chad elliot rodger incels mass shooting misogyny stacies

Some incels are hailing the Oxford High School shooter as the new Elliot Rodger

I haven’t seen the incels this excited by a shooter in a long time.

On Tuesday afternoon, 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley reportedly emerged from a bathroom at his high school with a gun in his hand — and opened fire on his fellow students, moving “methodically” down the hall shooting his panicked classmates at short range, police said. Three died that day; one other died of his injuries in the hospital; seven were injured, some severely.

The incels watching the story unfold in the media hailed the alleged shooter as a new incel “saint,” agreeing that despite his relatively small “body count” Crumbley had chosen his targets well.

“Despite only firing 15 shots from a handgun, he managed to chose some good victims,” wrote someone called Bleach on the Black Pill Club forums.

A football chad, and 2 good looking femoids. OH and ontop of that he injured 8, he made almost every bullet count.

There was some dispute over whether or not the female victims were quite hot enough to be Staceys, but the Black Pill Club commenters agreed that they (and the young men who were also shot and killed) were despicable people who “have good deserved their end,” in the somewhat garbled English of someone called pariah anti hipocrisy. “Hail to the new hERo!!!!”

The capitalized “ER” is a reference to Elliot Rodger, the infamous incel martyr who killed six in Isla Vista California in 2014. This is indeed high praise, coming from an incel.

“This is unbelievably based,” wrote a commenter called GloriousFight on the forum. “He literally shot the three most hated archetypes in inceldom lol.”

In an attempt to conjure up a palatable excuse for the killings at the Oxford, Michigan school, incel commenters baselessly accused the victims of being bullies or worse, girls who have had sex.

“What are the victims past?” wrote the self-described Povertycel on the Black Pill club forums.

We must know so we can shit on them and his efforts won’t be in vain. Slut shame the dead two young whores.

Most of the commenters on had no trouble bestowing he Chad title on Tate Myre, who looked like a preternaturally handsome jock straight from central casting.

Meanwhile the commenters praised the alleged mass killer to the skies.

“New youngcel saint,” wrote an enthusiastic Subrha26 on the Black Pill Club, who managed to confuse the name of his new hero with that of the alleged killer’s father. “The youngER the bettER. All hail St James Crumble.”

“He comes off as a nice, innocent kind [sic],” wrote a commenter whose chosen nickname was Ethnic Natsoc II.

It’s too bad that society forced him into doing this. Normies have to take a good look at his videos and understand that most people who go ER never really wanted to do it but had no other option left.

Not everyone was celebrating the new incel “saint.”

“[W]ake me up when there is a shooting with a death toll over 10,” wrote one terminally blase incel on

I guess there’s just no pleasing some people.

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Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
3 years ago

The shooterā€™s parents have been charged with involuntary manslaughter because they bought the murder weapon for their disturbed son as an early Christmas gift. Now theyā€™re in the wind:

Gerry Sherry
Gerry Sherry
3 years ago

This is horrible even by the misogyny of incels.
I hope the shooter disavows them and they cry like when Joaquin phenix disavowed incels who liked joker.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
3 years ago

Now we get the “false flag” fantasy from the bullshit bubble, we have to hear *ucker Carlson mock the grief of the families and friends of the victims (“crisis actors”, y’know), watch the NRA (No Responsibility A’tall) justify, deflect and deny…. And all the other noise from the government by insult monsters.
These people are like 5-year-olds making up scary stories at a sleepover… except their B.S. would be too outlandish for the 5-year-olds
I am tired… f***ing tired

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
3 years ago

@ gerry sherry:

And Joaquin Phoenix went from incel demi-god to beta simp in the span of one disavowal….

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

ā€œThis is unbelievably based,ā€

I may regret this, but someone tell me again what “based” is supposed to mean in incel-speak?

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

Slut shame the victims? The way they slut shamed the 10 year old girl murdered by the Toronto van terrorist? Can we flush these guys already? They’re terrorists in the making or at the very least terrorist sympathizers. Why are they not being taken more seriouslu?

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

@Crip Dyke

Based isn’t really incel speak. its youth speak. it’s like the opposite of cringe. or like “I”m so unique and my opinions are so quirky. I’m not like other girls/boys. I’m special with my edgy opinion.”

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

When are people going to take misogyny seriously?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

Thanks, Elaine.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Ninja Socialist:

The way they slut shamed the 10 year old girl murdered by the Toronto van terrorist?

I think you may be mixing up a couple rampages; itā€™s easy to do, as profuse as theyā€™ve become. The Toronto van terrorist killed predominantly older Asians; you may be thinking of the Plymouth, UK shooter (and the child victim his fans slut-shamed was three.)

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

And hereā€™s a Reddit discussion pointing out a fundamental problem with school safety drills: a shooter who attends that school will literally know the drill.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

ā€œHe comes off as a nice, innocent kind [sic],ā€ wrote a commenter whose chosen nickname was Ethnic Natsoc II.

I see the Alt-Right is recruiting again.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

re: shooter knowing the drill

Reminds me of the nuclear attack drills at my grade school in the early 60’s…. The school was 1/2 mile from a nuclear bomber base. Getting under my little half-desk was the very definition of “hopeless.”

3 years ago

I didn’t even hear that this happened over in the UK. US school shootings becoming so regular they don’t even make top news stories anymore šŸ™

3 years ago

Reminds me of the nuclear attack drills at my grade school in the early 60ā€™sā€¦. The school was 1/2 mile from a nuclear bomber base. Getting under my little half-desk was the very definition of ā€œhopeless.ā€

To misquote a comedian whose name I can’t remember: “Ah yes, this wooden desk will surely protect me when the bombs come. And afterwards I can go out on the playground and MELT.”

3 years ago

@ Full Metal Ox

the Plymouth, UK shooter (and the child victim his fans slut-shamed was three.)

Wait a second… that shooter was an incel!? Just great… I was on a hike at the time but all I heard about it was “That happened, but was no ‘terrorist’ (aka islamic terrorist) attack”. That’s it. Even googled it now and it brings up one measely in depth article by a major german news paper/site (a heavily left-wing one). Had it been a “real” terrorist attack there’d been a bunch of articles…

Why is it that whenever the motive of a murder spree is hate against women, it’s barely mentioned and/or forgotten after a short time?* There’s apparently something ingrained in people that makes them go “Oh! Guess he must have a good reason then.” And it makes me furious.

*Except when a specific woman is violated and brutally murdered. But that’s – and sorry for writing that – sexy violence and doesn’t count.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

Reminds me of the nuclear attack drills at my grade school in the early 60ā€™sā€¦. The school was 1/2 mile from a nuclear bomber base. Getting under my little half-desk was the very definition of ā€œhopeless.ā€

True. One should hide in a refrigerator to be sure.

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago

I always understood that the “hide under your desk” thing was actually for the people 100 miles (or whatever) away from where the bomb dropped, to protect them from the flying glass as the windows shattered.

3 years ago

I have a 1980 copy of the British booklet ā€˜Protect and Surviveā€™ -ā€œthis booklet tells you how to make your home and your family as safe as possible under nuclear attackā€.

I have always found the most depressing instructions in the booklet to be these, for after the radio tells you it is safe to go outside: ā€œVisits outside the house may at first be limited to a few minutes for essential duties. These should be done by people over thirty where possible. ā€œ

I mean, after the UK has been NUCLEAR BOMBED, it is going to be important to make sure the breeders (under 30) are protected, isnā€™t it? I find that unutterably cynical.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

This is going to sound heartless but like maybe if we start publicly executing incels (after they kill people of course) they will stop thinking it’s so cool to do this. Especially once they see their heroes crying for their mamas as they get their heads loped off and put on a spike. I’m talking going real old school for executions.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
3 years ago


Itā€™s not just a matter of ā€œprotecting the breeders.ā€ From what Iā€™ve heard, itā€™s more that cancer-causing (as opposed to immediately-lethal) levels of radiation take twenty or more years to give you cancer, so the older you are when exposed, the better your chances of dying of something else before the long-term radiation effects get you. Meanwhile, if youā€™re under twenty, youā€™re still growing and your cells are therefore dividing and replicating pretty fast, so youā€™re at very high risk of getting cancer from the exposure, and sooner.

3 years ago

Protect the breeders, who might still want kids but risk being sterilized. And protect their kids who might survive their parent’s prenatal exposure but have an unfortunate load of mutations. It’s not *entirely* about cynical post-apocalyptic sci-fi.

Of course the overwhelming likelihood is that none of those people would die of radiation exposure but rather die of starvation or cold. If you wanted to survive the nuclear apocalypse you were far better off in Africa.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Is there any evidence to convince future anthropologists that gun-worship wasnā€™t a major and state-sanctioned religion among 20th-21st century Americans? Iā€™m absolutely serious.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

The way incels get so excited by this, I think they’re actually turned on by guns. Which can’t refuse them, so why don’t they get some really sexy guns to fuck? Ammosexuals.

@Mrs. Obed Marsh: Involuntary manslaughter is too good for them — make it aiding and abetting in felony mass murder. Accomplices. Lock! Them! Up!

@Elaine: So… whether they want it to or not, “based” does end up meaning cringe. Or basic. Or cheugy. Trying way too hard.

@Weird Eddie: I know someone who lived in a house you could see Cheyenne Mountain from back then. They didn’t even bother with duck and cover drills in school there. Everyone over the age of 3 knew they were gonna be instantly vaporized. And hoped it would be before the math test and not after.

3 years ago

@moon custafer and @numerobis, yes perhaps I am too cynical, reading apocalyptic sci fi for over 50 years can do that to a gal.
Something eye opening and yet instantly forgettable happened here in Australia last year, when the government doubled the unemployment benefit and then made sure all homeless people had access to housing, to deal with covid. Immediately, people on welfare had just enough to live on, and they ploughed that money straight back into the economy- buying food, shoes, heating, etc. Many homeless people had some respite from violence and hunger. And then there came the point when that assistance was switched off. Homeless people went back to the streets, poor people went back to inadequate food and anxiety about bills and having to decide which of their prescriptions they could afford this week. It was so clear that the level of poverty and of homelessness here in Australia is one that has been discussed and decided upon by the government; they have chosen how much of each is acceptable and imposed it. This is a terrible thing to see a government doing.