be fucking fired and publicly humiliated about. Set me back years and years on my road to becoming a screeching harpy feminist wokester. I enjoyed burning it in my thirties immensely.
It was Tarnsman of Gor in case you wonder.
Critical Dragon1177:
This is a typo but still true! And made better by the fact that female moas were much bigger than the male ones.
There used to be eagles that hunted those things. They also ate people, which is why they aren’t around anymore. Anthropologists thought that the legends of people-eating demon birds were mythical until some of the skeletons turned up
See? See??? The creationist museums are right! Humanity DID co-exist with the dinosaurs!!!
If Noah’s ark is true; then how come there are still woodworm?
I suppose one couple or seven wouldn’t require that much accommodation.
@tim gueguen:
I grew up in B.C. back when Bill Bennett (the younger) was Premier, and remember when Bill Vander Zalm was elected. Vander Zalm pretty much killed the Socreds as a party in B.C.; he was one of the few cases in Canadian history where a party leader was turfed out by his own party. The party never recovered from him. Unfortunately, he’s still around and a few years back ended up using FUD to kill B.C.’s attempt at going to a harmonized sales tax and letting the federal government do all the work on dealing with it. Note that this was killed after the province had already started implementing the new setup, so his stunt ended up costing the taxpayers millions just to return to the status quo.
@rabid rabbit:
I was at a convention in Ottawa at one point (Eschaton 2012) where there was a field trip to the Canadian Museum of Nature, and one of the jokes was that we were going to see the ‘ancient and modern dinosaur exhibits’… which is to say, the dinosaur exhibit and the bird exhibit. (P.Z. Myers was giving a talk at the museum on the role of chance in evolution.)
@Alan Robertshaw:
If Noah’s ark is true; then how come there are still woodworm?
To be a Cruel Angel’s Advocate: Maybe they infested the Ark itself?
Perhaps “Moa” is a reference to the NZ singer Anika Moa. Here she joins performance with Maisey Rika in amazing Maori language music video “Ruaimoko”:
(See video info for lyrics and translation. Though you might want to just watch the video first as such.)
@BTD: I share your aghast-ness at letting a 10 year old read that, and retroactively support your action.
I came across a copy of Dianetics (barf) some years ago, and since I am environmentally woke, I did the responsible thing and put it (in sections) into the mixed paper recycling, where hopefully its next life was something useful to humanity. Or it ended up in a landfill, which isn’t as good ecologically, but still gets rid of it.
Burning might have been more fun, but my roommate at the time had severe asthma so we tried to keep down the particulates.
@BTD, GSS: Recycling would be my preferred way to dispose of such books but I can sympathize with the “kill it with fire” approach.
@Big Titty Demon:
I remember talking to Lorna Toolis, who used to be the head librarian for the Merril Collection here in Toronto. She complained at one point that one of the most annoying parts of running an SF/Fantasy research collection is that not only were you expected to keep at least some of the Gor books around (because they were historically notable) but she had to occasionally re-order them because of previous copies being stolen or damaged.