They’re back. The lusty demonesses, the soul-sucking succubi, even Mr. Scratch himself — they’ve all found their way once again to Reddit’s NoFap community. And the natives are having none of it.
In the NoFapChristian subreddit, an energetic gentleman called IshanGotTheEnergy has taken it upon himself to warn his fellow non-fappers of the dangers of giving in to “demonic” porn, which he has done in a series of posts with titles like “Pornography and masturbation LITERALLY HAVE DEMONIC ORIGINS,” “How I know for certain that porn is demonic,” and “Your Temptation is YOURS but pornography is the devils (CLARIFICATION POST).”
Ishan, who offers no evidence for any of his assertions, informs his fellow anti-jerkoffs that porn had its origins in “satanic” ceremonies conducted by ball, sorry Baal worshippers:
I saw some porn while scrolling reddit today. It was tempting for me to keep watching or click the link to go and watch it. Instead I chose to report into nofap Christians and let everyone know that it is straight up demonic and everyone should avoid it.
Before the internet, porn would be performed by satanic priestesses in public as a form of satanic worship of Baal. That is why porn has that weird energy that pulls you towards it. The pull it has is energetic. And what it wants is your seed and for you to sacrifice your energy to it.
You’ll never guess who it is who wants your seed the most.
The energy you spend releasing to porn gets used by the devil. He rejoices when this happens. The darker forces enjoy this and feed off of this energy. Don’t give it to them. Save it for sexual inter course with the correct person.
In another thread, he repeated his dire warning.
Look up the history of pornography. It used to be sex acts performed outdoors by Baal’s satanic priestesses and looked upon by crowds (what do you think those crowds were doing?) cmon guys! This whole industry is ABSOLUTELY SATANICAL! Get it through your head. Reprogram your minds to view it as a sin and you will stop relapsing!
As it turns out, the NoFapChristian commnity has no trouble seeing porn as a literally demonic temptation put before them by the literal devil.
But the best response came from a fellow pursued by demons on his favorite porn sites. Typical_Problem884 wrote
This is good information. After 6 years of not watching porn, I relapsed this year. But lately Ive been noticing very demonic things in porn videos. I’ve noticed a girl who I wanted to watch had a 666 on her shirt in one video, and it made me turn off the browser. Then I relapsed and again was watching another one, and in one of the videos I saw her wearing little horns, and turned off my browser again. Then today I relapsed again and was watching another girl, and again came across a video where she was wearing lagre bull/Devil horns.
There seem to be a lot of relapses going on here, dude.
And I looked down and one of the recommended videos was made by a channel name “demonic lust”. After this I ended up on this Reddit page just now to see if anyone else has a feeling that the girls in porn are demonically controlled.
rhodigian replied
You had the grace of seeing those poor girls for what they are now: prisoners and possession of the devil.
Blessed be the Lord, who can free us and them.
Typical_Problem884 replied by insisting he hadn’t been searching for any of that demonic porn. It came to him.
That is true, because I wasn’t watching some wierd niche of demon porn. It was regular girls, but many of them had a pull towards demonic objects, symbols. This is making me think about what I’m doing. I really want to be free from porn addiction.
Go forth, my son, and jerk it no more.
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@TyrantBitchGoddessStacey: Yoo-hoo—more costuming ideas!
There is never a week that goes by where I don’t read erotica or watch porn or both. Obviously if that’s the low end, the high end has to be a good many days in a row watching / reading. And how many times have I seen porn with an actor wearing horns or with a 666 or something? I can only think of once.
You were watching some weird niche demon porn, dude. Admit it to yourself. Don’t “How’d that happen?” us.
Waaay before the internet . . .
Also, not every religion apart from Judeo-Christianity is satanic. And even some satanists are just trolling you.
Finally, guys, I have news for you. It is entirely possible to masturbate without porn. I’m not sure if that’s good news or bad news for no-fappers.
My husband and I both watched a lot of porn while he was over seas and let me tell you. Never got randomly recommended demonic porn. or anything evolving religion because I don’t find religion porn sexy, so I don’t search for it. Even with google knowing my every move that might give me some weird recommendation it’s been like… superhero cosplay porn because that’s my interest apparently. Superhero and lesbians. So yeah, these dude jack off to nun porn and then get surprised when something demon related shows up.
I think there was a few times I got recommended demon related erotica and that was because I was reading fanfiction about Dean Winchester, who for a while in that show was a demon. so having erotica about him being a demon. especially when I was just searching “dean Winchester smut” Basically you don’t get this shit unless you go looking for it.
it amazing though how stuff can ruin things for you. Like similar I can’t see Castile from that show in a sexual light because I met Misha Collins at a convention when I was 15 and he called me “young lady” and man let me tell you. Nothing kills are your teenage fantasy faster than the man you had been fantasying about for a few years telling you that he sees you as the child that you are.
I’m not sure which reading I would find more surprising: That they see women as persons, or that they do not see ‘correct partner for sexual intercourse’ as limited to women.
Is it really THAT difficult to give up video porn? It’s only been as freely available and accessible as it is now for about 10-15 years – not having it a few clicks away is something that exists in recent living memory. I know people can get addicted but if you are trying to give up masturbation in general surely being incapable of resisting sophisticated and relatively modern forms of masturbatory media is a pretty big bump in that road?
Finally, guys, I have news for you. It is entirely possible to masturbate without porn. I’m not sure if that’s good news or bad news for no-fappers.
Courtesy of mail-order song-poem lyricist Francis “Sonny” Fernandes and performed by Gene Marshall, there actually exists an anti-pornography and pro-masturbation song, with one of the most attention-grabbing opening lines ever; enjoy. Or gawk in incredulity.
These dudes simply have too much time on their hands. As always, this seems like nothing more than a crassly over-amplified first world problem. Anyone home? (echo)
They’ve got a lot of something on their hands.
If memory serve well, Baal is a title meaning “lord” or “higher entity”. Like there’s a rather high number of deity called Baal X, like Baal Ham’mon.
Just as a reminder they have absolutely no idea of any single aspect of what they speak of.
Is there that big of a difference in “release energy” between jerking it and sexual inter course with the correct person? How do you measure it?
If it has to do with the darkness of the person’s thoughts during the act, I doubt these gentlemen are in a mind space of innocent daisies and angelic choirs when they have sex. They’re still thinking gross abusive thoughts about foids stealing their seed and taking away their purity. Or they’re fantasizing about 666 t shirts.
Either way, Satan is still hovering near by, knife and fork at the ready.
Porn has been around since prehistoric times; Baal worshipers didn’t invent it.
I think their whole point is they have nothing on their hands. Or at the least try to have nothing on their hands. Or in their hands.
I’m sorry. I’d rather not think too much about their hands…
Most of my friends in recovery will agree, it ain’t a relapse if I’m still using every day
Isn’t “porn” done in real life just sex? I guess I’ve always thought of porn as some sort of produced thing – text, video, pics – once you are watching actual people doing something that would be voyeurism or something.
@ Elaine the Witch:
re: “dean Winchester smut”
… Rule 34…. 🙂
Also, nothing kills that sense of fantasy like discovering how many of the people I’d been fantasizing about had been beaten and murdered by men (overwhelmingly men) whom they worked with. Or who had committed suicide. Or were murdered by someone who had seen their work. Or by someone who couldn’t “have” them.
Yes, I think it’s technically called “live sex show” and not “porn”.
Buttercup wrote:
New kink writing idea just dropped: Demons farming humans for sexual performance energy.
@ LollyPop:
CW, this is MY experience, and I’m not suggesting it is anyone else’s.
re: Is it really THAT difficult to give up video porn?
Yeah. It is. I find I can avoid engaging any of the myriad behaviors I am addicted to, as long as I want to. I also know from lived experience that there is a lot of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual work I’ve had to do, and I have to continue to do… or I won’t “want to” for very long.
Yes, and there are whole rooms built in sex clubs just for people to voyeurism kinks. it works both ways for those who have an exhibition kink.
They think the Phoenicians invented porn?
That reminds me of the Onion:
Sumerians Look On In Confusion As God Creates World
New kink writing idea just dropped: Demons farming humans for sexual performance energy.
That’s a stock trope in Chinese fantasy literature, with roots in Taoist alchemy; demons and evil mystics use young and vigorous humans as “cauldrons” to cultivate power, often sexually.
I was around before the internet- how come no satanic priestess of Baal ever invited me to one of those public pornogralic acts of satanic worhip?
Same here. It seems we missed out.
Oh, well, too late now. The case counts here in Podunk, Ontario have skyrocketed to the point of double-digit new cases a day. In a county with a total population in the low six figures.
I think it’s a safe bet that Omi
godwe’reallgoingtodiecron is here.I think those satanic priestesses of Baal mush have not made it to the UK, because I never witnessed any of that. Possibly because of our weather, which makes regular outdoor ritual fucking a bit problematic, unless you have a raincoat or cardigan fetish.