They’re back. The lusty demonesses, the soul-sucking succubi, even Mr. Scratch himself — they’ve all found their way once again to Reddit’s NoFap community. And the natives are having none of it.
In the NoFapChristian subreddit, an energetic gentleman called IshanGotTheEnergy has taken it upon himself to warn his fellow non-fappers of the dangers of giving in to “demonic” porn, which he has done in a series of posts with titles like “Pornography and masturbation LITERALLY HAVE DEMONIC ORIGINS,” “How I know for certain that porn is demonic,” and “Your Temptation is YOURS but pornography is the devils (CLARIFICATION POST).”
Ishan, who offers no evidence for any of his assertions, informs his fellow anti-jerkoffs that porn had its origins in “satanic” ceremonies conducted by ball, sorry Baal worshippers:
I saw some porn while scrolling reddit today. It was tempting for me to keep watching or click the link to go and watch it. Instead I chose to report into nofap Christians and let everyone know that it is straight up demonic and everyone should avoid it.
Before the internet, porn would be performed by satanic priestesses in public as a form of satanic worship of Baal. That is why porn has that weird energy that pulls you towards it. The pull it has is energetic. And what it wants is your seed and for you to sacrifice your energy to it.
You’ll never guess who it is who wants your seed the most.
The energy you spend releasing to porn gets used by the devil. He rejoices when this happens. The darker forces enjoy this and feed off of this energy. Don’t give it to them. Save it for sexual inter course with the correct person.
In another thread, he repeated his dire warning.
Look up the history of pornography. It used to be sex acts performed outdoors by Baal’s satanic priestesses and looked upon by crowds (what do you think those crowds were doing?) cmon guys! This whole industry is ABSOLUTELY SATANICAL! Get it through your head. Reprogram your minds to view it as a sin and you will stop relapsing!
As it turns out, the NoFapChristian commnity has no trouble seeing porn as a literally demonic temptation put before them by the literal devil.
But the best response came from a fellow pursued by demons on his favorite porn sites. Typical_Problem884 wrote
This is good information. After 6 years of not watching porn, I relapsed this year. But lately Ive been noticing very demonic things in porn videos. I’ve noticed a girl who I wanted to watch had a 666 on her shirt in one video, and it made me turn off the browser. Then I relapsed and again was watching another one, and in one of the videos I saw her wearing little horns, and turned off my browser again. Then today I relapsed again and was watching another girl, and again came across a video where she was wearing lagre bull/Devil horns.
There seem to be a lot of relapses going on here, dude.
And I looked down and one of the recommended videos was made by a channel name “demonic lust”. After this I ended up on this Reddit page just now to see if anyone else has a feeling that the girls in porn are demonically controlled.
rhodigian replied
You had the grace of seeing those poor girls for what they are now: prisoners and possession of the devil.
Blessed be the Lord, who can free us and them.
Typical_Problem884 replied by insisting he hadn’t been searching for any of that demonic porn. It came to him.
That is true, because I wasn’t watching some wierd niche of demon porn. It was regular girls, but many of them had a pull towards demonic objects, symbols. This is making me think about what I’m doing. I really want to be free from porn addiction.
Go forth, my son, and jerk it no more.
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I think those satanic priestesses of Baal mush have not made it to the UK, because I never witnessed any of that. Possibly because of our weather, which makes regular outdoor ritual fucking a bit problematic, unless you have a raincoat or cardigan fetish.
I’ve read stories of a ritual that Gerald Gardner’s coven supposedly conducted to keep the Nazis from invading Britain; some of the participants sacrificed themselves to lend power to the spell, by going out skyclad on a typical British Samhain and purposely catching their deaths of pneumonia. (And yes, I’m aware of the distinction between Satanism and Wicca [and that both exist in a myriad of subspecies.])
It is truly a mystery how dogging became a national pastime in a country with this climate.
It is truly a mystery how dogging became a national pastime in a country with this climate.
And thank you for having taught this benighted Yank a new vocabulary term.
I walk past this place a lot. It is a nice spot. Presumably that’s why they go there?
Sorry to any believers reading this, but as written the biblical god is deeply weird. He created human beings, which means that it was his decision to make sex (including masturbation) feel good but then gets all huffy if anyone then enjoys it.
Could you imagine if someone made a robot to assemble cars but also to enjoy macrame and then got upset with it every time it made macrame instead of working the car assembly line?
Ugh. There are sexy sweaters out there, but cardigans are not among them.
@Tabby Lavalamp
Overall, the sexual hangups seem to have been Paul’s far more than God’s. Despite the claims of evangelicals, the act that gets condemned book after book in the Bible is treating the less-fortunate badly.
My favourite line from Brunner’s The Sheep Look Up is near the end, when Train, who had started what is (now) an eco-terrorist group, makes the comment “I am no more responsible for the actions of my followers than Christ is responsible for those upon who Paul of Tarsus projected his own personal neuroses.”
The grind house comic books last installment had that as a idea but instead it was angels using women s orgasms to power their spaceships.
I’m taking some hormone thing to hopefully help with a fertilized egg implanting fully because my doctor think’s that is our issues. oh my god, I have been hit with the horny fairy. my husband rolled up his sleeves to kneed pasta dough and I instantly had to have him right there. i feel like a Victorian man getting excited because some women scandally showed her ankle.
maybe that’s what the demonic lust demon these guys are so afraid of really is. it’s just a surplus of estrogen in them and it’s making them horny.
I showed my husband this post, and he remarked that he doesn’t see a lot of succubus-themed porn, and that it could be a profitable niche. I suppose nobody’s going to stop these guys from developing these pathologies — I wouldn’t blame any working girl (or guy, or enby) for exploiting them.
@Elaine – I can certainly relate to the forearm fascination. Wishing you all the best with your fertility journey!
@ Teagan Jeanne Andrews
They say idle hands are the devil’s playthings, so these guys would definitely agree with you! Surely, they would agree that being of some use to someone, anyone, somewhere would be a better response to their fears than whinging on the internet and possibly relapsing through porny Devil stuff, right? Right?
I’m demonic and “evil” (what they consider evil) in my absolute lust and I’m damn proud of it. If my appearance both frightens and at the same time turns on my guys I’m happy. I am mostly protected from creeps because of my living arrangements but I still can’t take any chances because my life could be at stake but I’m happiest when jerks are both frightened by and turned on by seeing a real life sexy demon and also frustrated and sad because they can never experience me because I’m deemed them unworthy. Tough shit. Oooohhh I love this power soooo much!!! And I love tormenting patriarchal jerks who deserve it.
@Elaine the Witch; @Big Titty Demon:
They say idle hands are the devil’s playthings, so these guys would definitely agree with you!
Now, if they’d put those idle hands to work…say, kneading pasta dough, that might accomplish something. Supper, at least. (Although Elaine’s husband had previously established the prerequisite of earning her trust and love—which helps if your goal is to be the designated target of that sort of caterwauling hormone estrus.)
@ allandrel
But, but…James Bond!
@ big titty demon
I did post a response to your legal query; but I’m afraid I can’t remember which thread that was!
@Alan Robertshaw:
”Rogers. Mister Rogers.”
“What’s this Q? It looks like a pipe.”
“It is a pipe 007.”
“And the slippers? At least tell me they have a concealed poison blade.”
“No, they’re just very very comfy.”
@Elaine: I hope it works, but even if it doesn’t, you’ll be having fun.
@Full Metal Ox,
I think that idea of older (usually) men using the life forces of virginal young (usually) girls is something that spans virtually all cultures from ancient times to today, with several variations on the practice. To give two examples, there’s the elderly King David being advised by his doctors to take a beautiful virgin young woman to his bed but not touch her while there to ‘recharge’ himself with her excess energy. Then there’s Lady Bathory’s alleged habit of bathing in the blood of murdered young virgin women to keep herself young. Though I understand her real crime was demanding certain people who owed her money pay her back in a timely manner, and the debtors instead invented that story to get out of paying her.
Then again, if Desmond Morris’ book Peoplewatching is anything to go by, while tons of human societies tend to venerate virgins, what each of them considers a ‘virgin’ varies very widely. According to that book (if I remember it right) some societies consider a woman who’s never given birth a virgin, others if a woman hasn’t done her mandatory stint as a temple prostitute, and so on. Fascinating stuff, especially if it’s true (I haven’t read anything in the decades since reading that book that said Morris was wrong on that point, but that doesn’t mean said reports don’t exist).
As to God, I can easily imagine Them beating Their head against a wall over how people keep twisting Their commands to treat each other decently into excuses to do the exact opposite. Or St. Paul doing something similar over how his letters to individual churches/people keep getting twisted. “I said only THAT one certain group of women were supposed to keep silent about church services, not every woman ever born to the end of time!!! AAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!”
ETA: speaking of sweaters, can someone explain the hate so many have against the so-called ugly sweaters? While sweaters that incorporate teeshirt elements and attitude in their designs isn’t for everyone, they don’t deserve the level of hate I see sometimes directed at them. Some of those ‘ugly sweaters’ are pretty durn cool, in my opinion.
@LollyPop, Full Metal Ox, Alan Robertshaw: About 10 or so years ago, I read an article in a women’s magazine titled, “Are You Ready For Dogging?” Obviously sensationalizing the UK trend. It described dogging basics, along with speculating that pretty soon, dogging would be coming to the US. Ah, no. Dogging ain’t never gonna be a thing in the US.
The article gave a rundown of UK public indecency laws, and how they differed from those in the US, making dogging more permissible there. I don’t remember much about it. As a layperson, I certainly don’t know if it was accurate.
ETA: speaking of sweaters, can someone explain the hate so many have against the so-called ugly sweaters? While sweaters that incorporate teeshirt elements and attitude in their designs isn’t for everyone, they don’t deserve the level of hate I see sometimes directed at them. Some of those ‘ugly sweaters’ are pretty durn cool, in my opinion.
Consider who became famous for gaudy large-patterned sweaters—to the extent that such came to be nicknamed after him—and his current reputation.
Amazing how some supposedly religious people view a completely natural mating instinct (which has to have been their deity’s handiwork from their point of view) as somehow Satanic. Ok it gets exploited for profit, but so does the appetite for food.
Amazing how some supposedly religious people view a completely natural mating instinct (which has to have been their deity’s handiwork from their point of view) as somehow Satanic. Ok it gets exploited for profit, but so does the appetite for food.
Which has also turned into a matter for guilt, shaming, and compulsive overindulgence then requiring penance—and dieting for appearance-conscious reasons then gets you smacked with the vanity hammer; you can’t win.
(And consider that a food described as “guilt-free” is almost invariably something low in fat, calories, and whatever the designated Food Devils of the moment might be, such as gluten: such terminology doesn’t tend to connote whether the food was sustainably grown, whether any animals involved in its production were humanely treated, and whether the humans involved in its production were humanely treated.)
They think the Phoenicians invented porn?
That reminds me of the Onion:
Sumerians Look On In Confusion As God Creates World
Reminiscent of this wonderful headline from the (non-satirical) NZ Herald:
@Alan Robertshaw:
”Thoughtful Doggers’ desperately needs to be a band name.
@ Full Metal Ox
Perhaps I should have looked deeper for an example than food, but when I think about that in the light of what you said, there’s hardly a natural instinct that hasn’t been treated this way.
Gluten reduced diets should not be dismissed as a fad universally. People with coeliac disease need them, and I find the practice of some help, as I am a Parkie.