I haven’t seen the incels this excited by a shooter in a long time.
On Tuesday afternoon, 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley reportedly emerged from a bathroom at his high school with a gun in his hand — and opened fire on his fellow students, moving “methodically” down the hall shooting his panicked classmates at short range, police said. Three died that day; one other died of his injuries in the hospital; seven were injured, some severely.
The incels watching the story unfold in the media hailed the alleged shooter as a new incel “saint,” agreeing that despite his relatively small “body count” Crumbley had chosen his targets well.
“Despite only firing 15 shots from a handgun, he managed to chose some good victims,” wrote someone called Bleach on the Black Pill Club forums.
A football chad, and 2 good looking femoids. OH and ontop of that he injured 8, he made almost every bullet count.
There was some dispute over whether or not the female victims were quite hot enough to be Staceys, but the Black Pill Club commenters agreed that they (and the young men who were also shot and killed) were despicable people who “have good deserved their end,” in the somewhat garbled English of someone called pariah anti hipocrisy. “Hail to the new hERo!!!!”
The capitalized “ER” is a reference to Elliot Rodger, the infamous incel martyr who killed six in Isla Vista California in 2014. This is indeed high praise, coming from an incel.
“This is unbelievably based,” wrote a commenter called GloriousFight on the Incels.is forum. “He literally shot the three most hated archetypes in inceldom lol.”
In an attempt to conjure up a palatable excuse for the killings at the Oxford, Michigan school, incel commenters baselessly accused the victims of being bullies or worse, girls who have had sex.
“What are the victims past?” wrote the self-described Povertycel on the Black Pill club forums.
We must know so we can shit on them and his efforts won’t be in vain. Slut shame the dead two young whores.
Most of the commenters on had no trouble bestowing he Chad title on Tate Myre, who looked like a preternaturally handsome jock straight from central casting.
Meanwhile the commenters praised the alleged mass killer to the skies.
“New youngcel saint,” wrote an enthusiastic Subrha26 on the Black Pill Club, who managed to confuse the name of his new hero with that of the alleged killer’s father. “The youngER the bettER. All hail St James Crumble.”
“He comes off as a nice, innocent kind [sic],” wrote a commenter whose chosen nickname was Ethnic Natsoc II.
It’s too bad that society forced him into doing this. Normies have to take a good look at his videos and understand that most people who go ER never really wanted to do it but had no other option left.
Not everyone was celebrating the new incel “saint.”
“[W]ake me up when there is a shooting with a death toll over 10,” wrote one terminally blase incel on Incels.is.
I guess there’s just no pleasing some people.
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Remarkably, in the instant case they did throw in a terrorism charge, even though the defendant is white.
The parents, meanwhile, are apparently big-time Trump supporters …
More on the inherent difficulty of protecting Our Children from Our Children, from Beau of the Fifth Column:
What kind of freaking insane parents hear that their kid desperately wants a gun for some vaguely disquieting reasons and then actually buy it for him?
Also: this PSA is worth sharing:
@Full Metal Ox
Re: slut shaming victims. I was thinking Ninja might be thinking of the 8 year old who was killed in the Manchester bombing attack (the Ariana Grande concert)? IIRC incels said that she was “going to grow up to become a Stacey slut.”
As Lawyers, Guns, and Money pointed out about the parents, after they were finally found quite some time after the shooting:
(Hmmm, doesn’t seem to be a way to have nested quotes anymore?)
@Jenora: Sure, because when I plan on being law-abiding, I too empty my bank account and hide near an international border. All the time.
What kind of ATM lets you withdraw $4K?
@GSS ex-noob:
That last bit was snark from the blogger, of course. Who also noted that if you are trying to flee from the law, parking your vehicle out in the open right in front of your hiding spot is generally a bad idea.
As for what kind of ATM lets you pull out $4K… I have no idea. Doing credit card advances, perhaps? Or multiple cards. A bank account for each of them and a few credit cards, those together could start adding up closer to $4K.
@Jenora: Sure, because when I plan on being law-abiding, I too empty my bank account and hide near an international border. All the time.
What kind of ATM lets you withdraw $4K?